5 research outputs found

    Wheat diseases and protection measured on Family farm Miljević in year 2017

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    Cilj rada je bio pratiti pojavu bolesti na pšenici na OPG Miljević (Privlaka) u 2016./2017. vegetacijskoj godini te odrediti mjere zaštite. Tijekom vegetacije uočena je vrlo slaba pojava lisnih bolesti i to pjegavosti lista (S. tritici) i pepelnice (B. graminis). U mliječnoj zriobi nije utvrđena pojava fuzarijske paleži klasova. Tretiranje fungicidima je obavljeno dva puta (jedna zaštita lista i jedna zaštita klasa). Nakon žetve utvrđeno je zdravstveno stanje zrna (4x100 zrna za svaku sortu) metodom izmrzavanja te je utvrđena dominantna prisutnost Alternaria sp. Također je utvrđena i sporadična pojava Fusarium vrsta te slaba do srednje jaka pojava saprofitnih vrsta iz rodova Penicillium i Aspergillus.The aim of this thesis was to monitor the occurence of wheat disease on Family farm Miljević (Privlaka) in 2016./2017. vegetation year and to determine the protection measures. During the vegetation it was noticed a slight appearance of leaf disease such as common leaf spots (S. tritici) and powdery mildew (B. graminis). In milk maturation the appearance of Fusarium head blight was not established. Treatment whit fungicides was performed twice (one time leaf protection and one time head protection). After the harvest, health status of the grains was determined (4 x 100 grains for each sort) by the deep freezing method and the dominant presence of Alternaria sp. was found. Also, there were found sporadic appearance of Fusarium species and weak to medium occurence of saprophytic species from the genera Penicilium and Aspergillus


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    Na Poljoprivrednom institutu Osijek u 2015. godini obavila se proizvodnja kukuruza na 20 hektara površine. Godina 2015. bi se mogla ocijeniti kao prosječna godina u pogledu oborina, dok je oscilacije temperatura, posebice tijekom VI. VII. i VIII, karakteriziraju kao iznadprosječno toplu godinu. Sam urod čistog zrna kukuruza iznosio je 3 047 kg/ha. Nepovoljne vremenske prilike, odnosno suša i visoke temperature nisu negativno utjecale na prinos zrna jer se tijekom 7. i 8. mjeseca obavljalo navodnjavanje usjeva. Kukuruz je biljka koja ima velike potrebe za vodom naročito oko metličanja, nedostatak vode u toj fazi dovodi do nepotpune oplodnje klipa, što se onda dalje odražava na manji prinos zrna. Voda dodana navodnjavanjem stabilizirala je temperaturu biljke i u tako teškim uvjetima omogućila uvjete koji su se kasnije odrazili zadovoljavajućim prinosom zrna.At the agriculture institute Osijek in 2015 there were carried out a production of corn on 20 hectares. Severe weather conditions that were held by drought and high temperatures are not adversely affected the grain yield, because during the 7th and 8th month performed irrigate crops. Corn is a plant that has a great need for water especially around tasseling, lack of water at this stage leads to complete fertilization piston, which is then further reflects the lower yield. Water added irrigation stabilize the temperature of the plant and in a such difficult conditions made conditions that were later reflected satisfactory on grain yield


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    Na Poljoprivrednom institutu Osijek u 2015. godini obavila se proizvodnja kukuruza na 20 hektara površine. Godina 2015. bi se mogla ocijeniti kao prosječna godina u pogledu oborina, dok je oscilacije temperatura, posebice tijekom VI. VII. i VIII, karakteriziraju kao iznadprosječno toplu godinu. Sam urod čistog zrna kukuruza iznosio je 3 047 kg/ha. Nepovoljne vremenske prilike, odnosno suša i visoke temperature nisu negativno utjecale na prinos zrna jer se tijekom 7. i 8. mjeseca obavljalo navodnjavanje usjeva. Kukuruz je biljka koja ima velike potrebe za vodom naročito oko metličanja, nedostatak vode u toj fazi dovodi do nepotpune oplodnje klipa, što se onda dalje odražava na manji prinos zrna. Voda dodana navodnjavanjem stabilizirala je temperaturu biljke i u tako teškim uvjetima omogućila uvjete koji su se kasnije odrazili zadovoljavajućim prinosom zrna.At the agriculture institute Osijek in 2015 there were carried out a production of corn on 20 hectares. Severe weather conditions that were held by drought and high temperatures are not adversely affected the grain yield, because during the 7th and 8th month performed irrigate crops. Corn is a plant that has a great need for water especially around tasseling, lack of water at this stage leads to complete fertilization piston, which is then further reflects the lower yield. Water added irrigation stabilize the temperature of the plant and in a such difficult conditions made conditions that were later reflected satisfactory on grain yield

    Wheat diseases and protection measured on Family farm Miljević in year 2017

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    Cilj rada je bio pratiti pojavu bolesti na pšenici na OPG Miljević (Privlaka) u 2016./2017. vegetacijskoj godini te odrediti mjere zaštite. Tijekom vegetacije uočena je vrlo slaba pojava lisnih bolesti i to pjegavosti lista (S. tritici) i pepelnice (B. graminis). U mliječnoj zriobi nije utvrđena pojava fuzarijske paleži klasova. Tretiranje fungicidima je obavljeno dva puta (jedna zaštita lista i jedna zaštita klasa). Nakon žetve utvrđeno je zdravstveno stanje zrna (4x100 zrna za svaku sortu) metodom izmrzavanja te je utvrđena dominantna prisutnost Alternaria sp. Također je utvrđena i sporadična pojava Fusarium vrsta te slaba do srednje jaka pojava saprofitnih vrsta iz rodova Penicillium i Aspergillus.The aim of this thesis was to monitor the occurence of wheat disease on Family farm Miljević (Privlaka) in 2016./2017. vegetation year and to determine the protection measures. During the vegetation it was noticed a slight appearance of leaf disease such as common leaf spots (S. tritici) and powdery mildew (B. graminis). In milk maturation the appearance of Fusarium head blight was not established. Treatment whit fungicides was performed twice (one time leaf protection and one time head protection). After the harvest, health status of the grains was determined (4 x 100 grains for each sort) by the deep freezing method and the dominant presence of Alternaria sp. was found. Also, there were found sporadic appearance of Fusarium species and weak to medium occurence of saprophytic species from the genera Penicilium and Aspergillus

    Wheat diseases and protection measured on Family farm Miljević in year 2017

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    Cilj rada je bio pratiti pojavu bolesti na pšenici na OPG Miljević (Privlaka) u 2016./2017. vegetacijskoj godini te odrediti mjere zaštite. Tijekom vegetacije uočena je vrlo slaba pojava lisnih bolesti i to pjegavosti lista (S. tritici) i pepelnice (B. graminis). U mliječnoj zriobi nije utvrđena pojava fuzarijske paleži klasova. Tretiranje fungicidima je obavljeno dva puta (jedna zaštita lista i jedna zaštita klasa). Nakon žetve utvrđeno je zdravstveno stanje zrna (4x100 zrna za svaku sortu) metodom izmrzavanja te je utvrđena dominantna prisutnost Alternaria sp. Također je utvrđena i sporadična pojava Fusarium vrsta te slaba do srednje jaka pojava saprofitnih vrsta iz rodova Penicillium i Aspergillus.The aim of this thesis was to monitor the occurence of wheat disease on Family farm Miljević (Privlaka) in 2016./2017. vegetation year and to determine the protection measures. During the vegetation it was noticed a slight appearance of leaf disease such as common leaf spots (S. tritici) and powdery mildew (B. graminis). In milk maturation the appearance of Fusarium head blight was not established. Treatment whit fungicides was performed twice (one time leaf protection and one time head protection). After the harvest, health status of the grains was determined (4 x 100 grains for each sort) by the deep freezing method and the dominant presence of Alternaria sp. was found. Also, there were found sporadic appearance of Fusarium species and weak to medium occurence of saprophytic species from the genera Penicilium and Aspergillus