353 research outputs found

    Estratégias de intervenção sensório-motora para crianças prematuras no cuidado intensivo neonatal: uma revisão sistemática / Sensory-motor intervention strategies for premature infants in neonatal intensive care: a systematic review

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    Background: Interventions that imitate the intrauterine environment can have beneficial effects on the development of premature infants. Purpose: The aim of the present literature review was to determine what sensory-motor stimulation techniques are administered to premature newborns in neonatal intensive care units and analyze the impact of these interventions on neuropsychomotor development. Methods: The SciELO, LILACS, PubMed, PEDro and Cochrane databases were searched for pertinent articles published between 2007 and 2018.  Results: Seventy-five articles were identified and 10 were included in the review. Different sensory-motor interventions are employed, the most widely used of which are tactile and acoustic stimuli. Such interventions generate both immediate and long-term benefits to neuropsychomotor development in this population. Implications: Premature newborns have the ability to interact with different environment and sensory-motor stimulation methods.  These interventions generate both immediate and long-term benefits to neuropsychomotor development in this population, leading to weight gain and other improvements, such as a reduction in pain in this population.PROSPERO register number: CRD42018098693

    Genetic cause and effect interrelationships for grain quality attributes of irrigated rice

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    O objetivo deste trabalho foi determinar as correlações genéticas e as associações diretas e indiretas de caracteres agronômicos e atributos de qualidade de grãos com a percentagem de grãos inteiros em arroz irrigado por inundação. O experimento foi conduzido em dois ambientes, em delineamento de blocos ao acaso, com três repetições, tendo-se utilizado 23 genótipos de arroz irrigado. Os caracteres avaliados foram: percentagem de grãos inteiros, comprimento da cariopse, largura da cariopse, comprimento da panícula, peso da panícula, peso de mil grãos, dias para floração, percentagem de grãos com “barriga branca” e grãos gessados, área gessada total, brancura total, brancura vítrea e defeitos de coloração. A percentagem de grãos com “barriga branca” e área gessada total correlacionaram-se positivamente, enquanto a percentagem de grãos com “barriga branca” e gessada e brancura vítrea correlacionaram-se negativamente. Os caracteres largura da cariopse, percentual de grãos com “barriga branca” e gessada, peso da panícula e peso de mil grãos apresentaram efeitos indiretos sobre a resposta de rendimento de grãos inteiros de acordo com área total gessada e brancura total. Área total gessada e brancura total são os fatores que mais influenciam negativamente a percentagem de grãos inteiros de acordo com as correlações genotípicas e os efeitos diretos.The objective of this work was to determine the genetic correlations and the direct and indirect associations of agronomic traits and grain quality attributes with the percentage of whole grains in flood irrigated rice. The experiment was carried out in two environments, in a randomized complete block design with three replicates, using 23 irrigated rice genotypes. The evaluated traits were: percentage of whole grains, caryopsis length, caryopsis width, panicle length, panicle weight, 1,000 grain weight, days to flowering, percentage of chalky grains with white belly, total chalky area, total whiteness, vitreous whiteness, and defects in coloring. The percentage of grains with white belly and total chalky area were positively correlated, whereas the percentage of grains with white belly and vitreous whiteness were negatively correlated. The traits caryopsis width, percentage of chalky grains with white belly, panicle weight, and 1,000 grain weight showed indirect effects on whole-grain yield response according to total chalky area and total whiteness. Total chalky area and total whiteness are the factors that most negatively influence the percentage of whole grains according to the genotypic correlations and direct effects


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    ABSTRACT Objectives: Evaluate the efficacy and effects of releasing the muscles of subluxated hips of patients with SCZ. Methods: This is a retrospective study with 29 patients with subluxation of the hip, corresponding to 55 hips operated in a public hospital in Recife, Brazil. Preoperative femoral head migration (PM) percentages were evaluated and compared with 6- and 12-month postoperative results. Results: Twenty-nine patients were eligible, representing 55 hips evaluated. 19 were female (65.5%), with a mean age of 31.45 months (ranging from 23 to 42 years). 19 patients were GMFCS level V (65.5%), 34.5% were level IV, and 20 of the 29 patients (69%) had no complications. The PM had an absolute reduction of 11.6% (GMFCS IV) and 13.31% (GMFCS V) in the first six months. After 12 months, there was a regression of MP of 7.14% (GMFCS V) and 11.25% (GMFCS IV) compared to preoperative values, with no significant statistical difference among MP values presented between 6 and 12 months after surgery. Conclusions: The surgery was effective in PM regression during the analyzed period and presented a low complication rate. Level of Evidence III; Comparative retrospective study


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    Na Síndrome de Pusher (SP) ou Síndrome do não-alinhamento, os pacientes apresentam alteração do controle vertical postural que são normalmente consequência de uma lesão encefálica, e embora a síndrome esteja quase sempre relacionada a fases agudas e subagudas de AVCs, outras lesões que venham a acometer a rede neural podem causá-la. Ao mesmo tempo que o paciente é acometido pela síndrome, ele começa a apresentar dificuldade de manter o equilíbrio e o controle de tronco parado ou em movimento. A pesquisa tem como objetivo avaliar o nível de conhecimento dos acadêmicos de Fisioterapia do último ano a respeito da Síndrome de Pusher. Trata-se de uma pesquisa de caráter quantitativo e descritivo, onde foi aplicado um questionário com perguntas fechadas a respeito da Síndrome de Pusher. A Síndrome Pusher acomete 10% dos pacientes hemiplégicos, sendo O AVC, uma das principais patologias que produz um quadro clínico com hemiplegia. A SP é caracterizada principalmente por um comportamento em que o paciente têm a tendência de inclinar-se para o lado hemiplégico quando estão sentados, mas que também aparece durante transferência e a marcha, acompanhado por uma grande resistência a tentativas de correção de suas posturas e correlacionadas a um alto risco de quedas. É importante que o fisioterapeuta utilize o tratamento preconizado na literatura, onde orienta que a postura vertical é a postura ideal para o tratamento deste paciente. Diante dos resultados apresentados, foi possível concluir que, apesar dos acadêmicos entrevistados afirmarem conhecer a SP, os mesmos não souberam responder a questões mais complexas a respeito da mesma, por exemplo, quando questionou-se a respeito da estrutura lesada nos casos de SP. Desse modo, torna-se fundamental a necessidade de exposição, discussão e pesquisa sobre a Síndrome de Pusher, sua fisiopatologia, diagnóstico, terapêutica ideal evidenciada entre os a classe acadêmica

    MarinEye - A tool for marine monitoring

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    This work presents an autonomous system for marine integrated physical-chemical and biological monitoring – the MarinEye system. It comprises a set of sensors providing diverse and relevant information for oceanic environment characterization and marine biology studies. It is constituted by a physicalchemical water properties sensor suite, a water filtration and sampling system for DNA collection, a plankton imaging system and biomass assessment acoustic system. The MarinEye system has onboard computational and logging capabilities allowing it either for autonomous operation or for integration in other marine observing systems (such as Observatories or robotic vehicles. It was designed in order to collect integrated multi-trophic monitoring data. The validation in operational environment on 3 marine observatories: RAIA, BerlengasWatch and Cascais on the coast of Portugal is also discussed.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Identification of Eschweilenol C in derivative of Terminalia fagifolia Mart. and green synthesis of bioactive and biocompatible silver nanoparticles

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    A green synthetic route was developed to prepare silver nanoparticles (AgNPs) in aqueous solution for biological applications. Eschweilenol C, a compound derivative ellagic acid was identified as the main constituent of the aqueous fraction of the ethanolic extract of Terminalia fagifolia Mart. by NMR analysis. In the green synthesis, the ethanolic extract of T. fagifolia and its aqueous fraction were used to promote silver reduction and nanoparticle stabilization. The synthesized AgNPs presented a spherical or polygonal morphology shape by TEM analysis and AgNPs showed high levels of antioxidant and considerable antibacterial and antifungal activities. Synthesized nanoparticles presented significant antioxidant activity by sequestration of DPPH and ABTS radicals, in addition to iron reduction (FRAP assay) and measurement of antioxidant capacity in ORAC units, in addition, AgNP synthesized with the aqueous fraction also demonstrated antioxidant potential in microglial cells. Gram-positive and Gram-negative bacteria were susceptible to growth inhibition by the nanoparticles, among which the AgNPs formed by the ethanolic extract was the most effective. The data obtained by AFM images suggested that AgNPs could lead to the lysis of bacteria and subsequent death. The antifungal assays showed high efficiency against yeasts and dermatophytes. This work represents the first description of antifungal activity by AgNPs against Fonsecaea pedrosoi, the etiologic agent of chromoblastomycosis. In relation to biocompatibility, the AgNPs induced lower haemolysis than AgNO3.We thank Herbert Kogler and Reinhard Wimmer for the identification of Eschweilenol C. The NMR laboratory at Aalborg University is supported by the Obel Family, SparNord and Carlsberg foundations.The authors are grateful to Carla Eiras (LIMAV/CT/UFPI) and to FCT and EU for financial support through project UID/QUI/50006/2013– POCI-01-0145-FEDER-007265 from COMPETE and projectNORTE-01-0145-FEDER-000011 from COMPETE. Thanks to Andreia Pinto for help with the TEM measurements at Instituto de Medicina Molecular (IMM). This work was supported by the Histology and Comparative Pathology Laboratory of the IMMinfo:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio


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    O descarte inadequado de medicamentos pode levar à impactos ambientais negativos e deve ser considerado um problema de saúde pública. O presente estudo levantou dados quantitativos e qualitativos relacionados ao perfil dos medicamentos descartados no município de Governador Valadares - MG. O trabalho foi desenvolvido nas UAPS/ESF que possuíam farmácias, e também na Farmácia Central/Policlínica Municipal. Nesses locais, foi realizada uma análise dos medicamentos descartados no período de julho de 2017 a maio de 2018 e a aplicação de um questionário semiestruturado aos usuários participantes de grupos operativos. As principais classes de medicamentos descartadas foram os inibidores da enzima conversora de angiotensina, antagonistas da angiotensina II, agentes betabloqueadores, diuréticos, hipoglicemiantes, contraceptivos hormonais e agentes modificadores de lipídeos. Dos usuários entrevistados, 69,70% afirmaram nunca ter recebido orientação sobre a forma correta de armazenamento e descarte de medicamentos, 67,65% acreditavam que a forma como descartam os medicamentos pode causar impactos ambientais, porém, 65,62% não souberam quais seriam esses impactos. O trabalho desenvolvido permitiu apresentar dados relevantes para a gestão municipal demonstrando a importância do farmacêutico no cuidado em saúde e o caráter epidemiológico local da prevalência das doenças crônico não transmissíveis