402 research outputs found

    Luz solar e suicídio no trópico de Capricórnio, São Paulo, Brasil, 1996-2004

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    Estudos epidemiológicos têm confirmado que as taxas de suicídio apresentam variação sazonal relacionada às horas de insolação. O padrão de suicídios foi analisado na cidade de São Paulo, Brasil, no trópico de Capricórnio, de 1996 a 2004. A regressão de Poisson foi utilizada para estimar padrões de sazonalidade, bem como verificar a associação dia-a-dia entre duração da insolação e suicídio. Durante os nove anos houve 3.984 suicídios (76,9% homens; mediana de idade=38,7 anos). As médias de suicídio por estação do ano e por mês de suicídio foram similares. Segundo a regressão de Poisson, não houve associação entre insolação e suicídio (p=0,45) para ambos os sexos. Conclui-se que não houve padrão sazonal de suicídios na cidade de São Paulo.Several studies have confirmed seasonal variation in suicide rates according to hours of sunshine. The suicide pattern was assessed in São Paulo, southeastern Brazil, at the tropic of Capricorn from 1996 to 2004. Poisson regression was employed to estimate parameters of seasonality, as well as to verify associations for each day between daylight duration and suicide. During the nine-year study period, there were 3,984 suicides (76.9% in men; median age=38.7 years old). Seasonal averages of suicides were similar, as were monthly averages. Poisson regression did not reveal any association between suicide rates and hours of sunshine (p=0.45) for both sexes. In conclusion, no seasonal pattern was observed for suicides

    Prevalência de doenças da tireóide em idosos: resultados do São Paulo Ageing & Health Study

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    This study aimed to estimate prevalence of thyroid disorders in the São Paulo Ageing & Health Study, an epidemiological study addressing several health-adverse outcomes among elderly people living in a poor area of São Paulo, Brazil. All participants answered a questionnaire and had a blood sample collected to assess levels of tireotropic hormone and free-thyroxine. Among 1,373 people (60.8% women), prevalence rates (95% confidence interval) for thyroid dysfunction (%) were: overt hyperthyroidism, 0.7% (0.2-1.1)[women: 0.8% (0.2-1.5); men: 0.4% (0.01-0.9)]; overt hypothyroidism, 5.7% (4.5-6.9) [women: 5.9% (4.3-7.5); men: 5.4% (3.5-7.3)]; subclinical hyperthyroidism, 2.4% (1.6-3.2) [women: 2.8% (1.6-3.9); men: 1.9% (0.7-3.0)]; and subclinical hypothyroidism, 6.5% (5.2-7.8) [women: 6.7% (5.0-8.4); men: 6.1% (4.1-8.2)]. There was no difference in prevalence rates according to gender, but almost 40% of women were diagnosed and under treatment compared to 9% of men. The burden of thyroid disorders in this sample is high and most participants were not aware of them.O objetivo da pesquisa foi avaliar a prevalência de doenças da tireóide no São Paulo Ageing & Health Study, estudo epidemiológico focado em desfechos de saúde adversos em amostra de idosos moradores de São Paulo, Brasil. Todos os participantes responderam a questionário e colheram sangue para dosagem de hormônio tireotrópico e tiroxina-livre. Entre os 1.373 participantes (60,8% mulheres), a prevalência (intervalo de 95% de confiança) de hipertireoidismo clínico foi de 0,7% (0.2-1,1) [mulheres: 0,8% (0,2-1,5); homens: 0,4% (0,01-0,9)]; hipotireoidismo clínico, 5,7% (4,5-6,9) [mulheres: 5,9% (4,3-7,5); homens: 5,4% (3,5-7,3)]; hipertireoidismo subclínico, 2,4% (1,6-3,2) [mulheres: 2,8% (1,6-3,9); homens: 1,9% (0,7-3,0)]; e hipotireoidismo subclínico, 6,5% (5,2-7,8) [mulheres: 6,7% (5,0-8,4); homens: 6,1% (4,1-8,2)]. Não houve diferença na prevalência de doenças da tireóide por sexo. Quarenta por cento das mulheres tinham diagnóstico e estavam tratando, comparadas a 9% dos homens. A prevalência de disfunção tireoidiana foi elevada e a maioria dos participantes desconhecia o diagnóstico.(FAPESP) São Paulo Research Foundatio

    Resultados de oito aplicações do Teste do Progresso na Faculdade de Medicina da Universidade de São Paulo

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    BACKGROUND: Progress testing is a longitudinal tool for evaluating knowledge gains during the medical school years. OBJECTIVES: (1) To implement progress testing as a form of routine evaluation; (2) to verify whether cognitive gain is a continuous variable or not; and (3) to evaluate whether there is loss of knowledge relating to basic sciences in the final years of medical school. METHODS: A progress test was applied twice a year to all students from 2001 to 2004. The mean percentage score was calculated for each school year, employing ANOVA with post hoc Bonferroni test evaluation for each test. RESULTS: Progress testing was implemented as a routine procedure over these 4 years. The results suggest a cognitive gain from first to sixth year in all eight tests, as a continuum (P for trend < .0001). Gain was found to be continuous for basic sciences (taught during the first 2 years), clinical sciences (P < .0001), and clerkship rotation (P < .0001). There was no difference between the performance of men and women. CONCLUSION: Progress testing was implemented as a routine, applied twice a year. Data suggest that cognitive gain during medical training appears to be a continuum, even for basic science issues.O Teste do Progresso foi introduzido na Faculdade de Medicina da Universidade de São Paulo em 2001. OBJETIVO: (1) Testar a viabilidade da aplicação rotineira do teste; (2) verificar se o ganho de conhecimentos era progressivo e contínuo durante a graduação; (3) determinar se esse ganho de conhecimento inclui também as disciplinas do curso básico. MÉTODOS: O teste foi aplicado duas vezes por ano entre 2001-2004. Em cada teste, calculou-se o escore médio de acertos por ano letivo usando-se ANOVA com correção de Bonferroni para múltiplas comparações. RESULTADOS: O Teste do Progresso foi implementado como rotina entre 2001-2004. Os resultados sugerem um ganho cognitivo contínuo e progressivo ao longo da graduação (P < 0,0001) nos oito testes aplicados até o momento. Esse ganho seria significativo mesmo para as disciplinas do curso básico (P < 0,05), curso clínico (P < 0.0001) e internato (P < 0.0001). Não houve diferença de performance em função do gênero. CONCLUSÃO: O Teste do Progresso foi implementado como rotina, sendo aplicado semestralmente. Os resultados sugerem que o ganho cognitivo parece ser contínuo e progressivo mesmo para as disciplinas do básico ao longo dos seis anos

    The influence of the day of the week of hospital admission on the prognosis of stroke patients

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    This study aimed to evaluate the weekday and weekend distribution of stroke case hospital admissions and their respective prognosis based on a sample from the Estudo de Mortalidade e Morbidade do Acidente Vascular Cerebral (EMMA), a cohort of stroke patients admitted to a community hospital in the city of São Paulo, Brazil. We ascertained all consecutive cases of first-time strokes between April 2006 and December 2008 and performed a subsequent one-year follow-up. No association was found between frequency of hospital admissions due to ischemic and hemorrhagic strokes and the specific day of the week on which the admission occurred. However, ten-day and twelve-month case-fatality was higher in hemorrhagic stroke patients admitted at the weekend. We also found that intracerebral hemorrhage patients admitted on weekends had a worse survival rate (50%) compared with those admitted during weekdays (25.6%, P log-rank = 0.03). We found a multivariate hazard ratio of 2.49 (95%CI: 1.10-5.81, P trend = 0.03) for risk of death at the weekend compared to weekdays for intracerebral hemorrhage cases. No difference in survival was observed with respect to the overall sample of stroke or ischemic stroke patients

    The Acute-Phase Proteins Serum Amyloid A and C Reactive Protein in Transudates and Exudates

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    The distinction between exudates and transudates is very important in the patient management. Here we evaluate whether the acute-phase protein serum amyloid A (SAA), in comparison with C reactive protein (CRP) and total protein (TP), can be useful in this discrimination. CRP, SAA, and TP were determined in 36 exudate samples (27 pleural and 9 ascitic) and in 12 transudates (9 pleural and 3 ascitic). CRP, SAA, and TP were measured. SAA present in the exudate corresponded to 10% of the amount found in serum, that is, the exudate/serum ratio (E/S) was 0.10 ± 0.13. For comparison, the exudate/serum ratio for CRP and TP was 0.39 ± 0.37 and 0.68 ± 0.15, respectively. There was a strong positive correlation between serum and exudate SAA concentration (r = 0.764;p < 0.0001). The concentration of SAA in transudates was low and did not overlap with that found in exudates (0.02-0.21 versus 0.8–360.5 g/mL). SAA in pleural and ascitic exudates results mainly from leakage of the serum protein via the inflamed membrane. A comparison of the E/S ratio of SAA and CRP points SAA as a very good marker in discriminating between exudates and transudates

    Diabetes mellitus and sensorineural hearing loss: is there an association? Baseline of the Brazilian Longitudinal Study of Adult Health (ELSA-Brasil)

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    OBJECTIVES: Although several studies have investigated the effects of diabetes on hearing loss, the relationship between these two conditions remains unclear. Some studies have suggested that diabetes may cause sensorineural hearing loss, whereas others have failed to find an association. The biggest challenge in investigating the association between diabetes and hearing loss is the presence of confounding variables and the complexity of the auditory system. Our study investigated the association between diabetes and sensorineural hearing loss. We evaluated the influence of time from diabetes diagnosis on this association after controlling for age, gender, and hypertension diagnosis and excluding those subjects with exposure to noise. METHODS: This cross-sectional study evaluated 901 adult and elderly Brazilian Longitudinal Study of Adult Health (ELSA-Brasil) participants from São Paulo, Brazil who underwent audiometry testing as part of ELSA-Brasil’s baseline assessment. RESULTS: Hearing thresholds and speech test results were significantly worse in the group with diabetes than in the group without diabetes. However, no significant differences were found between participants with and without diabetes after adjusting for age, gender, and the presence of hypertension. Hearing thresholds were not affected by occupational noise exposure in the groups with and without diabetes. In addition, no association between the duration of diabetes and hearing thresholds was observed after adjusting for age, gender, and hypertension. CONCLUSION: We found no association between the duration of diabetes and worse hearing thresholds after models were adjusted for age, gender, and the presence of hypertension

    High frequency of silent brain infarcts associated with cognitive deficits in an economically disadvantaged population

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    OBJECTIVE: Using magnetic resonance imaging, we aimed to assess the presence of silent brain vascular lesions in a sample of apparently healthy elderly individuals who were recruited from an economically disadvantaged urban region (São Paulo, Brazil). We also wished to investigate whether the findings were associated with worse cognitive performance. METHODS: A sample of 250 elderly subjects (66-75 years) without dementia or neuropsychiatric disorders were recruited from predefined census sectors of an economically disadvantaged area of Sao Paulo and received structural magnetic resonance imaging scans and cognitive testing. A high proportion of individuals had very low levels of education (4 years or less, n=185; 21 with no formal education). RESULTS: The prevalence of at least one silent vascular-related cortical or subcortical lesion was 22.8% (95% confidence interval, 17.7-28.5), and the basal ganglia was the most frequently affected site (63.14% of cases). The subgroup with brain infarcts presented significantly lower levels of education than the subgroup with no brain lesions as well as significantly worse current performance in cognitive test domains, including memory and attention (

    Suicide rates and income in Sao Paulo and Brazil: a temporal and spatial epidemiologic analysis from 1996 to 2008

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    Background: In a classical study, Durkheim noted a direct relation between suicide rates and wealth in the XIX century France. Since that time, several studies have verified this relationship. It is known that suicide rates are associated with income, although the direction of this association varies worldwide. Brazil presents a heterogeneous distribution of income and suicide across its territory; however, evaluation for an association between these variables has shown mixed results. We aimed to evaluate the relationship between suicide rates and income in Brazil, State of Sao Paulo (SP), and City of SP, considering geographical area and temporal trends. Methods: Data were extracted from the National and State official statistics departments. Three socioeconomic areas were considered according to income, from the wealthiest (area 1) to the poorest (area 3). We also considered three regions: country-wide (27 Brazilian States and 558 Brazilian micro-regions), state-wide (645 counties of SP State), and city-wide (96 districts of SP city). Relative risks (RR) were calculated among areas 1, 2, and 3 for all regions, in a cross-sectional approach. Then, we used Joinpoint analysis to explore the temporal trends of suicide rates and SaTScan to investigate geographical clusters of high/low suicide rates across the territory. Results: Suicide rates in Brazil, the State of SP, and the city of SP were 6.2, 6.6, and 5.4 per 100,000, respectively. Taking suicide rates of the poorest area (3) as reference, the RR for the wealthiest area was 1.64, 0.88, and 1.65 for Brazil, State of SP, and city of SP, respectively (p for trend &lt;0.05 for all analyses). Spatial cluster of high suicide rates were identified at Brazilian southern (RR = 2.37), state of SP western (RR = 1.32), and city of SP central (RR = 1.65) regions. A direct association between income and suicide were found for Brazil (OR = 2.59) and the city of SP (OR = 1.07), and an inverse association for the state of SP (OR = 0.49). Conclusions: Temporospatial analyses revealed higher suicide rates in wealthier areas in Brazil and the city of SP and in poorer areas in the State of SP. We further discuss the role of socioeconomic characteristics for explaining these discrepancies and the importance of our findings in public health policies. Similar studies in other Brazilian States and developing countries are warranted