315 research outputs found

    Asynchronous spiking neural P systems

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    We consider here spiking neural P systems with a non-synchronized (i.e., asynchronous) use of rules: in any step, a neuron can apply or not apply its rules which are enabled by the number of spikes it contains (further spikes can come, thus changing the rules enabled in the next step). Because the time between two firings of the output neuron is now irrelevant, the result of a computation is the number of spikes sent out by the system, not the distance between certain spikes leaving the system. The additional non-determinism introduced in the functioning of the system by the non-synchronization is proved not to decrease the computing power in the case of using extended rules (several spikes can be produced by a rule). That is, we obtain again the equivalence with Turing machines (interpreted as generators of sets of (vectors of) numbers). However, this problem remains open for the case of standard spiking neural P systems, whose rules can only produce one spike. On the other hand we prove that asynchronous systems, with extended rules, and where each neuron is either bounded or unbounded, are not computationally complete. For these systems, the configuration reachability, membership (in terms of generated vectors), emptiness, infiniteness, and disjointness problems are shown to be decidable. However, containment and equivalence are undecidable. © 2009 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved

    Hybridization and speciation in angiosperms: a role for pollinator shifts?

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    The majority of convincingly documented cases of hybridization in angiosperms has involved genetic introgression between the parental species or formation of a hybrid species with increased ploidy; however, homoploid (diploid) hybridization may be just as common. Recent studies, including one in BMC Evolutionary Biology, show that pollinator shifts can play a role in both mechanisms of hybrid speciation

    Analyses of amplified fragment length polymorphisms (AFLP) indicate rapid radiation of Diospyros species (Ebenaceae) endemic to New Caledonia

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    Background : Radiation in some plant groups has occurred on islands and due to the characteristic rapid pace of phenotypic evolution, standard molecular markers often provide insufficient variation for phylogenetic reconstruction. To resolve relationships within a clade of 21 closely related New Caledonian Diospyros species and evaluate species boundaries we analysed genome-wide DNA variation via amplified fragment length polymorphisms (AFLP). Results : A neighbour-joining (NJ) dendrogram based on Dice distances shows all species except D. minimifolia,D. parviflora and D. vieillardii to form unique clusters of genetically similar accessions. However, there was little variation between these species clusters, resulting in unresolved species relationships and a star-like general NJ topology. Correspondingly, analyses of molecular variance showed more variation within species than between them. A Bayesian analysis with BEAST produced a similar result. Another Bayesian method, this time a clustering method, STRUCTURE, demonstrated the presence of two groups, highly congruent with those observed in a principal coordinate analysis (PCO). Molecular divergence between the two groups is low and does not correspond to any hypothesised taxonomic, ecological or geographical patterns. Conclusions : We hypothesise that such a pattern could have been produced by rapid and complex evolution involving a widespread progenitor for which an initial split into two groups was followed by subsequent fragmentation into many diverging populations, which was followed by range expansion of then divergent entities. Overall, this process resulted in an opportunistic pattern of phenotypic diversification. The time since divergence was probably insufficient for some species to become genetically well-differentiated, resulting in progenitor/derivative relationships being exhibited in a few cases. In other cases, our analyses may have revealed evidence for the existence of cryptic species, for which more study of morphology and ecology are now required

    On Languages Accepted by P/T Systems Composed of joins

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    Recently, some studies linked the computational power of abstract computing systems based on multiset rewriting to models of Petri nets and the computation power of these nets to their topology. In turn, the computational power of these abstract computing devices can be understood by just looking at their topology, that is, information flow. Here we continue this line of research introducing J languages and proving that they can be accepted by place/transition systems whose underlying net is composed only of joins. Moreover, we investigate how J languages relate to other families of formal languages. In particular, we show that every J language can be accepted by a log n space-bounded non-deterministic Turing machine with a one-way read-only input. We also show that every J language has a semilinear Parikh map and that J languages and context-free languages (CFLs) are incomparable

    Recurrent allopolyploidizations diversify ecophysiological traits in marsh orchids (Dactylorhiza majalis s.l.).

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    Whole-genome duplication has shaped the evolution of angiosperms and other organisms, and is important for many crops. Structural reorganization of chromosomes and repatterning of gene expression are frequently observed in allopolyploids, with physiological and ecological consequences. Recurrent origins from different parental populations are widespread among polyploids, resulting in an array of lineages that provide excellent models to uncover mechanisms of adaptation to divergent environments in early phases of polyploid evolution. We integrate here transcriptomic and ecophysiological comparative studies to show that sibling allopolyploid marsh orchid species (Dactylorhiza, Orchidaceae) occur in different habitats (low nutrient fens vs. meadows with mesic soils) and are characterized by a complex suite of intertwined, pronounced ecophysiological differences between them. We uncover distinct features in leaf elemental chemistry, light-harvesting, photoprotection, nutrient transport and stomata activity of the two sibling allopolyploids, which appear to match their specific ecologies, in particular soil chemistry differences at their native sites. We argue that the phenotypic divergence between the sibling allopolyploids has a clear genetic basis, generating ecological barriers that maintain distinct, independent lineages, despite pervasive interspecific gene flow. This suggests that recurrent origins of polyploids bring about a long-term potential to trigger and maintain functional and ecological diversity in marsh orchids and other groups

    The influence of surfactants in the context of novel biotechnologies for elastin membrane preparation

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    Integrating phylogenomics, phylogenetics, morphometrics, relative genome size and ecological niche modelling disentangles the diversification of Eurasian Euphorbia seguieriana s. l. (Euphorbiaceae)

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    Next generation sequencing has revolutionised biology. Restriction-associated DNA sequencing (RADseq) has primarily been used to study infraspecific relationships but has also been applied in multi-species phylogenomic analyses. In this study, we used a combination of phylogenomic (with RADseq data) and phylogenetic (with sequences of the nuclear internal transcribed spacer, ITS) methods to explore relationships within the taxonomically intricate Euphorbia seguieriana s. l., one of the most widespread Euphorbia taxa inhabiting zonal and extrazonal steppes from Iberia to Central Asia. In the inferred phylogenies the southeastern Balkan and Anatolian populations were clearly separated, supporting the distinction of E. niciciana from E. seguieriana at the species level. Within E. seguieriana, the populations from the Caucasus, Iran, and easternmost Anatolia were sister to all other populations based on RADseq, making necessary the description of a new, morphologically divergent subspecies, E. seguieriana subsp. armeniaca. Conversely, additional studies are needed to understand the status of E. seguieriana subsp. hohenackeri, which is sympatric with E. seguieriana subsp. armeniaca. Niche analyses indicated that differences in the climatic niche between E. niciciana and E. seguieriana are relatively small compared with the climatic differences between the regions over which they are distributed. Contrary to previous believes, E. niciciana and E. seguieriana are allopatric and have likely diverged during the Pleistocene in two different glacial refugia as suggested by distribution modelling. Euphorbia niciciana nowadays has a submediterranean distribution, occupying habitats that are slightly warmer, moister, and less seasonal in temperature but more seasonal in precipitation than E. seguieriana, a characteristic species of continental steppes. Using flow cytometry, we demonstrate that the relative genome sizes of E. niciciana and E. seguieriana differ significantly. Additionally, multivariate morphometric analyses of 56 morphological characters indicated clear morphological divergence of the two species. Importantly, we also provide a revised taxonomic treatment including formal nomenclatural changes, an identification key and species descriptions. Our study demonstrates that an integrative approach, combining modern phylogenomic methods with traditional phylogenetic, cytogenetic, environmental and morphological analyses can result in satisfactorily resolved relationships in intricate groups of closely related species. Finally, phylogenetic inference using ITS sequences is still a useful tool for resolving relationships among the taxa at the species level, but the phylogenomic approach based on RADseq data certainly provides better resolution both among and within species.Austrian Science Fund Tiroler Wissenschaftsfond

    Section Extension from Hyperbolic Geometry of Punctured Disk and Holomorphic Family of Flat Bundles

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    The construction of sections of bundles with prescribed jet values plays a fundamental role in problems of algebraic and complex geometry. When the jet values are prescribed on a positive dimensional subvariety, it is handled by theorems of Ohsawa-Takegoshi type which give extension of line bundle valued square-integrable top-degree holomorphic forms from the fiber at the origin of a family of complex manifolds over the open unit 1-disk when the curvature of the metric of line bundle is semipositive. We prove here an extension result when the curvature of the line bundle is only semipositive on each fiber with negativity on the total space assumed bounded from below and the connection of the metric locally bounded, if a square-integrable extension is known to be possible over a double point at the origin. It is a Hensel-lemma-type result analogous to Artin's application of the generalized implicit function theorem to the theory of obstruction in deformation theory. The motivation is the need in the abundance conjecture to construct pluricanonical sections from flatly twisted pluricanonical sections. We also give here a new approach to the original theorem of Ohsawa-Takegoshi by using the hyperbolic geometry of the punctured open unit 1-disk to reduce the original theorem of Ohsawa-Takegoshi to a simple application of the standard method of constructing holomorphic functions by solving the d-bar equation with cut-off functions and additional blowup weight functions