1,254 research outputs found

    Sounds Serbian? Acoustic properties of Serbian EFL students' speech

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    This paper presents the findings of a study of the acoustic properties of Serbian EFL students' vowels. The participants were 12 junior-year students of the English Department. Their vowel production was recorded in three different contexts, i.e. speaking tasks: reading words in citation form, reading a text aloud, and speaking. The acoustic measurements included vowel duration and F1 and F2 formant frequency values. The results showed that neither the production of vowel qualities nor the duration differences used by the students were without problem

    Growth and Decay of Activation Overpotential for Systems which Proceed by Two Different Successive Transfer Electrode Reactions

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    Analysis of growth and decay of activation overpotential for systems involving two different successive hindered transfer r eac tions, for large values of \u27I\u27], has shown th at there i·s a considerable difference between cathodic and anodic galvanostatic transients (for the same transfer coefficient) for such systems. The ratio of rates of growth and decay of ov erpotentia ls for the cathodic and the anodic region, for the same transfer coefficients and the same overpotential as well as rise time and d ecay time is given by the ratio of exchange current densities, ir0 : io 0 • Occu rrence of difference in galvanostatic transients for cathodic and anodic regions is suggested to be a new diagnostic criteria in studies of kinetics of electrode processes for occurrence of multielectron transfer reactions


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    ICTY established the standard of “joint criminal enterprise” as a part of the justice implementation process in the conflict region of former Yugoslavia. The legal standard of the “joint criminal enterprise” consists of mandatory actus rea and mens rea elements and come up in three different forms. ICTY stated this principle was based on the rules of the international customary law, as well as the articles of the Rome and ICTY Statutes. From the criminal law science view, the most relevant of three JCE forms was the third one that was based on “prediction” criteria as a consisting main element of the perpetrator actus rea. Very soon, a great number of legal scholars and scientists object this ICTY approach as the one not actually based on the legal principles and to the international criminal law principles and the basic national criminal law systems legal institutes, as well. Regarding the fact that ICTY was the one introduced the “joint criminal enterprise” principle, it is extremely important for the ICTY itself to come back to the law implementation instead the law interpretation.Међународни Тирбунал за бившу Југославију је испуњавајући своју мисију успостављања правде на конфликтном подручју установио правни стандард ‹›удруженог злочиначког подухвата›› у три појавна облика и на бази прописаних обавезних објективних и субјективних елемената, при том се позивајући на међународно обичајно право и Статут Међународног кривичног суда и Статут Трибунала. Са аспекта правне науке, посебно интересантним се испоставио трећи облик овог стандарда, који се у суштини заснивао на критеријуму ‘’предвидивости’’ као основу потврђивања одговарајућег субјективног односа окривљеног лица према почињеном кривичном делу који га чини одговорним. Овакав став је убрзо наишао на оправдане примедбе великог броја истакнутих правних стручњака због своје правне неутемељености и противности суштинским кривично-правним институтима у националним правосудним системима и базним начелима међународног кривичног права. Обзиром да је инсистирање Трибунала на овом институту довело до одређених последица, веома је нужно да се сам Трибунал врати суштинској примени, а не интерпретацији права, као прихватљивом начину поновног успостављања система поштовања норми међународног кривичног права

    Flow of funds in Balkan banks: narrow banking or narrow escape?

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    This chapter studies the flow of funds and financial resilience of the banking industry in the Balkans in the face of the global financial crisis and the second great depression. After presenting the stylized facts in terms of standard variables like deposit potential, credit activity, capital adequacy, NPLs and basic profitability indicators in the last couple of years immediately preceding and following the beginning of the crisis, we go on to review the theoretical paradigms and empirical regularities found in (international) banking crises literature, only to make preliminary evaluation of robustness of the narrow banking model in the Balkans and effectiveness of deposit insurance schemes for the health of banking sectors and overall growth financing, and lastly but not least, in order to establish the likelihood, feasible channels and type of potentially systemic banking crisis occurrence after all in otherwise fairly narrowly organised banking industry of the region

    Introduction of certification program in production of plum planting material

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    Certification program for the production of fruit planting material has not been fully established in the Republic of Serbia. Despite this fact, Fruit Research Institute, Čačak has initiated the introduction of certification into the production of plum planting material of cultivars developed at the Institute. The main goal is to establish plum mother plantations with basic material satisfying the EPPO recommendations and national certification standards.Propagated material from pomologically selected trees in commercial and experimental orchards was collected and grafted onto virus-free Myrobalan rootstock. Candidate clones are kept in screen house which ensure absence of infection. Fifteen plum (Prunus domestica) cultivars are included in this study: ‘Čačanska Lepotica’, ‘Čačanska Rodna’, ‘Čačanska Najbolja’, ‘Čačanska Rana’, ‘Valjevka’, ‘Valerija’, ‘Čačanski Šećer’, ‘Jelica’, ‘Timočanka’, ‘Boranka’, ‘Mildora’, ‘Krina’, ‘Pozna Plava’, ‘Požegača’, ‘Stanley’, and perspective hybrid 14/21.All tests were done according to the EPPO recommendations. Selected clones were tested on woody indicators Prunus tomentosa, P. persica and P. serrulata cv. Shirofugen. ELISA test was duly performed for the detection of the following viruses: Plum pox virus, Prune dwarf virus, Prunus necrotic ringspot virus, Apple chlorotic leaf spot virus, Apple mosaic virus and Myrobalan latent ringspot virus. To increase the sensitivity of Plum pox virus detection, IC-RTPCR was used. The material was also tested for the presence of ‘Candidatus Phytoplasma prunorum’ by nested-PCR method.The presence of viruses was found in 8 plants. ELISA test revealed that four plants of cv. ‘Jelica’ were found to be positive on the presence of Apple chlorotic leaf spot virus. Latent infection with Plum pox virus was detected by IC-RTPCR in 4 candidate clones (1 plant of each of cvs ‘Valerija’, ‘Čačanska Rodna’, ‘Čačanska Lepotica’ and ‘Požegača’). The rest of the material was free of all other viruses. The infection with ‘Candidatus Phytoplasma prunorum’ was not evidenced in any of the tested plants.Keywords: certification, plum, viruses, phytoplasma

    Osteometry, Variability, Biomechanics and Locomotion Pattern of the Cave Bear Limb Bones from Croatian Localities

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    The estimated stylo- and zeugopodial bone index is lower for the cave bears from the mountainous region (Cerovacke pecine caves) than the bone index from the hilly-lowlands caves (Vindija, Velika pecina, Veternica) and indicates that limb loading depends on the body mass and palaeoenvironment. The type of movement was similar to the locomotion of the recent brown bear but with somewhat more expressed plantigrady on the hind limbs. At the same time, the sex ratio of the studied material depends firstly on the site morphology (endogene or exogene cave), i.e. its function (dense or periodically visited shelter), and also on geological processes and human activity

    Serbian SME’s Still Represent a Potential for Overall Economic Development

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    Although late, economic development of Serbia prior to the Global economic crisis was relatively fast, comparing to other transitory economies. Small and medium scale enterprises (SMEs) had also fast growth and become important economic subject. The Global economic crisis has negatively influenced the national economy from late 2009, including SMEs. Those companies and shops are on the low level of international competitiveness, as a consequence of process of de – industrialization and slow process of restructuring. In order to get better look into labor productivity driving forces an analysis was performed through regression framework, while the analyses, performed for EU countries was used as a benchmark. Those results pointed that labor productivity growth of Serbian SMEs during recession years was results of decreasing employment and not from expansion. It also pointed that export growth and investments growth are important for increase in labor productivity. Improving labor productivity is essentially important for increasing international competitiveness of Serbian SMEs. It is very complex issue from analytical point of view and improvement in data basis and analytical methodology would be useful, especially for decision makers and policy makers also

    Internacionalizacija poslovanja malih i srednjih poduzeća

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    Highly developed countries, which are similar to Croatia by size and population, highlight the importance of small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) as holders of export activities and key factors in raising the competitiveness of the entire economy. In this paper authors research the concept of internationalization of SMEs. Analyzing the influence of decision makers on the process of internationalization and showing its advantages and disadvantages for the respective company and country, this research introduces the most common models on the basis of which this process is implemented in practice. A case study of a small export company from Croatia illustrates the process of internationalization to the U.S. market and provides useful information to the companies which are planning to enter new markets.Razvijene zemlje, koje su površinom i brojem stanovnika slične Hrvatskoj, upućuju na važnost prepoznavanja sektora malih i srednjih poduzeća kao nositelja izvoznih aktivnosti i ključnog čimbenika podizanja konkurentnosti cjelokupnog gospodarstva. U ovom istraživačkom radu autori razrađuju koncept internacionalizacije poslovanja malih i srednjih poduzeća. Prikazuju se prednosti i nedostaci internacionalizacije poslovanja za poduzeća i državu, analiziraju najčešći modeli na osnovi kojih se proces provodi u praksi te pojašnjava utjecaj donositelja odluka na proces internacionalizacije malih i srednjih poduzeća. Studija slučaja malog izvoznog poduzeća iz Hrvatske pokazuje kako se odvijao proces internacionalizacije poslovanja na tržištu SAD-a i pruža korisne informacije poduzećima koja razmišljaju o izlasku na nova tržišta