7 research outputs found


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    Nepravilna i nesukladna uporaba pesticida najčešći je uzrok prisutnosti njihovih ostataka većih od dopuštenih. Ako se u/na tretiranim kulturama nađu ostatci veći od dopuštenih, potrebno je poduzeti niz mjera. Procjena rizika složen je proces baziran na znanstveno utemeljenim činjenicama i novim spoznajama i informacijama. Kako bi se utvrdilo postoji li akutni rizik za zdravlje potrošača konzumacijom proizvoda s utvrđenim ostatcima pesticida iznad MRO-a, potrebna je utvrđena vrijednost koncentracije pesticida, modeli prehrane koji uključuju podatke o konzumaciji određene vrste hrane, prehrambene navike određene populacijske skupine i toksikološki parametri (akutna referentna doza ‒ ARfD). Kao jedan od glavnih alata u procesu zaštite potrošača i stavljanja na tržište zdravstveno ispravne hrane na području EU-a uspostavljen je RASFF (engl. Rapid Alert System for Food and Feed) sustav u skladu s člankom 50. Uredbe (EZ) br. 178/2002 (Službeni list Europske unije, 2002.), a mjere za provedbu RASFF sustava propisane su Provedbenom uredbom Komisije (EU) 2019/1715. (Službeni list Europske unije, 2019.)Improper and non-compliant use of pesticides is the most common reason for the presence of residues greater than allowed. In the event that residues are found in/on the treated crops that are higher than allowed, a series of measures must be taken. Risk assessment is a complex process based on scientifically based facts and new knowledge and information. In order to determine whether there is an acute risk to the health of consumers by the consumption of products with detected pesticide residues above the MRO, a determined pesticide concentration value, dietary models that include data on the consumption of a certain type of food, dietary habits of a certain population group and toxicological parameters (acute reference dose - ARfD). The "RASFF" (Rapid Alert System for Food and Feed) system was established as one of the main tools in the process of consumer protection and marketing of healthy food in the EU in accordance with Article 50 of Regulation (EC) no. 178/2002, and the measures for the implementation of the RASFF system are prescribed by Commission Implementing Regulation (EU) 2019/1715

    Nitrites and nitrates as precursors of N-nitrosamines in canned liver patties

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    Nitriti i nitrati se koriste u proizvodnji mesnih prerađevina i imaju važnu ulogu ne samo kao konzervansi već i u formiranju karakteristične crvene boje i specifičnog okusa proizvoda od mesa te inhibiraju rast i razvoj patogene bakterije Clostridium botulinum. Nitrozamini su kancerogeni i toksični spojevi koji mogu nastati u mesu i mesnim proizvodima kao produkt reakcije nitrita s proteinima mesa nakon što se mesu ili mesnim proizvodima dodaju nitriti, odnosno nitrati kao konzervansi. Štetnost nitrozamina dokazana je u mnogim objavljenim znanstvenim radovima tijekom zadnjih 30.-ak godina te je stoga potrebna stalna sustavna kontrola na prisutnost N-nitrozamina, jer meso i mesni proizvodi kao glavni izvor proteina čine veliki udio u prehrani kako odrasle populacije tako i djece. U Republici Hrvatskoj se takva kontrola ne provodi, a isto tako u dosadašnjoj legislativi nisu propisane najviše dopuštene količine za te spojeve (NDK). Identifikacija i kvantifikacija natri-nitrita i natrij-nitrata rađena je kromatografskom tehnikom visokoučinkovite tekućinske kromatografije (engl. High Performance Liquid Chromatography-HPLC) s DAD detektorom serija 1200 (Agilent), dok su Nnitrozamini određeni praćenjem karakterističnih iona u vezanom sustavu plinske kromatografije i spektrometrije masa (GC-MS-SIM). Dobiveni rezultati kretali su se u rasponu od 0.0001 mg/kg - 0.0099 mg/kg.Nitrites and nitrates are used as curing agents in meat products and they are very important not only as preservatives, but also for color and flavor formation. They are growth inhibitors of Clostridium botulinum. N-nitrosamines are carcinogenic and toxic compounds that can occur in meat and meat products as the reaction product of nitrite with proteins of meat after the meat or meat products were added nitrites, and nitrates as preservatives. N-nitrosamines’ harm has been proved in many scientific papers published over the last 30-odd years, and therefore requires a constant systematic control of the presence of N-nitrosamines since meat and meat products as the main source of proteins form a large share of food to the adult population and children. In the Republic of Croatia, such control is not implemented, as well as in the previous legislation there was not prescribed a maximum allowable concentration (MAC). Identification and quantification of sodium nitrites and nitrates were done by High Performance Liquid Chromatography-HPLC with DAD detector series 1200 (Agilent). The presence of N-nitrosamines was determined by gas chromatography and mass spectrometry system (GC-MS-SIM). The obtained results were ranging from 0.0001 mg/kg to 0.0099 mg/kg

    Tracing development of N-nitrosamine content in food of animal origin

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    Nitrozamini su kancerogeni i toksični spojevi koji mogu nastati u mesu i mesnim proizvodima kao produkt reakcije nitrita s proteinima mesa nakon što se mesu ili mesnim proizvodima dodaju nitriti, odnosno nitrati kao konzervansi. Štetnost nitrozamina dokazana je u mnogim objavljenim znanstvenim radovima tijekom zadnjih 30.-ak godina te je stoga potrebna stalna sustavna kontrola na prisutnost N-nitrozamina, jer meso i mesni proizvodi kao glavni izvor proteina čine veliki udio u prehrani kako odrasle populacije tako i djece. U Republici Hrvatskoj se takva kontrola ne provodi, a isto tako u dosadašnjoj legislativi nisu propisane najviše dopuštene količine za te spojeve (NDK). Provedenim eksperimentalnim istraživanjem utvrđeno je da je temperatura skladištenja povezana sa razvojem N-nitrozamina u mesnim proizvodima. To osobito dolazi do izražaja ukoliko su proizvodi skladišteni na višim temperaturama, odnosno na sobnoj temperaturi i na temperaturi od 37°C kroz 5-10 dana.N-nitrosamines are carcinogenic and toxic compounds that can occur in meat and meat products as the reaction product of nitrite with proteins of meat after the meat or meat products are added nitrites, and nitrates as preservatives. N-nitrosamines harm has been proved in many scientific papers published over the last 30.-odd years, and therefore require constant systematic control of the presence of N-nitrosamines as meat and meat products as the main source of protein form a large share of food to the adult population and children. In the Republic of Croatia, such control is not implemented, as well as in the previous legislation is not prescribed maximal allowed concentration (MAC). Conducted experimental research found that the temperature of the storage associated with the development of N-nitrosamines in meat products. This especially comes into play if the products stored at higher temperatures or at room temperature and at a temperature of 37°C for 5-10 days

    Tracing development of N-nitrosamine content in food of animal origin

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    Nitrozamini su kancerogeni i toksični spojevi koji mogu nastati u mesu i mesnim proizvodima kao produkt reakcije nitrita s proteinima mesa nakon što se mesu ili mesnim proizvodima dodaju nitriti, odnosno nitrati kao konzervansi. Štetnost nitrozamina dokazana je u mnogim objavljenim znanstvenim radovima tijekom zadnjih 30.-ak godina te je stoga potrebna stalna sustavna kontrola na prisutnost N-nitrozamina, jer meso i mesni proizvodi kao glavni izvor proteina čine veliki udio u prehrani kako odrasle populacije tako i djece. U Republici Hrvatskoj se takva kontrola ne provodi, a isto tako u dosadašnjoj legislativi nisu propisane najviše dopuštene količine za te spojeve (NDK). Provedenim eksperimentalnim istraživanjem utvrđeno je da je temperatura skladištenja povezana sa razvojem N-nitrozamina u mesnim proizvodima. To osobito dolazi do izražaja ukoliko su proizvodi skladišteni na višim temperaturama, odnosno na sobnoj temperaturi i na temperaturi od 37°C kroz 5-10 dana.N-nitrosamines are carcinogenic and toxic compounds that can occur in meat and meat products as the reaction product of nitrite with proteins of meat after the meat or meat products are added nitrites, and nitrates as preservatives. N-nitrosamines harm has been proved in many scientific papers published over the last 30.-odd years, and therefore require constant systematic control of the presence of N-nitrosamines as meat and meat products as the main source of protein form a large share of food to the adult population and children. In the Republic of Croatia, such control is not implemented, as well as in the previous legislation is not prescribed maximal allowed concentration (MAC). Conducted experimental research found that the temperature of the storage associated with the development of N-nitrosamines in meat products. This especially comes into play if the products stored at higher temperatures or at room temperature and at a temperature of 37°C for 5-10 days

    The risk assessment of pesticide ingestion with fruit and vegetables for consumer\u27s health

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    Pesticides are chemicals used in agriculture to protect crops from pests. In addition to protection during cultivation, they are also used after harvesting to extend the shelf life of products. Postharvest control stands out, especially when it comes to products imported from distant countries, resulting in increased concentration of pesticides and risk to human health consuming such products. In this study, analyses of pesticide residues were performed on 200 samples of fruits and vegetables. Pesticide residues were identified and quantified in 30 out of 200 samples. Study results revealed imazalil to be the most frequently detected pesticide. Risk assessment was performed on the obtained results, and it was carried out separately for adults and for children under 6 years of age. Imazalil showed the highest ARfD percentage for adults (max% ARfD 251%), and these values were especially high on risk assessment for children, where they amounted up to max% ARfD 1087%. The study of imazalil impact was performed on 16 Swiss albino mice divided into two groups and 4 subgroups. Experimental group animals were treated with the corresponding NOAEL dose of imazalil (10 mg/kg) for 28 days. Body weight was measured before each pesticide application on a digital electronic Sartorius scale. Peripheral blood analysis was performed after 28-day animal exposure to pesticides. Animals were anesthetized, blood samples were obtained by cardiac puncture, and red blood cell (RBC) count, hemoglobin (Hb) concentration, and white blood cell (WBC) count were determined by standard hematological methods. The organs for determination of imazalil concentration were extracted immediately upon animal sacrifice and stored in a freezer at -80°C until analysis. Results show difference in gain weight, and an increase in WBC count was recorded in the experimental group as compared with a control group of animals. The highest imazalil levels were recorded in adipose tissue (45.2‰) which proves tendency to accumulate

    Prevalence, Knowledge and Attitudes Concerning Dietary Supplements among a Student Population in Croatia

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    The aim of this study was to determine the prevalence of usage and the knowledge and attitudes towards dietary supplements among medical sciences and nonmedical sciences students from Croatia. The study was conducted based on a questionnaire about dietary supplement usage, knowledge and attitudes. The prevalence of dietary supplement use, among 910 university students was 30.5%. The most-used dietary supplements were vitamins (18.0% in medical sciences students and 9.8% in non-medical sciences students). For all students, the internet (66.1%) was the most common source of information, followed by healthcare professionals (33.2%). The most common reason for taking dietary supplements was to maintain good health (26.4%). Use of the internet rather than health professionals as a trusted information source should be revised among this young population. Supplement intake was significantly associated with body mass index (BMI) (p = 0.016) and physical activity (p = 0.050). Students with normal BMI (61.5%) and the most physically active students (37.7%) took significantly more dietary supplements. Results of this study could help medicine faculties to improve their curriculum and support the development of public health messages aimed at wise and safe use of dietary supplements