12 research outputs found

    Homocysteine and MTHFR and VEGF gene polymorphisms: impact on coronary artery disease

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    BACKGROUND: Polymorphisms in genes involved in the atherosclerosis development, angiogenesis, and homocysteine (Hcy) metabolism could be risk factors for coronary artery disease (CAD). OBJECTIVE: To evaluate the effect of the VEGF C-2578A and MTHFR C677T polymorphisms on CAD, and the association of these polymorphisms with the severity and extension of atherosclerotic lesions and Hcy concentrations. METHODS: Two hundred and forty-four subjects were evaluated by coronary angiography and included in the study (145 with CAD and 99 controls). The VEGF C-2578A and MTHFR C677T polymorphisms were investigated by the PCR-SSCP and PCR-RFLP techniques, respectively. Plasma Hcy was quantified by liquid chromatography/sequential mass spectrometry (LC-MS/MS). RESULTS: There was no significant difference in allele and genotype distribution between the groups, for both polymorphisms. The univariate analysis showed a higher frequency of the VEGF -2578AA genotype in the group with three-vessel disease (p=0.044). In addition, the VEGF -2578CA genotype was observed more frequently among individuals with <95% stenosis (p=0.010). After adjustment for other risk factors for CAD in a multivariate model, the VEGF C-2578A polymorphism was not found to be an independent correlate of CAD (p=0.688). The MTHFR polymorphism did not show any association with the extension and/or severity of the CAD. The MTHFR C677T polymorphism showed no direct association with hyperhomocysteinemia or increased mean plasma concentrations of Hcy. CONCLUSION: Although there is an apparent association between VEGF C-2578A and the development of coronary atherosclerosis, this association is not independent of conventional cardiovascular risk factors.FUNDAMENTO: Polimorfismos em genes relacionados ao desenvolvimento da aterosclerose, angiogênese e metabolismo da homocisteína (Hcy) podem ser fatores de risco para a doença arterial coronariana (DAC). OBJETIVO: Avaliar o efeito dos polimorfismos VEGF C-2578A e MTHFR C677T na DAC e a associação desses polimorfismos com a gravidade e a extensão das lesões ateroscleróticas e concentrações de Hcy. MÉTODOS: 244 indivíduos foram avaliados através de angiografia coronariana e incluídos no estudo (145 com DAC e 99 indivíduos-controle). Os polimorfismos VEGF C-2578A e MTHFR C677T foram investigados através das técnicas de PCR-SSCP e PCR-RFLP, respectivamente. Os níveis de homocisteína plasmática foram mensurados através de cromatografia líquida/espectrometria de massa seqüencial (CL/EMS). RESULTADOS: Não houve diferença significante em relação à distribuição de alelos e genótipos entre os grupos, para ambos os polimorfismos. A análise univariada mostrou uma freqüência maior do genótipo VEGF -2578AA no grupo com doença em três vasos (p=0,044). Além disso, o genótipo VEGF -2578CA foi observado mais freqüentemente entre indivíduos com <95% de estenose (p=0,010). Após ajuste para outros fatores de risco para DAC em um modelo multivariado, observou-se que o polimorfismo VEGF C-2578A não era um correlato independente da DAC (p=0,688). O polimorfismo MTHFR não mostrou qualquer relação com a extensão e/ou gravidade da DAC. O polimorfismo MTHFR C677T não mostrou uma associação direta com hiperhomocisteinemia ou aumento das concentrações médias de Hcy no plasma. CONCLUSÃO: Embora haja uma aparente associação entre o polimorfismo VEGF C-2578A e o desenvolvimento de aterosclerose coronariana, essa associação não é independente dos fatores de risco cardiovasculares convencionais.FUNDAMENTO: Polimorfismos en genes relacionados al desarrollo de la aterosclerosis, la angiogénesis y el metabolismo de la homocisteína (Hcy) pueden ser factores de riesgo para la enfermedad arterial coronaria (EAC). OBJETIVO: Evaluar el efecto de los polimorfismos VEGF C-2578A y MTHFR C677T en la EAC y la asociación de esos polimorfismos con la severidad y la extensión de las lesiones ateroscleróticas y concentraciones de Hcy. MÉTODOS: Se evaluaron a 244 individuos por medio de angiografía coronaria y se les incluyeron en el estudio (145 con EAC y 99 individuos-control). Los polimorfismos VEGF C-2578A y MTHFR C677T se investigaron mediante las técnicas de PCR-SSCP y PCR-RFLP, respectivamente. Se midieron los niveles de homocisteína plasmática por medio de cromatografía líquida/espectrometría de masa secuencial (CL/EMS). RESULTADOS: No hubo diferencia significante en relación con la distribución de alelos y genotipos entre los grupos, para ambos polimorfismos. El análisis univariado reveló una frecuencia mayor del genotipo VEGF-2578AA en el grupo con enfermedad en tres vasos (P=0,044). Además de ello, se observó el genotipo VEGF-2578CA con más frecuencia entre individuos con <95% de estenosis (p=0,010). Tras ajuste para otros factores de riesgo para EAC en un modelo multivariado, se evidenció que el polimorfismo VEGF C-2578A no era un correlato independiente de la EAC (p=0,688). El polimorfismo MTHFR no mostró cualquier relación con la extensión y/o severidad de la EAC. El polimorfismo MTHFR C677T no evidenció una asociación directa con hiperhomocisteinemia o aumento de las concentraciones promedio de Hcy en el plasma. CONCLUSIÓN: Si bien existe una aparente asociación entre el polimorfismo VEGF C-2578A y el desarrollo de aterosclerosis coronaria, esa asociación no es independiente de los factores de riesgo cardiovasculares convencionales.263268Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq

    Genetic polymorphisms modulate the folate metabolism of Brazilian individuals with Down syndrome

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    Individuals with Down syndrome (DS) carry three copies of the Cystathionine beta-synthase (C beta S) gene. The increase in the dosage of this gene results in an altered profile of metabolites involved in the folate pathway, including reduced homocysteine (Hcy), methionine, S-adenosylhomocysteine (SAH) and S-adenosylmethionine (SAM). Furthermore, previous studies in individuals with DS have shown that genetic variants in genes involved in the folate pathway influence the concentrations of this metabolism's products. The purpose of this study is to investigate whether polymorphisms in genes involved in folate metabolism affect the plasma concentrations of Hcy and methylmalonic acid (MMA) along with the concentration of serum folate in individuals with DS. Twelve genetic polymorphisms were investigated in 90 individuals with DS (median age 1.29 years, range 0.07-30.35 years; 49 male and 41 female). Genotyping for the polymorphisms was performed either by polymerase chain reaction (PCR) based techniques or by direct sequencing. Plasma concentrations of Hcy and MMA were measured by liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry as previously described, and serum folate was quantified using a competitive immunoassay. Our results indicate that the MTHFR C677T, MTR A2756G, TC2 C776G and BHMT G742A polymorphisms along with MMA concentration are predictors of Hcy concentration. They also show that age and Hcy concentration are predictors of MMA concentration. These findings could help to understand how genetic variation impacts folate metabolism and what metabolic consequences these variants have in individuals with trisomy 21.Fundacao de Amparo a Pesquisa do Estado de Sao Paulo (FAPESP) [04/15944-5, 03/09931-5]Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Cientifico e Tecnologico (CNPq) [302157/2008-5]Coordenacao de Aperfeicoamento de Pessoal de Nivel Superior (CAPES) [CGPP 046/2006

    p53 gene analysis in childhood B non - Hodgkin's lymphoma

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    CONTEXTO: Alterações do gene supressor de tumor p53, como mutações e deleções, são lesões genéticas encontradas com maior freqüência nas neoplasias humanas, incluindo câncer de mama, pulmão e cólon. Entre as malignidades hematológicas, o gene 53 é freqüentemente mutado no linfoma de Burkitt, sendo detectadas mutações em 30-40% das amostras tumorais e em 70% das linhagens celulares. OBJETIVO: Analisar as alterações do gene p53 em crianças com linfoma não-Hodgkin de origem B. TIPO DE ESTUDO: Estudo descritivo. LOCAL: Centro de Oncologia Terciário. PARTICIPANTES: O estudo analisou 12 pacientes com linfoma não-Hodgkin B classificados como linfoma de Burkitt. A análise de possíveis mutações do gene p53 foi realizada pela técnica de PCR-SSCP dos exons 5, 6 ,7 e 8/9 do gene. RESULTADOS: Um padrão anormal de migração foi observado em quatro pacientes (33.3%), em um paciente no exon 6 e em três no exon 7. Os casos positivos incluíam dois pacientes que evoluíram para o óbito por progressão da doença. CONCLUSÃO: Esses resultados preliminares sugerem que as alterações do gene p53 são freqüentes em crianças com linfoma de Burkitt e podem contribuir para patogênese ou progressão da doença.CONTEXT: Mutations or deletions in the tumor-suppressor gene p53 are among the commonest genetic changes found in human neoplasms including breast, lung and bowel cancers. In hematological malignancies, p53 is most often mutated in Burkitt's lymphoma, with p53 mutations present in 30 to 40% of tumor samples and in 70% of cell lines. OBJECTIVE: To analyze the p53 gene alterations in child patients with B non-Hodgkin's lymphoma. DESIGN: Descriptive study. SETTING: Tertiary oncology care center. PARTICIPANTS: The study investigated 12 patients with childhood B non-Hodgkin's lymphoma (Burkitt's lymphoma). Screening for p53 mutations was done by polymerase chain reaction - single strand conformational polymorphism (PCR-SSCP) analysis of exon 5 to 8/9 of the gene. RESULTS: Abnormal polymerase chain reaction - single strand conformational polymorphism migration pattern was observed in 4 patients (33.3%), one on exon 6 and three on exon 7. Positive cases included 2 patients who died from disease. CONCLUSION: These preliminary results suggest that p53 mutations are quite frequent in children with Burkitt's lymphoma and may play a role in lymphoma genesis or disease progression

    Altered expression of immune-related genes in children with Down syndrome.

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    Individuals with Down syndrome (DS) have a high incidence of immunological alterations with increased susceptibility to bacterial and viral infections and high frequency of different types of hematologic malignancies and autoimmune disorders. In the current study, we profiled the expression pattern of 92 immune-related genes in peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMCs) of two different groups, children with DS and control children, to identify differentially expressed genes that might be of pathogenetic importance for the development and phenotype of the immunological alterations observed in individuals with DS. PBMCs samples were obtained from six DS individuals with karyotypically confirmed full trisomy 21 and six healthy control individuals (ages 2-6 years). Gene expression was profiled in duplicate according to the manufacturer's instructions provided by commercially available TaqMan Human Immune Array representing 92 immune function genes and four reference genes on a 96-plex gene card. A set of 17 differentially expressed genes, not located on chromosome 21 (HSA21), involved in immune and inflammatory pathways was identified including 13 genes (BCL2, CCL3, CCR7, CD19, CD28, CD40, CD40LG, CD80, EDN1, IKBKB, IL6, NOS2 and SKI) significantly down-regulated and four genes (BCL2L1, CCR2, CCR5 and IL10) significantly up-regulated in children with DS. These findings highlight a list of candidate genes for further investigation into the molecular mechanism underlying DS pathology and reinforce the secondary effects of the presence of a third copy of HSA21

    p53 gene analysis in childhood B non - Hodgkin's lymphoma

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    CONTEXT: Mutations or deletions in the tumor-suppressor gene p53 are among the commonest genetic changes found in human neoplasms including breast, lung and bowel cancers. In hematological malignancies, p53 is most often mutated in Burkitt's lymphoma, with p53 mutations present in 30 to 40% of tumor samples and in 70% of cell lines. OBJECTIVE: To analyze the p53 gene alterations in child patients with B non-Hodgkin's lymphoma. DESIGN: Descriptive study. SETTING: Tertiary oncology care center. PARTICIPANTS: The study investigated 12 patients with childhood B non-Hodgkin's lymphoma (Burkitt's lymphoma). Screening for p53 mutations was done by polymerase chain reaction - single strand conformational polymorphism (PCR-SSCP) analysis of exon 5 to 8/9 of the gene. RESULTS: Abnormal polymerase chain reaction - single strand conformational polymorphism migration pattern was observed in 4 patients (33.3%), one on exon 6 and three on exon 7. Positive cases included 2 patients who died from disease. CONCLUSION: These preliminary results suggest that p53 mutations are quite frequent in children with Burkitt's lymphoma and may play a role in lymphoma genesis or disease progression

    Homocisteína e polimorfismos dos genes MTHFR e VEGF: impacto na doença arterial coronariana

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    FUNDAMENTO: Polimorfismos em genes relacionados ao desenvolvimento da aterosclerose, angiogênese e metabolismo da homocisteína (Hcy) podem ser fatores de risco para a doença arterial coronariana (DAC). OBJETIVO: Avaliar o efeito dos polimorfismos VEGF C-2578A e MTHFR C677T na DAC e a associação desses polimorfismos com a gravidade e a extensão das lesões ateroscleróticas e concentrações de Hcy. MÉTODOS: 244 indivíduos foram avaliados através de angiografia coronariana e incluídos no estudo (145 com DAC e 99 indivíduos-controle). Os polimorfismos VEGF C-2578A e MTHFR C677T foram investigados através das técnicas de PCR-SSCP e PCR-RFLP, respectivamente. Os níveis de homocisteína plasmática foram mensurados através de cromatografia líquida/espectrometria de massa seqüencial (CL/EMS). RESULTADOS: Não houve diferença significante em relação à distribuição de alelos e genótipos entre os grupos, para ambos os polimorfismos. A análise univariada mostrou uma freqüência maior do genótipo VEGF -2578AA no grupo com doença em três vasos (p=0,044). Além disso, o genótipo VEGF -2578CA foi observado mais freqüentemente entre indivíduos com <95% de estenose (p=0,010). Após ajuste para outros fatores de risco para DAC em um modelo multivariado, observou-se que o polimorfismo VEGF C-2578A não era um correlato independente da DAC (p=0,688). O polimorfismo MTHFR não mostrou qualquer relação com a extensão e/ou gravidade da DAC. O polimorfismo MTHFR C677T não mostrou uma associação direta com hiperhomocisteinemia ou aumento das concentrações médias de Hcy no plasma. CONCLUSÃO: Embora haja uma aparente associação entre o polimorfismo VEGF C-2578A e o desenvolvimento de aterosclerose coronariana, essa associação não é independente dos fatores de risco cardiovasculares convencionais

    Genetic polymorphisms involved in folate metabolism and concentrations of methylmalonic acid and folate on plasma homocysteine and risk of coronary artery disease

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    Objectives Alterations in the enzymes involved in homocysteine (Hcy) metabolism or vitamin deficiency could play a role in coronary artery disease (CAD) development. This study investigated the influence of MTHFR and MTR gene polymorphisms, plasma folate and MMA on Hcy concentrations and CAD development. MMA and folate concentrations were also investigated according to the polymorphisms. Methods Two hundred and eighty-three unrelated Caucasian individuals undergoing coronary angiography (175 with CAD and 108 non-CAD) were assessed in a case-control study. Plasma Hcy and MMA were measured by liquid chromatography/tandem mass spectrometry. Plasma folate was measured by competitive immunoassay. Dietary intake was evaluated using a nutritional questionnaire. Polymorphisms MTHFR and MTR were investigated by polymerase chain reaction (PCR) followed by enzyme digestion or allele-specific PCR. Results Hcy mean concentrations were higher in CAD patients compared to controls, but below statistical significance (P = 0.246). Increased MMA mean concentrations were frequently observed in the CAD group (P = 0.048). Individuals with MMA concentrations > 0.5 mu mol/l (vitamin B(12) deficiency) were found only in the CAD group (P = 0.004). A positive correlation between MMA and Hcy mean concentrations was observed in both groups, CAD (P = 0.001) and non-CAD (P = 0.020). MMA mean concentrations were significantly higher in patients with hyperhomocysteinemia in both groups, CAD and non-CAD (P = 0.0063 and P = 0.013, respectively). Folate mean concentration was significantly lower in carriers of the wild-type MTHFR 1298AA genotype (P = 0.010). Conclusion Our results suggest a correlation between the MTHFR A1298C polymorphism and plasma folate concentration. Vitamin B(12) deficiency, reflected by increased MMA concentration, is an important risk factor for the development both of hyperhomocysteinemia and CAD.State of Sao Paulo Research Foundation (FAPESP)Coordination for the Improvement of Higher Education (CAPES)National Council for Scientific and Technological Development (CNPq)Fleury Medicine and Healt

    Polymorphism C1420T of Serine hydroxymethyltransferase gene on maternal risk for Down syndrome

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    Recent researches have investigated the factors that determine the maternal risk for Down syndrome (DS) in young woman. In this context, some studies have demonstrated the association between polymorphisms in genes involved on folate metabolism and the maternal risk for DS. These polymorphisms may result in abnormal folate metabolism and methyl deficiency, which is associated with aberrant chromosome segregation leading to trisomy 21. In this study, we analyzed the influence of the polymorphism C1420T in Serine hydroxymethyltransferase (SHMT) gene on maternal risk for DS and on metabolites concentrations of the folate pathway (serum folate and plasma homocysteine and methylmalonic acid). The study group was composed by 105 mothers with DS children (case group) and 185 mothers who had no children with DS (control group). The genotype distribution did not show significant statistical difference between case and control mothers (P = 0.24) however a protective effect between genotypes CC (P = 0.0002) and CT (P < 0.0001) and maternal risk for DS was observed. Furthermore, the SHMT C1420T polymorphism (rs1979277) does not affect the concentration of metabolites of folate pathway in our DS mothers. In conclusion, our data showed a protective role for the genotypes SHMT CC and CT on maternal risk for DS. The concentrations of metabolites of folate pathway did not differ significantly between the genotypes SHMT.39325612566Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq

    Polymorphism C1420T of Serine hydroxymethyltransferase gene on maternal risk for Down syndrome

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    Recent researches have investigated the factors that determine the maternal risk for Down syndrome (DS) in young woman. In this context, some studies have demonstrated the association between polymorphisms in genes involved on folate metabolism and the maternal risk for DS. These polymorphisms may result in abnormal folate metabolism and methyl deficiency, which is associated with aberrant chromosome segregation leading to trisomy 21. In this study, we analyzed the influence of the polymorphism C1420T in Serine hydroxymethyltransferase (SHMT) gene on maternal risk for DS and on metabolites concentrations of the folate pathway (serum folate and plasma homocysteine and methylmalonic acid). The study group was composed by 105 mothers with DS children (case group) and 185 mothers who had no children with DS (control group). The genotype distribution did not show significant statistical difference between case and control mothers (P = 0.24) however a protective effect between genotypes CC (P = 0.0002) and CT (P &lt; 0.0001) and maternal risk for DS was observed. Furthermore, the SHMT C1420T polymorphism (rs1979277) does not affect the concentration of metabolites of folate pathway in our DS mothers. In conclusion, our data showed a protective role for the genotypes SHMT CC and CT on maternal risk for DS. The concentrations of metabolites of folate pathway did not differ significantly between the genotypes SHMT.FAPESPFAPESPCAPESCAPESCNPqCNP