2,536 research outputs found

    Thrust-induced effects on subsonic longitudinal aerodynamic characteristics of a vectored-engine-over-wing configuration

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    An investigation was conducted in the Langley 4 by 7 Meter Tunnel of the thrust induced effects on the longitudinal aerodynamic characteristics of a vectored-engine-over-wing fighter aircraft. The investigation was conducted at Mach numbers from 0.14 to 0.17 over an angle-of-attack range from -2 deg to 26 deg. The major model variables were the spanwise blowing nozzle sweep angle and main nozzle vector angle along with trailing edge, flap deflections. The overall thrust coefficient (main and spanwise nozzles) was varied from 0 (jet off) to 2.0. The results indicate that the thrust-induced effects from the main nozzle alone were small and mainly due to boundary-layer control affecting a small area behind the nozzle. When the spanwise blowing nozzles were included, the induced effects were larger than the main nozzle alone and were due to both boundary layer control and induced circulation lift. No leading edge vortex effects were evident

    Investigation of trailing-edge-flap, spanwise-blowing concepts on an advanced fighter configuration

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    The aerodynamic effects of spanwise blowing on the trailing edge flap of an advanced fighter aircraft configuration were determined in the 4 by 7 Meter Tunnel. A series of tests were conducted with variations in spanwise-blowing vector angle, nozzle exit area, nozzle location, thrust coefficient, and flap deflection in order to determine a superior configuration for both an underwing cascade concept and an overwing port concept. This screening phase of the testing was conducted at a nominal approach angle of attack from 12 deg to 16 deg; and then the superior configurations were tested over a more complete angle of attack range from 0 deg to 20 deg at tunnel free stream dynamic pressures from 20 to 40 lbf/sq ft at thrust coefficients from 0 to 2

    Thrust-induced effects on low-speed aerodynamics of fighter aircraft

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    Results of NASA Langley has conducted wind-tunnel investigations of several fighter configurations conducted to determine the effects of both thrust vectoring and spanwise blowing are reviewed. A recent joint NASA/Grumman Aerospace Corporation/U.S. Air Force Wright Aeronautical Laboratory wind-tunnel investigation was conducted to examine the effects of spanwise blowing on the trailing-edge flap system. This application contrasts with the more familiar method of spanwise blowing near the wing leading edge. Another joint program among NASA/McDonnell Aircraft Company/U.S. Air Force Wright Aeronautical Laboratory investigated the effects of reverse thrust on the low-speed aerodynamics of an F-15 configuration. The F-15 model was fitted with a rotating van thrust reverser concept which could simulate both in-flight reversing for approach and landing or full reversing for ground roll reduction. The significant results of these two joint programs are reported

    Differential Radial Velocities and Stellar Parameters of Nearby Young Stars

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    Radial velocity searches for substellar mass companions have focused primarily on stars older than 1 Gyr. Increased levels of stellar activity in young stars hinders the detection of solar system analogs and therefore there has been a prejudice against inclusion of young stars in radial velocity surveys until recently. Adaptive optics surveys of young stars have given us insight into the multiplicity of young stars but only for massive, distant companions. Understanding the limit of the radial velocity technique, restricted to high-mass, close-orbiting planets and brown dwarfs, we began a survey of young stars of various ages. While the number of stars needed to carry out full analysis of the problems of planetary and brown dwarf population and evolution is large, the beginning of such a sample is included here. We report on 61 young stars ranging in age from beta Pic association (~12 Myr) to the Ursa Majoris association (~300 Myr). This initial search resulted in no stars showing evidence for companions greater than ~1-2 M_Jup in short period orbits at the 3 sigma-level. Additionally, we present derived stellar parameters, as most have unpublished values. The chemical homogeneity of a cluster, and presumably of an association, may help to constrain true membership. As such, we present [Fe/H] abundances for the stars in our sample.Comment: Accepted for publication in the PAS

    Translational energy dependence of cross sections for reactions of OH− (H2O) n with CO2 and SO2

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    This is the publisher's version, also available electronically from http://scitation.aip.org/content/aip/journal/jcp/80/10/10.1063/1.446510.A tandem mass spectrometer has been used to measure cross sections for reactions of the solvated negative ions OH−(H2O) n , where 0≤n≤3, with the neutral molecules CO2 and SO2 over the range of reactant translational energy 0.15–25.0 eV (LAB). The reactions observed include solvent switching, collisional dissociation, and charge transfer. The exoergic solvent switching reactions are very rapid, having cross sections which exceed a hundred square Angstroms at low energies. These cross sections decrease approximately as (energy)−0.5 up to 1 eV and then decrease much more rapidly at higher collision energies. Estimates of bond dissociation energies for the cluster ions are derived from the measured translational energy thresholds for the endothermic collisional dissociationreactions

    Decidability of Univariate Real Algebra with Predicates for Rational and Integer Powers

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    We prove decidability of univariate real algebra extended with predicates for rational and integer powers, i.e., (xn∈Q)(x^n \in \mathbb{Q}) and (xn∈Z)(x^n \in \mathbb{Z}). Our decision procedure combines computation over real algebraic cells with the rational root theorem and witness construction via algebraic number density arguments.Comment: To appear in CADE-25: 25th International Conference on Automated Deduction, 2015. Proceedings to be published by Springer-Verla

    Expression of Cadherin-11 during Organogenesis in the Chick Embryo

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    Cadherin-11 (cad-11) is primarily a mesenchymal cadherin that appears in delaminating neural crest cells. Its expression correlates with morphogenetic events and the pattern has been studied in mouse, rat and Xenopus embryos, but not during avian organogenesis. Our purpose was to investigate this pattern in the chick embryo during organogenesis using immunolocalization and in situ hybridization. Cad-11 was expressed in mesenchyme around the pharynx and aortic arches, eyes, auditory vesicles, lung buds, stomach, and nasal placodes. Neural expression included some cranial ganglia and also new neuroepithelium within the tail bud region undergoing secondary neurulation. We also found expression in epithelia of the developing circulatory and digestive organs. The limb buds, pineal rudiment and mesonephros were also positive. Cad-11 expression became more widespread with development. Our findings support the role of cad-11 as a mesenchymal cadherin, but provide evidence for a wider role that includes epithelial morphogenesis and secondary neurulation

    Recent Decisions

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    Comments on recent decisions by David S. Landis, Theodore M. Ryan, Francis J. Paulson, Thomas F. Bremer, and Robert A. Oberfell

    Proof Theory, Transformations, and Logic Programming for Debugging Security Protocols

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    We define a sequent calculus to formally specify, simulate, debug and verify security protocols. In our sequents we distinguish between the current knowledge of principals and the current global state of the session. Hereby, we can describe the operational semantics of principals and of an intruder in a simple and modular way. Furthermore, using proof theoretic tools like the analysis of permutability of rules, we are able to find efficient proof strategies that we prove complete for special classes of security protocols including Needham-Schroeder. Based on the results of this preliminary analysis, we have implemented a Prolog meta-interpreter which allows for rapid prototyping and for checking safety properties of security protocols, and we have applied it for finding error traces and proving correctness of practical examples
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