12 research outputs found

    Pozaotrzewnowe, zmodyfikowane wytrzewienie tylne (radykalna ooforektomia typu II) jako część ultraradykalnej chirurgii raka jajnika – opis przypadku

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    Epithelial ovarian cancer remains to be the most deadly gynecologic cancer among the female population. Carcinogenesis and abdomen extension are the reasons why ovarian cancer is still examined in advances stages. Ovarian cancer frequent metastasizes to the uterus, rectosigmoid colon, and other pelvic structures by intraperitoneal seeding of tumor deposits, as well as direct extension. Multiple modalities of therapy are utilized in the management of the disease. Numerous medical trials and research programs have demonstrated the most important role of surgery in the treatment of this disease. A vast majority of authors are of the opinion that the surgical interventions have a major influence on the overall survival (OS) and progression free survival (PFS) in ovarian cancer cases. The paper presents a case of a 35-year-old woman diagnosed with advanced ovarian cancer who underwent modified posterior exenteration as a part of extensive cytoreductive surgery.Rak jajnika jest wciąż jedną z najczęstszych przyczyn zgonów na nowotwory złośliwe dotyczące narządów płciowych wśród kobiet. Karcinogeneza choroby, możliwość szerzenia się jej drogą wszczepów brzusznych sprawia, iż schorzenie to rozpoznawane jest często w zaawansowanych stadiach rozwoju (FIGO III, IV). Fakt ten determinuje postępowanie medyczne, będące wypadkową multidyscyplinarnego procesu terapeutycznego. Szereg badań medycznych, oraz programów naukowych jednoznacznie pokazało, że dominującą rolę w leczenia raka jajnika należy wiązać z postępowaniem chirurgicznym. W opinii wielu autorów ultraradykalne zabiegi chirurgiczne wykonywane w jamie brzusznej przez ginekologów onkologów, stanowią istotny statystycznie element wpływający na całkowite przeżycia chorych (OS – Overall Survival), oraz czas wolny do wznowy (PFS – Progresion Free Survival). Niniejsza praca prezentuje przypadek 35-letniej chorej operowanej z powodu zaawansowanego raka jajnika (pT3cN1M1), u której wdrożono ultraradykalne postępowanie operacyjne

    The 42nd Symposium Chromatographic Methods of Investigating Organic Compounds : Book of abstracts

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    The 42nd Symposium Chromatographic Methods of Investigating Organic Compounds : Book of abstracts. June 4-7, 2019, Szczyrk, Polan


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    Research on the structure of sediments was carried out in 2015 in the river Krąpiel and its tributaries. The main objectives of this study were to classify the types of sediments with grain size analyzing according three different criteria, as well as influence of the substrate on the abundance and diversity of macrobenthic organisms, and to determine the quality of the ground for natural breeding of salmonids. It was found that according to Polish standards, bottom sediments of the Krąpiel river and its tributaries belong to the coarse – gravel type or sandy – gravel type, whereas according to the method used in Anglo-Saxon countries – these are sandy sediments. It was also shown that the grain size of bottom sediments of the Krąpiel river and its tributaries determine friendly living environment for macroinvertebrates and for breeding salmonids

    Acute coronary syndrome: potassium, magnesium and cardiac arrhythmia

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    Background: Cardiac arrhythmia is often present in patients with acute coronary syndrome (ACS) and may be due to the electrolyte imbalance.Aim: To assess the prevalence and clinical significance of electrolyte imbalance in ACS.Methods: Serum potassium and magnesium levels were measured within the first few hours in 204 consecutive patients with ACS admitted to our department over a period of 23 months. Cardiac arrhythmia was documented using continuous ECG monitoring, telemetry or standard ECG.Results: Hypokalemia was observed in 34% of patients, and was significantly associated with the occurrence of life-threatening ventricular arrhythmias (26% of patients with potassium leve

    Angina pectoris przed zawałem - czy łagodniejszy przebieg kliniczny?

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    Background: In a clinical setting of acute myocardial infarction (MI), short-lasting and transient anginal pain, preceding the development of acute MI, is regarded as a symptom representing ischaemic preconditioning. Some experimental and clinical data suggested that preinfarction angina may favourably influence the course of acute MI.Aim: We sought to examine the hypothesis that preinfarction angina occurring within 24 hours prior to the onset of acute MI favourably influences the outcome.Methods: The study group consisted of 331 patients who were admitted to our hospital due to acute MI with ST segment elevation with a symptom duratio

    Profil lipidowy oznaczony w ciągu pierwszych 24 godzin zawału serca ma istotne znaczenie prognostyczne

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    Aims: A high level of total cholesterol and LDL-cholesterol disturbs the endothelial function. Thus it can be expected, that hypercholesterolaemia may unfavourably influence the course of the acute myocardial infarction. The aim of the study was to check whether patients with lipid levels above normal during the first hours of myocardial infarction have an unfavourable clinical outcome.Methods and results: The study group consisted of 348 patients (216 males, aged 65.7±12 years) with acute myocardial infarction hospitalized up to 24 hours after the onset of symptoms. Blood samples for lipid profile were taken on the first day of hospitalization, in the morning, while fasting. 109 (31%) patients had a complicated in-hospital course of infarction (i.e. death, recurrent ischaemia, serious arrhythmias and/or conduction disturbances, heart failure). The total cholesterol and LDL-cholesterol levels were higher in the patients with complicated than in the patients with uncomplicated clinical course of infarction: 243±40.7 vs 211.2±40.6 mg/dl,

    Effect of Fermented Rapeseed Meal on the Gastrointestinal Microbiota and Immune Status of Rabbit (Oryctolagus cuniculus)

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    The present study was conducted to determine the effect of the use of varying amounts of fermented rapeseed meal in diets for rabbits on the immune status and microbiota of segments of the GIT. Forty 35 day old rabbits used in the experiment were assigned to four groups: the control group (group C) were fed a standard diet and the experimental received 4%, 8% or 12% fermented rapeseed meal (included in place of standard soybean meal). Class A, G and M immunoglobulins were determined in the blood plasma. In the food content collected after slaughter, microbiological parameters were determined for individual sections of the digestive tract. Rabbits from the groups receiving a diet with an increased proportion of fermented rapeseed meal (8% or 12%) had lower concentrations of anaerobic bacteria and Escherichia coli in the intestinal contents. Research has shown that the increase in intake of fermented rapeseed meal was correlated with an increase in the correlations between the immunoglobulin level and the size of the microbial population in the GIT. In light of the presented results fermented rapeseed meal, by supplying valuable bioactive substances, appears to be a good component in the diet of rabbits, enhancing immune system development and helping to prevent disturbances of the gut microbiota

    Evaluating Gelatin-Based Films with Graphene Nanoparticles for Wound Healing Applications

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    In this study, gelatin-based films containing graphene nanoparticles were obtained. Nanoparticles were taken from four chosen commercial graphene nanoplatelets with different surface areas, such as 150 m2/g, 300 m2/g, 500 m2/g, and 750 m2/g, obtained in different conditions. Their morphology was observed using SEM with STEM mode; porosity, Raman spectra and elemental analysis were checked; and biological properties, such as hemolysis and cytotoxicity, were evaluated. Then, the selected biocompatible nanoparticles were used as the gelatin film modification with 10% concentration. As a result of solvent evaporation, homogeneous thin films were obtained. The surface’s properties, mechanical strength, antioxidant activity, and water vapor permeation rate were examined to select the appropriate film for biomedical applications. We found that the addition of graphene nanoplatelets had a significant effect on the properties of materials, improving surface roughness, surface free energy, antioxidant activity, tensile strength, and Young’s modulus. For the most favorable candidate for wound dressing applications, we chose a gelatin film containing nanoparticles with a surface area of 500 m2/g