13,732 research outputs found

    Doubly heavy hadrons and the domain of validity of doubly heavy diquark--anti-quark symmetry

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    In the limit of heavy quark masses going to infinity, a symmetry is known to emerge in QCD relating properties of hadrons with two heavy quarks to analogous states with one heavy anti-quark. A key question is whether the charm mass is heavy enough so that this symmetry is manifest in at least an approximate manner. The issue is crucial in attempting to understand the recent reports by the SELEX Collaboration of doubly charmed baryons. We argue on very general grounds that the charm quark mass is substantially too light for the symmetry to emerge automatically via colour coulombic interactions. However, the symmetry could emerge approximately depending on the dynamical details.Comment: 9 page


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    The CES is generalized by extension of the work of Hanoch (1975) resulting in implicit, direct and indirect relationships between utility and consumption. Expressions for substitution and income elasticities are developed and observed to be variable, rather than constant as in the CES case.Food Consumption/Nutrition/Food Safety,


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    We utilize a global trade model to generate distributions of commodity and factor prices based on observed uncertainty in rice production. This is done for three trade policy regimes. We then assess their impact on domestic price variability and the likelihood of marginal households falling into poverty in four countries.Food Security and Poverty, International Relations/Trade,

    A Modified, Implicit, Directly Additive Demand System

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    A recently developed demand system, nicknamed AIDADS, offers a more general approach to capturing consumption preferences. AIDADS generalizes the LES by assuming marginal budget shares vary indirectly with expenditure. AIDADS is limited by the fact that the subsistence parameters are constant across expenditure. We modify AIDADS by replacing the constant subsistence parameters with a function which varies with utility, and hence expenditure. The modified AIDADS (MAIDADS) allows subsistence levels to vary with expenditure. This model is applied to the 1996 International Consumption Project data. As these data span a wide range of expenditure levels, MAIDADS offers a viable alternative when estimating "global demand systems." Results suggest subsistence values for livestock and other food products vary with expenditure, while those for grain are constant across expenditure.Demand and Price Analysis,

    National Catastrophic Drug Insurance Revisited: Who Would Benefit from Senator Kirby's Recommendations?

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    The recent "Romanow" and "Kirby" inquiries into the Canadian health care system recommended a publicly funded catastrophic prescription drug insurance program to protect Canadians from potentially ruinous drug costs. While the Romanow commission was not specific about the nature of such a program, the Kirby commission recommended that household prescription drug expenses be capped at 3% of total household income, or 1,500perhouseholdmember,whicheverislower,withgovernmentpickinguptheremainder.Usingrecentsurveydataonhouseholdspending,weestimatehowtheprogramwouldassisthouseholdsofdifferentmeansandages,residingindifferentregionsofthecountry.Wefindthat,despitethefactthatseniorandlowincomenonseniorhouseholdsaretheprimarybeneficiariesofprovincialgovernmentdrugplans,averagesubsidieswouldbeover4timeshigherforthesehouseholdsthanforallother(nonsenior,nonindigent)households.Asmallpercentageofotherhouseholdswouldbeamongthelargestbeneficiariesoftheprogram.Programbenefitsaretypicallylargerinprovinceswithlessgenerouspubliccoverageandtendtobenefitlowerincomehouseholds.Programcostsareestimatedtobeatleast1,500 per household member, whichever is lower, with government picking up the remainder. Using recent survey data on household spending, we estimate how the program would assist households of different means and ages, residing in different regions of the country. We find that, despite the fact that senior and low income non-senior households are the primary beneficiaries of provincial government drug plans, average subsidies would be over 4 times higher for these households than for all other (non-senior, non-indigent) households. A small percentage of other households would be among the largest beneficiaries of the program. Program benefits are typically larger in provinces with less generous public coverage and tend to benefit lower income households. Program costs are estimated to be at least 461 million annually, although reductions in out of pocket drug spending will reduce medical tax credits and thereby increase tax revenues by at least $80 million. Program costs appeared to be very sensitive to increased household drug spending that might result from the program introduction.drug insurance; prescription drug expenses

    National Catastrophic Drug Insurance Revisited: Who Would Benefit from Senator Kirby's Recommendations?

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    The recent "Romanow" and "Kirby" inquiries into the Canadian health care system recommended a publicly funded catastrophic prescription drug insurance program to protect Canadians from potentially ruinous drug costs. While the Romanow commission was not specific about the nature of such a program, the Kirby commission recommended that household prescription drug expenses be capped at 3% of total household income, or 1,500perhouseholdmember,whicheverislower,withgovernmentpickinguptheremainder.Usingrecentsurveydataonhouseholdspending,weestimatehowtheprogramwouldassisthouseholdsofdifferentmeansandages,residingindifferentregionsofthecountry.Wefindthat,despitethefactthatseniorandlowincomenonseniorhouseholdsaretheprimarybeneficiariesofprovincialgovernmentdrugplans,averagesubsidieswouldbeover4timeshigherforthesehouseholdsthanforallother(nonsenior,nonindigent)households.Asmallpercentageofotherhouseholdswouldbeamongthelargestbeneficiariesoftheprogram.Programbenefitsaretypicallylargerinprovinceswithlessgenerouspubliccoverageandtendtobenefitlowerincomehouseholds.Programcostsareestimatedtobeatleast1,500 per household member, whichever is lower, with government picking up the remainder. Using recent survey data on household spending, we estimate how the program would assist households of different means and ages, residing in different regions of the country. We find that, despite the fact that senior and low income non-senior households are the primary beneficiaries of provincial government drug plans, average subsidies would be over 4 times higher for these households than for all other (non-senior, non-indigent) households. A small percentage of other households would be among the largest beneficiaries of the program. Program benefits are typically larger in provinces with less generous public coverage and tend to benefit lower income households. Program costs are estimated to be at least 461 million annually, although reductions in out of pocket drug spending will reduce medical tax credits and thereby increase tax revenues by at least $80 million. Program costs appeared to be very sensitive to increased household drug spending that might result from the program introduction.drug insurance; prescription drug expenses

    The Design Philosophy of a Small Electronic Automatic Digital Computer

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    Cardio-Protection Afforded by Β-Blockade Is Maintained During Resistance Exercise

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    Objectives Whether or not the cardio-protective effect of β-adrenergic blockade is retained during resistance exercise has not been systematically evaluated. Therefore the purpose of this study was to measure selected cardiorespiratory responses to isometric exercise involving hand-gripping, single-leg extension, or double-leg dead-lift, under placebo (control), β1-selective (atenolol), and non-selective (propranolol) adrenergic blockade conditions. Design Eleven young male adults were evaluated in a randomized, double-blinded, repeated measures study design and performed all three exercise modalities at 30% of maximal voluntary contraction under placebo, atenolol and propranolol conditions. Methods Heart rate, systolic and diastolic blood pressure, rate-pressure product, oxygen uptake, cardiac output, stroke volume and total peripheral resistance were directly measured or calculated at rest and during the third minute of each of the three exercise modes. Results Irrespective of drug condition, a graded pressor response was observed going from rest to exercise so that rest \u3c handgrip \u3c leg extension \u3c dead-lift for heart rate, systolic and diastolic blood pressures, rate-pressure product and oxygen uptake (p \u3c 0.05 for all). Cardiac output only increased with the dead-lift mode of exercise (p \u3c 0.01). Importantly β-adrenergic blockade with either atenolol or propranolol similarly attenuated the rise in heart rate, and systolic blood pressure; thus rate-pressure product demonstrated a mode-of-exercise by drug interaction effect (p \u3c 0.001) with the greatest reductions seen with the dead-lift procedure. Conclusions The findings indicate that cardio-protection afforded by selective or non-selective β-blockade at rest is preserved during isometric exercise and even enhanced once heart rate increases above 100 beats min−1

    Poverty analysis using an international cross-country demand system

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    This paper proposes a new method for ex ante analysis of the poverty impacts arising from policy reforms. Three innovations underlie this approach. The first is the estimation of a global demand system using a combination of micro-data from household surveys and macro-data from the International Comparisons Project (ICP). Estimation is undertaken in a manner that reconciles these two sources of information, explicitly recognizing that per capita national demands are an aggregation of the disaggregated, individual household demands. The second innovation relates to a methodology for post-estimation calibration of the global demand system, giving rise to country-specific demand systems and an associated expenditure function which, when aggregated across the expenditure distribution, reproduce observed per capita budget shares exactly. This leads to the third innovation, which is the establishment of a unique poverty level of utility and an appropriately modified set of Foster-Greer-Thorbecke poverty measures. With these tools in hand, the authors are able to calculate the change in the head-count of poverty, poverty gap, and squared poverty gap arising from policy reforms, where the poverty measures are derived using a unique poverty level of utility, rather than an income or expenditure-based measure. They use these techniques with a demand system for food, other nondurables and services estimated using a combination of 1996 ICP data set and national expenditure distribution data. Calibration is demonstrated for three countries for which household survey expenditure data are used during estimation-Indonesia, the Philippines and Thailand. To show the usefulness of these calibrated models for policy analysis, the authors assess the effects of an assumed 5 percent food price rise as might be realized in the wake of a multilateral trade agreement. Results illustrate the important role of subsistence expenditures at lowest income levels, but of discretionary expenditure at higher income levels. The welfare analysis underscores the relatively large impact of the price hike on poorer households, while a modified Foster-Greer-Thorbecke poverty measure shows that the 5 percent price rise increases the incidence and intensity of poverty in all three cases, although the specific effects vary considerably by country.Markets and Market Access,Economic Theory&Research,Population Policies,Rural Poverty Reduction,Poverty Lines

    Large Scale Anisotropy of Cosmic Rays and Directional Neutrino Signals from Galactic Sources

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    We investigate the neutrino - cosmic ray connection for sources in the Galaxy in terms of two observables: the shape of the energy spectrum and the distribution of arrival directions. We also study the associated gamma ray emission from these sources.Comment: Proceedings of the 2nd Cosmic Ray Anisotropy Workshop, 26-28 September 2013, Madison, Wisconsin. To appear in IOP Conference Serie