9 research outputs found

    Characterising the Development of Major Steroidogenic Organs Using Single-Cell RNA Sequencing

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    The adrenal glands and gonads are an important part of the endocrine system, as they are the two main steroidogenic organs in mammals. They play a pivotal role in the regulation of body fluid homeostasis, metabolism, immunity, inflammation, stress response, and sexual development and reproduction. Surprisingly, the gonads and adrenal glands share functional characteristics, expressing many of the same enzymes required to catalyse steroid synthesis, and in both organs, steroidogenesis is regulated by the hypothalamus-pituitary endocrine axis. These high similarities are explained by a common developmental origin, the adrenogonadal primordium (AGP), identified initially by the expression of Nr5a1, a specific marker of steroidogenic cells, in the coelomic epithelium. Hence, this primordium provides a unique model for studying cell fate decisions during mammalian morphogenesis. The small number of progenitor cells and the heterogeneity of cell types make emerging single cell technologies a preferred approach for investigations of cell differentiation by ensuring accurate characterisation of population diversity. Thus, we have generated a comprehensive atlas of the developing gonads and adrenals, using single cell time series transcriptomics. In this PhD thesis, I investigated cell fate decisions during steroidogenic cell differentiation in the developing adrenal cortex and gonads. First, I characterised the cellular identity of steroidogenic progenitor cells and described the molecular events involved during AGP formation, as well as during lineage specification leading to the separation of the adrenal and gonadal primordium. In the differentiated testis, I depicted the transcriptomic and functional differences between fetal and adult Leydig cells, which appear sequentially throughout life, and identified specific marker genes for both populations. In addition, I identified crucial differences in the regulation of steroidogenesis between fetal and adult Leydig cells. Finally, I investigated the fate of steroidogenic cells in the developing mouse adrenal cortex during the establishment of functional zones. This process, called zonation, results in the differentiation of steroidogenic cells, which are able to adopt a zona Glomerulosa or zona Fasciculata identity depending on their location in the cortex. Finally, the comprehensive atlas we have generated has allowed us to answer the preceding questions, but will also be a valuable resource for further studies. Thus, this atlas can improve the understanding of congenital diseases associated with adrenal and gonadal development

    Tumor Suppressor PTEN Regulates Negatively Sertoli Cell Proliferation, Testis Size, and Sperm Production In Vivo

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    The IGFs are the major intratesticular factors regulating immature Sertoli cell proliferation and are, therefore, critical to establish the magnitude of sperm production. However, the intratesticular source of IGF production and the downstream signaling pathway mediating IGF-dependent Sertoli cell proliferation remain unclear. Single-cell RNA sequencing on mouse embryonic testis revealed a robust expression of Igf1 and Igf2 in interstitial steroidogenic progenitors, suggesting that IGFs exert paracrine actions on immature Sertoli cells. To elucidate the intracellular signaling mechanism that underlies the proliferative effects of IGFs on immature Sertoli cells, we have generated mice with Sertoli cell-specific deletion of the Pten gene, a negative regulator of the phosphatidylinositol-3 kinase (PI3K)/AKT pathway, alone or together with the insulin receptor (Insr) and the IGF1 receptor (Igf1r). Although ablation of Pten appears dispensable for Sertoli cell proliferation and spermatogenesis, inactivation of Pten in the absence of Insr and Igf1r rescued the Sertoli cell proliferation rate during late fetal development, testis size, and sperm production. Overall, these findings suggest that IGFs secreted by interstitial progenitor cells act in a paracrine fashion to promote the proliferation of immature Sertoli cells through the IGF/PTEN/PI3K pathway

    Single-cell transcriptomic profiling redefines the origin and specification of early adrenogonadal progenitors

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    Adrenal cortex and gonads represent the two major steroidogenic organs in mammals. Both tissues are considered to share a common developmental origin characterized by the expression of Nr5a1/Sf1. The precise origin of adrenogonadal progenitors and the processes driving differentiation toward the adrenal or gonadal fate remain, however, elusive. Here, we provide a comprehensive single-cell transcriptomic atlas of early mouse adrenogonadal development including 52 cell types belonging to twelve major cell lineages. Trajectory reconstruction reveals that adrenogonadal cells emerge from the lateral plate rather than the intermediate mesoderm. Surprisingly, we find that gonadal and adrenal fates have already diverged prior to Nr5a1 expression. Finally, lineage separation into gonadal and adrenal fates involves canonical versus non-canonical Wnt signaling and differential expression of Hox patterning genes. Thus, our study provides important insights into the molecular programs of adrenal and gonadal fate choice and will be a valuable resource for further research into adrenogonadal ontogenesis

    Deciphering the origins and fates of steroidogenic lineages in the mouse testis

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    Leydig cells (LCs) are the major androgen-producing cells in the testis. They arise from steroidogenic progenitors (SPs), whose origins, maintenance, and differentiation dynamics remain largely unknown. Single-cell transcriptomics reveal that the mouse steroidogenic lineage is specified as early as embryonic day 12.5 (E12.5) and has a dual mesonephric and coelomic origin. SPs specifically express the Wnt5a gene and evolve rapidly. At E12.5 and E13.5, they give rise first to an intermediate population of pre-LCs, and finally to fetal LCs. At E16.5, SPs possess the characteristics of the dormant progenitors at the origin of adult LCs and are also transcriptionally closely related to peritubular myoid cells (PMCs). In agreement with our in silico analysis, in vivo lineage tracing indicates that Wnt5a-expressing cells are bona fide progenitors of PMCs as well as fetal and adult LCs, contributing to most of the LCs present in the fetal and adult testis

    A Case of Two Sisters Suffering from 46,XY Gonadal Dysgenesis and Carrying a Mutation of a Novel Candidate Sex-Determining Gene STARD8 on the X Chromosome

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    Identification of novel genes involved in sexual development is crucial for understanding disorders of sex development (DSD). Here, we propose a member of the START domain family, the X chromosome STARD8, as a DSD candidate gene. We have identified a missense mutation of this gene in 2 sisters with 46,XY gonadal dysgenesis, inherited from their heterozygous mother. Gonadal tissue of one of the sisters contained Leydig cells overloaded with cholesterol droplets, i.e., structures previously identified in 46,XY DSD patients carrying mutations in the STAR gene encoding another START domain family member, which is crucial for steroidogenesis. Based on the phenotypes of our patients, we propose a dual role of STARD8 in sexual development, namely in testes determination and testosterone synthesis. However, further studies are needed to confirm the involvement of STARD8 in sexual development

    Single-cell transcriptomics reveal temporal dynamics of critical regulators of germ cell fate during mouse sex determination

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    Despite the importance of germ cell (GC) differentiation for sexual reproduction, the gene networks underlying their fate remain unclear. Here, we comprehensively characterize the gene expression dynamics during sex determination based on single-cell RNA sequencing of 14 914 XX and XY mouse GCs between embryonic days (E) 9.0 and 16.5. We found that XX and XY GCs diverge transcriptionally as early as E11.5 with upregulation of genes downstream of the bone morphogenic protein (BMP) and nodal/Activin pathways in XY and XX GCs, respectively. We also identified a sex-specific upregulation of genes associated with negative regulation of mRNA processing and an increase in intron retention consistent with a reduction in mRNA splicing in XY testicular GCs by E13.5. Using computational gene regulation network inference analysis, we identified sex-specific, sequential waves of putative key regulator genes during GC differentiation and revealed that the meiotic genes are regulated by positive and negative master modules acting in an antagonistic fashion. Finally, we found that rare adrenal GCs enter meiosis similarly to ovarian GCs but display altered expression of master genes controlling the female and male genetic programs, indicating that the somatic environment is important for GC function. Our data are available on a web platform and provide a molecular roadmap of GC sex determination at single-cell resolution, which will serve as a valuable resource for future studies of gonad development, function, and disease

    Specific transcriptomic signatures and dual regulation of steroidogenesis between fetal and adult mouse leydig cells

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    Leydig cells (LC) are the main testicular androgen-producing cells. In eutherian mammals, two types of LCs emerge successively during testicular development, fetal Leydig cells (FLCs) and adult Leydig cells (ALCs). Both display significant differences in androgen production and regulation. Using bulk RNA sequencing, we compared the transcriptomes of both LC populations to characterize their specific transcriptional and functional features. Despite similar transcriptomic profiles, a quarter of the genes show significant variations in expression between FLCs and ALCs. Non-transcriptional events, such as alternative splicing was also observed, including a high rate of intron retention in FLCs compared to ALCs. The use of single-cell RNA sequencing data also allowed the identification of nine FLC-specific genes and 50 ALC-specific genes. Expression of the corticotropin-releasing hormone 1 (Crhr1) receptor and the ACTH receptor melanocortin type 2 receptor (Mc2r) specifically in FLCs suggests a dual regulation of steroidogenesis. The androstenedione synthesis by FLCs is stimulated by luteinizing hormone (LH), corticotrophin-releasing hormone (CRH), and adrenocorticotropic hormone (ACTH) whereas the testosterone synthesis by ALCs is dependent exclusively on LH. Overall, our study provides a useful database to explore LC development and functions

    Origin, specification and differentiation of a rare supporting-like lineage in the developing mouse gonad

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    International audienceGonadal sex determination represents a unique model for studying cell fate decisions. However, a complete understanding of the different cell lineages forming the developing testis and ovary remains elusive. Here, we investigated the origin, specification, and subsequent sex-specific differentiation of a previously uncharacterized population of supporting-like cells (SLCs) in the developing mouse gonads. The SLC lineage is closely related to the coelomic epithelium and specified as early as E10.5, making it the first somatic lineage to be specified in the bipotential gonad. SLC progenitors are localized within the genital ridge at the interface with the mesonephros and initially coexpress Wnt4 and Sox9 . SLCs become sexually dimorphic around E12.5, progressively acquire a more Sertoli- or pregranulosa-like identity and contribute to the formation of the rete testis and rete ovarii. Last, we found that WNT4 is a crucial regulator of the SLC lineage and is required for normal development of the rete testis