107 research outputs found

    The covariance of multi-field perturbations, pseudo-susy and f_NL

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    We reconsider cosmological perturbation theory for multi-component scalars, enforcing covariance in field-space, and ensuring that phyical observations are independent of field re-definitions. We use the formalism to clarify some issues in the literature, and use pseudo-supersymmetry to derive exact expressions for terms of interest.Comment: 22 pages, 2 figures. Replaced with Journal versio

    The fermion spectrum in braneworld collisions

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    In braneworld collisions fermions originally localised on one brane can be transferred to another brane, or to a space-time boundary. By modelling branes as scalar field kinks we bounce them off boundaries and study resulting effects according to a braneworld observer. Extending on our previous work, we numerically compute the spectrum of excitations of fermion modes localised on the brane and boundary, in terms of the momentum kk along the brane dimensions. We find that the spectrum depends strongly on collision velocity and fermion-scalar coupling. Also, high-momentum modes tend to ``fall off'' the kinks and become delocalised radiation.Comment: 13 pages, 9 figure

    Oscillons and quasi-breathers in D+1 dimensions

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    We study oscillons in D+1 space-time dimensions using a spherically symmetric ansatz. From Gaussian initial conditions, these evolve by emitting radiation, approaching ``quasi-breathers'', near-periodic solutions to the equations of motion. Using a truncated mode expansion, we numerically determine these quasi-breather solutions in 2<D<6 and the energy dependence on the oscillation frequency. In particular, this energy has a minimum, which in turn depends on the number of spatial dimensions. We study the time evolution and lifetimes of the resulting quasi-breathers, and show how generic oscillons decay into these before disappearing altogether. We comment on the apparent absence of oscillons for D>5 and the possibility of stable solutions for D<2.Comment: 18 pages and 18 figure

    The evolution of conifolds

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    We simulate the gravitational dynamics of the conifold geometries (resolved and deformed) involved in the description of certain compact spacetimes. As the cycles of the conifold collapse towards a singular geometry we find that a horizon develops, shielding the external spacetime from the curvature singularity of the newly formed black hole. The structure of the black hole is examined for a range of initial conditions, and we find a candidate black-hole solution for the final state of the collapse.Comment: 22 pages, 6 figure

    Particle transfer in braneworld collisions

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    We study the behaviour of fermions localized on moving kinks as these collide with either antikinks or spacetime boundaries. We numerically solve for the evolution of the scalar kinks and the bound (i.e. localized) fermion modes, and calculate the number of fermions transfered to the antikink and boundary in terms of Bogoliubov coefficients. Interpreting the boundary as the brane on which we live, this models the ability of fermions on branes incoming from the bulk to ``stick'' on the world brane, even when the incoming branes bounce back into the bulk.Comment: 17 pages, 15 figures. New version has clearer discussion of boundary conditions, and corrects a typ

    Colliding branes and big crunches

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    We examine the global structure of colliding domain walls in AdS spacetime and come to the conclusion that singularities forming from such collisions are of the big-crunch type rather than that of a black brane.Comment: 5 pages, 6 figure

    Multi-galileons, solitons and Derrick's theorem

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    The field theory Galilean symmetry, which was introduced in the context of modified gravity, gives a neat way to construct Lorentz-covariant theories of a scalar field, such that the equations of motion contain at most second-order derivatives. Here we extend the analysis to an arbitrary number of scalars, and examine the restrictions imposed by an internal symmetry, focussing in particular on SU(N) and SO(N). This therefore extends the possible gradient terms that may be used to stabilise topological objects such as sigma model lumps.Comment: 7 pages, 1 figure. Minor change to order of reference

    Visualising quantum effective action calculations in zero dimensions

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    © 2019 IOP Publishing Ltd. We present an explicit treatment of the two-particle-irreducible (2PI) effective action for a zero-dimensional quantum field theory. The advantage of this simple playground is that we are required to deal only with functions rather than functionals, making complete analytic approximations accessible and full numerical evaluation of the exact result possible. Moreover, it permits us to plot intuitive graphical representations of the behaviour of the effective action, as well as the objects out of which it is built. We illustrate the subtleties of the behaviour of the sources and their convex-conjugate variables, and their relation to the various saddle points of the path integral. With this understood, we describe the convexity of the 2PI effective action and provide a comprehensive explanation of how the Maxwell construction arises in the case of multiple, classically stable saddle points, finding results that are consistent with previous studies of the one-particle-irreducible (1PI) effective action

    Self-tuning and the derivation of the Fab Four

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    We have recently proposed a special class of scalar tensor theories known as the Fab Four. These arose from attempts to analyse the cosmological constant problem within the context of Horndeski's most general scalar tensor theory. The Fab Four together give rise to a model of self-tuning, with the relevant solutions evading Weinberg's no-go theorem by relaxing the condition of Poincare invariance in the scalar sector. The Fab Four are made up of four geometric terms in the action with each term containing a free potential function of the scalar field. In this paper we rigorously derive this model from the general model of Horndeski, proving that the Fab Four represents the only classical scalar tensor theory of this type that has any hope of tackling the cosmological constant problem. We present the full equations of motion for this theory, and give an heuristic argument to suggest that one might be able to keep radiative corrections under control. We also give the Fab Four in terms of the potentials presented in Deffayet et al's version of Horndeski.Comment: 25 pages, 1 figur

    Cosmic string Y-junctions: a comparison between field theoretic and Nambu-Goto dynamics

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    We explore the formation of cosmic string Y-junctions when strings of two different types collide, which has recently become important since string theory can yield cosmic strings of distinct types. Using a model containing two types of local U(1) string and stable composites, we simulate the collision of two straight strings and investigate whether the dynamics matches that previously obtained using the Nambu-Goto action, which is not strictly valid close to the junction. We find that the Nambu-Goto action performs only moderately well at predicting when the collision results in the formation of a pair of Y-junctions (with a composite string connecting them). However, we find that when they do form, the late time dynamics matches those of the Nambu-Goto approximation very closely. We also see little radiative emission from the Y-junction system, which suggests that radiative decay due to bridge formation does not appear to be a means via which a cosmological network of such string would rapidly lose energy.Comment: 17 pages, 17 figures; typo correctio
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