7 research outputs found

    A 2012-es év a húszéves hazai felnőttszív-transzplantáció sikeréve - és ami mögötte van

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    The Hungarian adult heart transplant program, which started in 1992, has changed gradually in the past 20 years. After the early enthusiasm of the first cases it changed significantly and it became an organized programme. However, low donation activity and moderate referral numbers to the national transplant waiting list slowed down the process therefore, heart transplant numbers did not fulfill expectations in the early years. After a moderate increase in 2007 transplant numbers have dropped again until recently when Hungary partially joined Eurotransplant network. Excess fundamental resources allocated to cardiac transplantation by health care professionals and reorganizing transplant coordination as well as logistics forced dramatic changes in clinical management. In 2011 and 2012 major structural changes had been made at Semmelweis University. The newly established transplant intensive care unit and the initiation of mechanical circulatory support and assist device programme increased transplant numbers by 131% compared to previous years, as well as it resulted an 86.63% 30-day survival rate, hence last year was the most successful year of cardiac transplantation ever. Orv. Hetil., 2013, 154, 863-867

    A mechanikus keringéstámogatás életet ment - a műszívprogram első három évének tapasztalata a Semmelweis Egyetemen

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    INTRODUCTION: Since the celebration of the 20th anniversary of the first heart transplantation in Hungary in 2012 the emerging need for modern heart failure management via mechanical circulatory support has evolved. In May 2012 the opening of a new heart failure and transplant unit with 9 beds together with the procurement of necessary devices at Semmelweis University accomplished this need. AIM: The aim of the authors was to report their initial experience obtained in this new cardiac assist device program. METHOD: Since May, 2012, mechanical circulatory support system was applied in 89 cases in 72 patients. Indication for support were end stage heart failure refractory to medical treatment and acute left or right heart failure. RESULTS: Treatment was initiated for acute graft failure after heart transplantation in 27 cases, for end stage heart failure in 24 cases, for acute myocardial infarction in 21 cases, for acute postcardiotomy heart failure in 14 cases, for severe respiratory insufficiency in 2 cases and for drug intoxication in one case. Among the 30 survivor of the whole program 13 patients were successfully transplanted. CONCLUSIONS: The available devices can cover all modalities of current bridge therapy from short term support through medium support to heart transplantation or long term support and destination therapy. These conditions made possible the successful start of a new cardiac assist device program. Orv. Hetil., 2015, 156(13), 521-527

    Hasüregbe vándorolt epicardialis pacemaker

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    Migration of a permanent pacemaker generator from their intramuscular pocket to the abdominal cavity is a less frequent, but potentially life-threatening complication. The authors present the case of a 69-year-old woman, who visited the emergency department of the clinic, with complains of non-specific abdominal symptoms. Her past medical history included a complete atrioventricular block diagnosed in 2009 during the mitral valve replacement and since then she had an epicardial permanent pacemaker; the pulse generator was placed into an intramuscular pouch created in the left subcostal region. Surprisingly, radiologic examinations showed that the generator migrated into the pouch of Douglas. Considering patient safety, first a new intracardiac pacemaker was implanted and then the migrated device was removed surgically. The patient was discharged on the seventh postoperative day

    A levoszimendán perioperatív alkalmazása a szívsebészetben. Magyar ajánlás = Perioperative use of levosimendan in cardiac surgery. Hungarian recommendation

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    Absztrakt: Az alacsony perctérfogat szindróma jelentősen emeli a szívműtétek szövődményeit és a halálozást, megnyújtja az intenzív osztályos és kórházi tartózkodási időt. A kezelésére alkalmazott katecholaminterápiának nemkívánatos szisztémás és kardiális mellékhatásai lehetnek. A levoszimendán érzékenyebbé teszi a szívizom kalciumcsatornáit kalciumra, és megnyitja az adenozin-trifoszfát (ATP)-szenzitív káliumcsatornákat (KATP) is. Ennek köszönhetően javítja a szív teljesítményét, nem növeli a szívizom oxigénigényét, valamint védőhatást fejt ki a szívre és számos egyéb szervre is. A korábbiakban megjelent irodalom és szakértői vélemények alapján 2015-ben publikálták a szakértői véleményeket tartalmazó európai dokumentumot a levoszimendán szívsebészeti perioperatív alkalmazásáról. Ennek figyelembevételével, továbbá a hét magyar szívcentrum és a gyermekszívcentrum (szívsebész, aneszteziológus és kardiológus képviselőinek) bevonásával kidolgoztuk a magyar ajánlást, melynek két meghatározó pillére van: az irodalmi evidenciák és a magyar centrumok képviselőinek tapasztalatai. Az áttekintett területek: koszorúérműtétek, billentyűműtétek, keringéstámogató eszközök és szívtranszplantáció, mind felnőtt, mind gyermek szívsebészeti beavatkozások vonatkozásában. Orv Hetil. 2018; 159(22): 870–877. | Abstract: Low output syndrome significantly increases morbidity and mortality of cardiac surgery and lengthens the durations of intensive care unit and hospital stays. Its treatment by catecholamines can lead to undesirable systemic and cardiac complications. Levosimendan is a calcium sensitiser and adenosine triphosphate (ATP)-sensitive potassium channel (IK,ATP) opener agent. Due to these effects, it improves myocardium performance, does not influence adversely the balance between O2 supply and demand, and possesses cardioprotective and organ protective properties as well. Based on the scientific literature and experts’ opinions, a European recommendation was published on the perioperative use of levosimendan in cardiac surgery in 2015. Along this line, and also taking into consideration cardiac surgeon, anaesthesiologist and cardiologist representatives of the seven Hungarian heart centres and the children heart centre, the Hungarian recommendation has been formulated that is based on two pillars: literature evidence and Hungarian expert opinions. The reviewed fields are: coronary and valvular surgery, assist device implantation, heart transplantation both in adult and pediatric cardiologic practice. Orv Hetil. 2018; 159(22): 870–877

    A levoszimendán perioperatív alkalmazása a szívsebészetben

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    Low output syndrome significantly increases morbidity and mortality of cardiac surgery and lengthens the durations of intensive care unit and hospital stays. Its treatment by catecholamines can lead to undesirable systemic and cardiac complications. Levosimendan is a calcium sensitiser and adenosine triphosphate (ATP)-sensitive potassium channel (IK,ATP) opener agent. Due to these effects, it improves myocardium performance, does not influence adversely the balance between O2 supply and demand, and possesses cardioprotective and organ protective properties as well. Based on the scientific literature and experts' opinions, a European recommendation was published on the perioperative use of levosimendan in cardiac surgery in 2015. Along this line, and also taking into consideration cardiac surgeon, anaesthesiologist and cardiologist representatives of the seven Hungarian heart centres and the children heart centre, the Hungarian recommendation has been formulated that is based on two pillars: literature evidence and Hungarian expert opinions. The reviewed fields are: coronary and valvular surgery, assist device implantation, heart transplantation both in adult and pediatric cardiologic practice. Orv Hetil. 2018; 159(22): 870-877

    Pericardialis tamponáddal, ST-szakasz-elevációval szövődött akut „A” típusú aortadissectio sikeresen operált esetének ismertetése | Successful treatment of an acute type A aortic dissection presented with ST segment elevation on ECG and pericardial tamponade. Case report

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    Az akut „A” típusú aortadissectio sikeres kezelésének kulcsa a gyors diagnosztika és a késedelem nélküli műtét. A gyors diagnózis felállítását számos szövődmény (myocardialis ischaemia, akut aortainsufficientia, szervperfúziós zavarok, pericardialis tamponád) és az azokhoz kapcsolódó, a klinikai képet olykor uraló tünetek nehezíthetik. A szerzők egy 72 éves nőbeteg kórtörténetét ismertetik, aki újraélesztés után került intézetükbe ST-elevációs myocardialis infarctus EKG-jeleivel. A katéterasztalon készített echokardiográfiás vizsgálat akut „A” típusú dissectiót és pericardialis tamponádot igazolt. Akut műtét során aortaascendens-reszekció, gyökrekonstrukció történt. A beteg kórházba érkezésétől a műtét végéig 6 óra telt el. A kontrollvizsgálat jó balkamra-funkció mellett kompetens aortabillentyűt mutatott. A beteg jelenleg jó általános állapotban, panaszmentesen, a rehabilitációs kezelés után, otthonában tartózkodik. A szerzők feltételezik, hogy a diagnosztikus és terápiás lehetőségek fejlődésével a jövőben az akut dissectiók során szükséges beavatkozások gyorsabban és kisebb invazivitással lesznek elvégezhetők, ami tovább javíthatja az akut aortadissectiók esetén még jelenleg is magas mortalitási és morbiditási mutatókat. Orv. Hetil., 2014, 155(44), 1763–1767. | Successful treatment of type A acute aortic dissection depends on the promptness of diagnostic evaluation and therapy. Fast diagnosis can be challenged by numerous complications such as myocardial ischemia, acute aortic insufficiency, and disturbances in organ perfusion and pericardial tamponade. The authors report the case history of a 72-year-old woman, who was admitted after resuscitation with ST segment elevation. Echocardiography revealed acute type A aortic dissection with signs of pericardial tamponade. An emergency operation consisting of the resection of the ascending aorta and the reconstruction of the aortic root was performed, which took six hours from admission until the end of the operation. Follow-up examinations demonstrated good left ventricular function and competent aortic valve. The authors propose that with the development of diagnostic and therapeutic options, faster and less invasive interventions will be introduced in near future for the treatment of acute aortic dissection, which may reduce the morbidity and mortality rates of this lethal illness. Orv. Hetil., 2014, 155(44), 1763–1767