36 research outputs found

    Estudio microbiológico de flujo vaginal en mujeres tratadas en Centro de salud familiar Dr. José Dionisio Astaburuaga de la ciudad de Talca

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    62 p.En la actualidad, un gran porcentaje de consultas ginecológicas en centros de salud se debe a infecciones vaginales, representando un gran número de éstas las efectuadas por mujeres en edad reproductiva. La microbiota vaginal presenta diversos microorganismos que conviven en equilibrio, pero que al ver alteradas las condiciones normales en las que se desarrollan, pueden dar paso a cuadros como candidiasis vulvovaginal, vaginosis, vaginitis, entre otros, que pueden causar distintas afecciones a la paciente. El objetivo del presente estudio fue determinar la prevalencia de los principales agentes etiológicos de infecciones vaginales en la población de mujeres tratadas en el Centro de salud familiar (CESFAM) Dr. José Dionisio Astaburuaga de la ciudad de Talca, durante el período comprendido entre Abril de 2016 y Junio de 2017. Se recolectaron muestras de flujo vaginal de 90 pacientes atendidas en el Sector Amarillo del CESFAM (embarazadas y no embarazadas). Las muestras fueron procesadas mediante la ejecución de test de aminas, examen directo, tinción de Gram y posterior cultivo microbiológico en distintos medios. Se obtuvo una prevalencia de infección vaginal de 23,3%. Los principales agentes etiológicos identificados fueron Gardnerella vaginalis con 7,7%, mientras que el segundo lugar lo ocuparon Candida albicans con 5,6% y Enterococcus spp. con 5,6%. Los datos obtenidos se analizaron estadísticamente mediante el Software R Commander versión 3.3.1. En este estudio se concluye que las infecciones prevalentes fueron vaginosis bacteriana (representada por Gardnerella vaginalis) y vaginitis (representada por Candida albicans), predominando en el rango etario de 18-44 años, destacando por tanto, un descenso en la prevalencia de infecciones vaginales en las pacientes tratadas en dicho centro de salud (respecto a estudios anteriores)

    Elaboración y aplicación de una guía sobre el pensamiento crìtico, dirigido a los docentes para fortalecer el aprendizaje en los estudiantes de los octavos años de educación básica del instituto tecnològico “Ramón Barba Naranjo” de la parroquia Ignacio Flores, cantón Latacunga, provincia de Cotopaxi, durante el año lectivo 2012 – 2013.

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    This inquiry has important information on Critical Thinking which is aimed to provide information and appliance within an environment provides methods, techniques and appropriate strategies implementation those ones will help teachers apply into their classes with students, while they are identifying important elements which can evaluate this studied aspect trying to contribute in this way to the education. This thesis is get into to apply a critical thinking guide which was been done to reinforce the students learning into the Ramon Barba Naranjo school from Ignacio Flores township, Latacunga Canton, Cotopaxi Province. During the academic year 2012 – 2013.Which is going to support their learning as a pedagogical tool however this project was done in the school, applying as techniques surveys and interview which allow identify the troubles which appear into the educative process. As a result they didn´t apply in a best way the methods which develop their critical thinking into the different areas. In this investigative work were including directives, teachers, students, thesis assessor.Ésta investigación contiene información relevante acerca del Pensamiento Crítico su finalidad es proporcionar información y aplicación dentro de un entorno, establece métodos, técnicas y estrategias de ejecución adecuadas, mismas que los docentes podrán aplicar con sus estudiantes, a la vez identifica elementos importantes con los cuales se puede evaluar este aspecto estudiado, de ésta manera contribuir a la educación. La presente tesis consiste en la Elaboración y aplicación de una guía sobre el Pensamiento Crítico la cual esta direccionada a los docentes del Instituto Tecnológico “Ramón Barba Naranjo” de la Parroquia Ignacio Flores, del Cantón Latacunga, Provincia de Cotopaxi, durante el año lectivo 2012 – 2013.La misma que brinda una herramienta pedagógica a los mismos. Este proyecto se realizó a través de una investigación dentro del Colegio, utilizando como técnicas la entrevista y la encuesta, las mismas que permitieron identificar inconvenientes suscitados en el proceso educativo y llegar a la conclusión que en la Institución educativa no se utilizaba adecuadamente Estrategias Metodológicas que desarrollen el Pensamiento Crítico de los estudiantes en las distintas áreas. Para la realización de éste estudio se contó con la colaboración de Directivos, Maestros, estudiantes, asesor de tesis, que hicieron posible el desarrollo y la culminación exitosa de este trabajo investigativo

    La práctica docente y la inclusión de estudiantes con capacidades diferentes en el área de ciencias naturales en la carrera de educación básica de la Universidad Técnica de Cotopaxi

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    Inclusive education involves a social and cultural change and a political decision, which recognizes and accepts that we are a diverse society in which we all have the same rights and duties. Be sidsit involves understanding that inclusive education subjects those are who have been marginalized from quality of the education. Today the demands of the new school law require institutions to meet the students special abilities. The downside of all this is that very few schools in pedagogies inclusion or colleges that have the conditions for inclusion students. Urges the traing of the teachers, have therapists, rehabilitation of physical spaces in schools. But beyond all this background, the great contribution of this event is that left traces on the teachers, the desire to make a research the this topic to develop proposals that could help solve from pedagogy, teaching and learning from the point of view inclusion, without adversely affecting the learning in normal and who wish to be seen and treated as one group. Events like these are needed to be shaping the scientific community requires the education today.La educación inclusiva implica un cambio social y cultural y una decisión política, que reconoce y acepta que somos una sociedad diversa, en la cual todos y todas tenemos los mismos derechos y deberes. Implica además entender que sujetos de educación inclusiva son todos aquellos que han sido marginados de una educación de calidad. Hoy las exigencias de la nueva legislación escolar obligan a las instituciones a recibir a estudiantes con capacidades especiales. Lo malo de todo esto que muy pocas son las escuelas o colegios que poseen las condiciones necesarias para insertar a estudiantes de inclusión. Urge capacitar a los docentes en pedagogías de inclusión, disponer de terapistas, de espacios para la rehabilitación física en los centros educativos. Pero más allá de todo este panorama, el gran aporte de este evento es que dejó huellas en los docentes, el deseo de investigar sobre el tema para elaborar propuestas que puedan ayudar a solucionar desde la pedagogía, la enseñanza- aprendizaje desde el punto de vista de la inclusión, sin que se vean afectados los que aprenden en condiciones normales y de quienes desean ser vistos y tratados como uno más del grupo. Eventos como estos son necesarios para ir conformando esa comunidad científica que tanto exige la educación actual

    Programas de mentorías para el desarrollo de habilidades técnicas en el manejo de las TIC en estudiantes de bachillerato de la Unidad Educativa Liceo Naval Guayaquil

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    Education faces the challenge of preparing high school students for a world focused on technical skills and practical applications. Technological advancement and job demands have highlighted the need for relevant technical skills. Mentoring programs emerge as a promising strategy to develop these skills and face the challenges of the 21st century. The general objective of this work is to build a comprehensive methodological framework for the successful implementation of mentoring programs with the purpose of stimulating the development of technical skills in high school students at the Liceo Naval Guayaquil Educational Unit. It adopts a mixed research approach, combining quantitative and qualitative elements to understand the impact of mentoring programs. Documentary research and field work are used, including structured surveys and questionnaires. The methodology is direct, applied and synchronous, obtaining data directly from teachers and students. The research design is non-experimental and transversal, allowing the effectiveness of the programs to be analyzed in this specific context. The results will inform a mentoring proposal for high school students of the Liceo Naval Guayaquil in real time. The results highlight the potential of mentoring programs at the Liceo Naval Guayaquil Educational Unit to improve technical skills in high school. Data from teacher and student surveys support its relevance and feasibility, while existing literature and socioconstructivist theory support its effectiveness.La educación enfrenta el desafío de preparar a los estudiantes de bachillerato para un mundo enfocado en habilidades técnicas y aplicaciones prácticas. El avance tecnológico y las exigencias laborales han destacado la necesidad de habilidades técnicas pertinentes. Los programas de mentorías emergen como una estrategia prometedora para desarrollar estas habilidades y enfrentar los desafíos contemporáneos de este siglo. El objetivo de la investigación es diseñar un plan programa de mentorías para el desarrollo de habilidades técnicas en estudiantes de tercero de bachillerato con el propósito fomentar el crecimiento de competencias técnicas en la Unidad Educativa Liceo Naval Guayaquil. Adopta un método de investigación combinado, integrando elementos de mediciones cuantitativas y análisis cualitativos para comprender el impacto de los programas de tutoría. Se utiliza investigación documental y trabajo de campo, incluyendo encuestas estructuradas y cuestionarios. La metodología es directa, aplicada y sincrónica, obteniendo datos directamente de docentes y estudiantes. El diseño de investigación adoptado es de naturaleza no experimental y transversal, lo que posibilita la evaluación de la eficacia de los programas dentro de este contexto específico. Los resultados informarán una propuesta de mentorías para los estudiantes de bachillerato del Liceo Naval Guayaquil en tiempo real. Los resultados destacan el potencial de los programas de mentoría en la Unidad Educativa Liceo Naval Guayaquil para mejorar habilidades técnicas en bachillerato. Los datos de la entrevista a docentes y la encuesta a estudiantes respaldan su pertinencia y viabilidad, mientras la literatura existente y la teoría socioconstructivista respaldan su eficacia. &nbsp

    Análisis por departamento y propuesta de intervención para reducir el índice de mortalidad por enfermedad Isquémica cardiaca en la población masculina del departamento de Guainía

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    Figura 1 Indicadores por departamento, Tabla 1 Comparación de enfermedad Isquémica en Colombia desagregada para los departamentos de Magdalena, Putumayo, Amazonas y Guainía, Anexo 1 Resolución 1441 de 2013La enfermedad isquémica del corazón es la principal causa de mortalidad a nivel mundial. En Colombia se han identificado picos en su incidencia según los datos reportados en el ASIS 2022, en donde el departamento del Guainía tiene el número más alto de defunciones en relación con el indicador nacional, presentando una tasa de mortalidad de 125,48%, razón por la cual se lleva a cabo la estructuración y planificación de estrategias, que permitan generar la mitigación de los datos presentando a la fecha. Se pretende intervenir a través del desarrollo de jornadas de salud extramurales, en las que se preste un servicio y se genere la promoción y prevención de la enfermedad, educando y proporcionando información sobre la patología de estudio, a fin de generar la concientización de la población a cerca de los cuidados, métodos preventivos, control y seguimiento de esta. Debido a las características geográficas del departamento del Guainía se realizará la intervención por medio de vía terrestre, aérea o fluvial, con el objetivo de brindar un acceso a los servicios básicos de salud en el territorio.Ischemic heart disease is the leading cause of death worldwide. In Colombia, peaks in its incidence have been identified according to the data reported in the ASIS 2022, where the province of Guainía has the highest number of deaths in relation to the national indicator, with a mortality rate of 125.48%, which is why the structuring and planning of strategies is carried out in order to mitigate the situation. It is intended to intervene through the development of extramural health days, in which a service is provided and the promotion and prevention of the disease is generated, educating and providing information on the pathology under study, in order to generate awareness among the population about care, preventive methods, control and follow-up of it. Due to the geographical characteristics of the province of Guainía, the intervention will be carried out by land, air or river, with the aim of providing access to basic health services in the territory

    Disminuir la incidencia del sida de la población entre los 15 a 20 años en el municipio de Leticia, departamento del Amazonas

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    No aplicaLa siguiente presentación del informe de propuesta a aplicar, dentro del contexto nacional, tiene como objetivo central, realizar una propuesta de intervención en salud, que pueda disminuir la problemática de incidencia y prevalencia del SIDA, que se está presentando en el municipio de Leticia del departamento de Amazonas en una población entre los 15 y los 20 años de edad, ya que es esta la población que tiene mayores índices de incidencia de esta enfermedad dentro de los últimos años. Para ello, se hace una lectura de la situación de la actualidad que tiene esta población dentro de dicho departamento, para con ello considerar como es que las cifras afectan directamente el análisis de esta tipo de situaciones, sobre todo cuando se tiene presente que, esta enfermedad, es una enfermedad de salud pública, que debe ser atendida, para ser mitigada dentro de los tiempos en medio de los cuales se puede considerar que se puede actuar, antes de que los índices crezcan y se a mucho mas complicado atender la situación.The following presentation of the proposal report to be applied, within the national context, has as its central objective, to make a proposal for health intervention, which can reduce the problem of incidence and prevalence of AIDS, which is being presented in the municipality of Leticia del department of Amazonas in a population between 15 and 20 years of age, since this is the population that has the highest incidence rates of this disease in recent years. For this, a reading of the current situation of this population within said department is made, in order to consider how it is that the figures directly affect the analysis of this type of situation, especially when it is taken into account that, this disease, it is a public health disease, which must be addressed, to be mitigated within the times in which it can be considered that action can be taken, before the rates grow and it becomes much more complicated to address the situation. Keywords: Acquired Human Immunodeficiency Syndrome, Leticia, well-being, socioeconomic difficulties

    Envejecimiento de la población

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    •Actividades básicas de la vida diaria en personas mayores y factores asociados •Asociación entre depresión y posesión de mascotas en personas mayores •Calidad de vida en adultos mayores de Santiago aplicando el instrumento WHOQOL-BREF •Calidad de vida en usuarios con enfermedad de Parkinson, demencia y sus cuidadores, comuna de Vitacura •Caracterización de egresos hospitalarios de adultos mayores en Puerto Natales (2007-2009) •Comportamiento de las patologías incluidas como GES para el adulto mayor atendido en un Cesfam •Contribución de vitaminas y minerales a las ingestas recomendadas diarias en ancianos institucionalizados de Madrid •Estado de salud oral del paciente inscrito en el Programa de Visita Domiciliaria •Evaluación del programa de discapacidad severa en Casablanca con la matriz de marco lógico •Factores asociados a satisfacción vital en una cohorte de adultos mayores de Santiago, Chile •Pauta instrumental para la identificación de riesgos para el adulto mayor autovalente, en su vivienda •Perfil farmacológico del paciente geriátrico institucionalizado y posibles consecuencias en el deterioro cognitivo •Programa de cuidados paliativos y alivio del dolor en Puerto Natales •Rehabilitación mandibular implantoprotésica: efecto en calidad de vida relacionada con salud bucal en adultos mayores •Salud bucodental en adultos mayores autovalentes de la Región de Valparaíso •Transición epidemiológica y el estudio de carga de enfermedad en Brasi

    Global, regional, and national burden of disorders affecting the nervous system, 1990–2021: a systematic analysis for the Global Burden of Disease Study 2021

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    BACKGROUND: Disorders affecting the nervous system are diverse and include neurodevelopmental disorders, late-life neurodegeneration, and newly emergent conditions, such as cognitive impairment following COVID-19. Previous publications from the Global Burden of Disease, Injuries, and Risk Factor Study estimated the burden of 15 neurological conditions in 2015 and 2016, but these analyses did not include neurodevelopmental disorders, as defined by the International Classification of Diseases (ICD)-11, or a subset of cases of congenital, neonatal, and infectious conditions that cause neurological damage. Here, we estimate nervous system health loss caused by 37 unique conditions and their associated risk factors globally, regionally, and nationally from 1990 to 2021. METHODS: We estimated mortality, prevalence, years lived with disability (YLDs), years of life lost (YLLs), and disability-adjusted life-years (DALYs), with corresponding 95% uncertainty intervals (UIs), by age and sex in 204 countries and territories, from 1990 to 2021. We included morbidity and deaths due to neurological conditions, for which health loss is directly due to damage to the CNS or peripheral nervous system. We also isolated neurological health loss from conditions for which nervous system morbidity is a consequence, but not the primary feature, including a subset of congenital conditions (ie, chromosomal anomalies and congenital birth defects), neonatal conditions (ie, jaundice, preterm birth, and sepsis), infectious diseases (ie, COVID-19, cystic echinococcosis, malaria, syphilis, and Zika virus disease), and diabetic neuropathy. By conducting a sequela-level analysis of the health outcomes for these conditions, only cases where nervous system damage occurred were included, and YLDs were recalculated to isolate the non-fatal burden directly attributable to nervous system health loss. A comorbidity correction was used to calculate total prevalence of all conditions that affect the nervous system combined. FINDINGS: Globally, the 37 conditions affecting the nervous system were collectively ranked as the leading group cause of DALYs in 2021 (443 million, 95% UI 378–521), affecting 3·40 billion (3·20–3·62) individuals (43·1%, 40·5–45·9 of the global population); global DALY counts attributed to these conditions increased by 18·2% (8·7–26·7) between 1990 and 2021. Age-standardised rates of deaths per 100 000 people attributed to these conditions decreased from 1990 to 2021 by 33·6% (27·6–38·8), and age-standardised rates of DALYs attributed to these conditions decreased by 27·0% (21·5–32·4). Age-standardised prevalence was almost stable, with a change of 1·5% (0·7–2·4). The ten conditions with the highest age-standardised DALYs in 2021 were stroke, neonatal encephalopathy, migraine, Alzheimer's disease and other dementias, diabetic neuropathy, meningitis, epilepsy, neurological complications due to preterm birth, autism spectrum disorder, and nervous system cancer. INTERPRETATION: As the leading cause of overall disease burden in the world, with increasing global DALY counts, effective prevention, treatment, and rehabilitation strategies for disorders affecting the nervous system are needed

    Global age-sex-specific mortality, life expectancy, and population estimates in 204 countries and territories and 811 subnational locations, 1950–2021, and the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic: a comprehensive demographic analysis for the Global Burden of Disease Study 2021

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    BACKGROUND: Estimates of demographic metrics are crucial to assess levels and trends of population health outcomes. The profound impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on populations worldwide has underscored the need for timely estimates to understand this unprecedented event within the context of long-term population health trends. The Global Burden of Diseases, Injuries, and Risk Factors Study (GBD) 2021 provides new demographic estimates for 204 countries and territories and 811 additional subnational locations from 1950 to 2021, with a particular emphasis on changes in mortality and life expectancy that occurred during the 2020–21 COVID-19 pandemic period. METHODS: 22 223 data sources from vital registration, sample registration, surveys, censuses, and other sources were used to estimate mortality, with a subset of these sources used exclusively to estimate excess mortality due to the COVID-19 pandemic. 2026 data sources were used for population estimation. Additional sources were used to estimate migration; the effects of the HIV epidemic; and demographic discontinuities due to conflicts, famines, natural disasters, and pandemics, which are used as inputs for estimating mortality and population. Spatiotemporal Gaussian process regression (ST-GPR) was used to generate under-5 mortality rates, which synthesised 30 763 location-years of vital registration and sample registration data, 1365 surveys and censuses, and 80 other sources. ST-GPR was also used to estimate adult mortality (between ages 15 and 59 years) based on information from 31 642 location-years of vital registration and sample registration data, 355 surveys and censuses, and 24 other sources. Estimates of child and adult mortality rates were then used to generate life tables with a relational model life table system. For countries with large HIV epidemics, life tables were adjusted using independent estimates of HIV-specific mortality generated via an epidemiological analysis of HIV prevalence surveys, antenatal clinic serosurveillance, and other data sources. Excess mortality due to the COVID-19 pandemic in 2020 and 2021 was determined by subtracting observed all-cause mortality (adjusted for late registration and mortality anomalies) from the mortality expected in the absence of the pandemic. Expected mortality was calculated based on historical trends using an ensemble of models. In location-years where all-cause mortality data were unavailable, we estimated excess mortality rates using a regression model with covariates pertaining to the pandemic. Population size was computed using a Bayesian hierarchical cohort component model. Life expectancy was calculated using age-specific mortality rates and standard demographic methods. Uncertainty intervals (UIs) were calculated for every metric using the 25th and 975th ordered values from a 1000-draw posterior distribution. FINDINGS: Global all-cause mortality followed two distinct patterns over the study period: age-standardised mortality rates declined between 1950 and 2019 (a 62·8% [95% UI 60·5–65·1] decline), and increased during the COVID-19 pandemic period (2020–21; 5·1% [0·9–9·6] increase). In contrast with the overall reverse in mortality trends during the pandemic period, child mortality continued to decline, with 4·66 million (3·98–5·50) global deaths in children younger than 5 years in 2021 compared with 5·21 million (4·50–6·01) in 2019. An estimated 131 million (126–137) people died globally from all causes in 2020 and 2021 combined, of which 15·9 million (14·7–17·2) were due to the COVID-19 pandemic (measured by excess mortality, which includes deaths directly due to SARS-CoV-2 infection and those indirectly due to other social, economic, or behavioural changes associated with the pandemic). Excess mortality rates exceeded 150 deaths per 100 000 population during at least one year of the pandemic in 80 countries and territories, whereas 20 nations had a negative excess mortality rate in 2020 or 2021, indicating that all-cause mortality in these countries was lower during the pandemic than expected based on historical trends. Between 1950 and 2021, global life expectancy at birth increased by 22·7 years (20·8–24·8), from 49·0 years (46·7–51·3) to 71·7 years (70·9–72·5). Global life expectancy at birth declined by 1·6 years (1·0–2·2) between 2019 and 2021, reversing historical trends. An increase in life expectancy was only observed in 32 (15·7%) of 204 countries and territories between 2019 and 2021. The global population reached 7·89 billion (7·67–8·13) people in 2021, by which time 56 of 204 countries and territories had peaked and subsequently populations have declined. The largest proportion of population growth between 2020 and 2021 was in sub-Saharan Africa (39·5% [28·4–52·7]) and south Asia (26·3% [9·0–44·7]). From 2000 to 2021, the ratio of the population aged 65 years and older to the population aged younger than 15 years increased in 188 (92·2%) of 204 nations. INTERPRETATION: Global adult mortality rates markedly increased during the COVID-19 pandemic in 2020 and 2021, reversing past decreasing trends, while child mortality rates continued to decline, albeit more slowly than in earlier years. Although COVID-19 had a substantial impact on many demographic indicators during the first 2 years of the pandemic, overall global health progress over the 72 years evaluated has been profound, with considerable improvements in mortality and life expectancy. Additionally, we observed a deceleration of global population growth since 2017, despite steady or increasing growth in lower-income countries, combined with a continued global shift of population age structures towards older ages. These demographic changes will likely present future challenges to health systems, economies, and societies. The comprehensive demographic estimates reported here will enable researchers, policy makers, health practitioners, and other key stakeholders to better understand and address the profound changes that have occurred in the global health landscape following the first 2 years of the COVID-19 pandemic, and longer-term trends beyond the pandemic. FUNDING: Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation

    Global, regional, and national burden of disorders affecting the nervous system, 1990–2021: a systematic analysis for the Global Burden of Disease Study 2021

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    BackgroundDisorders affecting the nervous system are diverse and include neurodevelopmental disorders, late-life neurodegeneration, and newly emergent conditions, such as cognitive impairment following COVID-19. Previous publications from the Global Burden of Disease, Injuries, and Risk Factor Study estimated the burden of 15 neurological conditions in 2015 and 2016, but these analyses did not include neurodevelopmental disorders, as defined by the International Classification of Diseases (ICD)-11, or a subset of cases of congenital, neonatal, and infectious conditions that cause neurological damage. Here, we estimate nervous system health loss caused by 37 unique conditions and their associated risk factors globally, regionally, and nationally from 1990 to 2021.MethodsWe estimated mortality, prevalence, years lived with disability (YLDs), years of life lost (YLLs), and disability-adjusted life-years (DALYs), with corresponding 95% uncertainty intervals (UIs), by age and sex in 204 countries and territories, from 1990 to 2021. We included morbidity and deaths due to neurological conditions, for which health loss is directly due to damage to the CNS or peripheral nervous system. We also isolated neurological health loss from conditions for which nervous system morbidity is a consequence, but not the primary feature, including a subset of congenital conditions (ie, chromosomal anomalies and congenital birth defects), neonatal conditions (ie, jaundice, preterm birth, and sepsis), infectious diseases (ie, COVID-19, cystic echinococcosis, malaria, syphilis, and Zika virus disease), and diabetic neuropathy. By conducting a sequela-level analysis of the health outcomes for these conditions, only cases where nervous system damage occurred were included, and YLDs were recalculated to isolate the non-fatal burden directly attributable to nervous system health loss. A comorbidity correction was used to calculate total prevalence of all conditions that affect the nervous system combined.FindingsGlobally, the 37 conditions affecting the nervous system were collectively ranked as the leading group cause of DALYs in 2021 (443 million, 95% UI 378–521), affecting 3·40 billion (3·20–3·62) individuals (43·1%, 40·5–45·9 of the global population); global DALY counts attributed to these conditions increased by 18·2% (8·7–26·7) between 1990 and 2021. Age-standardised rates of deaths per 100 000 people attributed to these conditions decreased from 1990 to 2021 by 33·6% (27·6–38·8), and age-standardised rates of DALYs attributed to these conditions decreased by 27·0% (21·5–32·4). Age-standardised prevalence was almost stable, with a change of 1·5% (0·7–2·4). The ten conditions with the highest age-standardised DALYs in 2021 were stroke, neonatal encephalopathy, migraine, Alzheimer's disease and other dementias, diabetic neuropathy, meningitis, epilepsy, neurological complications due to preterm birth, autism spectrum disorder, and nervous system cancer.InterpretationAs the leading cause of overall disease burden in the world, with increasing global DALY counts, effective prevention, treatment, and rehabilitation strategies for disorders affecting the nervous system are needed