394 research outputs found

    The stability of geodemographic cluster assignments over an intercensal period

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    A geodemographic classification provides a set of categorical summaries of the built and socio-economic characteristics of small geographic areas. Many classifications, including that developed in this paper, are created entirely from data extracted from a single decennial census of population. Such classifications are often criticised as becoming less useful over time because of the changing composition of small geographic areas. This paper presents a methodology for exploring the veracity of this assertion, by examining changes in UK census-based geodemographic indicators over time, as well as a substantive interpretation of the overall results. We present an innovative methodology that classifies both 2001 and 2011 census data inputs utilising a unified geography and set of attributes to create a classification that spans both census periods. Through this classification, we examine the temporal stability of the clusters and whether other secondary data sources and internal measures might usefully indicate local uncertainties in such a classification during an intercensal period

    Measuring the relativistic perigee advance with Satellite Laser Ranging

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    One of the most famous classical tests of General Relativity is the gravitoelectric secular advance of the pericenter of a test body in the gravitational field of a central mass. In this paper we explore the possibility of performing a measurement of the gravitoelectric pericenter advance in the gravitational field of the Earth by analyzing the laser-ranged data to some existing, or proposed, laser-ranged geodetic satellites. At the present level of knowledge of various error sources, the relative precision obtainable with the data from LAGEOS and LAGEOS II, suitably combined, is of the order of 10310^{\rm -3}. Nevertheless, these accuracies could sensibly be improved in the near future when the new data on the terrestrial gravitational field from the CHAMP and GRACE missions will be available. The use of the perigee of LARES (LAser RElativity Satellite), in the context of a suitable combination of orbital residuals including also LAGEOS II, should further raise the precision of the measurement. As a secondary outcome of the proposed experiment, with the so obtained value of \ppn and with \et=4\beta-\gamma-3 from Lunar Laser Ranging it could be possible to obtain an estimate of the PPN parameters γ\gamma and β\beta at the 10210310^{-2}-10^{-3} level.Comment: LaTex2e, 14 pages, no figures, 2 tables. To appear in Classical and Quantum Gravit

    Flysch deposition and preservation of coherent bedding in an accretionary complex: Detrital zircon ages from the Upper Cretaceous Valdez Group, Chugach terrane, Alaska

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    The Upper Cretaceous Valdez Group represents the flysch facies of the Mesozoic Chugach terrane accretionary complex in southern Alaska. The Valdez Group is dominated by litharenite sandstone and argillite deposited as coherent beds, unlike the older McHugh Complex mélange and massive sandstones. Detrital zircons from five sandstones sampled along an ~55 km transect through the Valdez Group were dated using U-Pb laser ablation-multicollector-inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry (LA-MC-ICP-MS). The youngest populations from the two oldest samples, located along strike from each other, were 82-81 Ma. Three samples across strike and outboard of the others are separated by ~50 km, but each has a youngest population dated at ca. 68 Ma. All of these samples have major grain population ages that suggest erosion from the Coast Mountains Batholith, consistent with petrography and grain modes suggesting an arc source. No apparent age gap exists between the youngest McHugh Complex samples and the oldest Valdez Group samples, suggesting continuous deposition despite the different depositional and tectonic style. We propose a model in which the onset of coherently bedded flysch marks the transition from deposition in the trench or trench slope to deposition on the oceanic plate beyond the trench after it was filled at ca. 84 Ma, i.e., the time of the youngest mélange sedimentation. Preservation of coherent bedding resulted as large coherent blocks of Valdez Group rocks were imbricated into the subduction complex during continued subduction in Paleogene time. © 2011 Geological Society of America

    An improved error assessment for the GEM-T1 gravitational model

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    Several tests were designed to determine the correct error variances for the GEM-T1 gravitational solution which was derived exclusively from satellite tracking data. The basic method employs both wholly independent and dependent subset data solutions and produces a full field coefficient by coefficient estimate of the model uncertainties. The GEM-T1 errors were further analyzed using a method based upon eigenvalue-eigenvector analysis which calibrates the entire covariance matrix. Dependent satellite and independent altimetric and surface gravity data sets, as well as independent satellite deep resonance information, confirm essentially the same error assessment

    A Modified DBSCAN Clustering Method to Estimate Retail Center Extent

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    This research introduces a new method for the identification of local retail agglomerations within Great Britain, implementing a modification of the established density based spatial clustering of applications with noise (DBSCAN) method that improves local sensitivity to variable point densities. The variability of retail unit density can be related to both the type and function of retail centers, but also to characteristics such as size and extent of urban areas, population distribution, or property values. The suggested method implements a sparse graph representation of the retail unit locations based on a distance‐constrained k‐nearest neighbor adjacency list that is subsequently decomposed using the Depth First Search algorithm. DBSCAN is iteratively applied to each subgraph to extract the clusters with point density closer to an overall density for each study area. This innovative approach has the advantage of adjusting the radius parameter of DBSCAN at the local scale, thus improving the clustering output. A comparison of the estimated retail clusters against a sample of existing boundaries of retail areas shows that the suggested methodology provides a simple yet accurate and flexible way to automate the process of identifying retail clusters of varying shapes and densities across large areas; and by extension, enables their automated update over time

    LAGEOS geodetic analysis-SL7.1

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    Laser ranging measurements to the LAGEOS satellite from 1976 through 1989 are related via geodetic and orbital theories to a variety of geodetic and geodynamic parameters. The SL7.1 analyses are explained of this data set including the estimation process for geodetic parameters such as Earth's gravitational constant (GM), those describing the Earth's elasticity properties (Love numbers), and the temporally varying geodetic parameters such as Earth's orientation (polar motion and Delta UT1) and tracking site horizontal tectonic motions. Descriptions of the reference systems, tectonic models, and adopted geodetic constants are provided; these are the framework within which the SL7.1 solution takes place. Estimates of temporal variations in non-conservative force parameters are included in these SL7.1 analyses as well as parameters describing the orbital states at monthly epochs. This information is useful in further refining models used to describe close-Earth satellite behavior. Estimates of intersite motions and individual tracking site motions computed through the network adjustment scheme are given. Tabulations of tracking site eccentricities, data summaries, estimated monthly orbital and force model parameters, polar motion, Earth rotation, and tracking station coordinate results are also provided

    An improved model of the Earth's gravitational field: GEM-T1

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    Goddard Earth Model T1 (GEM-T1), which was developed from an analysis of direct satellite tracking observations, is the first in a new series of such models. GEM-T1 is complete to degree and order 36. It was developed using consistent reference parameters and extensive earth and ocean tidal models. It was simultaneously solved for gravitational and tidal terms, earth orientation parameters, and the orbital parameters of 580 individual satellite arcs. The solution used only satellite tracking data acquired on 17 different satellites and is predominantly based upon the precise laser data taken by third generation systems. In all, 800,000 observations were used. A major improvement in field accuracy was obtained. For marine geodetic applications, long wavelength geoidal modeling is twice as good as in earlier satellite-only GEM models. Orbit determination accuracy has also been substantially advanced over a wide range of satellites that have been tested

    Gravitational model improvement at the Goddard Space Flight Center

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    Major new computations of terrestrial gravitational field models were performed by the Geodynamics Branch of Goddard Space Flight Center (GSFC). This development has incorporated the present state of the art results in satellite geodesy and have relied upon a more consistent set of reference constants than was heretofore utilized in GSFC's GEM models. The solutions are complete in spherical harmonic coefficients out to degree 50 for the gravity field parameters. These models include adjustment for a subset of 66 ocean tidal coefficients for the long wavelength components of 12 major ocean tides. This tidal adjustment was made in the presence of 550 other fixed ocean tidal terms representing 32 major and minor ocean tides and the Wahr frequency dependent solid earth tidal model. In addition 5-day averaged values for Earth rotation and polar motion were derived for the time period of 1980 onward. Two types of models were computed. These are satellite only models relying exclusively on tracking data and combination models which have incorporated satellite altimetry and surface gravity data. The satellite observational data base consists of over 1100 orbital arcs of data on 31 satellites. A large percentage of these observations were provided by third generation laser stations (less than 5 cm). A calibration of the model accuracy of the GEM-T2 satellite only solution indicated that it was a significant improvement over previous models based solely upon tracking data. The rms geoid error for this field is 110 cm to degree and order 36. This is a major advancement over GEM-T1 whose errors were estimated to be 160 cm. An error propagation using the covariances of the GEM-T2 model for the TOPEX radial orbit component indicates that the rms radial errors are expected to be 12 cm. The combination solution, PGS-3337, is a preliminary effort leading to the development of GEM-T3. PGS-3337 has incorporated global sets of surface gravity data and the Seasat altimetry to produce a model complete to (50,50). A solution for the dynamic ocean topography to degree and order 10 was included as part of this adjustment

    Coherence-based approaches for estimating the composition of the seismic wavefield

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    As new techniques exploiting the Earth's ambient seismic noise field are developed and applied, such as for the observation of temporal changes in seismic velocity structure, it is crucial to quantify the precision with which wave‐type measurements can be made. This work uses array data at the Homestake mine in Lead, South Dakota, and an array at Sweetwater, Texas, to consider two aspects that control this precision: the types of seismic wave contributing to the ambient noise field at microseism frequencies and the effect of array geometry. Both are quantified using measurements of wavefield coherence between stations in combination with Wiener filters. We find a strong seasonal change between body‐wave and surface‐wave content. Regarding the inclusion of underground stations, we quantify the lower limit to which the ambient noise field can be characterized and reproduced; the applications of the Wiener filters are about 4 times more successful in reproducing ambient noise waveforms when underground stations are included in the array, resulting in predictions of seismic time series with less than a 1% residual, and are ultimately limited by the geometry and aperture of the array, as well as by temporal variations in the seismic field. We discuss the implications of these results for the geophysics community performing ambient seismic noise studies, as well as for the cancellation of seismic Newtonian gravity noise in ground‐based, sub‐Hertz, gravitational‐wave detectors