737 research outputs found

    Is Brazil really a catholic country? What opinions about abortion, sex between individuals who are not married to each other, and homosexuality say about the meaning of catholicism in three Brazilian cities

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    The idea of being a Catholic country is quite widespread throughout the nation. What does it mean to be Catholic in Brazil? Do Catholics follow the Catholic Doctrine? The objective of this paper is to investigate the relationship between religion and religious involvement (measured by religious affiliation and service attendance) and opinions about abortion, sex between individuals who are not married to each other, and homosexuality in São Paulo, Porto Alegre, and Recife. Data come from the survey “Spirit and Power: A 10-Country Survey of Pentecostals,” carried out in 2006. Results suggest that Brazilian Catholics are a very heterogeneous group with respect to opinions about abortion and sex between individuals who are not married to each other. In addition, service attendance among Catholics and those opinions are strongly correlated, except for the case of homosexuality, a topic which Catholics tend to have the same opinions about, irrespective of their religious involvement. Committed Protestants are, by far and away, the most conservative group.Brazil

    “Eu escrevo o quê, professor (a)?”: notas sobre os sentidos da classificação racial (auto e hetero) em políticas de ações afirmativas

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    The article reflects the procedures of Universidade Federal Fluminense during the registration of approved students by SISU in 2018. In compliance with law nº. 12990/2014 e Orientação Normativa nº 3, de 01/08/2016, do Ministério do Planejamento, Desenvolvimento e Gestão instituting mandatory commissions for the assessment of self-declared black and indigenous candidates, we conducted one of these examining boards. Reserving vacancies in competitions is a historical demand of black movements, creating public policies of affirmative action. It is intended to problematize how the regulation of racial quotas is positive as a public policy because it recognizes racism as structuring inequalities in Brazil. However, this proves to be a social technology based on systematic suspicion, generating legal insecurity in the evaluations of “pardos”, as well as the resurgence of phenotypic criteria, procedures considered legitimate to ensure the right to vacancy at public universities, which may result in a non-place for light-skinned blacks.O artigo pretende problematizar como a regulamentação das cotas raciais - positiva como política pública de ação afirmativa ao reconhecer o racismo como estruturante das desigualdades no país – tem se revelado uma tecnologia social fundada na suspeição sistemática, gerando insegurança jurídica nas avaliações dos “pardos”, assim como o ressurgimento de critérios fenotípicos, procedimentos considerados legítimos para assegurar o direito a vaga na universidade pública, podendo resultar em um não-lugar para negros de pele clara.  As análises baseiam-se nos procedimentos da Universidade Federal Fluminense durante a matrícula de aprovados no SISU em 2018 para cumprir a Lei nº. 12.990/2014 e Orientação Normativa nº 3, de 01/2016, do Ministério do Planejamento, Desenvolvimento e Gestão que instituíram a obrigatoriedade de comissões de aferição de candidatos autodeclarados negros e indígenas

    “Does Everybody Want the Hollywood Fairytale?” Same-Sex Couples Hinting at the Second Demographic Transition in Brazil

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    This article examines same-sex couples as a sign of the Second Demographic Transition, investigating how gay and lesbian couples living together in Brasília build their family, whether they intend to have children, and what challenges they face. We conducted semi-structured interviews online to investigate the family formation process and parenting intentions of 42 couples living together in Brasília in 2019, 20 lesbian and 22 gay couples. The organizing themes in the interviews were marriage, children, work, and stigma. This study advances existing scholarship on families by articulating points of connection between the legal institution of same-sex marriage in Brazil, changing social norms regarding family life, and parental gender expectations as signs of the Second Demographic Transition. Studying same-sex couples contribute to a more complex understanding of the family, the gendered division of labor, and the dimension of fertility and parenting intentions

    Acute onset of renal colic from bilateral ureterolithiasis: a case report

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    We report a case of a 32-year-old man, who presented to the emergency department with severe abdominal pain, with radiation to his back. An ultrasound examination revealed mild hydronephrosis bilaterally. A non-enhanced computer tomography was then performed and showed a 9 mm hyperdense image in the left ureter topography along together with an 8-mm hyperdense image in the right ureter topography, allowing us to establish the diagnosis of bilateral ureterolithiasis. The patient was taken to the operating room in order to perform ureteroscopy for endoscopic removal of the stones

    Retention force of T-bar clasps for titanium and cobalt-chromium removable partial dentures

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    The objective of this study was to evaluate the retention force of T-bar clasps made from commercially pure titanium (CP Ti) and cobalt-chromium (Co-Cr) alloy by the insertion/removal test simulating 5 years use. Thirty-six frameworks were cast from CP Ti (n=18) and Co-Cr alloy (n=18) with identical prefabricated patterns on refractory casts from a distal extension mandibular hemi-arch segment. The castings were made on a vacuum-pressure machine, under vacuum and argon atmosphere. Each group was subdivided in three, corresponding to 0.25 mm, 0.50 mm and 0.75 mm undercuts, respectively. No polishing procedures were performed to ensure uniformity. The specimens were subjected to an insertion/removal test and data was analyzed statistically to compare CP Ti and Co-Cr alloy in the same undercut (Student's t-test for independent samples) and each material in different undercuts (one-way ANOVA) (p=0.05). Comparisons between materials revealed significant differences (p=0.017) only for the 0.50-mm undercut. No significant differences (p>0.05) were found when comparing the same material for the undercuts. It may be concluded that for different undercuts, both Co-Cr alloy and CP Ti had no significant differences for T-bar clasps; CP Ti showed the lowest retention force values when compared to Co-Cr alloy in each undercut, but with significant difference only for the 0.50-mm undercut; and both materials maintained the retentive capacity during the simulation test.O objetivo deste estudo foi avaliar a força de retenção de grampos tipo barra T confeccionados em titânio cp e liga de Co-Cr, através do ensaio de simulação de uso de estruturas metálicas por um período de 5 anos. Sobre modelos de revestimento que simulavam uma extremidade livre unilateral, foram fundidas 36 estruturas em titânio cp (n=18) e em Co-Cr (n=18) utilizando padrões pré-fabricados. As fundições foram feitas em máquina de vácuo-pressão sob vácuo e atmosfera inerte de argônio. Cada grupo foi subdividido em três correspondendo às retenções de 0,25 mm, 0,50 mm e 0,75 mm, respectivamente. Para manter a uniformidade dos grampos, não foram realizados procedimentos de polimento. Os corpos-de-prova foram submetidos ao teste de inserção e remoção e os dados foram analisados estatisticamente (p=0,05) para comparar Ti cp e Co-Cr na mesma retenção (teste T de Student para amostras independentes) e cada material nas diferentes retenções (análise de variância a um fator). A comparação entre os materiais revelou diferença significativa apenas para retenção de 0,50 (p=0,017). Não foram encontradas diferenças quando se comparou o mesmo material nas diferentes retenções (p>0,05). Pode-se concluir que para as diferentes retenções, grampos barra T confeccionados em liga de Co-Cr e titânio não apresentaram diferença estatisticamente significante; o titânio apresentou menores valores de retenção quando comparado à liga de Co-Cr em cada uma das retenções, mas diferença estatisticamente significante só foi encontrada para a retenção 0,50-mm; e ambos materiais mantiveram a capacidade retentiva durante o teste de simulação de uso.FAPES