46 research outputs found

    Response-scale heterogeneity in the EQ-5D

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    This paper discusses two types of response-scale heterogeneity, which may impact upon the EQ-5D. Response-scale heterogeneity in reporting occurs when individuals systematically differ in their use of response scales when responding to self-assessments. This type of heterogeneity is widely observed in relation to other self-assessed measures but is often overlooked with regard to the EQ-5D. Analogous to this, preference elicitation involving the EQ-5D could be subject to a similar type of heterogeneity, where variations across respondents may occur in the interpretations of the levels (response categories) being valued. This response-scale heterogeneity in preference elicitation may differ from variations in preferences for health states, which have been observed in the literature. This paper explores what these forms of response-scale heterogeneity may mean for the EQ-5D and the potential implications for researchers who rely on the instrument as a measure of health and quality of life. We identify situations where they are likely to be problematic and present potential avenues for overcoming these issues

    The effectiveness of a multidisciplinary foot care program for children and adolescents with juvenile idiopathic arthritis: an exploratory trial

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    Objectives: To evaluate the effectiveness of multidisciplinary foot-care, and to evaluate the methodological considerations of a trial of multidisciplinary care in juvenile idiopathic arthritis. Design: Exploratory randomised controlled trial. Subjects/Patients: Children/adolescents with juvenile idiopathic arthritis and inflammatory joint disease affecting the foot/ankle. Methods: Standard medical care was compared with a 12 month program of multidisciplinary foot-care informed by musculoskeletal ultrasound. This program was centred on strict disease control through rigorous examination and interventions delivered by a team comprised of a paediatric rheumatologist, podiatrist, physiotherapist and musculoskeletal ultrasonographer. Patients were assessed on foot impairment and disability scores using the Juvenile Arthritis Foot Disability Index. Results: Forty-four participants, aged 3-17 years were randomly assigned to receive the experimental (n = 21) or usual care (n = 23) interventions. There was an overall improvement in levels of foot related impairments in both groups over 12 months. Between-group differences in change scores for the Juvenile Arthritis Foot Disability Index were not statistically significant at 6 or 12 month follow-ups. Conclusion: The integrated multidisciplinary foot care interventions described in this trial were safe, but did not improve foot impairment levels relative to usual care. This trial identified several methodological challenges including recruitment/retention, difficulties with outcome tools and potential confounders.</p

    Barro's fertility equations: the robustness of the role of female education and income

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    Barro and Lee (1994) and Barro and Sala-i-Martin (1995) find that real per-capita GDP and both male and female education have important effects on fertility in their cross-country empirical studies. In order to assess the robustness of their results, their estimated models are subjected to specification and diagnostic testing, the effects on the model of using the improved Barro and Lee (1996) cross-country data on educational attainment of the population aged 15 and over are examined, and the different specifications used by Barro and Lee and by Barro and Sala-i-Martin compared. The results obtained suggest that their fertility equations do not perform well in terms of diagnostic testing, and are very sensitive to the use of different vintages of the educational attainment proxies and of the Summers-Heston cross-country income data. A robust explanation of fertility, to link with empirical growth equations, has, therefore, not yet been found; further work is required in this area

    Differential item functioning in quality of life measurement:an analysis using anchoring vignettes

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    Systematic differences in the ways that people use and interpret response categories (differential item functioning, DIF) can introduce bias when using self-assessments to compare health or quality of life across heterogeneous groups. This paper reports on an exploratory analysis involving the use of anchoring vignettes to identify differential item functioning (DIF) in a commonly used measure for assessing health-related quality of life - namely the EQ-5D. Using data from a bespoke (i.e. custom) survey that recruited a representative sample of 4300 respondents from the general Australian population in 2014 and 2015, we find that the assumptions of response consistency (RC) and vignette equivalence (VE) hold in a sub-sample of respondents aged 55–65 years (n = 914), which demonstrates that vignettes can appropriately identify DIF in EQ-5D reporting for this age group. We find that the EQ-5D is indeed subject to DIF, and that failure to account for DIF can lead to conclusions that are misleading when using the instrument to compare health or quality of life across heterogeneous groups. We also provide several important insights in terms of the identifying assumptions of RC and VE. We conclude that the implications of DIF could be of considerable importance, not only for outcomes research, but for funding decisions in healthcare more broadly given the strong reliance on patient-reported outcome measures in economic evaluations for health technology assessment

    An exploration of parents’ preferences for foot care in juvenile idiopathic arthritis: a possible role for the discrete choice experiment

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    Background: An increased awareness of patients’ and parents’ care preferences regarding foot care is desirable from a clinical perspective as such information may be utilised to optimise care delivery. The aim of this study was to examine parents’ preferences for, and valuations of foot care and foot-related outcomes in juvenile idiopathic arthritis (JIA).&lt;p&gt;&lt;/p&gt; Methods: A discrete choice experiment (DCE) incorporating willingness-to-pay (WTP) questions was conducted by surveying 42 parents of children with JIA who were enrolled in a randomised-controlled trial of multidisciplinary foot care at a single UK paediatric rheumatology outpatients department. Attributes explored were: levels of pain; mobility; ability to perform activities of daily living (ADL); waiting time; referral route; and footwear. The DCE was administered at trial baseline. DCE data were analysed using a multinomial-logit-regression model to estimate preferences and relative importance of attributes of foot care. A stated-preference WTP question was presented to estimate parents’ monetary valuation of health and service improvements.&lt;p&gt;&lt;/p&gt; Results: Every attribute in the DCE was statistically significant (p &#60; 0.01) except that of cost (p = 0.118), suggesting that all attributes, except cost, have an impact on parents’ preferences for foot care for their child. The magnitudes of the coefficients indicate that the strength of preference for each attribute was (in descending order): improved ability to perform ADL, reductions in foot pain, improved mobility, improved ability to wear desired footwear, multidisciplinary foot care route, and reduced waiting time. Parents’ estimated mean annual WTP for a multidisciplinary foot care service was £1,119.05.&lt;p&gt;&lt;/p&gt; Conclusions: In terms of foot care service provision for children with JIA, parents appear to prefer improvements in health outcomes over non-health outcomes and service process attributes. Cost was relatively less important than other attributes suggesting that it does not appear to impact on parents’ preferences.&lt;p&gt;&lt;/p&gt

    An economic evaluation of rosuvastatin treatment in systolic heart failure: evidence from the CORONA trial

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    Aims: To estimate the cost-effectiveness of 10 mg rosuvastatin daily for older patients with systolic heart failure in the Controlled Rosuvastatin Multinational Study in Heart Failure (CORONA) trial. Methods and results: This within trial analysis of CORONA used major cardiovascular (CV) events as the outcome measure. Resource use was valued and the costs of hospitalizations, procedures, and statin use compared. Cost-effectiveness was estimated as cost per major CV event avoided. There were significantly fewer major CV events in the rosuvastatin group compared with the placebo group (1.04 vs. 1.20 per patient; difference 0.164; 95% CI: 0.075–0.254, P &#60; 0.001). The average cost of CV hospitalizations and procedures was significantly lower for those receiving rosuvastatin (£1531 vs. £1769; difference £238; 95% CI: £73–403, P = 0.005); the additional cost of the statin resulted in significantly higher total costs for the rosuvastatin group (£1769 vs. £2072; difference £303; 95% CI: £138–468, P &#60; 0.001). Overall, rosuvastatin was found to cost £1840 (95% CI: £562–6028) per major CV event avoided. Conclusion: This economic analysis showed that a significant reduction in major CV events with rosuvastatin led to significantly reduced costs of CV hospitalizations and procedures. The reduction in associated costs for major CV events was found to offset partially (by 44%) the cost of rosuvastatin treatment in patients with systolic heart failure

    Protocol for the Foot in Juvenile Idiopathic Arthritis trial (FiJIA): a randomised controlled trial of an integrated foot care programme for foot problems in JIA

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    &lt;b&gt;Background&lt;/b&gt;: Foot and ankle problems are a common but relatively neglected manifestation of juvenile idiopathic arthritis. Studies of medical and non-medical interventions have shown that clinical outcome measures can be improved. However existing data has been drawn from small non-randomised clinical studies of single interventions that appear to under-represent the adult population suffering from juvenile idiopathic arthritis. To date, no evidence of combined therapies or integrated care for juvenile idiopathic arthritis patients with foot and ankle problems exists. &lt;b&gt;Methods/design&lt;/b&gt;: An exploratory phase II non-pharmacological randomised controlled trial where patients including young children, adolescents and adults with juvenile idiopathic arthritis and associated foot/ankle problems will be randomised to receive integrated podiatric care via a new foot care programme, or to receive standard podiatry care. Sixty patients (30 in each arm) including children, adolescents and adults diagnosed with juvenile idiopathic arthritis who satisfy the inclusion and exclusion criteria will be recruited from 2 outpatient centres of paediatric and adult rheumatology respectively. Participants will be randomised by process of minimisation using the Minim software package. The primary outcome measure is the foot related impairment measured by the Juvenile Arthritis Disability Index questionnaire's impairment domain at 6 and 12 months, with secondary outcomes including disease activity score, foot deformity score, active/limited foot joint counts, spatio-temporal and plantar-pressure gait parameters, health related quality of life and semi-quantitative ultrasonography score for inflammatory foot lesions. The new foot care programme will comprise rapid assessment and investigation, targeted treatment, with detailed outcome assessment and follow-up at minimum intervals of 3 months. Data will be collected at baseline, 6 months and 12 months from baseline. Intention to treat data analysis will be conducted. A full health economic evaluation will be conducted alongside the trial and will evaluate the cost effectiveness of the intervention. This will consider the cost per improvement in Juvenile Arthritis Disability Index, and cost per quality adjusted life year gained. In addition, a discrete choice experiment will elicit willingness to pay values and a cost benefit analysis will also be undertaken