49 research outputs found

    Quantum state engineering and reconstruction in cavity QED: An analytical approach

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    The models of a strongly-driven micromaser and a one-atom laser are developed. Their analytical solutions are obtained by means of phase space techniques. It is shown how to exploit the model of a one-atom laser for simultaneous generation and monitoring of the decoherence of the atom-field "Schrödinger cat" states. The similar machinery applied to the problem of the generation of the maximally-entangled states of two atoms placed inside an optical cavity permits its analytical solution. The steady-state solution of the problem exhibits a structure in which the two-atom maximally-entangled state correlates with the vacuum state of the cavity. As a consequence, it is demonstrated that the atomic maximally-entangled state, depending on a coupling regime, can be produced via a single or a sequence of no-photon measurements. The question of the implementation of a quantum memory device using a dispersive interaction between the collective internal ground state of an atomic ensemble and two orthogonal modes of a cavity is addressed. The problem of quantum state reconstruction in the context of cavity quantum electrodynamics is considered. The optimal operational definition of the Wigner function of a cavity field is worked out. It is based on the Fresnel transform of the atomic invertion of a probe atom. The general integral transformation for the Wigner function reconstruction of a particle in an arbitrary symmetric potential is derived

    Quantum Computing, Metrology, and Imaging

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    Information science is entering into a new era in which certain subtleties of quantum mechanics enables large enhancements in computational efficiency and communication security. Naturally, precise control of quantum systems required for the implementation of quantum information processing protocols implies potential breakthoughs in other sciences and technologies. We discuss recent developments in quantum control in optical systems and their applications in metrology and imaging.Comment: 11 pages, 6 figures; Proceedings of SPIE: Fluctuations and Noise in Photonics and Quantum Optics III (2005

    Strengthened Bell Inequalities for Entanglement Verification

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    Bell inequalities were meant to test quantum mechanics vs local hidden variable models, but can also be used to verify entanglement. For entanglement verification purposes one assumes the validity of quantum mechanics as well as quantum descriptions of one's measurements. With the help of these assumptions it is possible to derive a strengthened Bell inequality whose violation implies entanglement. We generalize known examples of such inequalities by relating the expectation value of the Bell operator to a particular quantitative measure of entanglement, namely the negativity. Moreover, we obtain statistics illustrating the fact that violating a given (strengthened or not) Bell inequality is a much more rare feat for a quantum state of two qubits than it is to be entangled.Comment: This submission, together with the previous one, supersedes arXiv:0806.416

    Generating the local oscillator "locally" in continuous-variable quantum key distribution based on coherent detection

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    Continuous-variable quantum key distribution (CV-QKD) protocols based on coherent detection have been studied extensively in both theory and experiment. In all the existing implementations of CV-QKD, both the quantum signal and the local oscillator (LO) are generated from the same laser and propagate through the insecure quantum channel. This arrangement may open security loopholes and also limit the potential applications of CV-QKD. In this paper, we propose and demonstrate a pilot-aided feedforward data recovery scheme which enables reliable coherent detection using a "locally" generated LO. Using two independent commercial laser sources and a spool of 25 km optical fiber, we construct a coherent communication system. The variance of the phase noise introduced by the proposed scheme is measured to be 0.04 (rad^2), which is small enough to enable secure key distribution. This technology also opens the door for other quantum communication protocols, such as the recently proposed measurement-device-independent (MDI) CV-QKD where independent light sources are employed by different users.Comment: 11 pages, 10 figure

    Hamiltonian Assignment for Open Quantum Systems

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    We investigate the problem of determining the Hamiltonian of a locally interacting open-quantum system. To do so, we construct model estimators based on inverting a set of stationary, or dynamical, Heisenberg-Langevin equations of motion which rely on a polynomial number of measurements and parameters. We validate our Hamiltonian assignment methods by numerically simulating one-dimensional XX-interacting spin chains coupled to thermal reservoirs. We study Hamiltonian learning in the presence of systematic noise and find that, in certain time dependent cases, the Hamiltonian estimator accuracy increases when relaxing the environment's physicality constraints.Comment: 5 pages, 3 figures, updated Fig 1 and reference

    Quantum description and properties of electrons emitted from pulsed nanotip electron sources

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    We present a quantum calculation of the electron degeneracy for electron sources. We explore quantum interference of electrons in the temporal and spatial domain and demonstrate how it can be utilized to characterize a pulsed electron source. We estimate effects of Coulomb repulsion on two-electron interference and show that currently available nano tip pulsed electron sources operate in the regime where the quantum nature of electrons can be made dominant

    Continuous Measurement of the Energy Eigenstates of a Nanomechanical Resonator without a Nondemolition Probe

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    We show that it is possible to perform a continuous measurement that continually projects a nanoresonator into its energy eigenstates by employing a linear coupling with a two-state system. This technique makes it possible to perform a measurement that exposes the quantum nature of the resonator by coupling it to a Cooper-pair box and a superconducting transmission line resonator