1,344 research outputs found

    Evaluation of magnetic materials for static inverters and converters

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    Program studies materials for use in static inverters and converters. It gives suitable data on the behavior of commonly used materials when excited with square wave power

    Correlating matched-filter model for analysis and optimisation of neural networks

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    A new formalism is described for modelling neural networks by means of which a clear physical understanding of the network behaviour can be gained. In essence, the neural net is represented by an equivalent network of matched filters which is then analysed by standard correlation techniques. The procedure is demonstrated on the synchronous Little-Hopfield network. It is shown how the ability of this network to discriminate between stored binary, bipolar codes is optimised if the stored codes are chosen to be orthogonal. However, such a choice will not often be possible and so a new neural network architecture is proposed which enables the same discrimination to be obtained for arbitrary stored codes. The most efficient convergence of the synchronous Little-Hopfield net is obtained when the neurons are connected to themselves with a weight equal to the number of stored codes. The processing gain is presented for this case. The paper goes on to show how this modelling technique can be extended to analyse the behaviour of both hard and soft neural threshold responses and a novel time-dependent threshold response is described

    A Splicing Mutation in the Novel Mitochondrial Protein DNAJC11 Causes Motor Neuron Pathology Associated with Cristae Disorganization, and Lymphoid Abnormalities in Mice

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    Mitochondrial structure and function is emerging as a major contributor to neuromuscular disease, highlighting the need for the complete elucidation of the underlying molecular and pathophysiological mechanisms. Following a forward genetics approach with N-ethyl-N-nitrosourea (ENU)-mediated random mutagenesis, we identified a novel mouse model of autosomal recessive neuromuscular disease caused by a splice-site hypomorphic mutation in a novel gene of unknown function, DnaJC11. Recent findings have demonstrated that DNAJC11 protein co-immunoprecipitates with proteins of the mitochondrial contact site (MICOS) complex involved in the formation of mitochondrial cristae and cristae junctions. Homozygous mutant mice developed locomotion defects, muscle weakness, spasticity, limb tremor, leucopenia, thymic and splenic hypoplasia, general wasting and early lethality. Neuropathological analysis showed severe vacuolation of the motor neurons in the spinal cord, originating from dilatations of the endoplasmic reticulum and notably from mitochondria that had lost their proper inner membrane organization. The causal role of the identified mutation in DnaJC11 was verified in rescue experiments by overexpressing the human ortholog. The full length 63 kDa isoform of human DNAJC11 was shown to localize in the periphery of the mitochondrial outer membrane whereas putative additional isoforms displayed differential submitochondrial localization. Moreover, we showed that DNAJC11 is assembled in a high molecular weight complex, similarly to mitofilin and that downregulation of mitofilin or SAM50 affected the levels of DNAJC11 in HeLa cells. Our findings provide the first mouse mutant for a putative MICOS protein and establish a link between DNAJC11 and neuromuscular diseases

    Steps towards the development of an experimentally verified simulation of pool nucleate boiling on a silicon wafer with artificial sites

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    Nucleate boiling is a very effective heat transfer cooling process, used in numerous industrial applications. Despite intensive research over decades, a reliable model of nucleate pool boiling is still not available. This paper presents a numerical and experimental investigation of nucleate boiling from artificial nucleation sites. The numerical investigation described in the first section of the paper is carried out by a hybrid mechanistic numerical code first developed at the University of Ljubljana to simulate the temperature field in a heated stainless steel plate with a large number of nucleation sites during pool boiling of water at atmospheric pressure. It is now being redeveloped to interpret experiments on pool boiling at artificial sites on a silicon plate and as a design tool to investigate different arrangements of sites to achieve high heat fluxes. The code combines full simulation of the temperature field in the solid wall with simplified models or correlations for processes in the liquid-vapour region. The current capabilities and limitations of the code are reviewed and improvements are discussed. Examples are given of the removal of computational constraints on the activation of sites in close proximity and improvements to the bubble growth model. Preliminary simulations are presented to compare the wall conditions to be used in the experiments on silicon at Edinburgh University with the conditions in current experiments on thin metal foils at Ljubljana. An experimental rig for boiling experiments with artificial cavities on a 0.38 mm thick silicon wafer immersed in FC-72, developed at Edinburgh University, is described in the second part of the paper

    Collisional properties of cold spin-polarized nitrogen gas: theory, experiment, and prospects as a sympathetic coolant for trapped atoms and molecules

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    We report a combined experimental and theoretical study of collision-induced dipolar relaxation in a cold spin-polarized gas of atomic nitrogen (N). We use buffer gas cooling to create trapped samples of 14N and 15N atoms with densities 5+/-2 x 10^{12} cm-3 and measure their magnetic relaxation rates at milli-Kelvin temperatures. Rigorous quantum scattering calculations based on accurate ab initio interaction potentials for the 7Sigma_u electronic state of N2 demonstrate that dipolar relaxation in N + N collisions occurs at a slow rate of ~10^{-13} cm3/s over a wide range of temperatures (1 mK to 1 K) and magnetic fields (10 mT to 2 T). The calculated dipolar relaxation rates are insensitive to small variations of the interaction potential and to the magnitude of the spin-exchange interaction, enabling the accurate calibration of the measured N atom density. We find consistency between the calculated and experimentally determined rates. Our results suggest that N atoms are promising candidates for future experiments on sympathetic cooling of molecules.Comment: 48 pages, 17 figures, 3 table

    When strategy meets purpose.

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    Effectively realizing corporate purpose requires mediating, integrating, and balancing the interests of different corporate stakeholders and their goals. And the trade-offs that result from such a balancing act need to be acknowledged, measured, and communicated as the organization reports the efforts and performance connected to the creation of long-term sustainable value. Moving from the articulation of a company’s purpose to execution requires strategy and capital allocation with a comprehensive management system able to link sustainability strategies with financial returns. It involves reconciling competitiveness and sustainable growth within the context of an inclusive business model to take advantage of the opportunities and face the challenges of the market. Importantly, this requires the development of new measurement practices that can capture whole processes of long-term value creation—taking into account the social and environmental externalities produced by its operations and, especially, its products and services, as well as how the multiple and heterogeneous resources provided by the company’s stakeholders contribute to its financial and nonfinancial performance. Today, the investment community broadly recognizes the need to better understand how material environmental, social, and governance (ESG) issues matter to financial performance

    Dihydroxyacetone and methylglyoxal as permeants of the Plasmodium aquaglyceroporin inhibit parasite proliferation

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    AbstractThe aquaglyceroporin of Plasmodium falciparum (PfAQP) is a bi-functional channel with permeability for water and solutes. Its functions supposedly are in osmotic protection of parasites and in facilitation of glycerol permeation for glycerolipid biosynthesis. Here, we show PfAQP permeability for the glycolysis-related metabolites methylglyoxal, a cytotoxic byproduct, and dihydroxyacetone, a ketotriose. AQP3, the red cell aquaglyceroporin, also passed dihydroxacetone but excluded methylglyoxal. Proliferation of malaria parasites was inhibited by methylglyoxal with an IC50 around 200 ÎŒM. Surprisingly, also dihydroxyacetone, which is an energy source in human cells, was antiproliferative in chloroquine-sensitive and resistant strains with an IC50 around 3 mM. We expressed P. falciparum glyceraldehyde 3-phosphate dehydrogenase (PfGAPDH) to examine whether it is inhibited by either carbonyl compound. Methylglyoxal did not affect PfGAPDH on incubation with 2.5 mM for 20 h. Treatment with 2.5 mM dihydroxyacetone, however, abolished PfGAPDH activity within 6 h. Aquaglyceroporin permeability for glycolytic metabolites may thus be of physiological significance

    Determination of thyreostats in bovine urine and thyroid glands by HPLC–MS/MS

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    The use of thyreostats in livestock is strictly forbidden by European legislation since 1981. The investigation of thyreostats is commonly performed by their detection as derivatives with 3-iodobenzylbromide. Although it has advantages, the derivatisation procedure can generally cause a decrease in analyte concentrations. With the aim of simplifying the analysis of five thyreostats in both bovine urine and in thyroid glands, two methods were developed without the derivatisation step. Salting-out assisted liquid\u2013liquid extraction was carried out for both matrices, followed by high-performance liquid chromatography coupled with triple-quadrupole mass spectrometry analysis. The methods were validated in agreement with the guidelines of Commission Decision 2002/657/EC. For all the thyreostats evaluated, satisfactory results were achieved; the recovery was within 96\u2013104 % for both the matrices, while precision (coefficient of variation) was less than 20 % for urine and 21 % for thyroid glands. The limits of decision and capacities of detection for all the compounds were lower than the recommended values of 10 \u3bcg L 121 and 10 \u3bcg kg 121, respectively. In urine, the limits of decision ranged from 6.9 to 7.3 \u3bcg L 121, and the capacities of detection ranged from 8.5 to 9.7 \u3bcg L 121, while in thyroid glands these values varied from 6.6 \u3bcg kg 121 to 7.4 \u3bcg kg 121 and from 8.0 \u3bcg g 121 to 9.7 \u3bcg kg 121, respectively. The results obtained show that the methods described are suitable for the direct detection of thyreostats in bovine urine and thyroid glands
