6 research outputs found

    Safety assessment of the functional feed additive phenylcapsaicin in a commercial broiler diet

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    Introduction: Intestinal colonisation of Salmonella is a major concern in the poultry industry, and a low dose of the high-purity synthetic capsaicin analogue phenylcapsaicin (PheCap) has the potential to be a phytobiotic alternative to antibiotics in reducing floor Salmonella in commercial broiler chicken houses. In this study we present the first safety assessment of PheCap at doses relevant for the poultry industry. Methods: In a completely randomized block design, Ross 308 male broilers were offered feed containing 0, 10, 15, or 150 mg PheCap/kg. Growth rates, mortality, haematology, clinical chemistry, foot pad lesions, litter quality and gross pathological examination of organs and tissues were evaluated for signs of toxicity over a two-phase, 35-day growth period. Results: No differences in feed intake and broiler growth were found, with broilers in the control group having the highest mortality. There was a statistically significant increase in the European Production Efficiency Factor (EPEF) for the 10 (p = 0.02) and 15 mg PheCap/kg feed (p = 0.003) treatment doses. No dose dependent adverse effects were found for any of the treatment doses. The No Observed Adverse Effect Level (NOAEL) of PheCap is probably higher than that of the highest weekly averaged daily intake of 36.3 mg/kg BW/day observed in the present study. Conclusions: The inclusion of PheCap in broiler feed at doses relevant for the commercial poultry industry is assumed not have any negative effects on broiler health.publishedVersio

    Conditions favouring hard seededness as a dispersal and predator escape strategy

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    1. The water-impermeable seed coat of ‘hard’ seeds is commonly considered a dormancy trait. Seed smell is, however, strongly correlated with seed water content, and hard seeds are therefore olfactionally cryptic to foraging rodents. This is the rationale for the crypsis hypothesis, which proposes that the primary functions of hard seeds are to reduce seed predation and promote rodent seed dispersal. 2. We use a mechanistic model to describe seed survival success of plants with different dimorphic soft and hard seed strategies. The model is based on established empirical–ecological relationships of moisture requirements for germination and benefits of seed dispersal, and on experimentally demonstrated relationships between seed volatile emission, predation and predator escape. 3. We find that water-impermeable seed coats can reduce seed predation under a wide range of natural humidity conditions. Plants with rodent dispersed seeds benefit from producing dimorphic soft and hard seeds at ratios where the anti-predator advantages of hard seeds are balanced by the dispersal benefits gained by producing some soft seeds. 4. The seed pathway predicted from the model is similar to those of experimental seed-tracking studies. This validates the relevance and realism of the ecological mechanisms and relationships incorporated in the model. 5. Synthesis. Rodent seed predators are often also important seed dispersers and have the potential to exert strong selective pressures on seeds to evolve methods of avoiding detection, and hard seeds seem to do just that. This work suggests that water-impermeable hard seeds may evolve in the absence of a dormancy function and that optimal seed survival in many environments with rodent seed predators is obtained by plants having a dimorphic soft and hard seed strategy

    The crypsis hypothesis explained: a reply to Jayasuriya et al. (2015)

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    In imbibing seeds, resumption of metabolism leads to the unavoidable release of volatile by-products that are perceived as cues by rodent seed predators. The crypsis hypothesis proposes that the primary function of a water-impermeable, hard seed coat is to reduce rodent seed predation by rendering seeds olfactorily cryptic. In an opinion paper, Jayasuriya et al. (2015) find the crypsis hypothesis unscientific and ‘not consistent with Darwin's theory of evolution by natural selection’. It is unfortunate that Jayasuriya et al. (2015) did not appreciate that the crypsis hypothesis offers an alternative explanation for the evolution of water-impermeable seeds: released seed volatiles are cues used by rodents to locate seeds, and variation in seed-coat permeability leading to differences in seed volatile release represents the variable under selection. Furthermore, the sealing of water-impermeable seed coats imposes a cost of increased generation time and, therefore, dormancy-release mechanisms are expected to subsequently evolve in response to local environmental conditions. We also disagree with most other claims by Jayasuriya et al. (2015), who failed to appreciate how species with dimorphic seeds – one morph with permeable and the other with impermeable seed coats – benefit from rodent caching behaviour and population dynamics. We welcome this opportunity to clarify and elaborate on key features and the evolution of water-impermeable seed coats according to the crypsis hypothesis

    Supplemental Material, Support_Tables - A 90-day toxicity and genotoxicity study with high-purity phenylcapsaicin

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    <p>Supplemental Material, Support_Tables for A 90-day toxicity and genotoxicity study with high-purity phenylcapsaicin by Torbjørn Rage Paulsen, Sebastian Stiller, Klaus Weber, Claudia Donath, Gudrun Schreiband, and Knut Helge Jensen in Toxicology Research and Application</p

    Supplemental Material, Support_Figures - A 90-day toxicity and genotoxicity study with high-purity phenylcapsaicin

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    <p>Supplemental Material, Support_Figures for A 90-day toxicity and genotoxicity study with high-purity phenylcapsaicin by Torbjørn Rage Paulsen, Sebastian Stiller, Klaus Weber, Claudia Donath, Gudrun Schreiband, and Knut Helge Jensen in Toxicology Research and Application</p

    Supplemental Material, Appendix1 - A 90-day toxicity and genotoxicity study with high-purity phenylcapsaicin

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    <p>Supplemental Material, Appendix1 for A 90-day toxicity and genotoxicity study with high-purity phenylcapsaicin by Torbjørn Rage Paulsen, Sebastian Stiller, Klaus Weber, Claudia Donath, Gudrun Schreiband, and Knut Helge Jensen in Toxicology Research and Application</p