70 research outputs found

    Uticaj vremenskih uslova na prinos i komponente prinosa jarog pivskog ječma

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    A field trial with four cultivars of two-rowed spring barley was set up at the experimental field of the Secondary School of Agriculture, Požarevac, during 2012-2014 to evaluate yield and grain yield components under different growing seasons. Cultivars were sown at 450 germinating grains m-2. At tillering, the plants were fertilised with 60 kg nitrogen ha-1. The tested properties were significantly affected by weather conditions during the growing season, with different effects produced across cultivars. The values for grain yield, thousand-kernel weight, grain weight per spike, kernels per spike and plant height were highest in all cultivars in the year characterised by moderate temperatures at the grain filling stage and high amounts of precipitation in the second part of the growing season. 'Novosadski 448' exhibited the highest values for grain yield, kernels per spike and grain weight per spike.Poljski ogledi sa četiri sorte jarog dvoredog ječma postavljeni su na imanju Poljoprivredne Å”kole u Požarevcu u periodu 2012-2014. godine, sa ciljem da se analizira prinos i komponente prinosa zrna u različitim vegetacionim sezonama. Sorte su zasejane sa 450 klijavih zrna m-2. U fazi bokorenja izvrÅ”ena je prihrana sa 60 kg ha-1 azota. Na vrednosti analiziranih osobina značajno su uticali vremenski uslovi tokom perioda vegetacije, pri čemu je njihov uticaj kod pojedinih sorti bio različit. Najveći prinos zrna, masa 1000 zrna, masa zrna po klasu, broj zrna po klasu i visina biljaka bili su kod svih sorti u godini sa umerenim temperaturama u vreme nalivanja zrna i velikom količinom padavina u drugom delu vegetacione sezone. Sorta Novosadski 448 imala je najveći prinos zrna, najveći broj zrna po klasu i najveću masu zrna po klasu

    Retrospective evaluation of the incidental finding of 403 papillary thyroid microcarcinomas in 2466 patients undergoing thyroid surgery for presumed benign thyroid disease

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    This research was aimed to describe the effectiveness of discovery learning model to increase studentā€™s fluency thinking skills on chemical equilibrium subject matter. Ā The method of the research was quasi-experimental with Ā Non Equivalent Control Group Design.Ā  The population of this research was all students in XI science class of MA Negeri 1 Metro whose sit in odd semester of academic year 2013-2014.Ā  The sample were taken by purposive sampling technique then obtained XI IPA2 dan XI IPA3 class as sample of the research. Ā The effectiveness of discovery learning model was showed by the significant difference of n-Gain between control and experiment class.The result of research showed that the average n-Gain score for experiment class was Ā 0,32 and the average n-Gain score for control class was 0,21. Ā Proving the hypothesis showed that discovery learning model is effective to increase studentā€™s fluency thinking skills on chemical equilibrium subject matter.Ā Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mendiskripsikan efektivitas model discovery learning dalam meningkatkan keterampilan berpikir lancar siswa pada materi kesetimbangan kimia. Ā Metode dalam penelitian ini adalah kuasi eksperimen. Ā Populasi dalam peneliian ini adalah semua siswa kelas XI IPA MA Negeri 1 Metro semester ganjil Tahun Pelajaran 2013-2014.Ā  Sampel diambil dengan tehnik purposive sampling sehingga diperoleh kelas XI IPA2 dan XI IPA3 sebagai sampel penelitian. Ā Efektivitas model discovery learning ditunjukan berdasarkan perbedaan nilai n-Gain yang signifikan antara kelas eksperimen dan kelas kontrol. Hasil penelitian menunjukan rata-rata nilai n-Gain untuk kelas eksperimen adalah 0,32 dan rata-rata nilai n-Gain Ā untuk kelas kontrol adalah 0,21.Ā  Pengujian hipotesis menunjukan bahwa model discovery learning efektif dalam meningkatkan keterampilan berpikir lancar siswa pada materi kesetimbangan kimia.Ā Kata kunci : kesetimbangan kimia, keterampilan berpikir lancar, model discovery learnin

    Uticaj fosfornih đubriva na prinos i sadržaj kadmijuma u krompiru

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    This study evaluated the effect of different types and rates of phosphorus fertilizers on yield and cadmium content of potato on a slightly alkaline alluvium soil. Results show that the highest yield was obtained under treatment with monoammonium phosphate (manufactured in Russia) and the lowest under Bulgarian TSP treatment. The highest total cadmium was found in potato tubers treated with Bulgarian diammonium phosphate, in contrast to the lowest measured values under Russian DAP treatment.U radu je ispitivan uticaj različitih vrsta i doza fosfornog đubriva na prinos i sadržaj kadmijuma u krompiru, na zemljiÅ”tu tipa aluvijum, slabo alkalne reakcije. Dobijeni rezultati pokazuju da je primenom monoamonijum-fosfata (poreklom iz Rusije) ostvaren najveći prinos, dok je najmanji prinos postignut sa primenom bugarstkog TSP. Najveći sadržaj ukupnog kadmijuma u krtolama krompira utvrđen je primenom bugarskog diamonijum-fosfata, a najmanji primenom ruskog DAP-a

    Correction to: Redox Status and Antioxidative Cofactor Metals Influence Clinical and Pathological Characteristics of Papillary Thyroid Carcinoma and Colloid Goiter (Biological Trace Element Research, (2020), 197, 2, (349-359), 10.1007/s12011-019-01995-x)

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    Papillary thyroid carcinoma (PTC) is the endocrine neoplasm that occurs the most often worldwide, and its molecular pathophysiology is still not well characterized. Redox status is recognized as an important factor of carcinogenesis, but its influence on the PTC's clinical course needs to be better elucidated. The aim of this research was to determine the tissue redox status of 65 PTC and 45 colloid goiter (CG) patients together with antioxidative cofactor metal profiling. The malondialdehyde (MDA) concentration was used to access the prooxidation level, while antioxidant mechanisms were estimated by assaying the activities of superoxide dismutase (SOD), catalase (CAT), glutathione peroxidase (GPx), and glutathione reductase (GR). The antioxidative cofactor metals included quantification of Se, Cu, Zn, and Mn concentration. PTC tissues had normal prooxidation levels and increased GPx and GR activity. The activity of SOD has been significantly reduced in multicentric PTC dissemination and increased in smokers. SOD activity was directly dependent on MDA levels in CG tissues. CG patients with retrosternal goiter had reduced MDA concentration and SOD activity. Numerous correlations between redox parameters in PTC tissues reveal good co-activation of antioxidative mechanisms and cooperative response on prooxidation. PTC tissues had decreased Se levels and increased concentration of Cu and Mn in comparison to other tissues. MDA concentration and SOD activity were significant predictors of PTC's multicentric dissemination and for the existence of lymph node metastases, respectively. Particularly, the concentration of Cu predicted the retrosternal localization in CG patients. Significant findings presented in this study provide a possibility for development of novel prognostic molecular biomarkers of PTC and CG.The contribution corrects an equation from the paper: Rovcanin, B.; Stojsavljevic, A.; Kekic, D.; Gopcevic, K.; Manojlovic, D.; Jovanovic, M.; Knezevic, S.; Zivaljevic, V.; Diklic, A.; Paunovic, I. Redox Status and Antioxidative Cofactor Metals Influence Clinical and Pathological Characteristics of Papillary Thyroid Carcinoma and Colloid Goiter. Biol Trace Elem Res 2020, 197 (2), 349ā€“359. [https://doi.org/10.1007/s12011-019-01995-x

    Agrohemijske osobine mladog karbonatnog fluvisola u slivu reke Ljig

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    Morphological study of several open profiles different depths and their analysis showed that land in the Ljig River belongs to the type of young alluvial soil (fluvisol) and subtype young carbonate alluvial soil. Based on the agrochemical analysis, can be concluded that this land is mostly poor and poorly supplied with humus, weakly to moderately alkaline, poor available phosphorus and mostly medium provided available potassium. The total content of Cu, Zn, Pb and Cd within the maximum allowable concentration, while the content of Ni and Cr above these values.MorfoloÅ”kim proučavanjem nekoliko otvorenih profila i poluprofila različite dubine i njihovom analizom utvrđeno je da zemljiÅ”te u slivu reke Ljig pripada tipu mladog aluvijalnog zemljiÅ”ta (fluvisola) i to podtipu mladog karbonatnog aluvijalnog zemljiÅ”ta. Na osnovu urađenih agrohemijskih analiza može se zaključiti da je ovo zemljiÅ”te uglavnom siromaÅ”no do slabo obezbeđeno humusom, slabo do srednje alkalne reakcije, siromaÅ”no lakopristupačnim fosforom i uglavnom srednje obezbeđeno lakopristupačnim kalijumom. Ukupni sadržaj Cu, Zn, Pb i Cd je u okviru maksimalno dozvoljenih koncentracija, dok je sadržaj Ni i Cr iznad ovih vrednosti

    Uticaj mineralnih hraniva i kalcizacije na prinos i komponente prinosa zrna ječma

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    Field trials involving barley varieties were established to analyse the effect of mineral fertilisation and liming on grain yield and yield components on an acidic soil. The research was conducted at the experimental field of the Secondary School of Agriculture, Kraljevo in 2012/13 on a pseudogley with an acidic reaction (pH H2O 4.8). The trial included two two-row winter barley cultivars (ā€™Recordā€™ and ā€™Jagodinacā€™) and four fertilisation treatments (unfertilised control, different N:P:K ratios, with or without liming). The use of mineral fertilisers and liming led to a significant increase in grain yield components, particularly number of spikes m-2 , number of kernels per spike and kernel weight per spike, thus resulting in a significantly higher grain yield in fertilised treatments. Liming had a significant effect on grain yield compared to increased P rates, which may be attributable to increased availability of macro- and microelements at increasing soil pH i.e. P immobilisation in a very acidic environment. When growing barley on very acidic soils, liming should be used, if it is economically feasible, to increase pH above the suboptimal value (pH 5.0) and, accordingly, largely contribute to the realisation of its grain yield potential.Poljski ogledi sa sortama ječma postavljeni su sa ciljem da se analizira uticaj mineralnih đubriva i kalcizacije na prinos zrna i komponente prinosa na kiselom zemljiÅ”tu. Istraživanja su obavljena na oglednom polju Srednje poljoprivredne Å”kole u Kraljevu tokom 2012/13. godine, na zemljiÅ”tu tipa pseudoglej, kisele reakcije (pHH2O 4,8). Za ogled su odabrane dve sorte ozimog dvoredog ječma (rekord i jagodinac) i četiri varijante đubrenja (bez đubrenja, različiti odnosi N:P:K, sa ili bez kalcizacije). Primena mineralnih đubriva i kalcizacija uticali su na značajno povećanje vrednosti komponenti prinosa zrna, naročito broja klasova m-2 i broja i mase zrna po klasu, tako da je i prinos zrna bio značajno veći na đubrenim varijantama. Kalcizacija zemljiÅ”ta uticala je na značajno povećanje prinosa zrna u odnosu na povećane doze P, Å”to se može povezati sa većom dostupnoŔću makro i mikroelemenata pri povećanju pH vrednosti zemljiÅ”ta, odnosno imobilizacijom P u jako kiseloj sredini. U gajenju ječma na jako kiselim zemljiÅ”tima kalcizaciju bi, ukoliko je ekonomski prihvatljiva, trebalo primenjivati kako bi se pH vrednost povećala iznad nivoa suboptimalne (pH 5,0) i time u većoj meri realizovao njegov potencijal za prinos zrna

    Oplemenjivanje pŔenice i ječma i očuvanje genetičkih resursa u poljoprivredi

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    Breeding of wheat and barley has a significant contribution to the achievement of high yields, better quality and greater adaptive values of cultivars in different ecological conditions of cultivation. Increasing the capacity of the cultivars have a contribution in increasing food production and satisfying the demands for the products of different purposes for nutrition and industrial processing. Important sources of genes for a particular trait are wild relatives, autohnotne varieties, old varieties, which exist in natural conditions or as conserved seeds in the plant genetic banks. For success in breeding a significant conservation of germ-plasma in plant genetic banks or in protected areas in nature. In terms of global climate change, oplemenjivanjivači have the task to create a cultivars that adaptive to drought stress conditions and other biotic and abiotic stress factors in order to maintain and increase the productivity and quality of cultivars and increasing food production. At the same time it is necessary to develop adapted technologies in breeding new cultivars under climate change conditions.Oplemenjivanjem pÅ”enice i ječma ima značajan doprinos u ostvarivanju visokih prinosa, boljeg kvaliteta i većoj adaptivnoj vrednosti sorti u različitim ekoloÅ”kim uslovima gajenja. Povećanje kapaciteta sorti ima doprinos u povećanju proizvodnje hrane i zadovoljavanju zahteva za proizvodima različite namene u ishrani, industrijskoj preradi. Važni izvori gena za odredjeno svojstvo su divlji srodnici, autohnotne sorte, stare sorte, koje postoje u prirodnim uslovima ili se njihovo seme čuva u Bankama biljnih gena. Za uspeh u oplemenjivanju je značajno očuvanje germ plazme u Bankama biljnih gena ili u zaÅ”tićenim predelima u prirodi. U uslovima globalne promene klime, oplemenjivanjivači imaju zadatak da stvore sorte adaptivne na uslove stresa suÅ”om, kao i druge biotičke i abiotičke faktore stresa u cilju održanja i povećanja produktivnosti i kvaliteta sorti i povećanja proizvodnje hrane. Istovremeno je neophodno razvijanje prilagodjenih tehnologija gajenja novih sorti u uslovima klimatskih promena


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    Field experiments with 11 native maize hybrids for grain production FAO maturity group 400-600 were set up over two years at two sites (near the villages of Brzan and Lužnice, Kragujevac municipality) with the aim of, based on the yield over years, recommending hybrids for specific agroecological conditions. The average maize grain yield for all hybrids in 2017 was 4.2 t ha-1, and in 2018 11.1 t ha-1. Hybrids ZP 548 and NS 5051 had the highest average grain yield in 2017, and in 2018 ZP 560 and NS 4051. Higher yields in 2018 are mainly the result of a larger amount and a more favorable distribution of precipitation in the vegetation period. In both years, which differed in agrometeorological conditions during the vegetation period, especially in the amount and distribution of precipitation in the second part of the vegetation, in which the critical phases of maize development take place, the highest yields were recorded mainly in FAO 500 hybrids.Publishe

    Prinos i komponente prinosa zrna ozimog dvoredog ječma gajenog na kiselom zemljiŔtu

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    A field trial was set up to analyse the effect of mineral fertilisation and liming on grain yield and yield components of barley on an acidic soil. Research was conducted over a period of two years at the experimental field of the Secondary School of Agriculture, Kraljevo. The trial involved three cultivars of two-row winter barley and four fertilisation treatments (no fertilisation, different ratios of N:P:K, with or without liming). Mineral fertilisation and liming led to a significant increase in the number of grains per spike and grain weight per spike, thereby resulting in significantly higher grain yields under fertilised treatments. Grain yield increased more significantly by liming than by increased rates of P, which was likely due to greater availability of macro- and micronutrients at increased soil pH. If economically worthwhile, liming should be used in barley production on very acidic soils to increase pH above suboptimal levels (pH 5.0). This would facilitate and enhance the realisation of grain yield potential in barley.Poljski ogled postavljen je sa ciljem da se analizira uticaj mineralnih đubriva i kalcizacije na prinos i komponente prinosa zrna ječma na kiselom zemljiÅ”tu. Istraživanja su obavljena u dvogodiÅ”njem periodu na oglednom polju Srednje poljoprivredne Å”kole u Kraljevu. Za ogled su odabrane tri sorte ozimog dvoredog ječma i četiri varijante đubrenja (bez đubrenja, različiti odnosi N:P:K, sa ili bez kalcizacije). Primena mineralnih đubriva i kalcizacija uticali su na značajno povećanje broja i mase zrna po klasu, tako da je i prinos zrna svih sorti bio značajno veći na đubrenim varijantama. Na povećanje prinosa zrna ječma u većoj meri je uticala primena kalcizacije zemljiÅ”ta u odnosu na povećane količine P, Å”to se može povezati sa većom dostupnoŔću xmakro i mikroelemenata pri povećanju pH vrednosti zemljiÅ”ta. Ukoliko je ekonomski prihvatljiva kalcizaciju bi trebalo primenjivati u gajenju ječma na jako kiselim zemljiÅ”tima kako bi se pH vrednost povećala iznad nivoa suboptimalne (pH 5,0). Na taj način bi se u većoj meri realizovao njegov potencijal za prinos zrna

    Specifičnosti đubrenja ječma

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    The issue of nutrition and fertilization of barley directly linked to the achievement of high yields and high technological quality of grain. Depending on the purpose of growing barley (for animal feed or for beer production) apply different technologies. For successful production of barley is necessary that the land is a sufficient amount of various nutrients that are found in the form that plants can easily adopt. The most important character of feeding barley are nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium. When fertilizing barley special attention should be paid to the use of nitrogen fertilizers.Problematika ishrane i đubrenja ječma direktno je vezana za postizanje visokih prinosa i dobrog tehnoloÅ”kog kvaliteta zrna. Zavisno od namene gajenja ječma (za ishranu domaćih životinja ili za proizvodnju pivskog slada) primenjuju se različite tehnologije. Za uspeÅ”nu proizvodnju ječma neophodno je da se u zemljiÅ”tu nalazi dovoljna količina različitih hranljivih materija koje se nalaze u obliku koje biljke mogu lako da usvoje. Najvažniji značaj za ishranu ječma imaju azot, fosfor i kalijum. Prilikom đubrenja ječma posebnu pažnju treba posvetiti upotrebi azotnih đubriva
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