129 research outputs found


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    We present a review of the monograph written by a group of authors and edited by Professor Savilov E.D., Honored Scientist of the Russian Federation. The monograph is the first presenting consolidated data from collaborative work between the Research-and-Practice Center for Tuberculosis of the Sakha Republic (Yakutia) and Irkutsk Scientific Center for Problems of Family Health and Human Reproduction, shedding light on the aspects of tuberculosis control and prevention in Yakutia, a region with low population density, on the molecular genetic characteristics of M.tuberculosis circulating in the region, and its drug resistance profile. The monograph is intended to all professionals engaged in tuberculosis control

    Situación actual del empleo juvenil en la República de Sakha (Yakutia)

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    The relevance of this research is evident as the problems of the modern market economy and the financial system of the global world economy are highly pertinent to economic science. In the modern world, on its way to globalization, the ability to promptly adapt to the conditions of international competition is becoming instrumental for ensuring successful and sustainable development. The primary competitive advantage held by a highly developed country is related to the possibility of updating its human development index, which is largely determined by the state of its education system. Thus, this area is connected to the country’s sustainable economic growth over the medium and long terms; the employment of fresh graduates is a complex, relevant and multifaceted problem, since it affects almost all segments of society. Currently, in view of the rapidly evolving situation in the labor market, the threat of unemployment for recent graduates is becoming extremely acute. Today’s graduates replenish vulnerable social groups that are suffering from difficult life situations. The purpose of this study is to analyze the state of employment of university graduates, as exemplified by the employment of recent graduates, and to provide recommendations to assist in their recruitment. A combination of theoretical (analysis, generalization while establishing principles and patterns), organizational (comparison, longitudinal method) and empirical (sociological methods, observational methods, quantitative method of statistical processing of the collected data and interpretation method) methods was used in the research. As part of the study, knowledge regarding the primary factors affecting high school graduates’ employment is defined and systematized. The practical and theoretical significance of the study lies in the recommendations developed for promoting university graduates’ employment in the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia) [RS (Y)] based on the results obtained.La pertinencia de esta investigación es evidente, ya que los problemas de la economía de mercado moderna y el sistema financiero de la economía mundial global son muy pertinentes para la cienciaeconómica. En el mundo moderno, en su camino hacia la globalización, la capacidad de adaptarse rápidamente a las condiciones de la competencia internacional se está convirtiendo en un instrumento para asegurar un desarrollo exitoso y sostenible. La principal ventaja competitiva de un país altamente desarrollado está relacionada con la posibilidad de actualizar su índice de desarrollo humano, que viene determinado en gran medida por el estado de su sistema educativo. Así pues, esta esfera está relacionada con el crecimiento económico sostenible del país a mediano y largo plazo; el empleo de los recién graduados es un problema complejo, pertinente y polifacético, ya que afecta a casi todos los segmentos de la sociedad. Actualmente, en vista de la rápida evolución de la situación del mercado laboral, la amenaza del desempleo para los recién graduados se está agudizando enormemente. Los graduados de hoyen día reponen los grupos sociales vulnerables que están sufriendo situaciones de vida difíciles. El propósitode este estudio es analizar la situación de empleo de los graduados universitarios, como lo ejemplifica el empleo de los recién graduados, y proporcionar recomendaciones para ayudar en su contratación. En la investigación se utilizó una combinación de métodos teóricos (análisis, generalización al tiempo que se establecen principios y pautas), organizativos (comparación, método longitudinal) y empíricos (métodos sociológicos, métodos de observación, método cuantitativo de procesamiento estadístico de los datos reunidos y método de interpretación). Como parte del estudio, se definen y sistematizan los conocimientos relativos a los principales factores que afectan al empleo de los graduados de la enseñanza secundaria. La importancia práctica y teórica del estudio radica en las recomendaciones elaboradas para promover el empleo de los graduados universitarios en la República de Saja (Yakutia) [RS (Y)] sobre la base de los resultados obtenidos

    Current State of Youth Employment in the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia)

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    The relevance of this research is evident as the problems of the modern market economy and the financial system of the global world economy are highly pertinent to economic science. In the modern world, on its way to globalization, the ability to promptly adapt to the conditions of international competition is becoming instrumental for ensuring successful and sustainable development. The primary competitive advantage held by a highly developed country is related to the possibility of updating its human development index, which is largely determined by the state of its education system. Thus, this area is connected to the country’s sustainable economic growth over the medium and long terms; the employment of fresh graduates is a complex, relevant and multifaceted problem, since it affects almost all segments of society. Currently, in view of the rapidly evolving situation in the labor market, the threat of unemployment for recent graduates is becoming extremely acute. Today’s graduates replenish vulnerable social groups that are suffering from difficult life situations. The purpose of this study is to analyze the state of employment of university graduates, as exemplified by the employment of recent graduates, and to provide recommendations to assist in their recruitment. A combination of theoretical (analysis, generalization while establishing principles and patterns), organizational (comparison, longitudinal method) and empirical (sociological methods, observational methods, quantitative method of statistical processing of the collected data and interpretation method) methods was used in the research. As part of the study, knowledge regarding the primary factors affecting high school graduates’ employment is defined and systematized. The practical and theoretical significance of the study lies in the recommendations developed for promoting university graduates’ employment in the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia) [RS (Y)] based on the results obtained.The relevance of this research is evident as the problems of the modern market economy and the financial system of the global world economy are highly pertinent to economic science. In the modern world, on its way to globalization, the ability to promptly adapt to the conditions of international competition is becoming instrumental for ensuring successful and sustainable development. The primary competitive advantage held by a highly developed country is related to the possibility of updating its human development index, which is largely determined by the state of its education system. Thus, this area is connected to the country’s sustainable economic growth over the medium and long terms; the employment of fresh graduates is a complex, relevant and multifaceted problem, since it affects almost all segments of society. Currently, in view of the rapidly evolving situation in the labor market, the threat of unemployment for recent graduates is becoming extremely acute. Today’s graduates replenish vulnerable social groups that are suffering from difficult life situations. The purpose of this study is to analyze the state of employment of university graduates, as exemplified by the employment of recent graduates, and to provide recommendations to assist in their recruitment. A combination of theoretical (analysis, generalization while establishing principles and patterns), organizational (comparison, longitudinal method) and empirical (sociological methods, observational methods, quantitative method of statistical processing of the collected data and interpretation method) methods was used in the research. As part of the study, knowledge regarding the primary factors affecting high school graduates’ employment is defined and systematized. The practical and theoretical significance of the study lies in the recommendations developed for promoting university graduates’ employment in the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia) [RS (Y)] based on the results obtained

    Peculiarities of mercury content in the muscle tissue of fish of the Vologda Region

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    Mercury is one of the most dangerous toxicants for all living organisms, having a high degree of biomagnification. The determination of mercury concentration in different species of fish is important for evaluation of the state of aquatic ecosystems. The aim of research is study of peculiarities of mercury content in fish of the Sheksna Reservoir, the Sukhona River, Kubenskoye, Borovskoye and Svyatoye lakes. Mercury concentration in fish muscles of the Vologda Region varies from 0.0397 mg/kg to 1.167 mg/kg of wet mass. The highest average of mercury content is established in the muscle tissue of river bass (0.477±0.202), and the lowest average is in the muscle tissue of eastern bream (0.133±0.082). Mercury level does not exceed maximum permissible concentration of heavy metal and weekly norm, harmless for a person weighing 70 kg in most of examined specimens. Сomparison of mercury content in muscles of fish from surveyed water bodies showed a significant difference between river bass and most non-piscivorous species, as well as between individuals of river bass from Svyatoye and Borovskoye lakes. We also revealed a reliable correlation dependence of mercury content in the muscle tissue on mass and length of body for samples of river bass, northern pike and silver bream. Values of mercury concentration in the muscle tissue of river bass from Lake Kubenskoye and the Sheksna Reservoir vary in process of time

    Loss and recovery of androgen receptor protein expression in the adult rat testis following androgen withdrawal by ethane dimethanesulfonate.

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    Androgens are especially important for the maintenance of spermatogenesis in adulthood and the experimental withdrawal of testosterone (T) production by ethane dimenthanesulfonate (EDS) is a valuable tool for studying androgen-dependent events of spermatogenesis. The aim of the present study was to investigate the specific changes in immunoexpression of androgen receptor (AR) in the testis in relation to degeneration and regeneration of Leydig cell (LC) population and seminiferous epithelium. Immunohistochemistry for AR and 3beta-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase (3beta-HSD) as well as TUNEL assay for apoptosis were performed on testicular sections of control and EDS-treated rats. Serum LH and T levels were measured by RIA. Our results revealed a total loss of AR immunoexpression from the nuclei of Sertoli (SCs), LCs and peritubular cells during the first week after EDS administration and that coincided with severe drop in T levels. Two weeks after EDS administration, the AR expression was recovered in these cells but normal stage-specificity in SCs was replaced by uniform intensity of AR immunostaining at all the stages of the spermatogenic cycle. The stage-specific pattern of androgen expression in SCs with a maximum at stages VII-VIII appeared 5 weeks after treatment. LC immunoreactivity for 3beta-HSD at different time points after EDS administration correlated with values of T concentration. The maximal germ cell apoptosis on day 7 was followed by total loss of elongated spermatids 2 weeks after EDS treatment. Regeneration of seminiferous epithelium 3 weeks after EDS administration and onwards occurred in tandem with the development of new LC population indicated by the appearance of 3beta-HSD-positive cells and gradual increase in T production. The specific changes in AR after EDS including their loss and recovery in Sertoli cells paralleled with degenerative and regenerative events in Leydig and germ cell populations, confirming close functional relationship between Sertoli, Leydig and germ cells

    Assessment of physiological status of felids as indicator of their welfare in the wild

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    One of the main approaches to monitoring the welfare of wild mammal populations in the wild is animal health estimation based on an analysis of their physiological parameters. To assess that for the natural felid populations, we analyzed adrenal activity level, white blood cells (WBC) counts and occurrence of seropositive reactions to different diseases. The first study was conducted in the Southwest Primorye, in natural habitats of Far Eastern leopard. Unevenly cold and snowy winters in 2010 and 2011 provided extreme natural conditions for overwintering mammals across the Russian Far East. Adrenocortical activity of leopards was significantly higher in 2011 (fecal cortisol level was 712.7 ± 92.4  ng g-1) than in 2010 (361.4 ± 80.5 ng g-1). We suggest that abundance and availability of weakened deer and carcasses could facilitate hunting for leopards and help them to avoid starvation. In the second study we used WBC counts as a health index for three felid species: Pallas cat (Daursky State Nature Biosphere Reserve, 2010), Far Eastern leopard (Southwestern Prymorie, 2011), Siberian tiger (Ussuriskii Reserve, 2010-2011). The ratio of neutrophils to lymphocytes (N:L) was used as an indicator of stress and/or disease state. Occurrence of seropositive reactions to 12 different pathogens was analyzed in all the animals after the hematological analysis. Pallas cats had the lowest N:L ratio (1.0 ± 0.1), significantly differing from leopards (42.8 ± 16.0) and tigers (24.5 ± 9.2). The N:L ratio correlated with the occurrence of seropositive reactions but not with the pathogen diversity. Pallas cats had the lowest occurrence of positive reactions to 4 pathogens: Toxoplasma gondii (12.5%), Mycoplasma sp. (12.5%), influenza A (7.1%), and feline leukemia virus (8.3%). Leopards had the highest N:L and occurrence of seropositive reactions only to 2 infections: T. gondii (16.6%) and Candida sp. (100%). On the contrary, tigers had positive responses to 6 pathogens, including canine distemper (7.7%), feline immunodeficiency virus (8.3%) and Aujeszky’s disease (31%), which were not found in other cats. Values of N:L depended also on the time spent to get blood samples. In the big felid species effects of glucocorticoids on the WBC ratio (neutrophilia) were obtained in blood samples from anesthetized animals, taken more than 2 hours after capture. In Pallas cats blood samples were collected within 13 ± 2 min without anesthesia. Thus the high N:L ratio in big felids can be explained by several reasons: stress of capture, immunosuppression and a high diversity of detected infections. The present findings may have important implications for creation of effective conservation strategies of rare felid species in the wild

    Simultaneous down-regulation of tumor suppressor genes RBSP3/CTDSPL, NPRL2/G21 and RASSF1A in primary non-small cell lung cancer

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>The short arm of human chromosome 3 is involved in the development of many cancers including lung cancer. Three bona fide lung cancer tumor suppressor genes namely <it>RBSP3 </it>(AP20 region),<it>NPRL2 </it>and <it>RASSF1A </it>(LUCA region) were identified in the 3p21.3 region. We have shown previously that homozygous deletions in AP20 and LUCA sub-regions often occurred in the same tumor (P < 10<sup>-6</sup>).</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>We estimated the quantity of <it>RBSP3, NPRL2, RASSF1A, GAPDH, RPN1 </it>mRNA and <it>RBSP3 </it>DNA copy number in 59 primary non-small cell lung cancers, including 41 squamous cell and 18 adenocarcinomas by real-time reverse transcription-polymerase chain reaction based on TaqMan technology and relative quantification.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>We evaluated the relationship between mRNA level and clinicopathologic characteristics in non-small cell lung cancer. A significant expression decrease (≥2) was found for all three genes early in tumor development: in 85% of cases for <it>RBSP3</it>; 73% for <it>NPRL2 </it>and 67% for <it>RASSF1A </it>(P < 0.001), more strongly pronounced in squamous cell than in adenocarcinomas. Strong suppression of both, <it>NPRL2 </it>and <it>RBSP3 </it>was seen in 100% of cases already at Stage I of squamous cell carcinomas. Deregulation of <it>RASSF1A </it>correlated with tumor progression of squamous cell (P = 0.196) and adenocarcinomas (P < 0.05). Most likely, genetic and epigenetic mechanisms might be responsible for transcriptional inactivation of <it>RBSP3 </it>in non-small cell lung cancers as promoter methylation of <it>RBSP3 </it>according to NotI microarrays data was detected in 80% of squamous cell and in 38% of adenocarcinomas. With NotI microarrays we tested how often LUCA (<it>NPRL2, RASSF1A</it>) and AP20 (<it>RBSP3</it>) regions were deleted or methylated in the same tumor sample and found that this occured in 39% of all studied samples (P < 0.05).</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>Our data support the hypothesis that these TSG are involved in tumorigenesis of NSCLC. Both genetic and epigenetic mechanisms contribute to down-regulation of these three genes representing two tumor suppressor clusters in 3p21.3. Most importantly expression of <it>RBSP3, NPRL2 </it>and <it>RASSF1A </it>was simultaneously decreased in the same sample of primary NSCLC: in 39% of cases all these three genes showed reduced expression (P < 0.05).</p