1,650 research outputs found

    Antigen presentation in the murine T-lymphocyte proliferative response. I. Requirement for genetic identity at the major histocompatibility complex

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    A method is described for stimulating proliferation in primed populations of murine T lymphocytes using antigen bound to mitomycin-C-treated spleen cells. This form of antigen presentation appears to be an active process because heat-killed spleen cells are ineffective, and because genetic similarity at the major histocompatibility complex (MHC) between the responder T cells and the presenting spleen cells is required for effective interactions. At all times examined, from day 3 to day 6 of the proliferative response, syngeneic spleen cells presented antigen better to peritoneal exudate T-lymphocyte-enriched cells (PETLES) than semisyngeneic F(1) spleen cells, which in turn could present antigen better than totally allogeneic spleen cells. Spleen cell mixing experiments demonstrated that these genetic restrictions were not the result of suppression by the ongoing mixed lymphocyte reactions (MLR) in the allogeneic and F(1) cases. Furthermore, incompatibility at the Mls locus generated a strong MLR but failed to prevent antigen presentation if the spleen cells and PETLES were compatible. Genetic mapping studies demonstrated that compatibility at only the I-A subregion of the MHC was sufficient for effective presentation of the antigen, dinitrophenylated ovalbumin. Compatibility at only the K region, or the K and D regions was not sufficient. These results support the concept that functional activation of primed, proliferating T lymphocytes requires the participation of gene products coded for by the I region of the MHC. This conclusion is consistent with a growing body of evidence which suggests that most T cells recognize antigen in association with MHC gene products

    Here, there and everywhere: Emotion and mental state talk in different social contexts predicts empathic helping in toddlers

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    A growing body of literature suggests that parents socialize early-emerging prosocial behavior across varied contexts and in subtle yet powerful ways. We focus on discourse about emotions and mental states as one potential socialization mechanism given its conceptual relevance to prosocial behavior and its known positive relations with emotion understanding and social-cognitive development, as well as parents' frequent use of such discourse beginning in infancy. Specifically, we ask how parents' emotion and mental state talk (EMST) with their toddlers relates to toddlers' helping and how these associations vary by context. Children aged 18- to 30-months (n = 38) interacted with a parent during book reading and joint play with toys, two everyday contexts that afford parental discussion of emotions and mental states. Children also participated in instrumental and empathic helping tasks. Results revealed that although parents discuss mental states with their children in both contexts, the nature of their talk differs: during book reading parents labeled emotions and mental states significantly more often than during joint play, especially simple affect words (e.g., happy, sad) and explanations or elaborations of emotions; whereas they used more desire talk and mental state words (e.g., think, know) in joint play. Parents' emotion and mental state discourse related to children's empathic, emotion-based helping behavior; however, it did not relate to instrumental, action-based helping. Moreover, relations between parent talk and empathic helping varied by context: children who helped more quickly had parents who labeled emotion and mental states more often during joint play and who elicited this talk more often during book reading. As EMST both varies between contexts and exhibits context-specific associations with empathic prosocial behavior early in development, we conclude that such discourse may be a key form of socialization in emerging prosociality. © 2014 Drummond, Paul, Waugh, Hammond and Brownell

    Vitamins and Perinatal Outcomes Among HIV-Negative Women in Tanzania.

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    Prematurity and low birth weight are associated with high perinatal and infant mortality, especially in developing countries. Maternal micronutrient deficiencies may contribute to these adverse outcomes. In a double-blind trial in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania, we randomly assigned 8468 pregnant women (gestational age of fetus, 12 to 27 weeks) who were negative for human immunodeficiency virus infection to receive daily multivitamins (including multiples of the recommended dietary allowance) or placebo. All the women received prenatal supplemental iron and folic acid. The primary outcomes were low birth weight (<2500 g), prematurity, and fetal death. The incidence of low birth weight was 7.8% among the infants in the multivitamin group and 9.4% among those in the placebo group (relative risk, 0.82; 95% confidence interval [CI], 0.70 to 0.95; P=0.01). The mean difference in birth weight between the groups was modest (67 g, P<0.001). The rates of prematurity were 16.9% in the multivitamin group and 16.7% in the placebo group (relative risk, 1.01; 95% CI, 0.91 to 1.11; P=0.87), and the rates of fetal death were 4.3% and 5.0%, respectively (relative risk, 0.87; 95% CI, 0.72 to 1.05; P=0.15). Supplementation reduced both the risk of a birth size that was small for gestational age (<10th percentile; 10.7% in the multivitamin group vs. 13.6% in the placebo group; relative risk, 0.77; 95% CI, 0.68 to 0.87; P<0.001) and the risk of maternal anemia (hemoglobin level, <11 g per deciliter; relative risk, 0.88; 95% CI, 0.80 to 0.97; P=0.01), although the difference in the mean hemoglobin levels between the groups was small (0.2 g per deciliter, P<0.001). Multivitamin supplementation reduced the incidence of low birth weight and small-for-gestational-age births but had no significant effects on prematurity or fetal death. Multivitamins should be considered for all pregnant women in developing countries. (ClinicalTrials.gov number, NCT00197548 [ClinicalTrials.gov].)

    The effect of time constraint on anticipation, decision making, and option generation in complex and dynamic environments

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    Researchers interested in performance in complex and dynamic situations have focused on how individuals predict their opponent(s) potential courses of action (i.e., during assessment) and generate potential options about how to respond (i.e., during intervention). When generating predictive options, previous research supports the use of cognitive mechanisms that are consistent with long-term working memory (LTWM) theory (Ericsson and Kintsch in Phychol Rev 102(2):211–245, 1995; Ward et al. in J Cogn Eng Decis Mak 7:231–254, 2013). However, when generating options about how to respond, the extant research supports the use of the take-the-first (TTF) heuristic (Johnson and Raab in Organ Behav Hum Decis Process 91:215–229, 2003). While these models provide possible explanations about how options are generated in situ, often under time pressure, few researchers have tested the claims of these models experimentally by explicitly manipulating time pressure. The current research investigates the effect of time constraint on option-generation behavior during the assessment and intervention phases of decision making by employing a modified version of an established option-generation task in soccer. The results provide additional support for the use of LTWM mechanisms during assessment across both time conditions. During the intervention phase, option-generation behavior appeared consistent with TTF, but only in the non-time-constrained condition. Counter to our expectations, the implementation of time constraint resulted in a shift toward the use of LTWM-type mechanisms during the intervention phase. Modifications to the cognitive-process level descriptions of decision making during intervention are proposed, and implications for training during both phases of decision making are discussed

    IL-4-secreting CD4+ T cells are crucial to the development of CD8+ T-cell responses against malaria liver stages.

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    CD4+ T cells are crucial to the development of CD8+ T cell responses against hepatocytes infected with malaria parasites. In the absence of CD4+ T cells, CD8+ T cells initiate a seemingly normal differentiation and proliferation during the first few days after immunization. However, this response fails to develop further and is reduced by more than 90%, compared to that observed in the presence of CD4+ T cells. We report here that interleukin-4 (IL-4) secreted by CD4+ T cells is essential to the full development of this CD8+ T cell response. This is the first demonstration that IL-4 is a mediator of CD4/CD8 cross-talk leading to the development of immunity against an infectious pathogen

    Safety, pharmacokinetics, and clinical activity of adavosertib in combination with chemotherapy in Asian patients with advanced solid tumors : Phase Ib study

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    Background: The WEE1 inhibitor adavosertib (AZD1775) has been investigated in Western patients. Objective: This open-label Phase Ib study (NCT02341456) investigated the safety, pharmacokinetics, and clinical activity of adavosertib in combination with carboplatin alone or paclitaxel plus carboplatin in Asian patients with advanced solid tumors and defined the recommended Phase II dose. Patients and methods: Nineteen patients received adavosertib 175 mg twice daily (bid) for 2.5 days (five doses) in combination with carboplatin (AUC 5) alone or paclitaxel (175 mg/m2) plus carboplatin, or adavosertib 225 mg bid for 2.5 days in combination with paclitaxel plus carboplatin in 21-day cycles. Preliminary safety and dose-limiting toxicity analyses were performed and dose escalation/de-escalation conducted as appropriate. Results: Adavosertib 175 mg bid for 2.5 days with carboplatin alone or paclitaxel plus carboplatin was considered tolerable. Two patients receiving adavosertib 225 mg bid in combination with paclitaxel plus carboplatin experienced dose-limiting toxicities (grade 4 sepsis; grade 5 acute respiratory distress syndrome); this regimen was not considered tolerable. Grade ≥ 3 adverse events reported most commonly in any cohort included: anemia; decreased white blood cell count; decreased neutrophil count; neutropenia; decreased platelet count; thrombocytopenia; and febrile neutropenia. Exposure to adavosertib, as determined by pharmacokinetic analysis, in Asian patients was higher than that previously seen in Western patients. A partial response occurred in 2/12 evaluable patients (16.7%) at the recommended Phase II dose. Conclusions: Adavosertib 175 mg bid for 2.5 days was chosen as the recommended Phase II dose in combination with paclitaxel and carboplatin in Asian patients