1,852 research outputs found

    Committed to quality in physical activity programmes for elderly people – The customer results

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    There has been a growing concern in conceiving physical activity (PA) programmes for elderly people since the evidence indicates that this type of health promotion interventions may reduce the deleterious effects of the aging process. In Portugal, the Public Administration is the sector that offers the largest supply of goods and services and as such, it is the sector that must devote most attention to Quality Some studies support the EFQM Excellence Model as an operational framework for Total Quality Management. Excellent Results with respect to Performance, Customers, People and Society are achieved through Leadership driving Policy and Strategy that is delivered through People, Partnerships and Resources, as well as Processes. Consequently, the EFQM Model might be used as a self-assessment instrument, to discern the strengths of the programmes, as well as areas in which improvement can be made. The purposes of this study were 1) to examine the existence of customers’ outcomes measurement in Portuguese PA programmes for elderly people, comparing it with programmes’ characteristics and 2) to analyse the associations between the different evaluated items. Data were collected by an on-line questionnaire sent to 26 Coordinators of PA Programmes. Descriptive statistics were used in order to characterize de PA programmes and the participants’ outcome measurement items. Statistical analysis was performed using Fisher’s Exact Test and Pearson’s Qui-square test. 57,7 % of the programmes recorded participants’ outcome measures at regular intervals. Most of them (73,3%; p 0.05) were free of charge programmes. Statistically significant associations were found between the following outcomes items: cardiorespiratory fitness, flexibility, muscular strength, coordination, balance and body composition. Portuguese PA programmes for elderly people showed a feeble attention on participants’ outcome measures, even though the measurement process represents one of the most important components of customer results from an exercise programme. Furthermore, there are significant differences between customers’ outcome measures chosen by each programme.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Modern polyphasic methods that include MALDI-TOF analyses for fungal identifications and authentications

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    [Excerpt] The identification of species is an important goal in taxonomic mycology. Information about each fungus (e.g. morphological description, physiological and biochemical properties, ecological roles, and societal risks or benefits) is the key element in this process. Identifications can be a long and seemingly never-ending process with frequent revisions of the taxonomic schemes. These changes make identifications even more complicated for the non specialised researchers as each taxonomic group has specialized literature, terminology and characters. This occurs to the extend that identifications can only be undertaken by a narrow group of scientists especially skilled in the "art", which can make the procedures appear to be subjective. [...

    Adiposity indicators and cardiovascular risk factors in Azorean adolescents

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    This study was conducted to evaluate the association of adiposity indicators (body mass index, waist circumference and waist-to-height ratio) with cardiovascular risk factors in lean andobese Azorean adolescents.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Tetrabutylammonium 2,6-dihydroxybenzoate 2,6-dihydroxybenzoic acid solvate

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    The title compound, C16H36N+ C7H5O4 ÿ C7H6O4 or (nBu4N)+ (2,6-dhb) ÿ (2,6±Hdhb) [where (nBu4N) is tetrabutylammonium, (2,6-dhb) ÿ is 2,6-dihydroxybenzoate and (2,6-Hdhb) is 2,6-dihydroxybenzoic acid], crystallizes in the space group P1. The crystal structure involves alternate layers, in the c direction, of cationic [nBu4N]n n+ and anionic [(2,6- dhb)(2,6-Hdhb)]n nÿ . Hydrogen bonds within the anionic layers form bridges between 2,6-Hdhb and 2,6-dhb ÿ residues

    Micotoxinas: Contributos da Micoteca da Universidade do Minho (MUM) para a segurança alimentar

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    Micotoxinas sĂŁo metabolites produzidos por fungos que quando ingeridos, inalados ou absorvidos atravĂ©s da pele causam no homem, ou em animais, problemas de saĂșde ou mesmo, em situaçÔes extremas, a morte. Nos Ășltimos anos, no seio da Micoteca da Universidade do Minho, tem-se desenvolvido projectos que procuram dar resposta aos riscos alimentares derivados da contaminação fĂșngica. Assim, usando a tĂ©cnica de cromatografia em camada fina (TLC), a patulina e a citrinina foram estudadas para avaliar o potencial micotoxigĂ©nico de Penicillium expansum isolados de uvas utilizadas na produção de vinho. Citrinina foi produzida por todas as estirpes estudadas quando estas forma crescidas em meio de sacarose e extracto de levedura (YES) mas somente uma estirpe das 51 foi capaz de produzir esta micotoxina quando foram crescidas em meio de sumo de uva (GJ). Patulina foi produzida por 20 e 31 estirpes quando as 51 estirpes cresceram respectivamente em YES ou GJ. Pelos resultados obtidos as uvas contaminadas com patulina parecem nĂŁo contribuir para a contaminação do sumo de uva com esta micotoxina. Por sua vez a micoflora das uvas saudĂĄveis utilizadas para a produção de vinho em Portugal foram analisadas quanto ao potencial de produzirem ocratoxina A (OTA). Num total de 386 estirpes foram isoladas pelo mĂ©todo de plaqueamento. Os gĂ©neros mais frequentes nĂŁo-ocratoxigĂ©nicos foram Cladosporium (28%), Penicillium (24%), Botrytis (13%) e Aspergillus (9%). Estirpes produtoras de OTA pertenceram Ă s espĂ©cies de Aspergillus carbonarius e A. ochraceus. Neste estudo houve ainda a possibilidade de descriminar do grupo dos aspergilli negros a nova espĂ©cie Aspergillus ibericus nĂŁo produtora de OTA. Esta espĂ©cie foi totalmente caracterizada fenotipicamente, pela biologia molecular e, mais recentemente, pela anĂĄlise espectral de MALDI-TOF MS. Mais recentemente, na Micoteca da Universidade do Minho, a contaminação dos frutos secos, nomeadamente, na amĂȘndoa, tem sido um tĂłpico de estudo. As espĂ©cies aflatoxigĂ©nicas Aspergillus flavus e A. parasiticus tĂȘm sido isoladas e identificadas seguindo a abordagem polifĂĄsica. A biologia molecular e a anĂĄlise espectral por MALDI-TOF MS tĂȘm-se revelado tĂ©cnicas robustas em paralelo com a anĂĄlise por HPLC das aflatoxinas B1/B 2 e G1/G2 e o ĂĄcido ciclopiazĂłnico para a compreensĂŁo dos contributos destes contaminantes neste alimento

    Poly[[aqua-Ό3-picolinato-Ό2-picolinato-dipicolinatopotassium(I)terbium(III)] 2.5-hydrate]

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    In the title compound, [KTb(C6H4NO2)4(H2O)]·2.5H2O, each Tb3+ centre is coordinated by four N and five O atoms from five distinct picolinate ligands in a geometry resembling a highly distorted tricapped trigonal prism. One of the ligands establishes a skew bridge between neighbouring Tb3+ centres, leading to the formation of one-dimensional anionic polymeric chains, {[(C6H4NO2)4Tb]−}n, running along the direction [010]. Each K+ cation is seven-coordinated by six O atoms from one anionic polymeric chain and one water mol­ecule [K⋯O 2.676 (3)–3.208 (4) Å]. The uncoordinated water mol­ecules are involved in O—H⋯O hydrogen bonding

    Lanthanide compounds containing a benzo-15-crown-5 derivatised [60]fullerene and the related [Tb(H2O)(3)(NO3)(2)(acac)]. C14H20O5 supramolecular adduct

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    Novel lanthanum(III), europium(III) and terbium(III) compounds of a benzo-15-crown-5 [60]fulleropyrrolidine were isolated in the solid state and characterised using vibrational (infrared and Raman) spectroscopy and by 13C CP MAS NMR for the lanthanum(III) compound. The photoluminescence properties were investigated for the europium(III) and terbium(III) compounds. The related [Tb(H2O)3(NO3)2(acac)] C14H20O5 [where acac Πacetylacetonate and C14H20O5 Πbenzo-15-crown-5] supramolecular adduct was isolated using similar synthetic conditions, in the absence of [60]fullerene, and its crystal structure used as a model for the coordination sphere of the lanthanide [60]fullerene derivatives, with further supporting evidence given by photoluminescence measurements

    Synthesis, characterisation and luminescent properties of lanthanide-organic polymers with picolinic and glutaric acids

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    Three new lanthanide(III) complexes (Ln = Sm, Tb and Eu) of picolinic and glutaric acid were prepared and characterised. The crystal structure of the complex [Sm(glu)(pic)- (H2O)2] (where Hpic and H2glu stand for picolinic and glutaric acid, respectively) was determined by single-crystal Xray diffraction. All the Ln complexes were characterised by elemental analysis, infrared spectroscopy, X-ray powder diffraction and thermoanalytical measurements. The combined Introduction The design of functional units from the molecular scale to macroscopic assemblies has emerged as a new paradigm in materials synthesis resulting in an interplay between conventional molecular chemistry and conventional solid-state science. This has been particularly clear in the development of functional materials using coordination compounds such as in the field of semiconductors technology, supramolecular machinery, microporous and hybrid materials and catalysis.[ 1] In some cases, the development of these functional materials is based on the chemistry of well-known coordination compounds as illustrated by the assembly of inorganic- organic extended lattices[2] and in the thermolysis of metal thiolato compounds to produce thin films or nanoparticles.[ 3] Metals coordinated to aromatic ambidentate ligands form a class of compounds with a wide variety of coordination modes which has long attracted the attention of chemists.[ 4] Griffith and co-workers extended this type of chemistry to the second row transition metals and, in particular, [a] Department of Chemistry, University of Aveiro, CICECO, 3810-193 Aveiro, Portugal Fax: +351-234-370-084 E-mail: [email protected] [b] Department of Physics, University of Aveiro, CICECO, 3810-193 Aveiro, Portugal [c] Department of Chemistry, University of Cambridge, Lensfield Road, CB2 1EW Cambridge, United Kingdom Supporting information for this article is available on the WWW under http://www.eurjic.org or from the author. © 2007 Wiley-VCH Verlag 4238 GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim Eur. J. Inorg. Chem. 2007, 4238–4246 data show that these Ln complexes are isostructural. The effect of both organic ligands on the photoluminescent behaviour of the Sm3+, Eu3+ and Tb3+ complexes is discussed and we anticipate the possibility of controlling the photoluminescence of picolinic-containing lanthanide compounds by systematically varying the length of the bridging ligand.FCT - POCI/QUI/58377/2004Grant - SFRH/BD/17968/2004Grant - SFRH/BPD/14954/ 200

    Application of PEG400 in the one-pot synthesis of 7-[4-alkyl- or (hetero) aryl-1H-1,2,3-triazol-1-yl]thieno[3,2-b]pyridines via SNAr and Cu(I)- Catalyzed Azide-Alkyne Cycloaddition and preliminary evaluation of their anti-tumour activity

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    Several novel 7-[4-alkyl- or (hetero)aryl-1H-1,2,3-triazol-1-yl]thieno[3,2-b]pyridines were prepared in good to high yields, using the environmentally friendly solvent PEG400 in a one-pot procedure from 7- chlorothieno[3,2-b]pyridine to form the corresponding azide via SNAr with NaN3, followed by Cu(I)-catalyzed Azide-Alkyne Cycloaddition (CuAAC) using different types of alkynes. This one-pot reaction in PEG400 starting from a halogenated heteroaromatic system is reported for the first time and demonstrated a wide scope of application for alkynes. Preliminary anti-tumour activity on human tumour cell lines using the prepared 1,4-di(hetero)aryl-1,2,3-triazoles was evaluated, together with their toxicity in non-tumour cells. Among the tested compounds the most promising one was a 2-ethynylpyridine derivative.Fundação para a CiĂȘncia e Tecnologia (FCT)–Portugal financially supports CQUM (UID/QUI/686/2019), CIMO-IPBragança (UID/ AGR/690/2019), the research project PTDC/QUI-QFI/28020/2017 (POCI-01-0145-FEDER-028020) also financed by European Regional Development Fund (ERDF), COMPETE2020 and Portugal2020, the PTNMR network also supported by Portugal2020 and the PhD grant of J.M.R. (SFRH/BD/115844/2016) also financed by ESF (European Social Fund) and HCOP (Human Capital Operational Programme).info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio
