50 research outputs found

    Interdependence of Inhibitor Recognition in HIV-1 Protease

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    Molecular recognition is a highly interdependent process. Subsite couplings within the active site of proteases are most often revealed through conditional amino acid preferences in substrate recognition. However, the potential effect of these couplings on inhibition and thus inhibitor design is largely unexplored. The present study examines the interdependency of subsites in HIV-1 protease using a focused library of protease inhibitors, to aid in future inhibitor design. Previously a series of darunavir (DRV) analogs was designed to systematically probe the S1\u27 and S2\u27 subsites. Co-crystal structures of these analogs with HIV-1 protease provide the ideal opportunity to probe subsite interdependency. All-atom molecular dynamics simulations starting from these structures were performed and systematically analyzed in terms of atomic fluctuations, intermolecular interactions, and water structure. These analyses reveal that the S1\u27 subsite highly influences other subsites: the extension of the hydrophobic P1\u27 moiety results in 1) reduced van der Waals contacts in the P2\u27 subsite, 2) more variability in the hydrogen bond frequencies with catalytic residues and the flap water, and 3) changes in the occupancy of conserved water sites both proximal and distal to the active site. In addition, one of the monomers in this homodimeric enzyme has atomic fluctuations more highly correlated with DRV than the other monomer. These relationships intricately link the HIV-1 protease subsites and are critical to understanding molecular recognition and inhibitor binding. More broadly, the interdependency of subsite recognition within an active site requires consideration in the selection of chemical moieties in drug design; this strategy is in contrast to what is traditionally done with independent optimization of chemical moieties of an inhibitor

    An open science resource for establishing reliability and reproducibility in functional connectomics

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    Efforts to identify meaningful functional imaging-based biomarkers are limited by the ability to reliably characterize inter-individual differences in human brain function. Although a growing number of connectomics-based measures are reported to have moderate to high test-retest reliability, the variability in data acquisition, experimental designs, and analytic methods precludes the ability to generalize results. The Consortium for Reliability and Reproducibility (CoRR) is working to address this challenge and establish test-retest reliability as a minimum standard for methods development in functional connectomics. Specifically, CoRR has aggregated 1,629 typical individuals’ resting state fMRI (rfMRI) data (5,093 rfMRI scans) from 18 international sites, and is openly sharing them via the International Data-sharing Neuroimaging Initiative (INDI). To allow researchers to generate various estimates of reliability and reproducibility, a variety of data acquisition procedures and experimental designs are included. Similarly, to enable users to assess the impact of commonly encountered artifacts (for example, motion) on characterizations of inter-individual variation, datasets of varying quality are included

    Hydration Structure and Dynamics of Inhibitor-Bound HIV-1 Protease

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    Water is essential in many biological processes, and the hydration structure plays a critical role in facilitating protein folding, dynamics, and ligand binding. A variety of biophysical spectroscopic techniques have been used to probe the water solvating proteins, often complemented with molecular dynamics (MD) simulations to resolve the spatial and dynamic features of the hydration shell, but comparing relative water structure is challenging. In this study 1 mus MD simulations were performed to identify and characterize hydration sites around HIV-1 protease bound to an inhibitor, darunavir (DRV). The water density, hydration site occupancy, extent and anisotropy of fluctuations, coordinated water molecules, and hydrogen bonds were characterized and compared to the properties of bulk water. The water density of the principal hydration shell was found to be higher than bulk, dependent on the topology and physiochemical identity of the biomolecular surface. The dynamics of water molecules occupying principal hydration sites was highly dependent on the number of water-water interactions and inversely correlated with hydrogen bonds to the protein-inhibitor complex. While many waters were conserved following the symmetry of homodimeric HIV protease, the asymmetry induced by DRV resulted in asymmetric lower-occupancy hydration sites at the concave surface of the active site. Key interactions between water molecules and the protease, that stabilize the protein in the inhibited form, were altered in a drug resistant variant of the protease indicating that modulation of solvent-solute interactions might play a key role in conveying drug resistance. Our analysis provides insights into the interplay between an enzyme inhibitor complex and the hydration shell and has implications in elucidating water structure in a variety of biological processes and applications including ligand binding, inhibitor design, and resistance

    Structure-Guided Design of a High Affinity Inhibitor to Human CtBP

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    Oncogenic transcriptional coregulators C-terminal Binding Protein (CtBP) 1 and 2 possess regulatory d-isomer specific 2-hydroxyacid dehydrogenase (D2-HDH) domains that provide an attractive target for small molecule intervention. Findings that the CtBP substrate 4-methylthio 2-oxobutyric acid (MTOB) can interfere with CtBP oncogenic activity in cell culture and in mice confirm that such inhibitors could have therapeutic benefit. Recent crystal structures of CtBP 1 and 2 revealed that MTOB binds in an active site containing a dominant tryptophan and a hydrophilic cavity, neither of which are present in other D2-HDH family members. Here, we demonstrate the effectiveness of exploiting these active site features for the design of high affinity inhibitors. Crystal structures of two such compounds, phenylpyruvate (PPy) and 2-hydroxyimino-3-phenylpropanoic acid (HIPP), show binding with favorable ring stacking against the CtBP active site tryptophan and alternate modes of stabilizing the carboxylic acid moiety. Moreover, ITC experiments show that HIPP binds to CtBP with an affinity greater than 1000-fold over that of MTOB, and enzymatic assays confirm that HIPP substantially inhibits CtBP catalysis. These results, thus, provide an important step, and additional insights, for the development of highly selective antineoplastic CtBP inhibitors

    Probing Structural Changes among Analogous Inhibitor-Bound Forms of HIV-1 Protease and a Drug-Resistant Mutant in Solution by Nuclear Magnetic Resonance

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    In the era of state-of-the-art inhibitor design and high-resolution structural studies, detection of significant but small protein structural differences in the inhibitor-bound forms is critical to further developing the inhibitor. Here, we probed differences in HIV-1 protease (PR) conformation among darunavir and four analogous inhibitor-bound forms and compared them with a drug-resistant mutant using nuclear magnetic resonance chemical shifts. Changes in amide chemical shifts of wild-type (WT) PR among these inhibitor-bound forms, DeltaCSP, were subtle but detectable and extended \u3e 10 A from the inhibitor-binding site, asymmetrically between the two subunits of PR. Molecular dynamics simulations revealed differential local hydrogen bonding as the molecular basis of this remote asymmetric change. Inhibitor-bound forms of the drug-resistant mutant also showed a similar long-range DeltaCSP pattern. Differences in DeltaCSP values of the WT and the mutant (DeltaDeltaCSPs) were observed at the inhibitor-binding site and in the surrounding region. Comparing chemical shift changes among highly analogous inhibitors and DeltaDeltaCSPs effectively eliminated local environmental effects stemming from different chemical groups and enabled exploitation of these sensitive parameters to detect subtle protein conformational changes and to elucidate asymmetric and remote conformational effects upon inhibitor interaction

    Drug Resistance Mutations Alter Dynamics of Inhibitor-Bound HIV‑1 Protease

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    Under the selective pressure of therapy, HIV-1 protease mutants resistant to inhibitors evolve to confer drug resistance. Such mutations can impact both the dynamics and structures of the bound and unbound forms of the enzyme. Flap+ is a multidrug-resistant variant of HIV-1 protease with a combination of primary and secondary resistance mutations (L10I, G48V, I54V, V82A) and a strikingly altered thermodynamic profile for darunavir (DRV) binding relative to the wild-type protease. We elucidated the impact of these mutations on protein dynamics in the DRV-bound state using molecular dynamics simulations and NMR relaxation experiments. Both methods concur in that the conformational ensemble and dynamics of protease are impacted by the drug resistance mutations in Flap+ variant. Surprisingly this change in ensemble dynamics is different from that observed in the unliganded form of the same variant (Cai, Y. et al. <i>J. Chem. Theory Comput.</i> <b>2012</b>, <i>8</i>, 3452–3462). Our comparative analysis of both inhibitor-free and bound states presents a comprehensive picture of the altered dynamics in drug-resistant mutant HIV-1 protease and underlies the importance of incorporating dynamic analysis of the whole system, including the unliganded state, into revealing drug resistance mechanisms