9 research outputs found

    Phase Behavior and Heat Capacity of {DPnP + Water} Mixtures at the Temperature Range of 273.15–338.15 K

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    Research ArticleThe differential scanning calorimetry method (DSC) was used to examine the miscibility in the {dipropylene glycol propyl ether (DPnP) + water} system

    Density Scaling Based Detection of thermodynamic Regions of complex intermolecular interactions characterizing Supramolecular Structures

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    In this paper, applying the density scaling idea to an associated liquid 4-methyl-2-pentanol used as an example, we identify different pressure-volume-temperature ranges within which molecular dynamics is dominated by either complex H-bonded networks most probably leading to supramolecular structures or non-specific intermolecular interactions like van der Waals forces. In this way, we show that the density scaling law for molecular dynamics near the glass transition provides a sensitive tool to detect thermodynamic regions characterized by intermolecular interactions of different type and complexity for a given material in the wide pressure-volume-temperature domain even if its typical form with constant scaling exponent is not obeyed. Moreover, we quantify the observed decoupling between dielectric and mechanical relaxations of the material in the density scaling regime. The suggested methods of analyses and their interpretations open new prospects for formulating models based on proper effective intermolecular potentials describing physicochemical phenomena near the glass transition

    The differences in thermal profiles between normal and leukemic cells exposed to anticancer drug evaluated by differential scanning calorimetry

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    Chronic lymphocytic leukemia (CLL) is a heterogenous disease with an imbalance between apoptosis and cell proliferation. Therefore, the main goal in CLL therapy is to induce apoptosis and effectively support this process in transformed B lymphocytes. In the current study, we have compared differential scanning calorimetry (DSC) profiles of nuclei isolated from CLL cells and normal mononuclear cells exposed to cladribine or fludarabine combined with mafosfamide (CM; FM), and additionally to CM combined with monoclonal antibody—rituximab (RCM) for 48 h, as well as in culture medium only (controls). Under current study, the mononuclear cells from peripheral blood (PBMCs) of healthy individuals have been included. The obtained results have shown the presence of thermal transition at 95 ± 5 °C in most of nuclear preparations (92.2 %) isolated from blood of CLL patients. This thermal characteristic parameter was changed after drug exposure, however, to a different extent. These thermal changes were accompanied by the decrease of cell viability, an elevation of apoptosis rate and the changes in expression/proteolysis of poly(ADP-ribose)polymerase-1—main marker of apoptosis. Importantly, in DSC profiles of nuclear preparations of PBMCs from blood of healthy donors exposed to investigated drug combinations and control CLL cells, the lack of such changes was observed. Our results confirmed that DSC technique complemented with other biological approaches could be helpful in tailoring therapy for CLL patients.Research was sponsored by Grant from the Polish National Science Centre (No. 2011/01/B/NZ/0102); Results of presented study were partially presented in oral presentation on 2nd Central and Eastern European Conference on Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry in Vilnius, Lithuania, 201

    Posługa charytatywna Kościoła w świetle uchwał synodów polskich po Soborze Watykańskim II

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    Tra i diversi settori dell' attività sinodale svolta in Polonia dopo il Concilio Vaticano Il (i diciasette sinodi diocesani e un sinodo provinciale) un posto assai importante occupa il servizio caritativo. Nelle rispettive disposizioni sinodali i legislatori diocesani mostrano un' attenzione particolare verso i biosognosi di diverse categorie. Presentando le norme dei sinodi polacchi riguardanti il servizio della carità cristiana gli autori indicano le forme di esso: il servizio indivuale e comunitario, il servizio materiale e spirituale e i soggetti di quel servizio: attivi (i sacerdoti e i religiosi, i laici, i gruppi critativi) e passivi (gli ammalati, i poveri, gli handicappati, gli altri). Nella conclusione dello studio vengono indicate le principali idee di una pastorale dei sinodi verso coloro che si trovano nelle diverse situazioni difficili