45 research outputs found

    The effect of music background on the emotional appraisal of film sequences

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    In this study the effects of musical background on the emotional appraisal of film sequences was investigated. Four pairs of polar emotions defined in Plutchik’s model were used as basic emotional qualities: joy-sadness, anticipation-surprise, fear-anger, and trust disgust. In the preliminary study eight film sequences and eight music themes were selected as the best representatives of all eight Plutchik’s emotions. In the main experiment the participant judged the emotional qualities of film-music combinations on eight seven-point scales. Half of the combinations were congruent (e.g. joyful film - joyful music), and half were incongruent (e.g. joyful film - sad music). Results have shown that visual information (film) had greater effects on the emotion appraisal than auditory information (music). The modulation effects of music background depend on emotional qualities. In some incongruent combinations (joysadness) the modulations in the expected directions were obtained (e.g. joyful music reduces the sadness of a sad film), in some cases (anger-fear) no modulation effects were obtained, and in some cases (trust-disgust, anticipation-surprise) the modulation effects were in an unexpected direction (e.g. trustful music increased the appraisal of disgust of a disgusting film). These results suggest that the appraisals of conjoint effects of emotions depend on the medium (film masks the music) and emotional quality (three types of modulation effects)

    The effect of music background on the emotional appraisal of film sequences

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    In this study the effects of musical background on the emotional appraisal of film sequences was investigated. Four pairs of polar emotions defined in Plutchik's model were used as basic emotional qualities: joy-sadness, anticipation-surprise, fear-anger, and trust disgust. In the preliminary study eight film sequences and eight music themes were selected as the best representatives of all eight Plutchik's emotions. In the main experiment the participant judged the emotional qualities of film-music combinations on eight seven-point scales. Half of the combinations were congruent (e.g. joyful film - joyful music), and half were incongruent (e.g. joyful film - sad music). Results have shown that visual information (film) had greater effects on the emotion appraisal than auditory information (music). The modulation effects of music background depend on emotional qualities. In some incongruent combinations (joysadness) the modulations in the expected directions were obtained (e.g. joyful music reduces the sadness of a sad film), in some cases (anger-fear) no modulation effects were obtained, and in some cases (trust-disgust, anticipation-surprise) the modulation effects were in an unexpected direction (e.g. trustful music increased the appraisal of disgust of a disgusting film). These results suggest that the appraisals of conjoint effects of emotions depend on the medium (film masks the music) and emotional quality (three types of modulation effects)

    Primena različitih metoda mineralizacije uzoraka za određivanje makro i mikroelemenata u mesu atomskom spektrofotometrijom

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    Investigation of the content of elements in food samples requires the destruction of the organic substance by dry, or one of several wet digestion procedures: ashing in open or closed vessels and use of heater or microwave oven. The efficiency of three methods of meat digestion was evaluated for the analytical determination of Cu, Fe, Zn, Ca, Mg, Na and K. These methods were: nitric acid wetashing in sealed teflon vessels; nitric acid/perchloric acid wet digestion; and dry ashing The final solutions were subsequently analyzed for Cu, Fe, Zn, Ca and Mg by flame atomic absorption spectroscopy (FAAS) and for Na and K by atomic emission spectroscopy (AES). Cu, Zn and Mg could be reliably determined by any of the tested methods, while for the other elements, mineralisation in sealed teflon vessels showed higher content in the meat than the dry ashing (p lt 0.05). The with-ashing in sealed teflon vessels was also the most precise method and with the highest recoveries' values.Određivanju sadržaja makro i mikroelemenata u namirnicama atomskom spektrofotometrijom prethodi mineralizacija uzorka. Dve tehnike koje se najduže i, još uvek i najčešće primenjuju, baziraju se na suvom spaljivanju na definisanoj temeraturi, i na vlažnoj digestiji sa mineralnim kiselinama u otvorenim i zatvorenim sistemima. Cilj ovog rada je razvoj brze i jednostavne metode mineralizacije za određivanje Cu, Fe, Zn, Ca, Mg, Na i K u mesu. Poređene su tri različite metode mineralizacije: suva mineralizacija, vlažna u zatvorenim teflonskim posudama i klasično vlažno spaljivanje. U mineralizovanim uzorcima određen je sadržaj Cu, Fe, Zn, Ca i Mg atomskom apsorpcionom spektrofotometrijom, i sadržaj Na i K atomskom emisionom spektrofotometrijom. Dobijeni rezultati pokazali su da se za određivanje sadržaja gvožđa, bakra i cinka u uzorcima mesa mogu uspešno primeniti sve tri ispitivane metode dok je za sadržaj kalijuma, natrijuma, magnezijuma i kalcijuma mineralizacija u teflonskim posudama značajno efikasnija od suvog spaljivanja (p lt 0,05). U isto vreme mineralizacija u teflonskim posudama ima najveći prinos i preciznost, što uz brzinu i jednostavnost izvođenja navodi na zaključak da je to metoda izbora za mineralizaciju uzoraka pri određivanju sadržaja makro i mikroelemanata u mesu atomskom spektrofotometrijom

    Utjecaj sustava držanja na bolesti papaka i postotak izlučenja u krava holštajnske pasmine

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    The objectives of this research were to investigate the effect of the housing system (tie-stall and free-stall barns) on the prevalence of hoof diseases/disorders, as well as on the percentage of culling in 6,348 Holstein dairy cows from 5 farms. During the three months of research the hoof care service on all farms collected records of causes of lameness, diagnoses and treatments. Functional and corrective hoof trimming was conducted by a professional farm trimmer. When all the registered diseases/disorders were observed as a percentage (all diseases = 100%), it was noticed that both housing systems were similarly affected by the same diseases/disorders. In this regard, White Line Disease occurred in both systems in prevalence of 0.5% - 1%, Toe Ulcer and Necrosis in 3% - 6%, Rusterholz Ulcer / Sole Ulcer in 20% - 23%, Digital Dermatitis in 18% - 20%, Interdigital Hyperplasia / Tyloma in 10% - 12%, Panaritium / Interdigital Phlegmon in 0.7% - 0.77%, while the prevalence of Mechanical Injury was negligible and in similar amounts - 0.2% - 0.5%. Cows in the free-stall barns were much more burdened with Dermatitis Interdigitalis / Heel Erosion Disease (39.11%) compared to cows in the bound housing system (20.40%). In contrast, diagnosed acute, chronic and haemorrhagic Laminitis was significantly more pronounced in the tie-stall barns (18.61%) than in the free-stall barns (0.88%). In the statistical analysis conducted, statistically significantly more diseases/disorders were registered in the tie-stall system than in the free housing system (P0.05).Cilj je istraživanja bio utvrditi utjecaj držanja (vezani ili slobodni sustav) na pojavnost bolesti i promjena na papcima, kao i na postotak izlučenja u krava holštajnske pasmine. Uključeno je 6348 krava s pet farmi, za koje su tijekom tri mjeseca prikupljeni podaci o obradi i njezi papaka, uzrocima šepavosti, dijagnozama te redovitim liječenjima. Funkcionalno i korektivno obrezivanje papaka provele su osobe educirane za to. Promotre li se svi registrirani poremećaji i bolesti postotno (sve bolesti = 100 %), zapaža se da su oba sustava držanja bila u sličnoj mjeri opterećena istim bolestima. U skladu s tim, bolest bijele linije opažena je u oba sustava, s pojavnošću od 0,5 do 1%, čir i nekroza papka od 3 do 6 %, Rusterholzov čir / Ulcus soleae od 20 do 23 %, digitalni dermatitis od 18 do 20 %, interdigitalna hiperplazija / tilom od 10 do 12 %, panaricij / interdigitalna flegmona od 0,7 do 0,77 %, dok je postotak mehaničkih ozljeda bio vrlo sličan i zanemariv (0,2 – 0,5 %). Krave u slobodnom sustavu držanja bile su mnogo više opterećene bolešću interdigitalni dermatitis / erozija pete (39,11 %) u odnosu na krave u vezanom sustavu držanja (20,40 %). Suprotno tomu, pojavnost akutnog, kroničnog i hemoragijskog laminitisa bila je znakovito veća u vezanom sustavu držanja (18,61 %) nego u slobodnom (0,88 %). Na osnovi provedenih statističkih proporcija i Z-testa tijekom istraživanog razdoblja, registrirano je statistički znakovito više bolesti i poremećaja u vezanom sustavu držanja nego u slobodnom (P0,05)

    Karakterizacija šljake i pepela odloženog u Kaštel Gomilici

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    The objective of this study was to determine the chemical, radiological and leaching properties of slag and ash produced by a thermoelectric unit of a former factory Adriavinil and deposited in the area of Kaštel Gomilica near Split, Croatia. A total of 33 samples were analysed. The bioavailable fraction of the slag and ash was estimated using different leaching tests. The waste material was characterized by a high activity of naturally occurring radionuclides 238U, 235U and 226Ra and by elevated concentrations of heavy metals. The concentrations of most heavy metals were three to four times as high as in the common soil. Uranium slag and ash concentration was almost 40 times higher than in control soil. More than 37 % of the total U could be removed from the slag and ash with the sea water.U radu su kemijski i radiološki okarakterizirani uzorci šljake i pepela. Otpadni materijal je nastao radom termoelektričnog postrojenja bivše tvornice “Adriavinil”, a odložen je u Kaštel Gomilici u Hrvatskoj. Ukupno su analizirana 33 uzorka. Biodostupnost frakcija šljake i pepela određena je različitim testovima za izluživanje. U otpadnome materijalu određena je velika aktivnost radionuklida iz prirodnog niza, 238U, 235U i 226Ra, i povišene koncentracije teških metala. Koncentracije veæine teških metala 3 do 4 puta su veæe nego u kontrolnim uzorcima, dok je koncentracija urana veæa 40 puta. Utvrđeno je da se više od 37 % ukupnog urana iz uzorka može ukloniti izluživanjem u morskoj vodi

    Prikaz slučaja kasnog tipa primarnog limfedema – od dijagnoze do uspješne terapije

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    We present a case report of a 46-year-old nurse with lower limb, late onset, second degree primary lymphedema diagnosed thirty years after symptoms onset. Lack of specialised lymphedema clinics, lymphedema specialists, lymphedema management guidelines and lymphedema registry are main causes for prolonged diagnosis in Croatia. Primary lymphedema treatment was con-ducted through 45-minutes sessions three times a week in total 7 sessions. Treatment sessions consisted of limb circumference mea-surements and manual lymph drainage followed by Partsch compression therapy protocol and education. Instructions for physical activity were made likewise. Significant volume reduction was successful despite long primary lymphedema duration. Changes in quality of life and physical activity were noted by self-administered questionnaires. Compression garment specialist made measures for flat knitted stockings compression class III. that are indicated for lymphedema and have important role in the maintenance phase of limb volume. Despite the fact that primary lymphedema is chronic condition, and it has been left untreated for over thirty years in our patient. With proper lymphedema therapy management and teamwork it is possible to achieve and maintain satisfying treatment results especially if you have motivated and properly educated patientPrikaz slučaja 46 godišnje medicinske sestre koja ima drugi stupanj kasnog primarnog limfedema donjih ekstremiteta koji je dijagnosticiran 30 godina nakon pojave prvih simptoma. Nepostojanje ambulante za limfedem, liječnika specijalista koji se bavi limfedemom, smjernica za zbrinjavanje limfedema niti registra za limfedem glavni su uzroci kašnjenja postavljanja dijagnoze limfedema u Hrvatskoj. Terapija limfedema provedena je kroz sedam tretmana u trajanju od 45 minuta, tri puta tjedno. Korišteni su fizioterapijski postupci: ručna limfna drenaža u kombinaciji s kompresivnom terapijom po dr. Partch i edukacija. Dane su upute o provođenju tjelesne aktivnosti. Postignuto je smanjenje volumena unatoč dugotrajnom trajanju limfedema. Promjene u kvaliteti života i razini tjelesne aktivnosti zabilježili smo uz pomoć upitnika. Po završetku terapije pacijentica je upućena ortotičarki radi uzimanja mjera za ravno tkanu kompresivnu odjeću kompresijske klase III. koja je prikladna za fazu održavanja volumena limfedema. Unatoč činjenici da je primarni limfedem kronično stanje, koje je u slučaju naše pacijentice bilo neliječeno preko trideset godina, uz pomoć timskog rada i sveobuhvatnog terapijskog pristupa zbrinjavanju primarnog limfedema moguće je dobiti zadovoljavajuće rezultate terapije te iste održati, posebno ukoliko imate motiviranog i dobro educiranog pacijenta

    Uticaj suplementacije stočne hrane selenom na humani status selena

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    The use of selenium as animal feed supplement in Serbia was approved in 1989 for some categories of pigs, sheep and poultry. From 2000 selenium in animal feed became a requirement for all categories of farm animals. The aim of this study was to determine the consumption of selenium by Serbian livestock and in poultry production between 1990-1991 and 2000-2008 and to analyze the selenium content of meat, milk and eggs sold on Serbian markets to gain insight into human selenium intake. Data indicate a low level of selenium inclusion in animal feed during 1990-1991 compared to during 2000-2008. These results coincide with Serbian regulations. From 2001 an organic form of selenium (selenized yeast) was introduced in small quantities (less than 8% of the total consumed selenium). Analysis of meat, milk and eggs from Serbian markets shows increased selenium levels compared to 1991. However, the estimated total human daily intake in Serbia is 40.9 μg, which is under the recommended quantity. Increasing the quantity of selenium included in animal feed and the substitution of inorganic selenium with selenized yeast could be beneficial for animal health and farm productivity. As a consequence a further improvement in the human selenium status in Serbia should be possible.Upotreba selena kao suplementa za stočnu hranu odobrena je u Srbiji 1989. godine za neke kategorija svinja, ovaca i živine. Od 2000. propisan je obavezan sadržaj selena u hrani za sve domaće životinje. Cilj rada bio je istraživanje upotrebe selena za suplementaciju stočne hrane selenom u periodima 1990-1991 i 2000-2008 i analiza sadržaja selena u namirnicama životinjskog porekla. Rezultati ukazuju na povećanu upotrebu selena kao aditiva za stočnu hranu od 2000. i povećan sadržaj selena u svinjskom mesu i jajima u poređenju sa podacima iz 1991. Procenjeni dnevni unos selena stanovnika Srbije je 40.9 μg što je značajno manje od preporučenog dnevnog unosa selena. Povećana upotreba selena u ishrani domaćih životinja, i zamena neorganskih jedinjenja selena seleniziranim kvascem, pored povoljnih efekata na zdravlje i produktivnost životinja, dovela bi do daljeg poboljšanja statusa selena stanovnika Srbije

    Antibacterial potential of electrochemically exfoliated graphene sheets

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    Electrochemically exfoliated graphene is functionalized graphene with potential application in biomedicine. Two most relevant biological features of this material are its electrical conductivity and excellent water dispersibility. In this study we have tried to establish the correlation between graphene structure and its antibacterial properties. The exfoliation process was performed in a two electrode-highly oriented pyrolytic graphite electrochemical cell. Solution of ammonium persulfate was used as an electrolyte. Exfoliated graphene sheets were dispersed in aqueous media and characterized by atomic force microscopy, scanning electron microscopy, Raman spectroscopy, Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy, X photoelectron spectroscopy, X-ray diffraction, electron paramagnetic resonance, zeta potential, contact angle measurements and surface energy. Antibacterial assays have shown lack of the significant antibacterial activity. Major effect on bacteria was slight change of bacteria morphology. Membrane remained intact despite significant change of chemical content of membrane components.This is the peer reviewed version of the paper: Marković, Z. M., Matijašević, D. M., Pavlović, V. B., Jovanović, S. P., Holclajtner-Antunović, I. D., Špitalský, Z., Mičušik, M., Dramićanin, M. D., Milivojević, D. D., Nikšić, M. P., & Todorović Marković, B. M. (2017). Antibacterial potential of electrochemically exfoliated graphene sheets. Journal of Colloid and Interface Science, 500, 30–43. [https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jcis.2017.03.110][https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/S0021979717303776?via%3Dihub

    Značaj dikrocelioze u zdravstvenoj problematici koza i ovaca

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    Distomatosis are acute and chronical diseases caused by fluke Dicrocoelium dendriticum,. They originated are at pasture areas where lived intermediate host of parasites, snail of genus Zebrina, Hellicela and etc. and ants of genus Formica and Proformica. They usually spread at small ruminants and cattle. Distomatosis is zoonotic diseases.Dikrocelioza je akutno ili hronično oboljenje, izazvano malim metiljem Dicrocoelium dendriticum. Pojava i održavanje oboljenja vezani su za pašne uslove držanja životinja, koje se odvija na terenima gde postoje uslovi za razvoj prelaznih domaćina pužića iz rodova Zebrina, Hellicela i dr. i mrava iz rodova Formica and Proformica. Najraširenija je kod ovaca, koza i goveda. Dikrocelioza je zoonoza