29 research outputs found

    Chemotherapy of advanced small-bowel adenocarcinoma: a multicenter AGEO study

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    Les adĂ©nocarcinomes de l’intestin grĂȘle (AIG) sont des tumeurs rares et de mauvais pronostic Ă  un stade avancĂ©. Les donnĂ©es publiĂ©es concernant l’efficacitĂ© de la chimiothĂ©rapie palliative sont peu nombreuses. Le but de notre Ă©tude Ă©tait d’évaluer l’efficacitĂ© et la tolĂ©rance de diffĂ©rents protocoles « modernes » de chimiothĂ©rapie et de comparer l’efficacitĂ© des chimiothĂ©rapies Ă  base de sels de platine dans le traitement de premiĂšre ligne des AIG avancĂ©s. Cette Ă©tude rĂ©trospective multicentrique a inclus 93 patients (sexe masculin : 53 % ; Ăąge mĂ©dian : 56 ans ; site primitif duodĂ©nal : 53 %) avec un AIG avancĂ© (mĂ©tastatique : 86 %) traitĂ©s par LV5FU2 (n = 10), FOLFOX (n = 48), FOLFIRI (n = 19) ou LV5FU2- cisplatine (n = 16). Le taux de toxicitĂ© grade 3-4 Ă©tait significativement plus frĂ©quent dans le groupe de patients traitĂ©s par LV5FU2-cisplatine (75 %) comparativement aux autres groupes de patients (p = 0,001). Les mĂ©dianes de survie sans progression (SSP) Ă©taient de 7,7 ; 6,9 ; 6,0 et 4,8 mois (p = 0,16) et les mĂ©dianes de survie globale (SG) Ă©taient de 13,5 ; 17,8 ; 10,6 et 9,3 mois (p = 0,25) pour les quatre groupes de patients traitĂ©s par LV5FU2, FOLFOX, FOLFIRI et LV5FU2-cisplatine, respectivement. En analyse multivariĂ©e, l’indice de performance OMS Ă  2 (p < 0,0001) ainsi que des taux Ă©levĂ©s d’ACE (p = 0,02) et de CA 19-9 (p = 0,03) avant traitement Ă©taient les seuls facteurs indĂ©pendants significativement associĂ©s Ă  un mauvais pronostic. Dans le sous-groupe de patients traitĂ©s par sels de platine, ceux qui ont reçu une chimiothĂ©rapie par FOLFOX avaient de meilleures SSP et SG que les patients traitĂ©s par LV5FU2-cisplatine. En analyse multivariĂ©e, le traitement par FOLFOX Ă©tait un facteur significatif et indĂ©pendant de survie prolongĂ©e en termes de SSP (p < 0,0001) et SG (p = 0,02). Ainsi, cette Ă©tude, la plus grande rapportĂ©e Ă  ce jour, suggĂšre d’une part que l’indice de performance OMS et les taux d’ACE et CA 19-9 avant traitement sont des facteurs pronostiques indĂ©pendants de survie et, d’autre part que la chimiothĂ©rapie par FOLFOX est le traitement de choix en premiĂšre ligne des AIG avancĂ©s

    Caractérisation du syndrome de sprue réfractaire

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    PARIS5-BU MĂ©d.Cochin (751142101) / SudocPARIS-BIUM (751062103) / SudocCentre Technique Livre Ens. Sup. (774682301) / SudocSudocFranceF

    Small bowel adenocarcinoma

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    Use of Proton Pump Inhibitors and Risk of Pancreatic Cancer: A Nationwide Case-Control Study Based on the French National Health Data System (SNDS)

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    International audienceBackground: Only a few studies investigated the association between proton pump inhibitors (PPIs) use and pancreatic cancer, with inconsistent results. Moreover, these studies had a number of methodological limitations. Our objective was to assess this association in a nationwide case-control study.Methods: We used the French National Health Data System (SNDS), covering 99% of the French population since 2006. Incident cases of pancreatic cancer, identified between 2014 and 2018, were matched with up to 4 controls on year of birth, sex, frequency of hospitalization within 8 years prior to index date, and department of residence. Associations between PPIs and pancreatic cancer were estimated using conditional logistic regression models adjusted for sociodemographic characteristics, risk factors of pancreatic cancer (including diabetes mellitus, tobacco-related diseases, and morbid obesity), and other comorbidities.Results: 23,321 cases of pancreatic cancer (mean age 69.8 years, 51.7% males) and 75,937 matched controls were included. Overall, 77.8% of cases and 75.5% of controls were PPI ever users. Ever (vs. never) PPI use was associated with an increased risk of pancreatic cancer (adjusted OR [aOR]=1.05, 95% CI: 1.01-1.09). A dose-response relationship was observed (1-30 cumulative defined daily dose [cDDD]: aOR=0.92, 95%CI: 0.87-0.97; 31-180 cDDD: aOR=1.05, 95%CI: 1.00-1.11; 181-1080 cDDD: aOR=1.18, 95%CI: 1.12-1.24; >1080 cDDD: aOR=1.17, 95%CI: 1.10-1.23).Conclusions: Based on these findings, a slight increase in the risk of pancreatic cancer associated with high cumulative doses of PPIs cannot be excluded.Impact: Given the overuse of PPIs, efforts should be continued to limit treatments to appropriate indications and durations

    The Need for Centralization for Small Intestinal Neuroendocrine Tumor Surgery: A Cohort Study from the GTE-Endocan-RENATEN Network, the CentralChirSINET Study

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    International audienceBackgroundThe concept of surgical centralization is becoming more and more accepted for specific surgical procedures.ObjectiveThe aim of this study was to evaluate the relationship between procedure volume and the outcomes of surgical small intestine (SI) neuroendocrine tumor (NET) resections.MethodsWe conducted a retrospective national study that included patients who underwent SI-NET resection between 2019 and 2021. A high-volume center (hvC) was defined as a center that performed more than five SI-NET resections per year. The quality of the surgical resections was evaluated between hvCs and low-volume centers (lvCs) by comparing the number of resected lymph nodes (LNs) as the primary endpoint.ResultsA total of 157 patients underwent surgery in 33 centers: 90 patients in four hvCs and 67 patients in 29 lvCs. Laparotomy was more often performed in hvCs (85.6% vs. 59.7%; p < 0.001), as was right hemicolectomy (64.4% vs. 38.8%; p < 0.001), whereas limited ileocolic resection was performed in 18% of patients in lvCs versus none in hvCs. A bi-digital palpation of the entire SI length (95.6% vs. 34.3%, p < 0.001), a cholecystectomy (93.3% vs. 14.9%; p < 0.001), and a mesenteric mass resection (70% vs. 35.8%; p < 0.001) were more often performed in hvCs. The proportion of patients with ≄8 LNs resected was significantly higher (96.3% vs. 65.1%; p < 0.001) in hvCs compared with lvCs, as was the proportion of patients with ≄12 LNs resected (87.8% vs. 52.4%). Furthermore, the number of patients with multiple SI-NETs was higher in the hvC group compared with the lvC group (43.3% vs. 25.4%), as were the number of tumors in those patients (median of 7 vs. 2; p < 0.001).ConclusionsOptimal SI-NET resection was significantly more often performed in hvCs. Centralization of surgical care of SI-NETs is recommended