172 research outputs found

    Sensitive and specific serodiagnosis of Leishmania infantum infection in dogs by using peptides selected from hypothetical proteins identified by an immunoproteomic approach

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    In Brazil, the percentage of infected dogs living in areas where canine visceral leishmaniasis (CVL) is endemic ranges from 10 to 62%; however, the prevalence of infection in dogs is probably higher than figures reported from serological studies. In addition, problems with the occurrence of false-positive or false-negative results in the serodiagnosis of CVL have been reported. The present work analyzed the potential of synthetic peptides mapped from hypothetical proteins for improvement of the serodiagnosis of Leishmania infantum infection in dogs. From 26 identified leishmanial proteins, eight were selected, considering that no homologies between these proteins and others from trypanosomatide sequence databases were encountered. The sequences of these proteins were mapped to identify linear B-cell epitopes, and 17 peptides were synthesized and tested in enzyme-linked immunosorbent assays (ELISAs) for the serodiagnosis of L. infantum infection in dogs. Of these, three exhibited sensitivity and specificity values higher than 75% and 90%, respectively, to differentiate L. infantum-infected animals from Trypanosoma cruziinfected animals and healthy animals. Soluble Leishmania antigen (SLA) showed poor sensitivity (4%) and specificity (36%) to differentiate L. infantum-infected dogs from healthy and T. cruzi-infected dogs. Lastly, the three selected peptides were combined in different mixtures and higher sensitivity and specificity values were obtained, even when sera from T. cruzi-infected dogs were used. The study’s findings suggest that these three peptides can constitute a potential tool for more sensitive and specific serodiagnosis of L. infantum infection in dogsThis work was supported by grants from the Pró-Reitoria de Pesquisa from UFMG (Edital 07/2012), Instituto Nacional de Ciência e Tecnologia em Nano-biofarmacêutica (INCT-NANOBIOFAR, Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de Minas Gerais (FAPEMIG) (CBB-APQ-02364-08, CBB-APQ-00356-10, CBB-APQ-00496-11, and CBB-APQ-00819-12), Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq) (APQ-472090/2011-9), and the Instituto Nacional de Ciência e Tecnologia em Vacinas (INCT-V). E.A.F.C. and A.P.F. are CNPq grant recipients. M.A.C.-F. is a FAPEMIG/CAPES grant recipient. This study was supported in Spain, in part, by grants from the Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación (FIS/PI1100095)

    Cashew nuts (Anacardium occidentale L.) decrease visceral fat, yet augment glucose in dyslipidemic rats

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    The objective of this study was to evaluate the biological effects of roasted Cashew nuts consumption on biochemical and murinometric parameters in dyslipidemic rats receiving lipid supplementation. Young male rats were randomly assigned to three experimental groups (n = 10). The Control group (CONT) was treated with water, the Dyslipidemic group (DL) received a high fat content emulsion throughout the experiment, and the Dyslipidemic Cashew Nuts group (DLCN) received the same high fat content emulsion throughout the experiment, yet was treated with Cashew nuts. Body parameters, biochemical, hepatic and fecal fatty acid profiles were all evaluated. The levels of total cholesterol and triglycerides were higher in the DL and DLCN groups as compared to the control group. DLCN and CONT presented no difference in HDL levels. DLCN presented higher glycemia levels than the other groups. There was reduction of body fat in DLCN as compared to other groups, but with higher accumulations of liver fat. DLCN presented a reduction in saturated hepatic fatty acids of 20.8%, and an increase of 177% in relation to CONT; there was also a 21% in increase DL for ω9 fatty acids in comparison to CONT. As for fecal fatty acids, there was a lower concentration of polysaturates in DLCN as compared to the other groups. The data showed that the consumption of Cashew nuts by the dyslipidemic animals treated with a hyperlipidic diet induced greater accumulations of liver fat and worsened glycemic levels, despite having reduced visceral fats and increased fecal fat excretion.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Interventions about physical activity and diet and their impact on adolescent and young adult cancer survivors: a Prisma systematic review

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    Purpose: Over the past few decades, the incidence of cancer among adolescents and young adults (AYA) has been increasing. The impact of behaviors, such as physical activity (PA) and nutrition, on disease progression, prognosis, and overall health and quality of life for AYA cancer survivors is of significant importance. This systematic review aims to evaluate the effectiveness of PA and diet interventions for AYA cancer survivors and to critically evaluate existing literature, gaps, and limitations. Methods: A search of literature was conducted in PubMed, Science Direct, Scopus, and Google Scholar following the PRISMA guidelines. Twenty-two studies were included from online databases from 2012 to 2022, 13 of which were randomized controlled trials. Results: Most interventions were related to PA, with only four studies including nutrition or Diet interventions. The interventions were generally feasible and acceptable to AYA cancer survivors, and digitally based PA interventions were commonly used. PA interventions mainly comprised aerobic and resistance training and were individualized. Overall, this review found various PA and diet interventions for AYA cancer survivors that were feasible and well-accepted, but gaps in knowledge and design still exist. Conclusions: This systematic review underscores the importance of conducting more research on diet interventions for YCS. Prospero registration: https://www.crd.york.ac.uk/prospero/#aboutregpag

    Levantamento de reconhecimento de baixa intensidade dos solos do Estado do Rio de Janeiro.

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    Este trabalho refere-se ao levantamento dos solos do Estado do Rio de Janeiro, que abrange uma área de 43.797,5 km2. Consiste no reconhecimento e caracterização dos solos em sua ambiência, visando contribuir para o planejamento do uso e ocupação das terras de forma racional e sustentável. Foi realizado em nível de reconhecimento de baixa intensidade, com mapa final em escala 1:250.000, de acordo com os procedimentos metodológicos preconizados pela Embrapa. Como material cartográfico básico foram utilizadas fotografias aéreas 1:60.000 (USAF), com apoio adicional de imagens de satélite Landsat (escala 1:100.000 e 1:250.000) e bases planialtimétricas 1:50.000 (IBGE). A distribuição espacial dos solos no estado é representada em cartas topográficas 1:250.000 através de 161 unidades de mapeamento, que compõem uma legenda de identificação de solos, individualizados até o quarto nível categórico, conforme o atual Sistema Brasileiro de Classificação de Solos (SiBCS), seguido de textura, tipo de horizonte A, fases de vegetação, relevo, e, para o caso específico dos Cambissolos desenvolvidos de sedimentos aluvionares recentes, substrato geológico. As principais classes de solos identificadas foram: Argissolos (Amarelos, Vermelhos e Vermelho-Amarelos), Latossolos (Amarelos, Vermelhos e Vermelho- -Amarelos), Cambissolos (Húmicos e Háplicos), Neossolos (Litólicos e Regolíticos), Luvissolos (Crômicos e Hipocrômicos), Chernossolos (Rêndzicos e Argilúvicos) e Nitossolos (Vermelhos e Háplicos), que predominam nas áreas de drenagem livre, enquanto nas partes mais baixas da paisagem ocorrem Gleissolos (Tiomórfi cos, Sálicos, Melânicos e Háplicos), Neossolos (Flúvicos e Quartzarênicos), Espodossolos (Cárbicos e Ferrocárbicos), Planossolos (Nátricos, Hidromórfi cos e Háplicos) e Organossolos (Tiomórficos, Mésicos e Háplicos). Foram identificados quatro grandes ambientes na área do estado, com padrões de distribuição de solos característicos, cujas principais relações com os outros elementos do meio natural são descritas.bitstream/item/156812/1/BPD-32-Levantamento-Rio-de-Janeiro.pd

    Por que não transportar e criar espécies de abelhas-sem-ferrão fora de suas regiões de ocorrência natural?.

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    O Brasil possui uma alta riqueza de abelhas nativas sem ferrão (ANSF), com espécies com distribuição ampla e outras com distribuição mais restrita. Algumas dessas espécies estão listadas como ameaçadas de extinção e as causas são diversas. Assim, mantê-las em seus locais de origem é fundamental para evitar ainda mais o declínio de suas populações

    Platelet-Activating Factor Receptor Plays a Role in Lung Injury and Death Caused by Influenza A in Mice

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    Influenza A virus causes annual epidemics which affect millions of people worldwide. A recent Influenza pandemic brought new awareness over the health impact of the disease. It is thought that a severe inflammatory response against the virus contributes to disease severity and death. Therefore, modulating the effects of inflammatory mediators may represent a new therapy against Influenza infection. Platelet activating factor (PAF) receptor (PAFR) deficient mice were used to evaluate the role of the gene in a model of experimental infection with Influenza A/WSN/33 H1N1 or a reassortant Influenza A H3N1 subtype. The following parameters were evaluated: lethality, cell recruitment to the airways, lung pathology, viral titers and cytokine levels in lungs. The PAFR antagonist PCA4248 was also used after the onset of flu symptoms. Absence or antagonism of PAFR caused significant protection against flu-associated lethality and lung injury. Protection was correlated with decreased neutrophil recruitment, lung edema, vascular permeability and injury. There was no increase of viral load and greater recruitment of NK1.1+ cells. Antibody responses were similar in WT and PAFR-deficient mice and animals were protected from re-infection. Influenza infection induces the enzyme that synthesizes PAF, lyso-PAF acetyltransferase, an effect linked to activation of TLR7/8. Therefore, it is suggested that PAFR is a disease-associated gene and plays an important role in driving neutrophil influx and lung damage after infection of mice with two subtypes of Influenza A. Further studies should investigate whether targeting PAFR may be useful to reduce lung pathology associated with Influenza A virus infection in humans