17 research outputs found

    Aspectos histológicos do trato digestivo de Sotalia fluviatilis (Cetacea, Delphinidae): esôfago e estômago

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    Os esôfagos e estômagos de seis botos tucuxi, Sotalia fluviatilis (Cetacea: Delphinidae) foram examinados anatômica e microscopicamente e comparados com os de botos marinhos do mesmo gênero. O esôfago é um simples tubo distensível e macroscopicamente uniforme até sua junção com o estômago. Este boto tem um estômago tricompartimentado: uma parte anterior ou muscular; uma principal, glandular; e uma pilórica. As características anatomo-funcionais de cada compartimento são descritas. Não se achou esfíncter entre o esôfago e o estômago. Em comparação com os delfinídeos marinhos, não há adaptações, por parte de Sotalia, à invasão relativamente recente do ambiente de água doce.<br>The oesophagus and stomachs of six tucuxi dolphins, Sotalia fluviatilis (Cetacea: Delphinidae) were examined anatomically and microscopically and compared with marine dolphins of the same genus. The oesophagus is a simple distendable tube and is macroscopically uniform to its junctureh with te stomach. This dolphin has a three-compartmented stomach: an anterior or muscular compartment; a principal one, which is glandular; and the pyloric part. The anatomical and functional characteristics of each compartment is described. No sphincter was found between the oesophagus and the stomach. In comparison with marine delphinids there are no adaptations specific to the relatively recent invasion of the fresh-water environment by Sotalia

    Low-Level Laser Application in the Early Myocardial Infarction Stage Has No Beneficial Role in Heart Failure

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    Low-level laser therapy (LLLT) has been targeted as a promising approach that can mitigate post infarction cardiac remodeling. There is some interesting evidence showing that the beneficial role of the LLLT could persist long-term even after the end of the application, but it remains to be systematically evaluated. Therefore, the present study aimed to test the hypothesis that LLLT beneficial effects in the early post-infarction cardiac remodeling could remain in overt heart failure even with the disruption of irradiations. Female Wistar rats were subjected to the coronary occlusion to induce myocardial infarction or Sham operation. A single LLLT application was carried out after 60 s and 3 days post-coronary occlusion, respectively. Echocardiography was performed 3 days and at the end of the experiment (5 weeks) to evaluate cardiac function. After the last echocardiographic examination. LV hemodynamic evaluation was performed at baseline and on sudden afterload increases. Compared with the Sham group, infarcted rats showed increased systolic and diastolic internal diameter as well as a depressed shortening fraction of LV. The only benefit of the LLLT was a higher shortening fraction after 3 days of infarction. However, treated-LLLT rats show a lower shortening fraction in the 5th week of study when compared with Sham and non-irradiated rats. A worsening of cardiac function was confirmed in the hemodynamic analysis as evidenced by the higher LV end-diastolic pressure and lower +dP/dt and dP/dt with five weeks of study. Cardiac functional reserve was also impaired by infarction as evidenced by an attenuated response of stroke work index and cardiac output to a sudden afterload stress, without LLLT repercussions. No significant differences were found in the myocardial expression of Akti NEGF pathway. Collectively, these findings illustrate that LLLT improves LV systolic function in the early post-infarction cardiac remodeling. However, this beneficial effect may be dependent on the maintenance of phototherapy. Long-term studies with LLLT application are needed to establish whether these effects ultimately translate into improved cardiac remodeling.Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Cientifico e TecnologicoFAPESPNove de Julho Univ, Lab Biophoton, Sao Paulo, SP, BrazilUniv Fed Sao Paulo, Lab Cardiac Physiol, Sao Paulo, SP, BrazilNove de Julho Univ, Program Med, Sao Paulo, BrazilUniv Sao Judas Tadeu, Brazil Phys Educ & Aging Sci Program, Translat Physiol Lab, Sao Paulo, BrazilUniv Fed Sao Paulo, Lab Cardiac Physiol, Sao Paulo, SP, BrazilCNPq: 4400851/2014-8FAPESP: 09-54225/8FAPESP: 15/11028-9Web of Scienc

    <title language="por">The mangrove as a temporary habitat for fish: the Eucinostomus Species at Guaratuba Bay, Brazil (25º 52'S;48º 39'W)

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    Several coastal fish use the estuarine habitat during a part of their life cycle. These sites are considered good for the reproductive activity, as well as for the growth of larvae and juveniles. Concerning the Gerreidae, however, many studies reveal that most species leave the estuaries to reproduce at sea. At Guaratuba Bay, southern Brazil, this family is represented by three genera and five species, which make an important fraction of the local assemblage. The present study investigated the populational structure and breeding habits of three Eucinostomus species, in order to know what relationship exists between them and the mangrove. It was found that the Guaratuba mangrove represents a transitory habitat for the life cycle of the Eucinostomus species. The sub-adults grow in the mangrove throughout the year and leave this milieu in spring or summer, when they complete the gonadal maturation and presumably spawn. E. argenteus and E. gula do not return to the mangrove after spawning. The three species feed mainly on polychaetes, but differences occur with respect to the secondary components of the diet.No manguezal da Baía de Guaratuba, litoral sul do Brasil, os Gerreidae são representados por 3 gêneros e 5 espécies, compondo uma parcela numericamente importante da ictiofauna local. Este trabalho descreve a estrutura populacional e os hábitos reprodutivos de Eucinostomus argenteus, E. gula e E. melanopterus, reconhecendo as relações que mantêm com o manguezal. Os resultados indicam que o manguezal representa para elas um habitat transitório. Os subadultos crescem na área ao longo do ano, deixando-na na primavera ou no verão, quando completam a maturação e desovam, no mar ou em outra região da Baía. E. argenteus e E. gula não retornam ao manguezal após a desova, mas E. melanopterus provavelmente sim. As três espécies alimentam-se sobretudo de poliquetos, apresentando diferenças nos itens secundários da dieta

    Biologia de Paralonchurus brasiliensis (Steindachner) (Teleostei, Sciaenidae) no litoral sul do Estado do Paran\ue1, Brasil

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    Apresentam-se atributos de estrutura populacional, reprodução e alimentação de Paralonchurus brasiliensis no litoral Sul do Estado do Paraná. As coletas foram realizadas com rede de arrasto de fundo, de março de 1999 a janeiro de 2000, sobre as isóbatas 10 e 15 m. Os indivíduos são mais abundantes durante a primavera, época de recrutamento dos jovens menores que 93 mm. A relação peso/comprimento para sexos grupados é PT(g) = 2,74E-6.CT(mm)3,22 (n = 659; R² = 0,99). Maturação gonadal é registrada a partir da classe de comprimento 130-165 mm, e o comprimento médio de primeira maturação - sexos grupados - é estimado em 175 mm. Poliquetas são o item alimentar mais freqüente em todas as classes de tamanho e estações do ano, seguidos de crustáceos e peixes. Conclui-se que o período reprodutivo da espécie estende-se do outono (início da maturação) ao verão (final da desova). Após a primavera, os jovens provavelmente saem da área de profundidade 10 m. A interdição do arrasto camaroneiro nesta profundidade durante primavera e verão seria eficiente para reduzir o by-catch de P. brasiliensis, hoje composto por indivíduos recrutas ou em proximidade de desova.<br>The populational structure, reproduction and feeding features of banded croaker in southern coast of Paraná State are presented. Samplings were performed through bottom trawl from March 1999 to January 2000 at depths 10 and 15 m. Paralonchurus brasiliensis is more abundant during spring, when the youngest individuals, smaller than 93 mm, are recruited. The relation weight/length for grouped sexes is TW(g) = 2.74E-6TL(mm)3.22 (n = 659; R² = 0.99). Gonadal maturation is recorded since the length class 130-165 mm and the average length of the first maturation (grouped sexes) is estimated in 175 mm. Sand worms (Polychaeta) are the feeding item more usual for the all size classes and seasons, followed by crustacean and fishes. Species reproductive period extends from autumn (start maturation) to summer (end the spawning). After spring, youngs probably leave the area 10 m of depth. The prohibition of the shrimp bottom trawl in this depth during the spring and the summer must be efficient to reduce P. brasiliensis by-catch, today composed by recruits or spawning proximity individuals