777 research outputs found

    LPDs – «Linked to penumbra» discharges or EEG correlate of excitotoxicity: A review based hypothesis

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    Periodic lateralized epileptiform discharges (PLEDs) or lateralized periodic discharges (LPDs) are a well-known variant of pathological EEG activity. However, the mechanisms underpinning the appearance of this pattern are not completely understood. The heterogeneity of the features derived from LPDs patterns, and the wide range of pathological conditions in which they occur, raise a question about the unifying mechanisms underlying these phenomena. This paper reassesses the current opinion surrounding LPDs which considers glutamate excitotoxicity to be the primary pathophysiological basis, and the penumbral region to be the main morphological substrate. Arguments in favour of this hypothesis are presented, with interpretations supported by evidence from recent literature involving clinical and experimental data. Presently, no single hypothesis places considerable emphasis on the pathochemical properties of LPDs, which are implicitly meaningful towards better understanding of the clinical significance of this pattern. © 2020 Elsevier B.V.This work was supported by the Russian Science Foundation [grant number 16-18-10371 ]


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    The research was conducted to assess the changes in the excess return of Ukrainian stock market (using the example of the representative stock index PFTS) on the informational content of such major non-monetary signals of the USA as “Consumer Price Index”, “Personal Spending”, “Unemployment Rate”, “Gross Domestic Product”, “Industrial Production”, “Consumer Confidence” and “Housing Starts” on the basis of daily data for 2000—2017 (number of observations — 4436). We used the toolkit of vector autoregressive modelling to determine the sources of Ukrainian stock index PFTS response to the US non-monetary information signals, which is based on the decomposition of changes in stock market excess return through the channels of economic transmission (“expected future dividends”, “real interest rate” and “risk premium”) and takes into account the unexpected values of the informational context of selected non-monetary signals. Target time series are stationary according to the KPSS and ADF criteria. The results show that four of the six selected non-monetary information signals of the USA do not have a significant effect on the response of endogenous variables of econometric model. The existence of significant direct influence of US non-monetary informational signals “Personal Spending” and “Consumer Confidence” on the response of the excess return of Ukrainian stock index PFTS has been established. It is substantiated that the actual and forecast state of the USA national economy is considered by the participants of the local stock markets, in particular in Ukraine, as one of the most important sources of macroeconomic information while making strategic and tactical investment decisions. Thus, the increasing importance of the component of “surprise” of such non-monetary information signals of the USA is considered as “positive” news for the domestic stock market by investors, which increases the excess return of the stock index PFTS.Проведено исследование по оценке изменений избыточной доходности украинского рынка акций (на примере репрезентативного фондового индекса PFTS) на информационное содержание немонетарных сигналов США на основе ежедневных данных за 2000—2017 гг. Использован инструментарий векторного авторегрессионного моделирования для определения источников реакции фондового индекса PFTS, основанный на декомпозиции изменений избыточной доходности рынка акций. Установлено наличие значительного прямого влияния немонетарных информационных сигналов США «Personal Spending» и «Consumer Confidence» на реакцию избыточной доходности фондового индекса PFTS. Таким образом, рост значения компоненты «неожиданность» по таким немонетарным информационным сигналам США рассматривается инвесторами как «позитивная» новость, которая увеличивает избыточную доходность фондового индекса PFTS.Проведено дослідження щодо оцінювання змін надлишкової доходності українського ринку акцій (на прикладі репрезентативного фондового індексу PFTS) на інформаційний зміст таких основних немонетарних сигналів США, як «Consumer Price Index», «Personal Spending», «Unemployment Rate», «Gross Domestic Product», «Industrial Production», «Consumer Confidence» та «Housing Starts» на основі щоденних даних за 2000—2017 рр. (кількість спостережень — 4 436). Використано інструментарій векторного авторегресійного моделювання для визначення джерел реакції українського фондового індексу PFTS на немонетарні інформаційні сигнали США, що ґрунтується на декомпозиції змін надлишкової дохідності ринку акцій через канали економічної трансмісії («очікувані майбутні дивіденди», «реальна відсоткова ставка» і «премія за ризик») та враховує неочікувані значення інформаційного контексту відібраних немонетарних сигналів. Цільові часові ряди є стаціонарними відповідно до критеріїв KPSS та ADF. Отримані результати свідчать, що чотири із шести відібраних немонетарних інформаційних сигналів США не мають суттєвого впливу на реакцію ендогенних змінних економетричної моделі. Установлено наявність значного прямого впливу немонетарних інформаційних сигналів США «Personal Spending» і «Consumer Confidence» на реакцію надлишкової дохідності українського фондового індексу PFTS. Обґрунтовано, що фактичний і прогнозний стани національної економіки США розглядається учасниками локальних ринків акцій, зокрема України, як одне з найважливіших джерел макроекономічної інформації при ухваленні стратегічних і тактичних інвестиційних рішень. Таким чином, зростання значення компоненти «несподіванки» за такими немонетарними інформаційними сигналами США розглядається інвесторами як «позитивна» новина для вітчизняного ринку акцій, яка збільшує надлишкову дохідність фондового індексу PFTS

    Concerning the Measures for Stabilization of Epidemiological Situation in the Territory of the Amur Region under Conditions of Emergency

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    A large-scale rainfall flooding in the territory of the Amur Region formed the foundation for dramatic aggravation of epidemiological situation, in that which concerns outbreaks of diarrheal disease, activation of epidemic processes associated with enteroviral infection and a number of natural-focal infectious diseases, as well as emergence of anthrax cases both among animals and humans. Basic anti-epidemic and preventive activities under emergency situation included: epidemiological monitoring over infectious and non-infectious morbidity among the population; microbiological and virusological laboratory surveillance of the ambient environment objects and water supply sources; sanitary-hygienic monitoring of the habitant living environment; immunization of the population depending on epidemiological indications; planning and implementation of disinfection, deratization, and disinsection procedures in the flood-stricken areas. Successful cooperation between the Rospotrebnadzor local agencies, Irkutsk Research Anti-Plague Institute SAET, regional health institutions and other organizations involved, in a challenging situation at the flooding site, made it possible to avoid serious epidemic complications among the population of the Amur Region

    Management of the Immunization among the Population of the Amur Region under Emergency Situation

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    Extended is the experience in management of immunization among the population based on epidemic indications under emergency situation associated with the large-scale flooding. Performance of non-specific prophylaxis in the period of flood relief, in particular mass immunization of the population against viral hepatitis A, typhoid fever, Sonne dysentery and flue, as well as carrying out preventive phage delivery to the most vulnerable strata of the citizenry along with other anti-epidemic and prophylactic activities have made it possible to hold the control over morbidity rate on the long-term average annual levels and avoid aggravation of epidemiological situation in the region

    Control of microimpurities emitted from polymer construction materials based on polyvinyl chloride

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    The aim of this article is to improve the degree control of microimpurities emitted from polymeric construction materials into the environment. It is proposed to do this through the modification of the physicochemical nature of the original (source) sorbent and, as a consequence, the improvement of the sorption capacity and the extraction ratio of highly volatile toxic substances. The proposed concentrator columns can be widely used in the analysis of microimpurities of polar organic substances released into the environment from polymeric construction materials based on polyvinyl chloride

    Control of microimpurities emitted from polymer construction materials based on polyvinyl chloride

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    The aim of this article is to improve the degree control of microimpurities emitted from polymeric construction materials into the environment. It is proposed to do this through the modification of the physicochemical nature of the original (source) sorbent and, as a consequence, the improvement of the sorption capacity and the extraction ratio of highly volatile toxic substances. The proposed concentrator columns can be widely used in the analysis of microimpurities of polar organic substances released into the environment from polymeric construction materials based on polyvinyl chloride

    High thiamine dose restores levels of specific astroglial proteins in rat brain astrocytes affected by chronic ethanol consumption

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    Long-term ethyl alcohol consumption induces a deficiency of essential nutrient thiamine (vitamin B1 ) and profoundly impairs metabolic processes in nervous tissue, resulting in structural and functional alterations in the central nervous system (CNS). This study was performed to evaluate protective effects of thiamine acute dose on the level of glial fibrillary acidic protein (GFAP), a sensitive marker of astroglia, and B1-related enzyme thiamine pyrophosphokinase (TPK) activity in brain of rats chronically exposed to ethanol. The rats were divided into three groups as follows: i) control group; ii) rats given 15% ethanol solution as drinking water for 9 months (EtOH group), iii) EtOH rats given thiamine per os in a dose of 2.0 mg/kg one day before experiment termination (n = 4 in each group). GFAP levels were analyzed in cerebellum, brain cortex and hippocampus by western blot and immunohistochemistry. Brain TPK activity was measured with the use of the yeast apopyruvate decarboxylase apoenzyme (apoPDC). Thiamine concentration in liver was estimated with the use of thiochrome method. It was demonstrated that GFAP content was dramatically reduced in all studied brain regions of EtOH-exposed rats (approximately by 60%, P < 0.05) compared with control rats indica­ting profound astroglial dysfunction. Thiamine treatment was shown to recover GFAP levels up to 80% vs. control value in the brain of EtOH-exposed rats (P < 0.05). Ethanol consumption resulted in 3.7-fold decrease in liver thiamine content and 1.4-fold decrease in brain TPK activity, as compared with control (P < 0.05). Thiamine treatment of EtOH-exposed rats significantly elevated B1 liver level, however, had no effect on brain TPK activity. Our data suggest that thiamine deficit can play an important role in alcohol-induced damage to brain astroglia. It is emerged that high-dose thiamine administration can represent effective treatment option against chronic effects of ethanol impact on brain structures