26 research outputs found

    Czesław Miłosz w zbiorach Archiwum Emigracji: opracowanie archiwalno-bibliograficzne.

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    W prezentowanym tekście zbieram informacje dotyczące ilości i rodzaju materiałów dotyczących Czesława Miłosza znajdujących się w Archiwum Emigracji (Biblioteka Uniwersytecka w Toruniu). Materiały te, dotyczące laureata Nagrody Nobla, Czesława Miłosza, to przede wszystkim korespondencje (z redakcją „Wiadomości”, z przyjaciółmi Anielą Micińską-Ulatowską i Janem Ulatowskim, Olgą Scherer), maszynopisy jego książek i tłumaczeń, maszynopisy wierszy i esejów, książki z dedykacjami Miłosza.In this text I present informations concerning how many and what kind of materials of Czesław Miłosz is in The Archives of Polish Emigration (University Library in Toruń). Materials regarding Czesław Miłosz, the laureate of Nobel price, especially consists of corespondence (with the editor of “Wiadomości” and with friends Aniela Micińska-Ulatowska , Jan Ulatowski and Olga Scherer), typescripts of his books and translations, typescripts of his poems and essays, books with his dedications

    Przestrzeń nie(o)pisana. Stefana Themersona strategia artystyczna

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    Twórczością Stefana Themersona, polskiego artysty tworzącego poza granicami kraju, przesyconą wątkami filozoficznymi, głównie etycznymi i epistemologicznymi, warto się zająć. W artykule, wychodząc od kategorii przestrzeni, próbuję określić strategię artystyczną Themersona. Przestrzeń pojawia się w całej jego twórczości – zarówno w utworach dla dzieci, w twórczości filmowej i fotograficznej, ale także wykorzystuje tę kategorię w typografii.It is worth to look closer at creative activity of Stefan Themerson – the polish artist in exile whose works are rich in philosophical threads, especially regarding ethical and epistemological issues. Starting from the category of space, I will try to define an artistic strategy of Themerson in this article. The category of space is presented in all his works – films, photography, books for children and also in typography

    Themersonowski festiwal w Płocku

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    Tekst jest sprawozdaniem z pierwszego festiwalu "SkArPa: Spotkania - Artyści - Płock", który jest poświęcony pamięci i twórczości Stefana i Franciszki Themersonów. Festiwal odbył się we wrześniu 2010 roku w Płocku.The text is a coverage of the first festival "SkArPa: Encounters - Artists - Płock, which is dedicated to memory and artistic creativity of Stefan and Franciszka Themersons. The festival took place in September 2010 in Płock

    Wiktor Trościanko, Obóz laureata

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    The article is a memory from the period of studies at the Vilnius University and work in the Radio in Vilnius. The author unveils the environment of left-wing intellectuals among whom the literary talent of Czesław Miłosz developed

    Discrepancies between diagnoses of methanol and ethylene glycol intoxication based on determinations performed in the regional clinical toxicology centre and in the department of forensic medicine

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    The situations in which autopsy blood toxicology results do not confirm methanol and/or ethylene glycol intoxications diagnosed during patients` hospitalizations are frequently observed in the Department of Forensic Medicine in Lublin. Material and methods: In order to verify inconsistent findings, serum samples of 18 individuals, routinely stored in the regional clinical toxicology centre after testing, were re-examined using the specific method of gas chromatography (GC). Results: None of the fatal methanol intoxications was confirmed; toxic concentration of glycol was detected only in one case whereas the remaining determinations were negative or revealed “congeneric” concentrations. In cases of negative results of chromatographic re-analyses, the difference between hospital analysis and GC results were on average 29.6 mg% (max. 127.7 mg%) for glycol and 31.8 mg% (max. 80.0 mg%) for methanol. Severe metabolic acidosis was found in all hospitalized patients. In the hospital setting, “intoxications” were diagnosed even when low concentrations of methanol or glycol (below the cut-off values) were detected with spectrophotometry, which is the method still used in the hospital laboratory. The diagnosis of methanol intoxication in a car accident victim was particularly bizarre; as were the methanol intoxication diagnoses established in cases of acute diabetes-associated complications (4), pancreatitis (1), pneumonia (2) and peritonitis (1), gastrointestinal haemorrhage (1), and decompensated hepatic cirrhosis (1). The therapeutic management based on those diagnoses was incorrectly targeted at the non-existing intoxication that was considered the cause of patient’s deteriorating condition. Conclusions : Our findings indicate inadequate knowledge of physicians to interpret and critically verify toxicological results. Moreover, low cost and speed of spectrophotometric analysis should not veil its significant limitations: mainly low specificity and interference with exo- and endogenous blood constituents, especially in cases of concomitant metabolic disorders

    PssP2 Is a Polysaccharide Co-Polymerase Involved in Exopolysaccharide Chain-Length Determination in <i>Rhizobium leguminosarum</i>

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    <div><p>Production of extracellular polysaccharides is a complex process engaging proteins localized in different subcellular compartments, yet communicating with each other or even directly interacting in multicomponent complexes. Proteins involved in polymerization and transport of exopolysaccharide (EPS) in <i>Rhizobium leguminosarum</i> are encoded within the chromosomal Pss-I cluster. However, genes implicated in polysaccharide synthesis are common in rhizobia, with several homologues of <i>pss</i> genes identified in other regions of the <i>R. leguminosarum</i> genome. One such region is chromosomally located Pss-II encoding proteins homologous to known components of the Wzx/Wzy-dependent polysaccharide synthesis and transport systems. The <i>pssP2</i> gene encodes a protein similar to polysaccharide co-polymerases involved in determination of the length of polysaccharide chains in capsule and O-antigen biosynthesis. In this work, a mutant with a disrupted <i>pssP2</i> gene was constructed and its capabilities to produce EPS and enter into a symbiotic relationship with clover were studied. The <i>pssP2</i> mutant, while not altered in lipopolysaccharide (LPS), displayed changes in molecular mass distribution profile of EPS. Lack of the full-length PssP2 protein resulted in a reduction of high molecular weight EPS, yet polymerized to a longer length than in the RtTA1 wild type. The mutant strain was also more efficient in symbiotic performance. The functional interrelation between PssP2 and proteins encoded within the Pss-I region was further supported by data from bacterial two-hybrid assays providing evidence for PssP2 interactions with PssT polymerase, as well as glycosyltransferase PssC. A possible role for PssP2 in a complex involved in EPS chain-length determination is discussed.</p></div

    The influence of silver nanoparticles on the process of epithelial transition in the context of cancer metastases

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    Background Exposure to nanoparticles (NPs) can occur in a variety of occupational situations. Ultrafine particles of natural and anthropological origin toxicity has been described in epidemiological studies. Meanwhile, the risks associated with NPs exposure are not comprehensively assessed. A wide spectrum of NPs toxicity has been demonstrated, mainly through the induction of oxidative stress and inflammatory mediators. Among the newly described mechanisms of NPs toxicity is the induction of fibrosis via the epithelial-mesenchymal transition (EMT), which is also a key mechanism of cancer metastasis. The effect of NPs on EMT in the context of metastasis has not been sufficiently described so far, and the results of studies do not allow for the formulation of unambiguous conclusions. Therefore, the aim of the work was to determine the biological activity of silver NPs against MDA-MB-436 triple-negative breast cancer cells. Material and Methods Reverse transcription real-time polymerase chain reaction was used to examine mRNA expression of EMT markers. The QCM Chemotaxis Cell Migration Assay and QCM ECMatrix Cell Invasion Assay were used to assess the level of cell migration and invasion. The tumor growth factor beta 1 (TGF-beta 1) secretion was determined by the immunoenzymatic method using the Human TGF-beta 1 ELISA Kit. Results Silver nanoparticles (AgNPs) cause a statistically significant increase in relative expression of all tested mesenchymal EMT markers – cadherin 2, vimentin, matrix metalloproteinase 2 and matrix metalloproteinase 9. At the same time, reduction of epithelial cadherin 1 expression was observed. The level of MDA-MB-436 migration and TGF-beta 1 secretion was slighty increased in AgNPs-treated cells, with no influence on invasion potential. Conclusions Potentially prometastatic effect of AgNPs encourages further work on the safety of nanomaterials

    The influence of silver nanoparticles on the process of epithelial transition in the context of cancer metastases

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    Background Exposure to nanoparticles (NPs) can occur in a variety of occupational situations. Ultrafine particles of natural and anthropological origin toxicity has been described in epidemiological studies. Meanwhile, the risks associated with NPs exposure are not comprehensively assessed. A wide spectrum of NPs toxicity has been demonstrated, mainly through the induction of oxidative stress and inflammatory mediators. Among the newly described mechanisms of NPs toxicity is the induction of fibrosis via the epithelial-mesenchymal transition (EMT), which is also a key mechanism of cancer metastasis. The effect of NPs on EMT in the context of metastasis has not been sufficiently described so far, and the results of studies do not allow for the formulation of unambiguous conclusions. Therefore, the aim of the work was to determine the biological activity of silver NPs against MDA-MB-436 triple-negative breast cancer cells. Material and Methods Exposure to nanoparticles (NPs) can occur in a variety of occupational situations. Ultrafine particles of natural and anthropological origin toxicity has been described in epidemiological studies. Meanwhile, the risks associated with NPs exposure are not comprehensively assessed. A wide spectrum of NPs toxicity has been demonstrated, mainly through the induction of oxidative stress and inflammatory mediators. Among the newly described mechanisms of NPs toxicity is the induction of fibrosis via the epithelial-mesenchymal transition (EMT), which is also a key mechanism of cancer metastasis. The effect of NPs on EMT in the context of metastasis has not been sufficiently described so far, and the results of studies do not allow for the formulation of unambiguous conclusions. Therefore, the aim of the work was to determine the biological activity of silver NPs against MDA-MB-436 triple-negative breast cancer cells. Results Silver nanoparticles (AgNPs) cause a statistically significant increase in relative expression of all tested mesenchymal EMT markers – cadherin 2, vimentin, matrix metalloproteinase 2 and matrix metalloproteinase 9. At the same time, reduction of epithelial cadherin 1 expression was observed. The level of MDA-MB-436 migration and TGF-beta 1 secretion was slighty increased in AgNPs-treated cells, with no influence on invasion potential. Conclusions Potentially prometastatic effect of AgNPs encourages further work on the safety of nanomaterials. Med Pr Work Health Saf. 2023;74(6):541–8

    Influence of chlorpyrifos exposure on UVB irradiation induced toxicity in human skin cells

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    Abstract Background Although chlorpyrifos (CPS) has been banned in many developed countries, it still remains one of the best-selling pesticides in the world. Widespread environmental and occupational exposure to CPS pose a serious risk to human health. Another environmental factor that can adversely affect human health is ultraviolet radiation B (UVB, 280–315 nm wave length). Here we attempt determine if exposure to CPS can modify toxic effects of UVB. Such situation might be a common phenomenon in agriculture workers, where exposure to both factors takes place. Methods Two skin cell lines; namely human immortalized keratinocytes HaCaT and BJ human fibroblasts were used in this study. Cytotoxicity was investigated using a cell membrane damage detection assay (LDH Cytotoxicity Assay), a DNA damage detection assay (Comet Assay), an apoptosis induction detection assay (Apo-ONE Homogeneous Caspase-3/7 Assay) and a cell reactive oxygen species detection assay (ROS-Glo H2O2 assay). Cytokine IL-6 production was also measured in cells using an ELISA IL-6 Assay. Results Pre-incubation of skin cells with CPS significantly increased UVB-induced toxicity at the highest UVB doses (15 and 20 mJ/cm2). Also pre-exposure of BJ cells to CPS significantly increased the level of DNA damage, except for 20 mJ/cm2 UVB. In contrast, pre-exposure of HaCaT cells, to CPS prior to UVB radiation did not cause any significant changes. A decrease in caspase 3/7 activity was observed in HaCaT cells pre-exposed to 250 µM CPS and 5 mJ/cm2 UVB. Meanwhile, no statistically significant changes were observed in fibroblasts. In HaCaT cells, pre-exposure to CPS resulted in a statistically significant increase in ROS production. Also, in BJ cells, similar results were obtained except for 20 mJ/cm2. Interestingly, CPS seems to inhibited IL-6 production in HaCaT and BJ cells exposed to UVB (in the case of HaCaT cells for all UVB doses, while for BJ cells only at 15 and 20 mJ/cm2). Conclusions In conclusion, the present study indicates that CPS may contribute to the increased UVB-induced toxicity in skin cells, which was likely due to the induction of ROS formation along with the generation of DNA damage. However, further studies are required to gain better understanding of the mechanisms involved

    Analysis of the interaction between PssP2 and PssP in the <i>pssP2</i>::pKP2 mutant carrying the pQBP2his plasmid by a co-purification strategy.

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    <p>Samples of 40 µl of each fraction were separated by SDS-PAGE and visualized. (A) PssP is present in the fraction eluted from the resin, which equals to interaction between PssP and His<sub>6</sub>-PssP2, that was bound to affinity resin via a His-tag. (B) Negative control verifying that co-purification of PssP is dependent on its interaction with the His-tagged PssP2. L, material loaded to the resin; W, last wash (10 resin volumes); E, elution (1 resin volume). Western blots for each protein are shown below the corresponding gels.</p