10 research outputs found

    In memoriam Ivo Obrez

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    Perkutana transluminalna angioplastika aortne rekoarktacije

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    Two cases of successful dilatation of recoarctation of the aorta due to a subclavien turndown operation are reported. In both cases GrĆ¼ntzig technique was used. The first patient, aged 10 months, had the gradient rediced from 40 mm Hg to 10 mm Hg. The second, aged 1 year, had the gradient reduced from 80 mm Hg to 30 mm Hg. In the second patient right femoral pulse disapeared after procedure and surgery (thrombarteriectomy) was performed

    Transcatheter balloon valvuloplasty

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    Transcatheter occlusion of patent ductus arteriosus in adults

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    Renal cyst: treatment with alcohol

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    Construction of bean conteiner for coffee appliance

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    Zaradi nenehnih sprememb zakonodaje, vse zahtevnejŔih želja uporabnikov in vse večji konkurenci na trgu se morajo podjetja nenehno prilagajati tako željam kupca kot tudi standardom. V ta namen je priporočljivo, da podjetja konstantno razvijajo in izpopolnjujejo svoje produkte. V diplomski nalogi je predstavljen potek razvoja in optimizacije posode za kavna zrna. Prikazan je posnetek trenutnega stanja, iz katerega izhaja problem, ki je izhodiŔče za opis vseh postopkov nadgradnje. Pri procesu konstruiranja so uporabljene analitične in primerjalne metode. V nalogi so podrobneje opisani vsi postopki: od idejne zasnove, modeliranja, analize in testiranja do vgradnje izdelka v popolnoma avtomatski kavni aparat.Due to constant changes in legislations, complicated user desires and tougher competition on the market, companies have to adapt to buyers wishes as well as to standards. For this purpose, it is recommended that companies constantly develop and elaborate their product. This diploma work presents a roadmap of the development and optimization of the bean container for coffee grains. Shown is the current situation enlisting the problems, which is the starting point for the description of all operation upgrades. In the process of contracting, we used analytical and comparative methods. In this work, we described all the operations from conceptual design, modelling, analysis, and testing to the installation of the product in a fully automatic coffee machine