5 research outputs found


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    The article examines the state of Ukraine’s military economy and forecasts of its reconstruction. It is noted that one of the ways for a country to survive is to maintain the productive capacity of its economy, which reflects the efficient use of all resources, the quality of human capital and sustainable development. The essence and approaches to assessing the productive capacity of Ukraine, in particular according to the Productive Capacities Index (PCI), have been revealed. For the development of the European KLEMS productive capacity model, a formalized model and an approach to deepening its informational component are proposed. The factors of the “technological leap” that can be drivers of the development of productive capacity have been highlighted. The authors have proposed to consider productive capacity through the prism of sustainable development and its goals (SDGs). The “ecological footprint” has been described, which as of 2021 is 73% higher than the possibility of renewing the world’s ecosystems. The paper also covers a comprehensive approach to overcoming this risk (Twin-strategy) based on a combination of economic (but only within ecological) and social determinants of sustainable development. It has been noted that a bilateral “green” and “digital” strategy for the transition to the next stage of sustainable development (Twin Transitions for Global Value Chains) is relevant. A foresight approach to reducing gaps in the development of countries’ economies using advanced “green” technologies has been described.” It is summarized that in order to increase the productive capacity, Ukraine needs to rebuild the economy on the principles of Industry 4.0 with robotized production at “smart” factories. It has been studied that according to the Frontier Technologies Readiness Index, Ukraine belongs to the group of countries with an above-average level of the index. Recommendations on research and management of production potential for the reconstruction of Ukraine’s economy and its growth in the context of a bilateral “green” and “digital” strategy of sustainable development are given

    The protection of property rights in criminal and civil proceedings: ECtHR practice

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    The article is relevant in modern conditions since the protection of property rights is one of the main prerequisites for the functioning of the market economy and ensuring the country's economic development. In this regard, it is important to study the practice of the European Court of Human Rights (ECtHR) on the violation of property rights in criminal and civil proceedings, as this can help to improve the legal practice of domestic courts and ensure more effective protection of property rights. The study of the practice of the ECtHR on this topic is an important step for improving the country's legal system and ensuring proper protection of property rights, which is important for the development of society as a whole. The purpose of the research is to study the practice of the European Court of Human Rights (ECtHR) regarding the violation of the right to property in criminal and civil proceedings, as well as the analysis of this practice in order to determine the standards used by the ECtHR when considering cases related to the right to property. The methodological basis of the work consists of general scientific and special methods: the method of analyzing scientific literature, comparative analysis, empirical research methods, system analysis, and legal expertise. The result of the work is research and analysis of the practice of property rights protection in criminal and civil proceedings in accordance with international standards, which will allow to propose possible solutions for improving national practice and legislation in this area

    Corruption Crimes and Peculiarities of their Investigation Procedure under Martial Law

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    The military aggression of the Russian Federation radically changed the life of every Ukrainian, the main priorities of politicians, and the court trial procedures. But even though the whole country rallied against a common enemy, corruption crimes have not disappeared and continue to be committed. With the introduction of martial law, the criminal procedural legislation and the procedure for investigating corruption crimes have changed. Therefore, it is important to analyze the innovations of corruption legislation, single out the most common crimes, and investigate the peculiarities of the procedure for investigating corruption crimes under martial law. The purpose of the work is the analysis of corruption crimes and the peculiarities of the investigation procedure of corruption crimes under martial law. The research methodology consists of the following methods: dialectical, systemic, historical-legal, comparative-legal, and formal-logical (analysis and synthesis, induction and deduction, proof and refutation, comparison, generalization). During the study of corruption crimes and their investigation in the conditions of military aggression of the Russian Federation against Ukraine, innovations in anti-corruption legislation and changes in criminal procedural legislation were analyzed. In particular, the peculiarities of carrying out individual investigative actions during the pre-trial investigation were researched. As a result, it was concluded that these actions are necessary and timely to protect the rights of individuals and the effectiveness of criminal procedural legislation

    The Influence of Religion on the Norms of Criminal Law and Process: an International-Comparative Study (Вплив релігії на норми кримінального права та процесу: міжнародне компаративістське дослідження)

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    Criminal law and process play a significant role in regulating public relations. It is expedient to study it in terms of the influence of religion in different legal systems, as religious norms are the broader regulators of public life. The study of the religious aspect of the formation and functioning of criminal law and criminal procedure relations in different countries is an open question that needs further consideration, as well as prospects for the development of legal institutions based on religious influence. The purpose of the research is to analyze and reflect the impact of religion on the rules of criminal law and process in a comparative international context. The subject of the research is religion and criminal law and process as interdependent phenomena, international comparative study of the influence of religion on the formation of criminal law and process. As a result of the study the mutual influence of law and religion was revealed, the influence of religion on the norms of criminal law and process in different countries was analyzed, it was determined that the religious legal system is most permeated by religious norms in comparison with the legal systems of European countries. (Кримінальне право та процес займають важливе місце у регулюванні суспільних відносин. Доцільним є його вивчення у аспекті впливу релігії у різних правових системах, оскільки релігійні норми є пер ширшими регуляторами суспільного життя. Вивчення релігійного аспекту формування та функціонування кримінально-правових та кримінальнопроцесуальних відносин у різних країнах є відкритим питанням, що потребує подальшого дослідження, так само як і перспективи розвитку правових інститутів з урахуванням релігійного впливу. Метою дослідження є аналіз та вивчення впливу релігії на норми кримінального права та процесу у порівняльному міжнародному розрізі. Предметом дослідження виступають релігія та кримінальне право та процес як взаємозалежні явища, міжнародне компаративістське вивчення впливу релігії на формування кримінального права та процесу. У результаті проведеного дослідження виявлено взаємний вплив права та релігії, проаналізовано вплив релігії на норми кримінального права та процесу у різних країнах, визначено, що релігійна правова система найбільш пронизана релігійними нормами у порівнянні з правовими системами європейських країн.

    The influence of religion on the norms of criminal law and process: an international-comparative study

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    Criminal law and process play a significant role in regulating public relations. It is expedient to study it in terms of the influence of religion in different legal systems, as religious norms are the broader regulators of public life. The study of the religious aspect of the formation and functioning of criminal law and criminal procedure relations in different countries is an open question that needs further consideration, as well as prospects for the development of legal institutions based on religious influence. The purpose of the research is to analyze and reflect the impact of religion on the rules of criminal law and process in a comparative international context. The subject of the research is religion and criminal law and process as interdependent phenomena, international comparative study of the influence of religion on the formation of criminal law and process. As a result of the study the mutual influence of law and religion was revealed, the influence of religion on the norms of criminal law and process in different countries was analyzed, it was determined that the religious legal system is most permeated by religious norms in comparison with the legal systems of European countries