110 research outputs found

    Design of a network of cycling routes in the Kutná Hora district

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    Cycling is a dynamically expanding transport mode of today. At the same time, cycling is an alternative to individual car transport as well as to public transport. The basis of a good cycling infrastructure is a comprehensive network of safe cycling routes linking transport sources and destinations in the area. The partial objectives of the project are to evaluate the management of the existing cycle routes according to the way cyclists are guided and according to the surface of the individual route sections, as well as to determine the basic sources and destinations. The main objectives of the project are to design a network of bicycle routes with a focus on keeping them separate from motorized traffic and linking the identified resources and destinations, as well as determining thedifficulty of each newly proposed route

    Dynamic tests of the protective and security barrier system probar

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    The purpose of this paper is to present a series of dynamic tests for testing the protective and security barrier of the PROBAR system, developed by STRIX Chomutov, a.s., according to the PAS 68:2013 standard. The goal of the tests was to assess how the obstacle resist impacts and whether it can absorb the energy exerted on it. Verification of the mechanical properties of the device was performed in two types of impact configurations. Emphasis was placed on the behaviour of both the obstacle and the vehicle during the impact and in the short time interval after the collision. In terms of criteria for evaluating the impact tests, it can be stated that Test 2 exceeded the Theoretical Head Impact Velocity (THIV) criterion by 20 km h−1, while Test 1 did not exceed the limit value. However, all values for other criteria (ASI, PHD, HIC, 3ms) were within the specified limits, and the safety barrier met the required criteria which allows to be certificated

    Application of ontology/conceptual modelling in the context of risk identification at level crossings

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    This conference paper discusses a new analytical approach to the evaluation of traffic safety at the railway crossings. The new method is based on the use of ontological principles. The ontological tools present a comprehensive decision-making tool, will can be applied to any potential hazardous railway crossing on a road or rail network. The ontology can be considered as a knowledge base that not only stores the data itself, but also defines the relationships between these data, and can therefore be described as a clearly suitable tool for describing risks at level crossings

    The possibilities of utilising the skiddometer T2GO for forensic engineering

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    The aim of the paper is to verify the applicability of the T2GO skiddometer for measuring the coefficient of friction for forensic practice in accordance with the legislative framework of the Czech Republic. In the introduction, the article discusses the problem of friction coefficient measurement. The results of the comparison with dynamic measuring devices used in the Czech Republic and the determination of the mutual compliance rate with these devices, based on data obtained within the National Comparative Measurement Action, are presented. The article concludes with an interpretation and discussion of the results. In cases where no sufficient mutual compliance was found, an analysis and reasoning of these results is provided. Last but not least, based on the results, a procedure is proposed for future use of the T2GO skiddometer in practice within the legislative conditions of the Czech Republic

    Design of a network of cycling routes in the Kutná Hora district

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    Cycling is a dynamically expanding transport mode of today. At the same time, cycling is an alternative to individual car transport as well as to public transport. The basis of a good cycling infrastructure is a comprehensive network of safe cycling routes linking transport sources and destinations in the area. The partial objectives of the project are to evaluate the management of the existing cycle routes according to the way cyclists are guided and according to the surface of the individual route sections, as well as to determine the basic sources and destinations. The main objectives of the project are to design a network of bicycle routes with a focus on keeping them separate from motorized traffic and linking the identified resources and destinations, as well as determining the difficulty of each newly proposed route

    Impact of trees and forests on the Devonian landscape and weathering processes with implications to the global Earth's system properties – A critical review

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    Evolution of terrestrial plants, the first vascular plants, the first trees, and then whole forest ecosystems had far reaching consequences for Earth system dynamics. These innovations are considered important moments in the evolution of the atmosphere, biosphere, and oceans, even if the effects might have lagged by hundreds of thousands or millions of years. These fundamental changes in the Earth's history happened in the Paleozoic: from the Ordovician, the time of the first land plants, to the Carboniferous, dominated by forest ecosystems. The Devonian Plant Hypothesis (DPH) was the first concept to offer a full and logical explanation of the many environmental changes associated with the evolution of trees/forests that took place during this time period. The DPH highlighted the impact of deep-rooted vascular plants, particularly trees on weathering processes, pedogenesis, nutrient transport, CO2 cycling, organic and inorganic carbon deposition, and suggests further possible consequences on the marine realm (oceanic anoxia and extinction during the Late Devonian). Here we attempt to combine the DPH and the related expansion in biodiversity, the Devonian Plant Explosion (DePE), with the Biogeomorphic Ecosystem Engineering (BEE) concept. This idea connects tree growth and activity with initiation and/or alteration of geomorphic processes, and therefore the creation or deterioration of geomorphic landforms. We focus on trees and forest ecosystems, as the assumed dominant driver of plant-initiated change. We find that whereas there is a broad evidence of trees as important biogeomorphic ecosystem engineers, addressing the DPH is difficult due to limited, difficult to interpret, or controversial data. However, we argue the concept of BEE does shed new light on DPH and suggest new data sources that should be able to answer our main question: were Devonian trees Biogeomorphic Ecosystem engineers

    The possibilities of utilising the skiddometer T2GO for forensic engineering

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    The aim of the paper is to verify the applicability of the T2GO skiddometer for measuring the coefficient of friction for forensic practice in accordance with the legislative framework of the Czech Republic. In the introduction, the article discusses the problem of friction coefficient measurement. The results of the comparison with dynamic measuring devices used in the Czech Republic and the determination of the mutual compliance rate with these devices, based on data obtained within the National Comparative Measurement Action, are presented. The article concludes with an interpretation and discussion of the results. In cases where no sufficient mutual compliance was found, an analysis and reasoning of these results is provided. Last but not least, based on the results, a procedure is proposed for future use of the T2GO skiddometer in practice within the legislative conditions of the Czech Republic

    Verifying multi-partite mode entanglement of W states

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    We construct a method for verifying mode entanglement of N-mode W states. The ideal W state contains exactly one excitation symmetrically shared between N modes, but our method takes the existence of higher numbers of excitations into account, as well as the vacuum state and other deviations from the ideal state. Moreover, our method distinguishes between full N-party entanglement and states with M-party entanglement with M<N, including mixtures of the latter. We specialize to the case N=4 for illustrative purposes. In the optical case, where excitations are photons, our method can be implemented using linear optics.Comment: 11 pages, 12 figure

    Dynamic tests of the protective and security barrier system probar

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    The purpose of this paper is to present a series of dynamic tests for testing the protective and security barrier of the PROBAR system, developed by STRIX Chomutov, a.s., according to the PAS 68:2013 standard. The goal of the tests was to assess how the obstacle resist impacts and whether it can absorb the energy exerted on it. Verification of the mechanical properties of the device was performed in two types of impact configurations. Emphasis was placed on the behaviour of both the obstacle and the vehicle during the impact and in the short time interval after the collision. In terms of criteria for evaluating the impact tests, it can be stated that Test 2 exceeded the Theoretical Head Impact Velocity (THIV) criterion by 20 km h−1, while Test 1 did not exceed the limit value. However, all values for other criteria (ASI, PHD, HIC, 3ms) were within the specified limits, and the safety barrier met the required criteria which allows to be certificated

    Transformace obsahu ve třídě: vliv detailů výuky na žákovské porozumění struktuře vědecké znalosti

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    Cílem studie je v kontextu historického vývoje didaktiky analyticky vysvětlit teoretický konstrukt transformace obsahu včetně struktury jeho podpojmů, zdůvodnit jeho operacionalizaci pro výzkum vztahů mezi vyučováním a učením prostřednictvím sémanticko-logických sítí (S-L sítí) a demonstrovat aplikační potenciál tohoto přístupu replikací ve výuce fyziky, geografie a matematiky. Cílem výzkumu bylo popsat a vysvětlit důvody, které způsobily potíže žáků v porozumění vědeckým schématům během transformací obsahu ve třídě. Metody: Pro analýzu vztahů mezi vyučováním a učením prostřednictvím vzdělávacího obsahu byla použita modifikovaná metodika 3A rozšířená o kognitivní vrstvu. Metodologickým východiskem analýzy je komparace S-L sítí tří základních dimenzí obsahové transformace: vědecké schéma, tematizace vědeckého obsahu ve vzdělávacím prostředí a reprezentace mentálních schémat žáků při řešení problémů. Výsledky: Teoretické konstrukty a jejich metodologická operacionalizace byly ověřeny replikací ve vzdělávacích oborech fyzika, geografie a matematika. V každém z těchto oborů umožnily vysvětlovat vliv detailů výuky na změny ve struktuře žákovské znalosti s ohledem na specifický obsah daného oboru. Závěry: Prokázalo se, že i detailní momenty S-L struktury, v praxi obtížně zachytitelné, mohou mít silný vliv na žákovské porozumění struktuře vědecké znalosti. Přitom byly úspěšně replikovány teoretické a metodologické konstrukty. Získané poznatky mohou sloužit k bezprostřední podpoře vzdělávací praxe v příslušných oblastech učiva