49 research outputs found

    Pump design

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    V bakalářské práci jsou obsaženy základní informace o rozdělení hydrostatických čerpadel. V prvním bodě práce bude uvedeno nejzákladnější dělení čerpadel a to na čerpadla hydrostatická a hydrodynamická. V čem se liší a hlavní kriteria jejich rozdělení. Podle tohoto dělení jsou pak dále uvedeny základní konstrukční provedení hydrostatických čerpadel. U každého typy čerpadla budou uvedeny jejich výhody a nevýhody, dále pak jejich princip činnosti a použitelnost pro praxi a to vše bude doplněno jednoduchým schématem nebo obrázkem čerpadel. Dále budou popsány jednotlivé charakteristické části jejich konstrukce doplněné jejich rozborem. Na závěr práce budou uvedeny základní početní vztahy pro charakteristické veličiny čerpadel a jejich vzájemná závislost bude popsána diagramy.In this bachelor’s thesis are including basic information about dividing hydrostatic pump. In the first chapter of thesis will be introduced the basic dividing pumps namely on pump hydrostatic and hydrodynamic. Accordance with this dividing will be next introduced basic construction design of hydrostatic pump. With each one type of pump will be introduced their advantages and disadvantages, then also their description of function and their using in practice and all this will be eked with simple scheme or with picture of pumps. Next will be described individual characteristic parts of their construction. In the conclusion will be introduced basic numerical relations for characteristic value of pump and their interdependence will be described with diagrams.

    Study of diaphragm pump with linear motor

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    Diplomová práce je zaměřena na konstrukční návrh membránového čerpadla s lineárním motorem. Toto čerpadlo by mělo být použito v lékařství pro čerpání krve nebo jako náhrada srdce. V prvních bodech práce jsou uvedena základní fakta, která se týkají srdce a náhrad srdce. V dalších kapitolách jsou popsány druhy membránových čerpadel a dále také konstrukční způsoby upnutí jejich membrán. Jsou zde odvozeny základní výpočetní vztahy popisující chování čerpadla a určeny jeho základní parametry. Součástí práce je také popis konstrukce tělesa čerpadla, které předtím než je vyrobeno, je ještě podrobeno optimalizaci pracovní komory pomocí CFD výpočtu. Posledním bodem práce je vyhodnocení měření vyrobeného modelu čerpadla.The diploma thesis is aimed at the constructional design of diaphragm pumps with a linear motor. This pump is supposed to be used in medicine for pumping the blood or as an artificial heart. The basic facts, which are focused on the function of the heart and artificial heart, are mentioned in the first parts of the thesis. The next parts describe the diaphragm pumps and the constructional ways of their diaphragm fixation. Furthermore, the basic calculations, describing the function of the pump, are derived there. The basic parameters of the pump are also calculated. The thesis also contains the description of the body pump construction, whose working room is optimized by CFD calculation before the pump is manufactured. The final part of the thesis is concentrated on the measurement evaluation of produced pump model.

    Use of Sensory Analysis of Beer in Marketing

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    When developing new food products, or when trying to improve their existing competitive position in the market it is necessary to determine how consumers perceive their quality. That is the purpose of so-called consumer evaluation of product quality, one of its most important methods being sensory analysis. We review the basic survey of sensory tests suitable for evaluation of beer, i.e. acceptance testing, the method of verbal description, differential and preference tests. Practical examples are given, with detailed procedure and calculation. Also more complex procedures are mentioned which are suitable for marketing rating of products, such as QDA (quantitative descriptive analysis) and PM (preference mapping). We can conclude that the funds invested into the marketing analysis using properly selected and evaluated trials manufacturers will bring relevant consumer views of the product under consideration, which has a positive effect in the reduction of production costs

    Determination of Sugars and Saccharides in Beer

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    The concentration of total saccharides including polyols and sugars belongs to one of the main values of basic nutrition labelling information of food as well as beer. The article informs about the method of these compounds, describes its chemical and analytical principles, validation parameters and clearly explains how the method is applied in the beer analysis

    Influence of the Driving Medium on the Gas Content in Beer and on Beer Sensorics

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    The choice of technology used for keg beer tapping has a considerable influence on his final taste and quality. The presence of oxygen has a substantial impact, causing rapid oxidative changes in draft beer that result in rapid aging, and the beer will acquire characteristic oxidative aroma and taste. When using inert driving gas, this phenomenon is suppressed but, as demonstrated in the present pilot study, the composition of the driving gas has an impact on the sensory profile of beer. The results show that the optimal ratio of nitrogen and carbon dioxide in the driving medium cannot be strictly determined since various kinds of beer and different speeds of draft require a different composition of driving media

    Rapid and Simultaneous Analysis of Qualitative Parameters of Beer by FT-NIR Spectroscopy

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    Calibration models were developed for simultaneous analysis of alcohol, real extract, energy value, total saccharides and other features in beer using Fourier-transform near-infrared (FT-NIR) spectroscopy. The recorded FT-NIR spectra were correlated to the analytical data of reference methods by means of the multivariate PLS algorithm. Two groups of test beers were made from barley from two consecutive harvests. A calibration model for FT-NIR was set up using data from reference methods and was selected by means of the error of calibration (RMSEC), cross-validation (RMSECV), and the root-mean-square-error of prediction (RMSEP). It was found that calibration models for energy value, alcohol, real extract and the content of saccharides are stable and reliable. The long-term effect of calibration was evaluated by comparing external validation parameters, expressed as RMSEPex

    Methods of Evaluating of Sensory Assessors – Part 1

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    The precission and repeatability of sensory analysis is infl uenced by a number of physiological, psychological and genetic factors. These can be largely eliminated by appropriate selection of the assessors through their regular evaluation. Therefore, assays have been developed to defi ne the divergence of assessor ratings from the rest of the tasting committee. This makes it possible to recognize the area that needs to be focused on in the training of assessors. The article presents specific examples of calculations to determine the degree of conformity among assessors using the ANOVA method and other statistical methods

    Sensory Beer Aging

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    A sensory aging of beer occurs during the beer transport to a customer and its storage; this is due to irreversible chemical processes and is manifested by adverse change in the organoleptic character of the beer. Sensory beer aging results in the evolution of the old flavor of the beer, which is a combination of many foreign fl avors and fragrances. The development of substances responsible for these sensory changes (especially carbonyl compounds) can be affected by storage, particularly by access to oxygen, light, vibrations, and temperature of storage. In our study we selected carbonyl compounds which can be regarded as indicators of aging of Czech lager, including 2-methylpropanal, 2-methylbutanal, 3-methylbutanal, furfural and phenylacetaldehyde. We obtained temporal profi les of their evolution under various conditions of storage and the correlation with the development of the old beer fl avor. The time dependences so obtained provided an interesting fact, namely that the product of Maillard reactions during beer aging exhibits a linear increase and the product of Strecker degradation of amino acids show a nonlinear dependence on the length of aging. These findings will be used to create chemico-statistical methods for determining the degree of sensory impairment of beer. The method will be used also for backward determination of storage conditions and even of beer sensorially damaged due to improper storage conditions

    Pump design

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    In this bachelor’s thesis are including basic information about dividing hydrostatic pump. In the first chapter of thesis will be introduced the basic dividing pumps namely on pump hydrostatic and hydrodynamic. Accordance with this dividing will be next introduced basic construction design of hydrostatic pump. With each one type of pump will be introduced their advantages and disadvantages, then also their description of function and their using in practice and all this will be eked with simple scheme or with picture of pumps. Next will be described individual characteristic parts of their construction. In the conclusion will be introduced basic numerical relations for characteristic value of pump and their interdependence will be described with diagrams

    A pilot validation of Hofstede's original 4 dimensional cultural model and its marketing implications from the perspective of the Czech Republic, Slovakia and Poland

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    The research hopes to provide a deeper understanding of the leading countries in the Central Eastern Europe (CEE) region from a culture sensitive marketing perspective. The aim of this work is to provide a pilot study upon which more critical national culture studies are to be introduced.The purpose of this dissertation is four-fold: 1) To discuss the proper methodology for the research; 2) to replicate the original study in order to suggest the values for the Czech Republic, Poland and Slovakia; 3) to introduce the marketing application theoretical framework for the original study, and 4) to translate the results to marketing scholars and practitioners