32 research outputs found

    The Brazil of Lula : a global and affirmative diplomacy (2003-2010)

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    During Lula's government (2003-2010) Brazil experienced significant social and economical improves, but especially developed an “active and affirmative” diplomacy of global span, which assured autonomy and international prestige. Beneath Brazil’s coordination the South American integration had moved on. The country established strategic partnerships with China, Russia, India and South Africa, which, added to the advance of the south-south cooperation, changed the course of global multilateral negotiation. When it is about to choose the heiress, Lula’s diplomatic legacy must deepen, contributing to a worldwide reform

    Axes of world power in the 21st Century : an analytical proposal

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    The ranking of the hierarchy and grouping of World Powers is not based exclusively on material indicators such as economics, natural resources, territorial extension, population size and military resources. It is necessary to consider the stage in which the transformational process of the post-Cold War International System is, the position in which a power stands, and general and specific historical trends. The present article proposes a classification that identifies the existence of four axes of world power: 1) the Anglo-Saxon military-rentier; 2) the semi-sovereign industriallydeveloped; 3) the semi-peripheral industrially-emergent; and 4) the agrarian, mineral and demographic peripheral

    Editor's note

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    Editor's note

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    Editor's note

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    Editor's note

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    O pensamento autoritario brasileiro e as relacoes internacionais : a crise do periodo entre guerras na obra de francisco campos

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    O objetivo principal do estudo e perceber como o mais importante pensador autoritario brasileiro - francisco campos - interpretava a crise do liberalismo no periodo entre-guerras. para isso, o autor procura estabelecer relacoes na instancia politico-ideologica, entre o nivel nacional e internacional, buscando destacar os componentes e os fundamentos mundiais de uma proposta politica gestada em um momento de crise nao apenas brasileira, mas do capitalismo em escala internacional

    O Brasil e o Mundo: a política externa e suas fases

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    Brazilian foreign policy during five centuries was characterized by tree main periods: from 1494 (before discovery) until the beginning of the XXth century, it was turned to the consolidation of its territorial space and, progressively, of the National State, from 1902 to 1961, it was characterized by the "unwritten alliance" with the US and the hemisferic insertion, from 1961 onwards, it faces the needs of economic devellopment on global and multilateral standards.Brazilian foreign policy during five centuries was characterized by tree main periods: from 1494 (before discovery) until the beginning of the XXth century, it was turned to the consolidation of its territorial space and, progressively, of the National State, from 1902 to 1961, it was characterized by the "unwritten alliance" with the US and the hemisferic insertion, from 1961 onwards, it faces the needs of economic devellopment on global and multilateral standards

    O Brasil e a história das Relações Internacionais

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    Na historiografia brasileira e mundial, a História Diplomática deu lugar à História das Relações Internacionais. Todavia, ambas tem caminhado paralelamente, com periodizações próprias e dissociadas, sem dialogar apropriadamente. O presente artigo busca associar ambas periodizações, posicionando o Brasil dentro da História das Relações Internacionais mundiais, desde a fase colonial ao século XXI