1,568 research outputs found

    Emergent literacy beliefs in preschool and kindergarten contexts

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    This study aims to understand how a group of preschool/kindergarten teachers (N = 340) perceives and accomplishes linguistic and literacy oriented practices. Results show that, in a set of literacy and language tasks, teachers tend to value oral driven tasks and seldom engage in activities that relate to teaching the written language. This profile of educators is a reflection of prevalent views in pre-service teacher education and of some of the most common practices in Portuguese preschool and kindergarten classes (ages 3-6) and suggests that teachers have limited scientific knowledge of emergent literacy concepts. It seems that, despite being promoted to university training in the last 20 years, pre-service education does not yet reflect the state of the art in early childhood education. In a set of in-depth interviews (N = 8) we found a close association between the absence of literacy practices and the absence of pre-service specific knowledge about this subject. Participants that report consistent and regular linguistic and literacy oriented practices seem to perceive pre-service education as critical for their commitment to those practices. On the other hand, older teachers and teachers with lower training levels seem to undervalue specific literacy oriented tasks. The opposite seems to happen with younger and more educated teachers. Overall, our study suggests that the contents of pre-service and in-service education induce specific practices in preschool/kindergarten contexts, but it also suggests that this impact may be limited by socialization effects of dominant professional practices.Cette étude tente de comprendre comment un groupe d’enseignants du préscolaire/jardin d’enfants (N = 340) perçoit et accomplit les pratiques d’éveil à l’écrit. Les résultats montrent que, parmi un ensemble de tâches langagières, les enseignants ont tendance à favoriser les activités orales et ne s’engagent que rarement dans des activités relatives à l’enseignement de la langue écrite. Ce profil d’enseignants reflète des points de vues répandus dans la formation initiale des enseignants et quelques unes des pratiques les plus courantes dans le préscolaire portugais et les classes de jardin d’enfants (3-6 ans). Il suggère en outre que les enseignants ont une connaissance scientifique limitée des notions d’entrée dans l’écrit. Il semble donc que, malgré une prise en charge universitaire depuis ces 20 dernières années, la formation initiale des enseignants ne reflète pas encore l’état des connaissances acquises dans le champ de l’éducation de la petite enfance. Dans plusieurs entretiens (N = 8), nous avons relevé une relation étroite entre l’absence de pratiques d’éveil à l’écrit et l’absence de formation initiale spécifique sur ce sujet. Les enseignants qui déclarent mettre en oeuvre des pratiques d’éveil à l’écrit pertinentes et régulières semblent porter un regard critique sur la formation initiale. D’autre part, les enseignants plus âgés et ceux ayant bénéficié d’une moindre formation semblent sous-estimer les activités d’éveil à l’écrit, tandis que le contraire s’observe pour les enseignants plus jeunes et davantage formés. De façon générale, notre étude suggère que le contenu de la formation initiale et continue engendre des pratiques spécifiques dans le préscolaire/jardin d’enfants, mais elle suggère aussi que cet impact puisse être limité par des effets de socialisation en lien avec les pratiques professionnelles dominantes.Crenças sobre literacia emergente em contextos de jardim-de-infância e ensino pré-escolar RESUMO. Este estudo procura compreender de que forma um grupo de educadores do ensino pré-escolar (N = 340) concebe e leva a cabo práticas orientadas para a literacia e para o conhecimento da língua. Os resultados revelam que, num conjunto de tarefas linguísticas e de literacia, os educadores tendem a valorizar tarefas orais e raramente põem em prática actividades orientadas para o ensino da língua escrita. Este perfil de educadores reflecte uma visão dominante na formação inicial e algumas das práticas mais comuns nas salas de jardim-de-infância e ensino pré-escolar (idades 3-6), e sugere que os educadores têm um conhecimento limitado dos conceitos emergentes no que respeita à literacia. Parece que, apesar de ter sido promovida a formação universitária nos últimos 20 anos, a preparação dos educadores de infância ainda não reflecte os mais recentes desenvolvimentos na educação pré-escolar. Num conjunto de entrevistas aprofundadas (N = 8), descobrimos uma ligação estreita entre a ausência de práticas de literacia e a ausência de orientações específicas neste sentido durante a formação inicial. Os participantes que evidenciaram práticas linguísticas e de literacia consistentes e regulares parecem encarar a sua formação como tendo sido crucial para o seu envolvimento nessas práticas. Por outro lado, os educadores mais velhos, bem como aqueles com níveis de formação mais baixos, parecem subvalorizar as tarefas especificamente orientadas para a literacia. O contrário acontece com os educadores mais novos, ou com formação avançada. De uma maneira geral, o nosso estudo sugere que os conteúdos da formação incial e da formação contínua conduzem a práticas específicas nos contextos de educação pré-escolar, mas também sugere que este impacto pode ser limitado pelos efeitos de socialização das práticas profissionais dominantes.(undefined

    Prevalência dos erros refractivos em estudantes universitários

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    A influência do cicloplégico na refracção objectiva

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    Modal analysis of a composite sandwich panel used in the structure of an hybrid bus

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    The rear module of an hybrid bus was redesigned in a joint effort by Volvo andIDMEC in the framework of the european project HCV Hybrid Commercial Vehicle (GrantAgreement No 234019), replacing most of the metallic frame and other components with compositesandwich panels. The redesigned bus overall weight was reduced by approximately900kg. This paper presents the numerical and experimental modal analysis of a sandwichpanel that was produced using the same materials and production process used to produce themain prototype rear component

    Sistema de sensorização móvel e controlo baseado em ZigBee para bicicletas elétricas

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    Este artigo apresenta um sistema de monitorização e controlo centrado em dispositivos móveis concebido para aplicação em cenários que permitem tirar partido de uma bicicleta eléctrica. A bicicleta, para além de um meio de transporte, é uma excelente ferramenta para a promoção do exercício físico, podendo contribuir para melhorar a aptidão física de utilizadores de diversas faixas etárias. O sistema proposto, baseado numa rede ZigBee, permite recolher sinais fisiológicos dos utilizadores e controlar o motor elétrico da bicicleta de modo a possibilitar a implementação de diversos modos de utilização. Este trabalho descreve a solução utilizada para implementar a comunicação sem fios entre os sensores ZigBee e um smartphone Android, bem como os sensores para monitorização de sinais fisiológicos que foram desenvolvidos. De modo a ajudar a perceber onde este trabalho pode ser aplicado, são explicados alguns modos de utilização baseados no controlo do esforço físico, bem como as vantagens do sistema em relação às bicicletas convencionais e bicicletas estáticas.Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia (FCT

    Development and characterization of PLA nanoparticles as carriers for topical delivery

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    Nanoparticles are seen today as one of the best approaches for the delivery of drugs into the skin. Poly (Lactic Acid) (PLA) is biocompatible and biodegradable and already approved for clinical use. Thus, this work aimed to study the effect of several parameters on the properties of PLA nanoparticles (PLA-NPs) intended for topical delivery. The yield of nanoparticles formation and entrapment efficiencies of lipophilic and hydrophilic model compounds in PLA-NPs were assessed. We evaluated the effects of mechanical stirring, solvent composition and presence of tri-bloc polymers on the protocol for the production of PLA-NPs. The best protocol provided a monodispersed population of non-cytotoxic spherical particles of !150 nm and a yield of nanoparticles formation of !90%. This formulation also proved to be efficient in the encapsulation of lipophilic and hydrophilic model compounds (>80%). The best protocol for the production of PLA-NPs includes a nanoprecipitation step, which is easily up scalable

    Modeling competences in enterprise architecture:from knowledge, skills, and attitudes to organizational capabilities

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    Competence-based approaches have received increased attention, as the demand for qualified people with the right combination of competences establishes itself as a major factor of organizational performance. This paper examines how competences can be incorporated into Enterprise Architecture modeling: (i) we identify a key set of competence-related concepts such as knowledge, skills, and attitudes, (ii) analyze and relate them using a reference ontology (grounded on the Unified Foundational Ontology), and (iii) propose a representation strategy for modeling competences and their constituent elements leveraging the ArchiMate language, discussing how the proposed models can fit in enterprise competence-based practices. Our approach is intended to cover two tasks relevant to the combined application of Enterprise Architecture and Competence Modeling: ‘zooming in’ on competences, revealing the relations between competences, knowledge, skills, attitudes and other personal characteristics that matter in organizational performance, and ‘zooming out’ of competences, placing them in the wider context of other personal competences and overall organizational capabilities. An assessment of the representation is offered in the form of an empirical survey.</p

    Fire from the Sky in the Anthropocene

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    [EN] Lightning is the prevailing ignition source in many remote or scarcely populated parts of the world, and those fires tend to be larger and more intense than human-caused fires [1]. “Dry” lightning storms can ignite many fires over short periods of time and relatively vast areas and in locations less predictable and accessible than those of human-caused fires. Additionally, and regardless of the ignition cause, thunderstorm wind flows can drastically change the behaviour of on-going fires, amplifying fire–atmosphere interactions and leading to erratic and destructive firestorms. Such was the case of the Pedrogão Grande wildfire in Portugal, where 66 people died on 17 June 2017 [2]. Fires themselves can generate lightning when pyrocumulonimbus form, as in the Black Saturday fires of February 2009 in Australia, where 173 people perished [3]. In 2019–2020, the unprecedented Black Summer mega-fires were mostly lightning-caused fires (LCFs) and burned one-fifth of the Australian temperate broadleaf forest and caused huge social disruption [4]; lightning started most fires in a region where “dry” thunderstorms are now more frequent than in the recent past [5]. Once rare in Tasmania, LCFs are now threatening World Heritage forests non-adapted to fire [6]. In California, the unusual 2020 lightning siege has burned ca. 1 million hectares, destroying at least 4390 structures and killing 22 people after 14,000 lightning strikes [7]. In human-dominated landscapes, such as in southern Europe, LCFs comprise a small fraction of the total number of fires, and so are commonly perceived as irrelevant. Such neglect and focus on human agency can happen even when fire statistics indicate a significant role of LCFs in the fire regime, e.g., in temperate Australia [8]. Consequently, by downplaying or ignoring LCFs, fire management planning will hardly be prepared to handle the particular difficulties posed by an LCF crisis. Here, we characterize the relevance of LCFs in a generically low LCF region, the Iberian Peninsula, and will then address current and future challenges posed by LCFs in relation to climate changeSIThis work is supported by National Funds by FCT—Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology, under the project UIDB/04033/202