1,138 research outputs found

    Electrochemical Removal of Microorganisms in Drinking Water

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    It is known that silver, even in small concentrations (hundred parts of milligrams per liter), has the ability to destroy microorganisms, i.e. it has strong bactericidal abilities. Cleansing vast amount of water using bactericidal ability of silver is usually performed in electrochemical way. The advantages of electrochemical disinfection process like: (a) environmental compatibility, (b) versatility to kill a wide variety of microorganisms under mild conditions, (c) no need for adding chemical medicines and (d) the benefits of in-situ generation greatly lower problems and dangers of usage gas chlorine in water disinfection, which is greatest during transport and storing of this disinfectant. Appliances for electrochemical disinfection of drinking water eliminate these faults of conventional disinfection methods. Medical researches show that excess of chlorine in water reacts with organic matter, leading to mutations and cancer formation in digestion organs and bladder. This paper represents research of succesful microbiological disinfection of natural water that contains Acinetobacter, Pseudomonas aeruginisa, Sulfate-reducing clostridium, Streptococcus (F), Aeromonas, Citrobacter (F), Esherichia coli, Enterobacter (F) and Bacillus by water-disinfection appliance. This appliance can be used in water systems like water sorces, traps, reservoires, pools etc. (certificate of Clinical Center of Serbia)

    Filter function synthesis by Gegenbauer generating function

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    Low-pass all-pole transfer functions with non-monotonic amplitude characteristic in the pass-band and at least (n -1) flatness conditions for ω = 0 are considered in this paper. A new class of filters in explicit form with one free parameter is obtained by applying generating functions of Gegenbauer polynomials. This class of filters has good selectivity and good shape of amplitude characteristics in the pass-band. The amplitude characteristics of these transfer functions have gain in the upper part of pass-band with respect to the gain for ω = 0. This way we have greater margin of attenuation in the upper part of the pass-band. This means a greater tolerance of elements or for elements with given tolerances, greater ambient temperature changes. The appropriate choice of the free parameter enables us to generate filter functions obtained with Chebyshev polynomials of the first and second kind and Legendre polynomials

    Comparison and assessment of electricity generation capacity for different types of photovoltaic solar plants of 1MW in Sokobanja, Serbia

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    This paper gives the results of the electricity generated by the fixed, one-axis and dual-axis tracking photovoltaic solar plant of 1 MW with flat panels made of monocrystalline silicon which is to be built in the area of Sokobanja (spa in Serbia). Further on follows a description of the functioning of the fixed and one-axis and dual-axis tracking solar plants. For the calculation of the electricity generated by these plants PVGIS program was used. Calculations have shown that fixed photovoltaic solar plant power of 1 MW, solar modules of mono-crystalline silicon yield 1130000 kWh power output, one-axis tracking solar plant yields 1420000 kWh, and dual-axis tracking solar plant yields 1450000 kWh of electricity. Electricity generated by the fixed photovoltaic solar plant could satisfy 86% of the annual needs for the electricity of the 'Zdravljak' hotel and the special 'Novi stacionar' hospital in Sokobanja

    Novi metod određivanja specifične površine elektrohemijski istaloženog bakra

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    The specific surface of electrodeposited copper was determined using recently proposed way for the estimation of the real surface area of metal deposits. The obtained values of the specific surface of copper deposits were correlated with the corresponding morphologies of copper deposits.Specifična površina elektrohemijski istaloženog taloga bakra je bila određena korišćenjem nedavno predloženim načinom za procenu realne površine taloga metala. Dobijene vrednosti specifične površine taloga bakra su bile povezane sa odgovarajućim morfologijama taloga bakra

    Aplikacije i adaptivna neuro-fuzzy logička procjena svojstva vodljivosti silikonske gume

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    The paper summarizes the results of investigations on the conductive silicone rubber as strain sensor and presents a segment of the project for developing the new principle of a universal gripper with adaptable shape morphing surfaces. An experimental investigation of the sensors subjected to different time-dependent strain histories is presented. To investigate the electrical properties, the resistance of silicone was measured during the mechanical tests. An adaptive neuro-fuzzy inference system (ANFIS) was used to approximate the correlation between these measured features of the material and to predict its unknown future behavior. ANFIS has unlimited approximation power to match any nonlinear function arbitrarily well on compact set and to predict a chaotic time series.U radu su sažeti rezultati istraživanja vodljive silikonske gume kao senzora naprezanja i predstavlja jedan segment projekta za razvoj novog principa univerzalnog stezanja s prilagodljivim oblikom površine. Prikazano je eksperimentalno istraživanje senzora podvrgnutog različitim naprezanjima ovisnim o vremenu. Kako bi se istražila električna svojstva, izmjerena je otpornost silikona tijekom mehaničkih testova. Adaptivni neuro-fuzzy logički sustav (ANFIS) korišten je za približno utvrđivanje korelacije između mjerenih obilježja tih materijala, te za predviđanje nepoznatog budućeg ponašanja materijala. ANFIS ima neograničenu moć zadovoljavajuće točnog procjenjivanja bilo koje nelinearne funkcije na kompaktnom skupu i sposobnost predviđanja kaotičnih vremenskih serija

    Uticaj termičke obrade plodova paradajza na antioksidativnu aktivnost, sadržaj vitamina E, suve materije i ukupnih šećera

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    The objective of this study was the determination of total antioxidant activity, contents of vitamin E, sugar and total dry matter in fresh and thermally processed (dried and juiced) tomato fruits of different selected tomato lines with the aim to establish the nutritive profile and distinguish superior genotypes in order to obtain high-quality final product with more benefit to human health. Content of vitamin E, total antioxidant activity, dry matter and total sugars, in fresh and dried fruits (dried in parallel hot air dryer at 60 °C, until the final product reached the moisture lower than 10% and in tomato juice pasteurized at 100 °C, for 7 minutes) was studied. Comparative trial with 7 genotypes: one commercial variety (SP-109) and 6 selected high inbreeding generation lines (SPP, SPSM, SPRZ, SPRM-20, S-60 and SPO), was set up. Genotype SPRZ had the highest vitamin E content and total antioxidant capacity, both in fresh fruit and after the treatments. Thermal processing by drying at 60°C and pasteurization of tomato changed the level of total sugar and dry matter content. Total antioxidant activity decreased by drying, comparing to fresh fruit while the level of vitamin E decreased in juice pasteurized at high temperature (100 °C). .Cilj istraživanja je određivanje ukupne antioksidativne aktivnosti, sadržaja vitamina E, sadržaja šećera i ukupne suve materije u svežim i termički obrađenim (sušeni plodovi i sok) plodovima različitih selekcionih linija paradajza, sa ciljem utvrđivanja nutritivnog kvaliteta i izdvajanja superiornih genotipova, čijom preradom bi se dobio kvalitetniji krajnji proizvod sa pozitivnim dejstvom na ljudsko zdravlje. Ispitivani su sadržaj vitamina E, ukupna antioksidativna aktivnost, suva materija, i ukupni sadržaj šećera, kod svežih plodova, sušenih plodova (sušenje toplim vazduhom na 60 °C, do konačne vlage uzorka manje od 10%) i soka paradajza (pasterizacijom na 100 °C, u trajanju od 7 minuta). Izveden je komparativni ogled sa 7 genotipova, jedna komercijalna sorta (SP-109) i 6 selekcionisanih linija (SPP, SPSM, SPRZ, SPRM-20, S-60 I SPO) visokih generacija inbridinga. Termička obrada plodova paradajza (sušenjem na 60 °C) i pravljenjem soka dovodi do promene ukupnog sadržaja šećera i sadržaja ukupne suve materije. Ispitivanjem ukupne antioksidativne aktivnosti utvrđeno je da se ona gubi sušenjem u odnosu na svež plod, a sadržaj vitamina E se smanjio u soku koji je dobijen obradom na višim temperaturama (100 °C). Genotip SPRZ imao je najviše vrednosti za sadržaj vitamina E i ukupan antioksidativni kapacitet kako u svežem stanju tako i nakon primenjene obrade. Izborom superiornih genotipova i akumulacijom nutrijenata kroz oplemenjivačke programe, može se poboljšati kvalitet krajnjeg proizvoda i postići dobijanje prerađevina sa većim pozitivnim uticajem na zdravlje ljudi

    Brief implicit association test: Validity and utility in prediction of voting behavior

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    We employed the Brief Implicit Association Test (a recently developed short version of IAT) to measure implicit political attitudes toward four political parties running for Serbian parliament. To test its criterion validity, we measured voting intention and actual voting behavior. In addition, we introduced political involvement as a potential moderator of the BIAT’s predictive and incremental validity. The BIAT demonstrated good internal and predictive validity, but lacked incremental validity over self-report measures. Predictive power of the BIAT was moderated by political involvement - the BIAT scores were stronger predictors of voting intention and behavior among voters highly involved in politics. [Projekat Ministarstva nauke Republike Srbije, br. 179018

    Electrodeposition of iron powder particles of different characteristics

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    Iron deposits obtained at high current densities and overpotentials are very important from a technological point of view. It has been stated that the open and porous structures of copper or iron deposits obtained at high current densities were ideally suited for use as electrodes in electrochemical devices such as fuel cells, batteries and chemical sensors, while the extremely high surface area is relevant for evaluating some electrochemical reactions. Mainly two types of electrolytes were investigated and these were based on sulfate and chloride electrolytes. With increasing duration of electrolysis, dendrites merge, which is unacceptable for the case of further application. These deposits must be grinded in order to obtain powders. However, in the range of lower acidity the deposits become powdery and, in some cases, may be spongy and sticky. Generally, up to now research indicates that electrodeposition of Fe powders have two steps, deposition of fragile film and grinding. It must be emphasized that we tried and succeeded to obtain Fe powders without grinding process. The aim of this work was to investigate electrodeposition processes of Fe powders from sulfate and chloride electrolytes and morphologies of powder as a function of type of electrolyte and current density.Belgrade, Serbia, June 6-10, 201

    Electrodeposition of iron powder particles of different characteristics

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    Iron deposits obtained at high current densities and overpotentials are very important from a technological point of view. It has been stated that the open and porous structures of copper or iron deposits obtained at high current densities were ideally suited for use as electrodes in electrochemical devices such as fuel cells, batteries and chemical sensors, while the extremely high surface area is relevant for evaluating some electrochemical reactions. Mainly two types of electrolytes were investigated and these were based on sulfate and chloride electrolytes. With increasing duration of electrolysis, dendrites merge, which is unacceptable for the case of further application. These deposits must be grinded in order to obtain powders. However, in the range of lower acidity the deposits become powdery and, in some cases, may be spongy and sticky. Generally, up to now research indicates that electrodeposition of Fe powders have two steps, deposition of fragile film and grinding. It must be emphasized that we tried and succeeded to obtain Fe powders without grinding process. The aim of this work was to investigate electrodeposition processes of Fe powders from sulfate and chloride electrolytes and morphologies of powder as a function of type of electrolyte and current density.Belgrade, Serbia, June 6-10, 201