239 research outputs found


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    Since its creation in 2008, the blog of the project “learning without borders: refraiming the limits of training and continuing education”, from londrina state university, has been a space where participants share their experiences and generate knowledge. From the perspective of two teacher researchers, we present an analysis of some posts in this blog, which is one of the tasks of the project, aiming to discuss the involved identities by using metaphors and images they created. Through the development of this work we categorized posts in three themes: the teacher who learns, the teacher who recreates him/herself during difficulties, and the affective teacher. In the surveyed fragments we have found out our marks, the fingerprints of our time, stories and the threads of the social fabric that involves us. The data also reveal that the bolg was forged into a practice in which feelings and voices were shared, and through which collaborative teachers’ identities have been recreated.Desde sua criação, em 2008, o blog do projeto aprendizagem sem fronteiras: ressignificando os limites da formação inicial e contínua de professores, da universidade estadual de londrina, tem sido espaço para que seus participantes compartilhem experiências e gerem conhecimentos. Sob a ótica de duas professoras pesquisadoras, apresentamos uma análise de algumas postagens deste blog, que constituíram uma das tarefas do projeto, com o objetivo de discutir as identidades dos envolvidos, por meio do uso que fizeram de metáforas e de imagens. Para o desenvolvimento deste trabalho categorizamos as postagens em três temáticas: o professor que aprende, o professor que se recria na diversidade e o professor afetivo. Nos fragmentos analisados encontramos nossas marcas, as digitais das histórias de nosso tempo e os fios do tecido social que nos reveste. Os dados também revelam que o blog forjou-se como prática em que sentimentos e vozes foram compartilhados, e por meio da qual, identidades de professores colaborativos foram recriadas

    Effect of autogenous GTAW on the reciprocating sliding wear behavior of a carbon martensitic steel

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    Martensitic steels have been successfully employed in resource-based industries where components must endure aggressive conditions. In industrial practice, many parts of these components are joined by welding techniques. The aim of this work was to understand the influence of welding on the wear resistance of quenched and tempered carbon martensitic steel subjected to dry linear reciprocating sliding micro-wear tests. Weld-joints were produced using autogenous Gas Tungsten Arc Welding process (GTAW). Micro-wear tests were performed at base metal (BM), weld metal (WM), coarse grained heat affected zone (CG-HAZ) and lowest hardness region of heat affected zone (LHR-HAZ). LHR-HAZ was softened during welding process so plastic deformation was facilitated, and consequently adhesion, material displacement and micro-ploughing. WM and CG-HAZ presented a similar martensitic structure, which explain the similarities found on wear behavior. These regions presented the lowest worn volume average values (w). It was interesting to note that despite its highestmicrohardness value, the highest wwas observed for BM. For some BM samples, debris had a key role promoting material loss by micro-cutting which causes great extent of material removal compared to other micro-wear mechanisms as micro-ploughing and adhesion. Due to debris action BM also presented a great dispersion in wresults. The results suggest that material loss of welded joint and BM was strongly controlled by micro-wear mechanisms

    Liposarcoma in a quaker parrot (Myiopsitta monachus) : case report

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    Os lipossarcomas são tumores malignos de lipócitos e lipoblastos raramente relatados em espécies aviárias. Acometem geralmente pássaros adultos ou velhos e em regiões onde existe acúmulo de tecido adiposo. O presente trabalho relata um caso raro de lipossarcoma em uma caturrita (Myiopsitta monachus) com cinco anos de idade que apresentava nódulo de crescimento progressivo na extremidade distal da asa esquerda, com evolução de seis meses. Apesar da dificuldade de deambulação, a ave apresentava disposição e normorexia. Procedeu-se à extirpação cirúrgica da massa tumoral, e o exame histopatológico permitiu o diagnóstico de lipossarcoma bem diferenciado. Não foram observadas recidivas ou metástases durante o período de 24 meses após o procedimento, o que confirma a adequação da conduta cirúrgica realizada.Liposarcomas are malignant tumors that involve lipocytes and lipoblasts. This neoplasm is not frequently reported in avian species and generally occurs in adult or old birds and it is always seen in areas of adipose accumulation. This report presents a rare case of liposarcoma in a five-year-old quaker parrot (Myiopsitta monachus). The patient had a 6-month progressive growing nodule at the left wing extremity and ataxia; however, normal appetite and disposition were noticed. After the neoplasm extirpation, the pathological study pointed out a well-differentiated liposarcoma. Local disease or metastasis signals were not observed within 24 months after the surgery. The surgical procedure was effective to control the liposarcoma in this bird


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    A piometrite canina é uma enfermidade da cadela adulta, caracterizada por inflamação do útero com acúmulo de exsudatos. A hematometra é uma consequência da piometrite, porém caracteriza-se por diapese de eritrócitos para a luz uterina, modificando a coloração da secreção.   A terapia deve ser imediata e agressiva. Ovário-histerectomia é o tratamento de escolha para animais gravemente acometidos. O presente trabalho descreve a ovário-histerectomia videoassistida no tratamento de hematometra em uma cadela da raça Akita, com seis anos de idade e 34 kg de massa corporal. Utilizou-se o acesso com três portais, os quais permitiram a ligadura dos vasos ovarianos e a secção do mesométrio. Já  o útero e os vasos uterinos foram manipulados por meio de miniceliotomia pré-púbica. Não se constataram complicações transoperatórias ou recidiva da doença, o que demonstra a eficácia do procedimento em cães, pois a evolução pós-operatória sete meses após o procedimento respalda a conduta cirúrgica adotada. PALAVRAS-CHAVES: Cadelas, cirurgia, laparoscopia, piometrite, tratamento

    Circulating c-Met-Expressing Memory T Cells Define Cardiac Autoimmunity

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    BACKGROUND: Autoimmunity is increasingly recognized as a key contributing factor in heart muscle diseases. The functional features of cardiac autoimmunity in humans remain undefined because of the challenge of studying immune responses in situ. We previously described a subset of c-mesenchymal epithelial transition factor (c-Met)-expressing (c-Met+) memory T lymphocytes that preferentially migrate to cardiac tissue in mice and humans. METHODS: In-depth phenotyping of peripheral blood T cells, including c-Met+ T cells, was undertaken in groups of patients with inflammatory and noninflammatory cardiomyopathies, patients with noncardiac autoimmunity, and healthy controls. Validation studies were carried out using human cardiac tissue and in an experimental model of cardiac inflammation. RESULTS: We show that c-Met+ T cells are selectively increased in the circulation and in the myocardium of patients with inflammatory cardiomyopathies. The phenotype and function of c-Met+ T cells are distinct from those of c-Met-negative (c-Met-) T cells, including preferential proliferation to cardiac myosin and coproduction of multiple cytokines (interleukin-4, interleukin-17, and interleukin-22). Furthermore, circulating c-Met+ T cell subpopulations in different heart muscle diseases identify distinct and overlapping mechanisms of heart inflammation. In experimental autoimmune myocarditis, elevations in autoantigen-specific c-Met+ T cells in peripheral blood mark the loss of immune tolerance to the heart. Disease development can be halted by pharmacologic c-Met inhibition, indicating a causative role for c-Met+ T cells. CONCLUSIONS: Our study demonstrates that the detection of circulating c-Met+ T cells may have use in the diagnosis and monitoring of adaptive cardiac inflammation and definition of new targets for therapeutic intervention when cardiac autoimmunity causes or contributes to progressive cardiac injury