5,423 research outputs found

    Formas de aplicação de biofertilizantes e adubação de cobertura com bokashis na produção do tomate orgânico protegido.

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    O presente trabalho teve como objetivo avaliar dois biofertilizantes, em fertirrigação e pulverização, bem como a adubação em cobertura com bokashis na produção do tomateiro orgânico protegido.CD-ROM. Suplemento. Trabalho apresentado no 51. Congresso Brasileiro de Olericultura, Viçosa, MG

    New segregates from the Neotropical genus Stryphnodendron (Leguminosae, Caesalpinioideae, mimosoid clade)

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    Non-monophyly is a prominent issue in mimosoid legumes, even in some of the less speciose genera such as the neotropical genus Stryphnodendron. This genus includes 35 species occurring from Nicaragua to Southern Brazil mostly in humid forests and savannas. Previous taxonomic studies of Stryphnodendron have highlighted morphologically distinct groups within the genus, recognized by differences on leaves (number of pinnae and size of leaflets), inflorescences (a simple or compound thyrse), and fruit types (legume, nucoid legume or follicle). Recent phylogenetic analyses have confirmed the non-monophyly of Stryphnodendron, supporting the recognition of three independent and morphologically well-delimited genera. Here we re-circumscribe Stryphnodendron and propose the two new genera Gwilymia and Naiadendron. In addition, we also provide an updated taxonomic account of the closely related genus Microlobius, including the proposal of a lectotype for the single species in the genus

    Produção orgânica de cenoura com compostos orgânicos elaborados por leira estática aerada.

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    Esse trabalho objetivou avaliar fitotecnicamente compostos orgânicos enriquecidos em N, P e k obtidos pela leira estática aerada ao longo do processo de compostagem. Foram realizadas seis amostragens, a cada quinze dias, durante a compostagem.CD-ROM. Suplemento. Trabalho apresentado no 51. Congresso Brasileiro de Olericultura, Viçosa, MG


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    Este trabalho de pesquisa foi realizado na Escola Comunitária Casa Familiar Rural de Uruará, com o objetivo de analisar a concepção dos estudantes formados por uma proposta de educação do campo, à respeito da problemática das questões ambientais enfrentadas nos últimos anos. O que se busca neste trabalho é analisar como a escola trabalha a problemática ambiental, tanto em seu plano de curso, quanto nas ações desenvolvidas nos projetos de final de curso dos estudantes. A metodologia está centrado na análise de dados referente às entrevistas semiestruturadas com professores e estudantes, e na análise documental. Os resultados mostraram que a problemática em torno do desenvolvimento sustentável é abordado pelo viés da prática nos sistemas produtivos, principalmente a preocupação com a diminuição do desmatamento, o uso intensivo de áreas menores com sistemas agroflorestais e criação de pequenos animais. No entanto, verifica-se as dificuldades para estabelecer o acompanhamento nos tempos- família e na formação do quadro de professores.   Palavras chaves: problemática ambiental; desenvolvimento sustentável; educação do campo.   Abstract   This research work was carried out at the Rural Family Home School of Uruará, with the objective of analyzing the conception of the students formed by a proposal of education of the field, regarding the problematic of environmental issues faced in recent years. What is sought in this work is to analyze how the school works the environmental problem, both in its course plan and in the actions developed in the students' final projects. The methodology is centered in the analysis of data referring to semistructured interviews with teachers and students, and in documentary analysis. The results showed that the problematic of sustainable development is addressed by the bias of the practice in the productive systems, mainly the concern with the reduction of deforestation, the intensive use of smaller areas with agroforestry systems and the creation of small animals. However, there are difficulties in establishing follow-up in family times and teacher training.   Keywords: environmental problem; sustainable development; field education

    Craft beers fermented by potential probiotic yeast or lacticaseibacilli strains promote antidepressant-like behavior in swiss webster mice

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    This study aimed to produce a probiotic-containing functional wheat beer (PWB) by an axenic culture system with potential probiotic Saccharomyces cerevisiae var boulardii 17 and probiotic-containing functional sour beer (PSB) by a semi-separated co-cultivation system with potential probiotic Lacticaseibacillus paracasei DTA 81 and Saccharomyces cerevisiae S-04. Additionally, results obtained from in vivo behavioral tests with Swiss Webster mice treated with PWB or PSB were provided, which is scarce in the current literature. Although the use of S. boulardii to produce beers is not a novelty, this study demonstrated that S. boulardii 17 performance on sugar wort stills not completely elucidated; therefore, further studies should be considered before using the strain in industrial-scale production. Co-culture systems with lacticaseibacilli strain and S. cerevisiae have been reported in the literature for PSB production. However, lacticaseibacilli survivability in beer can be improved by semi-separated co-cultivation systems, highlighting the importance of growing lacticaseibacilli in the wort before yeast pitching. Besides, kettle hopping must be chosen as the method for hop addition to produce PSB. The dry-hopping method may prevent iso-alpha formation in the wort; however, a tendency to sediment can drag cells at the tank bottom and negatively affect L. paracasei DTA 81 viability. Despite stress factors from the matrices and the stressful conditions encountered during GI transit, potential probiotic S. boulardii 17 and potential probiotic L. paracasei DTA 81 withstood at sufficient doses to promote antidepressant effects in the mice group treated with PWB or PSB, respectively.The Foundation for Science and Technology (FCT, Portugal) provided financial support by national funds FCT/MCTES to CIMO (UIDB/00690/2020) and the Brazilian National Council for Scientific and Technological Development (CNPq).info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Isolamento de Candida parapsilosis em paciente com diagnóstico clínico de candidíase atrófica crônica.

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    Species of the genus Candida are constituent parts of the buccal indigenous microbiota. They are often the cause of different types of candidosis when local or systemic factors interrupt the ecological balance, turning the fungus into an opportunist pathogen. The chronic atrophic candidiasis or stomatitis caused by artificial teeth is frequent among us. Its main etiological agent is the Candida albicans. Other species such as the Candida parapsilosis, C. tropicalis and C. stellatoidea may be also isolated from the infection. This paper describes the isolation and identification of Candida parapsilosis in female patients with clinic diagnosis of chronic atrophic candidiasis. The microorganism was isolated in Sabouraud agar and identified by means of the microscopic examination and automatized technique. (System Vitec-Biomerrieux).Espécies do gênero Candida fazem parte da microbiota indígena bucal. Podem causar diferentes tipos de candidoses, quando fatores locais ou sistêmicos interrompem o equilíbrio ecológico, tornando o fungo um patógeno oportunista. A candidíase atrófica crônica ou estomatite por dentadura é freqüente em nosso meio, sendo o principal agente etiológico a Candida albicans. Outras espécies como a Candida parapsilosis, C. tropicalis e C. stellatoidea também podem ser isoladas da infecção. Este trabalho descreve o isolamento e a identificação de Candida parapsilosis em paciente do sexo feminino com diagnóstico clínico de candidíase atrófica crônica. O isolamento do microrganismo foi feito em Ágar Sabouraud e foi identificado através do exame microscópico e de técnica automatizada (Sistema Vitec-Biomerrieux)