28 research outputs found

    Waarom ouders deelnemen aan professionele opvoedingsondersteuning. Participatie van ouders in Triple P Tieners

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    Waarom ouders deelnemen aan professionele opvoedingsondersteuning. Participatie van ouders in Triple P TienersOpvoedprogramma’s worden steeds meer als interventie gebruikt ter ondersteuning van ouders die zorgen en vragen hebben over de ontwikkeling en het gedrag van hun kinderen. Terwijl veel studies zich richten op de effectiviteit van deze programma’s en onderzoek laat zien dat ouderlijke motivatie, betrokkenheid en participatie van invloed zijn op de effectiviteit, is er weinig bekend over waarom ouders zich aanmelden en deelnemen. Ook is er weinig bekend over programma’s voor ouders van tieners, terwijl hun opvoednood juist in deze periode groot is. Deze studie onderzoekt de vraag of de Groep Triple P Tieners toegankelijk is voor ouders van diverse achtergronden en wat hen motiveert tot deelname. De resultaten van 50 half-gestructureerde interviews met deelgenomen ouders laten zien dat ondanks verschillende redenen en manieren van aanmelding (op eigen initiatief of verwezen door een professional), ouders van diverse achtergronden de bijeenkomsten en de cursusleiding waarderen. Maar ook zijn ze het erover eens dat de groepssamenstelling onevenwichtig kan zijn vanwege verschil in leeftijd van tieners en zwaarte van de gedrags- en opvoedproblematiek die ouders inbrengen. De combinatie van ouders met algemene vragen over de puberteit Ă©n ouders met specifieke zorgen over het probleemgedrag van hun tiener kan de wederzijdse herkenning en groepsuitwisseling belemmeren. We concluderen dat ouders van verschillende achtergronden Groep Triple P Tieners waarderen, maar dat meer aandacht nodig is voor de werving, samenstelling en begeleiding van de groep om de toegankelijkheid en participatie te vergroten.  Why parents participate in professional parenting support programmes. Participation of parents in the “Triple P Teens” programmeParenting programmes are increasingly being used as an intervention to support parents who experience difficulties with or have questions about their children’s development and behaviour. These programmes are implemented in many different parts of the world through individual consultations and/or group training sessions. They provide parents with a range of techniques and exercises to improve their understanding and handling of their children’s behaviour. They are used in parenting situations which already are tense and conflictual, with the aim of preventing the escalation of problems in everyday parenting. While many studies have focused on the effectiveness of these programmes, and research shows that parental motivation, involvement and participation all influence this effectiveness, little is known about which parents enrol and participate, and why they do so. Groups of vulnerable parents (parents with lower levels of educational attainment and/or a from non-Western migrant background) are less inclined to turn to professional parenting programmes, even though their parenting insecurity is high, particularly among parents with teenagers. Moreover, little is known about programmes that focus on the parents of teenagers. This study examines the question of whether “Group Triple P Teens” is accessible for parents from diverse ethnic and social backgrounds and what encourages their participation. Triple P is a “Positive Parenting Program” developed in Australia, which has been implemented in more than 25 countries, including the Netherlands. It consists of a comprehensive, five-level system of interventions, ranging from collective prevention, individual parenting consultation and group training, up to more intensive guidance for the parents of children with severe behavioural problems. Group Triple P Teens level 4 is for parents of teenagers up to 16 years old with mild to moderate behavioural problems or who wish to prevent behavioural problems from developing. The programme involves four (two-hour) group sessions with up to 12 parents, three individual telephone sessions and one closing session. For our study, semi-structured interviews were held with 50 participating parents (37 mothers, 3 grandparents who raised their grandchildren, 10 fathers) from different social and ethnic backgrounds, and with different family situations (two-parent and single families), who are raising between 1 and 4 children. The ages of the teenagers vary between 10 and 17 years, with a mean age of 13.4 years, 50% boys and 50% girls. The subjects addressed in the interview were: how and why the parents had enrolled; their experience of participation (group, sessions, homework, location); their perceptions of the training staff (attitude, expertise). Our results show that most parents who sign up are already familiar with “Triple P” (have heard or read about it, or had participated previously) and/or have been referred to the programme by a professional (from school, their local neighbourhood, child welfare institution) who is familiar with the family. These parents (76% of the respondents, both those from a Dutch background and from various ethnic backgrounds) had been referred to the programme because they want to improve the atmosphere at home, cooperation with their (ex-)partner, or learn to handle specific teenage problems. Within this group, the teenagers of 15 parents were already receiving youth care because of learning and/or behavioural problems (PDD-NOS, ADHD, truancy, running away from home, conflicts with the law). A minority (24% of the interviewed group, mainly parents of a Dutch background) had joined the programme on their own initiative. Their reasons for enrolling and participating varied from “wish to learn about puberty” to “being desperate to know how to handle my teenager”. Despite the range of reasons for parents signing up (own initiative or referred by a professional), they shared a positive motivation to participate in the group sessions and saw the trainers in a positive light. Sharing experiences with other parents in the group was found to be the first and main reason for continuing to participate, with some respondents citing recognition of the problems of other parents and relief that “we are not the only ones”, or “I thought our situation was hell, but now I meet other parents in the same situation.” Roleplay exercises and watching and discussing videos can generate ideas and advice on how to change their parenting behaviour. The trainers were considered experienced and able to handle the group dynamics in a positive way, to pay attention to both the group and individual parents. However, some of the respondents agreed that the composition of the group was sometimes unbalanced with respect to the severity of the behavioural problems and parenting problems within the same group. Both parents with general questions about adolescence as well as parents with specific concerns about problem behaviour of their teenager pointed out that these differences can be an obstacle to mutual understanding and discussion. Parents of thirteen-year-old teenagers without “serious problems” sometimes wondered whether they were in the right group. The same question was asked by parents who were having to deal with older teenagers with more serious behavioural problems: “we are far beyond disagreements about doing the dishes, pocket money or gaming time.”  As for the accessibility of the programme for parents of different social and ethnic backgrounds, “Group Triple P Teens” appears not to be equally accessible for all. Mainly motivated parents from a Dutch background had joined the programme on their own initiative, and were able to overcome the obstacles to enrolment (finding the website, selecting a course, calling or mailing again if they did not receive an answer straight away). The majority of the parents had signed up after referral by a professional and were already familiar with the programme and trainer. As for participation after enrolment, factors such as the use of language in materials (these were all in Dutch), training sessions and discussions, and the speed of the programme (many topics covered, exercises and homework in a short space of time) could undermine the parents’ motivation to continue. As mentioned previously, the composition of the groups was sometimes unbalanced with respect to the severity of the behavioural and parenting problems experienced, and this could also limit the learning experience and the parents’ motivation to participate. One of the limitations of our study was that we only interviewed parents who had stayed in the programme. More insight into the reasons and circumstances for not enrolling, failing to show up or subsequently dropping out of “Group Triple P Teens” is necessary to give a more comprehensive and detailed picture of the accessibility of the programme for a broad and diverse group of parents who require support with raising their teens. We conclude that parents from different backgrounds value “Group Triple P Teens”, but that the enrolment process and the composition and coaching of the groups should be reviewed in order to enhance the accessibility of the programme and parental participation

    Towards a Postphenomenological Approach to Wearable Technology through Design Journeys

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    The field of wearable technology has extensively described the opportunities, challenges as well as the concerns around integrating digital technologies into fashion. However, it has so far not provided a sufficiently clear and embodied understanding of technology. Technology therefore is often still limited to something that adds functionality to textiles or clothing. Additionally, technology is seen as a way to enhance the visual expression and thereby the representational character of clothing. Both approaches seem to hinder the intersection of digital technologies and textiles on a material and embodied level. While the role of wearable technologies in the everyday could benefit from it. In this paper, we therefore argue for reframing the understanding of technology to better facilitate the integration of digital technologies (i.e. electronics and software) into everyday fashion. A reflective analysis of the process of designing wearable technologies, based on the design practice of the first author, reveals that technology is considered a material and that its material qualities are not thought of as either functional or aesthetic. These insights, arising from practice, have led us to turn to postphenomenology (a strand of philosophy of technology) to come to further conceptualization. Postphenomenology looks at the ways in which technologies mediate or “coshape” the relationship between human beings and the world. By seeing technologies as the media that connect humans to the world, they acquire a material and contextual dimension. The idea that artifacts mediate materially thus offers a very useful starting point for understanding and designing wearable technologies. The contribution of this article is twofold, namely, first, to provide a material understanding of the technology on the basis of design practice. And secondly, to bridge design practice with theory by suggesting to bring postphenomenology into fashion to better facilitate the design of wearable technologies for the everyday

    Recognising Victimhood: Lessons from the International Criminal Court and Mass Claim Programmes for the Compensation Procedure Parallel to the Trial of International Crimes in the Netherlands

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    In the Netherlands, the Dutch criminal court in The Hague (hereinafter: ‘Netherlands International Crimes Court’ or ‘NIC court’) is assigned to try international crimes, and to provide compensation to victims of such crimes. Whereas it has specific criminal laws at its disposal to try international crimes, it applies ‘regular’ Dutch civil law to assess claims for compensation. Yet compensation for international crimes entails challenges that are quite different from domestic crimes: international crimes are normally committed against a large number of victims, and frequently result in bodily harm. This article argues that the NIC court will most likely rule a large number of claims for compensation inadmissible, as a consequence of which victims cannot benefit from the advantages inherent in the award of compensation within the criminal process. It then explores the adjudicative and reparatory standards that the International Criminal Court and mass claim programmes have applied to simplify both the adjudication of a large number of claims, and the calculation of a large number of instances of bodily damage. It is submitted that adoption by the NIC court of international reparatory standards could facilitate the assessment of a large number of civil claims within the criminal process, without prejudice to the legitimate interests of the defendant for an adequate procedure. However, these standards require the NIC court to strike a new balance between tailor-made compensation and symbolic compensation, and thereby between corrective justice and restorative justice

    Alternative Presents for Dynamic Fabric

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    In this paper we investigate how a combination of "speculative" design methods can be used to generate theoretical understandings for dynamic, colour-changing fabrics for garments. Specifically, we combine a first-person, autobiographical, research through design (RtD) approach that draws strategies from speculative design. We call this approach alternative presents, inspired by the work of James Auger, and explore it as a way to generate theoretical propositions for dynamic fabric that emphasize the lived experience over technological innovation. The contributions of this framing are twofold. Firstly, we offer a theoretical contribution to the literature on dynamic fabric. Secondly, we make a methodological contribution for how autobiographical design and RtD can be oriented speculatively to generate intermediate knowledge, with particular emphasis on social-technical aspects

    DataSheet_1_Development of a standardized and validated flow cytometry approach for monitoring of innate myeloid immune cells in human blood.zip

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    Innate myeloid cell (IMC) populations form an essential part of innate immunity. Flow cytometric (FCM) monitoring of IMCs in peripheral blood (PB) has great clinical potential for disease monitoring due to their role in maintenance of tissue homeostasis and ability to sense micro-environmental changes, such as inflammatory processes and tissue damage. However, the lack of standardized and validated approaches has hampered broad clinical implementation. For accurate identification and separation of IMC populations, 62 antibodies against 44 different proteins were evaluated. In multiple rounds of EuroFlow-based design-testing-evaluation-redesign, finally 16 antibodies were selected for their non-redundancy and separation power. Accordingly, two antibody combinations were designed for fast, sensitive, and reproducible FCM monitoring of IMC populations in PB in clinical settings (11-color; 13 antibodies) and translational research (14-color; 16 antibodies). Performance of pre-analytical and analytical variables among different instruments, together with optimized post-analytical data analysis and reference values were assessed. Overall, 265 blood samples were used for design and validation of the antibody combinations and in vitro functional assays, as well as for assessing the impact of sample preparation procedures and conditions. The two (11- and 14-color) antibody combinations allowed for robust and sensitive detection of 19 and 23 IMC populations, respectively. Highly reproducible identification and enumeration of IMC populations was achieved, independently of anticoagulant, type of FCM instrument and center, particularly when database/software-guided automated (vs. manual “expert-based”) gating was used. Whereas no significant changes were observed in identification of IMC populations for up to 24h delayed sample processing, a significant impact was observed in their absolute counts after >12h delay. Therefore, accurate identification and quantitation of IMC populations requires sample processing on the same day. Significantly different counts were observed in PB for multiple IMC populations according to age and sex. Consequently, PB samples from 116 healthy donors (8-69 years) were used for collecting age and sex related reference values for all IMC populations. In summary, the two antibody combinations and FCM approach allow for rapid, standardized, automated and reproducible identification of 19 and 23 IMC populations in PB, suited for monitoring of innate immune responses in clinical and translational research settings.Peer reviewe

    A designer's material-aesthetics reflections on fashion and technology

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    Waarom ouders deelnemen aan professionele opvoedingsondersteuning: Participatie van ouders in Triple P Tieners

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    Wetenschappelijk artikel over de toegankelijkheid van het opvoedprogramma Triple P Tieners en de motivatie van ouders om deel te nemen. De resultaten van 50 half-gestructureerde interviews laten zien dat ondanks verschillende redenen voor deelname en wijze van aanmelding, deelgenomen ouders de bijeenkomsten en de cursusleiding waarderen. Wel zijn ze kritisch over de groepssamenstelling. Die is vaak onevenwichtig door verschil in leeftijd van tieners en zwaarte van de gedrags- en opvoedproblematiek die ouders inbrengen

    Encoding materials and data for iterative personalization

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    Data is changing how we design consumer products. Shoe production is a prime example of this; foot size, footstep pressure and personal preferences can be used to design personalized shoes. Research done around metamaterials, programming materials and computational composites illustrate the possibilities of creating complex data &amp; material relationships. These new relationships allow us to look at future products almost like software apps, becoming a kind of product service systems, where the focus is on its iterative personalized improvement over time. Can we create systems of such data driven objects that in turn allow us to design new objects that are informed by the data trail? In this paper we report on four RtD project iterations that explore this challenge and provide a set of insights on how to close this new iterative loop.</p

    Encoding materials and data for iterative personalization

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    Data is changing how we design consumer products. Shoe production is a prime example of this; foot size, footstep pressure and personal preferences can be used to design personalized shoes. Research done around metamaterials, programming materials and computational composites illustrate the possibilities of creating complex data & material relationships. These new relationships allow us to look at future products almost like software apps, becoming a kind of product service systems, where the focus is on its iterative personalized improvement over time. Can we create systems of such data driven objects that in turn allow us to design new objects that are informed by the data trail? In this paper we report on four RtD project iterations that explore this challenge and provide a set of insights on how to close this new iterative loop