2,123 research outputs found

    Thermal flight performance reveals impact of warming on bumblebee foraging potential

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    1. The effects of environmental temperature on components of insect flight determine life history traits, fitness, adaptability, and ultimately, organism ecosystem functional roles. Despite the crucial role of flying insects across landscapes, our understanding of how temperature affects insect flight performance remains limited. 2. Many insect pollinators are considered under threat from climatic warming. Quantifying the relationship between temperature and behavioural performance traits allows us to understand where species are operating in respect to their thermal limits, helping predict responses to projected temperature increases and/or erratic weather events. 3. Using a tethered flight mill, we quantify how flight performance of a widespread bumblebee, Bombus terrestris, varies over a temperature range (12-30oC). Given that body mass constrains insect mobility and behaviour, bumblebees represent a useful system to study temperature-mediated size-dependence of flight performance owing to the large intra-colony variation in worker body size they exhibit.. 4. Workers struggled to fly over a few hundred metres at the lowest tested temperature of 12oC, however flight endurance increased as temperatures rose, peaking around 25oC after which it declined. Our findings further revealed variation in flight capacity across the workforce, with larger workers flying further, longer, and faster than their smaller nestmates. Body mass was also positively related with the likelihood of flight, although importantly this relationship became stronger as temperatures cooled, such that at 12oC only the largest workers were successful fliers. Our study thus highlights that colony foraging success under variable thermal environments can be dependent on the body mass distribution of constituent workers, and more broadly suggests smaller-bodied insects may benefit disproportionately more from warming than larger-bodied ones in terms of flight performance. 5. By incorporating both flight endurance and likelihood of flight, we calculated a simple metric termed ‘temperature-mediated foraging potential’ to gain a clearer understanding of how temperature may constrain colony foraging. Of our tested temperatures, 27oC supported the highest potential, indicating that for much of the range of this species, higher mean daily temperatures as forecasted under climate warming will push colonies closer to their thermal optimum for flight. Subsequently, warming may have positive implications for bumblebee foraging returns and pollination provision

    Dependence of a Tl Glow Peak Intensity on Irradiation Dose in CaS: Pd Phosphors

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    New Chromogenic Spray Reagent for TLC Detection and Identification of Organophosphrous Insecticide Monocrotophos in Biological Material.

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    Monocrotophos is a member of Organophosphate insecticide. It is an important insecticide and has a diversified role in agriculture in INDIA. The increasing numbers of human poisoning cases were found to be occurred by the consumption of organophosphate insecticide monocrotophos. So in this paper, we represent a novel Thin Layer Chromatographic spray reagent for the detection and identification of Monocrotophos

    A study of clinico-demographic profile and ventilatory pulmonary function tests in type 2 diabetes mellitus

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    Background: Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus (DM) is a non-communicable disease. DM produces damage in small blood vessels characterized by morphologic and biochemical alterations of the capillary basal lamina. These abnormalities have been observed in several organs including the lung. As the prevalence of diabetes is rapidly increasing, it would be important to study pulmonary functions in this sub group.Methods: The present observational study carried out at medicine department. It includes previously diagnosed type 2 DM patients between 31 to 50 years of age, non-smoker, non-pregnant with no major respiratory illness. Ventilatory Pulmonary Function Test (VPFT) which includes FVC, FEV1 and FEV1% were studied in all selected participants. VPFT categorized as per American Thoracic Society (ATS). All collected data analysed using Microsoft Excel 2010.  Results: The total of 55 previously diagnosed Type 2 DM cases was recruited. 26 (47.2 %) & 29 (52.7 %) were male & female respectively. 21 (38.2 %) has duration of DM more than 5. 11 (20 %) & 5 (9 %) had neuropathy and retinopathy respectively. 29 (52.7 %) had abnormal pulmonary function test.  The Mean FVC (84.11 ± 14.94), Mean FEV1 (84 ± 13.72) & Mean FEV1% was (100.05 ± 7.32) among the study participants.  29 (100.0 %) were restrictive type of abnormality. Conclusion: The reduced lung function is likely being a complication of diabetes mellitus. Lung functions needs to be checked periodically.

    A Study on Sex Composition of Tribal Population in Nashik District, Maharashtra

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    The age and the sex structure of the population are the most important demographic characteristics that are captured by a census of a population. Age and sex are two attributes that largely influence an individual’s role in society. An attempt will be made in this paper to examine the various aspects of age and sex composition of the tribal population of Nashik District using data collected from the censuses. Sex and age are the basic characteristics or the biological attributes, of any demographic group and affect not only its demographic but also its social, economic and political structure, for they influence birth and death rate, internal and international migration, marital status composition, manpower, the gross national product, planning regarding educational and medical services and housing etc. This point may be further established with illustrations. From the sex-age distribution of any population, estimates of school-age population may be made and on that basis, one may arrive at an estimate of the number of educational institutions, teachers, playgrounds, text­books, etc., which will be needed. Similarly, estimates of the number of voters, entrants in the labour force, etc., may also be made. Even in the field of social welfare, the planning of social services for instance, for mothers and children, for the aged, etc. has to be based on the sex-age distribution of the population. This type of data is also required before any promotional campaigns can be carried out in certain parts of the country, with a view to determining the needs of consumers in quantitative terms

    Protein contain in Cyprinus carpio (Ham.) of experimental and control fishes due to administration of ovaprim, ovatide and pituitary gland extract at Fish Seed Production Centre, Paithan, Aurangabad, Maharashtra State, India

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    Protein contain is a cornerstone mechanism and form part and parcel of nutritive value in particular rely on season, food intake, breeding and spawning capacity. The protein contain in the fish body constitute as a firsthand source of energy for physiological functions incorporating reproduction. Present investigation display that variations in the protein is observed from the mature fishes of Indian major carps such as Cyprinus carpio comprises 20 to 50cm selected for the estimation of protein study considered as experimental and control fishes upon administration of PGE, ovaprim and ovatide synthetic hormonal doses to the male and female sex ratio separately. Protein in the liver of female major carps may be because of vitellogenin, a lipoprotein which is synthesized in the liver and is transported to the ovary (Wallace, 1985). Moreover, gonadal protein enhanced with maturation amongst these fishes. Protein estimation represents the variations throughout the study period amongst the muscle, gonad and liver. After hormonal injections are given then fishes are kept in the breeding pool at the Fish Seed Production Centres (FSPC) located near Paithan barrage. The protein is estimated upon satisfactory administration of hormonal doses Pituitary Gland Extract and by other two synthetic hormonal doses viz. Ovaprim and Ovatide. Study is conducted during 2013 to 2014

    Малая автоматизация на ЦВМ "Урал-11Б"

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    Wireless communication technologies like GPRS, UMTS and WLAN, combined with the availability of high-end, affordable mobile devices enable the development of the advanced and innovative mobile services. Devices such as mobile phones and Personal Digital Assistants let the users access a wide range of new offerings whenever and wherever they happen to be. A strategic approach for the quality assurance of these mobile data services should take into account a number of characteristics unique to the mobile paradigm, the increased complexity of emerging handheld devices, the greater sensitivity to security and load related problems in wireless infrastructure and increased complexities of scale. This paper identifies the major factors influencing the development and testing strategies for these applications and accordingly elaborates effective quality assurance principles to ensure productive and scalable mobile data services

    Information Technology Act 2000 in India - Authentication of E-Documents

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    The Information Technology Act 2000 has enacted in India on 9th June 2000. This Act has mentioned provision of authentication of electronic document. It is the need of hour at that time that such provision is needed in the Indian Law system, especially for electronic commerce and electronic governance. Electronic commerce”, which involve the use of alternatives to paper based methods of communication and storage information. To do electronic commerce there should be authentication of particular document. The working of internet is the documents are traveling in terms of bits from one destination to other destination, through various media like – Co-axial cable, fiber optic, satellite etc. While traveling this document there is probability of making changes in that document by any third party is high or some document may get changed due to noise/disturbance in communication media. This Act required to provide legal recognition carried out by means of electronic data interchange and other means of electronic communication

    Fisheries geographical information system for Greater Mumbai region in Maharashtra, India

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    Geographical information system (GIS) is an invaluable decision support tool, designed to address spatially related problems for management of natural resources. The power of GIS lies in its ability to visualise and relate various types of geo-referenced spatial and non-spatial data allowing users to analyse them. In India, use of GIS in fisheries management is yet to find its rightful place. An effort has been made in the present study to design and organise a fisheries spatial information system for Greater Mumbai region in Maharashtra to serve as a macro-level database for the planners and administrators, which can be used for querying, analysing and displaying datasets in the form of graphs and summarised tabular data for all the fisheries infrastructural facilities. This GIS will be of immense help to planners, managers and administrators in quick storing, retrieving and updating the required information for management of fisheries in Greater Mumbai region