455 research outputs found

    Tackling social media data analysis: Comparing and contrasting QSR NVivo and Leximancer

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    Purpose This paper aims to offer insights into the ways two computer-aided qualitative data analysis software (CAQDAS) applications (QSR NVivo and Leximancer) can be used to analyze big, text-based, online data taken from consumer-to-consumer (C2C) social media communication. Design/methodology/approach This study used QSR NVivo and Leximancer, to explore 200 discussion threads containing 1,796 posts from forums on an online open community and an online brand community that involved online brand advocacy (OBA). The functionality, in particular, the strengths and weaknesses of both programs are discussed. Examples of the types of analyses each program can undertake and the visual output available are also presented. Findings This research found that, while both programs had strengths and weaknesses when working with big, text-based, online data, they complemented each other. Each contributed a different visual and evidence-based perspective; providing a more comprehensive and insightful view of the characteristics unique to OBA. Research limitations/implications Qualitative market researchers are offered insights into the advantages and disadvantages of using two different software packages for research projects involving big social media data. The ā€œvisual-firstā€ analysis, obtained from both programs can help researchers make sense of such data, particularly in exploratory research. Practical implications The paper provides practical recommendations for analysts considering which programs to use when exploring big, text-based, online data. Originality/value This paper answered a call to action for further research and demonstration of analytical programs of big, online data from social media C2C communication and makes strong suggestions about the need to examine such data in a number of ways

    Online brand advocacy and brand loyalty: A reciprocal relationship?

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    Ā© 2021, Emerald Publishing Limited. Purpose: The purpose of this study is to increase the understanding of the online brand advocacy (OBA) and brand loyalty relationship through a social identity theory lens. Design/methodology/approach: An online survey was used to obtain the needed data and the relationships of interest were examined using a partial least squares structural equation modelling approach. Findings: Brand loyalty and consumer-brand identification were found to be predictors of OBA, while OBA impacted on purchase intent. In addition, a strong reciprocal relationship was found between OBA and brand loyalty, which has not been reported in prior studies. Research limitations/implications: This study highlighted OBA\u27s complexity. It suggested OBA is not only an outcome of a consumer-brand relationship but also that OBA plays a key role in the development of such relationships. A consumer\u27s identification with a brand fosters brand loyalty and purchase intent through the giving of OBA. Practical implications: The more consumers vocalise their brand relationships through OBA, the more they strengthen their relationship with brands. The inclusion of OBA management in brand and marketing strategies should enable organisations to foster opportunities for online consumer-brand interactions that strengthen consumer-brand relationships. Originality/value: First, unlike previous studies that have used makeshift scales to measure OBA, the authors used a recently developed OBA scale. Second, the important reciprocal relationship between OBA and brand loyalty, which has significant implications, has not been reported in prior research

    Online brand advocacy (OBA): The development of a multiple item scale

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    Purpose: Despite an increasing interest in online brand advocacy (OBA) and the importance of online brand conversations, OBAā€™s conceptualization, dimensionality and measurement are unclear, which has created confusion. This paper aims to answer calls from researchers and practitioners for a better understanding and measurement of OBA. The development and validation of a parsimonious and practical OBA scale is outlined in this paper. Design/methodology/approach: A multi-methods, multi-stage approach was followed to develop a parsimonious OBA scale. From an initial pool of 96 items obtained from qualitative research and from items used in prior general brand advocacy scales, a test-retest reliability study is followed. Academic judges were consulted to verify dimensionality, followed by two separate online surveys to further purify the scale and assess criterion-related validity. Programs including SPSS, AMOS and WarpPLS were used. Findings: This research extends the knowledge of OBA by developing and testing a parsimonious and practical 16-item, four-dimensional OBA scale. Unlike previous attempts to measure OBA, this study suggested OBA as a multidimensional construct with four dimensions (i.e. brand defense, brand information sharing, brand positivity and virtual positive expression). Further, this study showed that OBA is conceptually different from consumerā€“brand engagement and electronic word-of-mouth. Research limitations/implications: Future research is encouraged to validate the OBA scale in various contexts and locations. Researchers can use the new OBA scale to examine potential brand-related antecedents and consequences of OBA. Practical implications: This study provides brand and marketing practitioners with a better understanding of brand advocacy occurring online. The OBA scale offers clear markers or trademarks that will be useful in assessing any brandā€™s health online and to track and better manage online brand communications and performance. Originality/value: This research provides the first empirical investigation of Wilk et al.ā€™s (2018) exploratory insights into OBA. The resulting parsimonious scale has furthered OBA as a new area for academic enquiry and presented practitioners with a practical way of measuring OBA

    Re-evaluating the notion of value in wildlife trade research from a service marketing perspective

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    The trade in wildlife and wildlife products is one of the leading causes of population decline for thousands of species. It is critical that researchers use all available theories and techniques at hand to tackle this conservation crisis. Here, we integrate current services marketing theory with our existing understanding of behaviour change in wildlife trade research and propose future areas of transdisciplinary research. We first used the Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic review and Meta Analysis methodology to perform a systematic literature review of 227 articles from 76 journals to explore the current understanding of value in wildlife trade literature. Our results showed over 90% of articles used the term value to describe monetary worth and no articles provided a definition or justification of this use. We then contribute to scientific discourse by presenting Service Dominant Logic from marketing theory as a novel lens through which to explore consumer behaviour and the concept of value in the wildlife trade. We outline future avenues of research that will improve the ability of conservation practitioners to create meaningful behaviour change and system transformation using a wholly novel conceptualisation that synthesises the two disciplines of marketing and conservation

    Customer engagement and the relationship between involvement, engagement, self-brand connection and brand usage intent

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    Ā© 2017 Elsevier Inc. Consumers rely on social media to make travel decisions, and actively engage in relationships with tourism brands on social media. Our research contribution is threefold. First, we validate the consumer brand engagement (CBE) scale proposed by Hollebeek, Glynn, and Brodie (2014). Second, we use social exchange theory to replicate their proposed model to relate CBE to consumer involvement, self-brand connection, and brand usage. Third, we contribute to tourism marketing theory and practice. The CBE scale exhibited exceptional fit in the tourism context. The models confirmed that all three dimensions of CBE had significant effects on self-brand connection and brand usage intent. Tourism organizations may utilize these findings to foster stronger connections with consumers and increase the likelihood of consumers using their sites by focusing on strategies to develop CBE

    Antecedents to Consumer Peer Communication through Social Advertising: A Self-Disclosure Theory Perspective

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    Ā© 2018, Ā© 2018 American Academy of Advertising. The use of peer communication has become a primary method used by advertisers to disseminate their messages to relevant consumers on social mediaā€”with a significant return on investment. This study examines whether consumers\u27 privacy, trust, and perceived benefits are associated with their peer communication through social advertising within the lens of self-disclosure theory. The results of a survey of 393 social network users in Indonesia demonstrate that trust is a key factor promoting peer communication through social advertising, mediating privacy concerns and perceived privacy control. Of the three types of peer-communication benefits examined, social benefits appear to be the most significant antecedent, ahead of economic benefits and entertainment benefits. These findings have theoretical and managerial implications

    Osjetljivost na vlagu te optička, mehanička i strukturna svojstva jestivih filmova na bazi proteina sirutke s dodatkom repičinog ulja

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    The objective of this work is to study the effect of the rapeseed oil content on the physical properties of whey protein emulsion films. For this purpose, whey protein films with the addition of 0, 1, 2 and 3 % of rapeseed oil, and glycerol as a plasticizer were obtained by the casting method. Film-forming emulsions were evaluated and compared using light scattering granulometry. The Sauter mean diameters (d32) of lipid droplets in film-forming solutions showed an increasing trend when increasing the oil volume fractions. The inclusion of rapeseed oil enhanced the hydrophobic character of whey protein films, reducing moisture content and film solubility in water. All emulsified films showed high lightness (L*ā‰ˆ90). Parameter a* decreased and parameter b* and total colour difference (Ī”E) increased with the increase of the volume fractions of oil. These results were consistent with visual observations; control films were transparent and those containing oil opaque. Water vapour sorption experimental data at the full range of water activity values from 0.11 to 0.93 were well described with Pelegā€™s equation (R2ā‰„0.99). The tensile strength, Youngā€™s modulus and elongation at break increased with the increase of rapeseed oil volume fraction, which could be explained by interactions between lipids and the protein matrix. These results revealed that rapeseed oil has enormous potential to be incorporated into whey protein to make edible film or coating for some food products. The mechanical resistance decreased with the addition of the lipids, and the opacity and soluble matter content increased.Svrha je ovoga rada bila ispitati utjecaj dodatka repičinog ulja u različitim volumnim udjelima na fizikalna svojstva filmova izrađenih od proteina sirutke. Filmovi su pripremljeni u kalupima lijevanjem emulzija dobivenih od proteina sirutke s dodatkom 0, 1, 2 ili 3 % repičinog ulja te glicerola kao plastifikatora. Raspodjela veličine čestica emulzije određena je metodom laserske difrakcije, te je utvrđeno da se s povećanjem volumnog udjela ulja povećao srednji Sauterov promjer (d32) lipidnih kapljica. Dodatkom repičinog ulja povećala se hidrofobnost, a smanjio udjel vlage u filmovima te njihova topljivost u vodi. Sve su emulzije bile vrlo svijetle (L*ā‰ˆ90), a pri većim volumnim udjelima ulja smanjila se vrijednost parametra a*, a povećali vrijednost parametra b* i ukupna razlika u boji (Ī”E). Rezultati su bili u skladu s onima dobivenim vizualnim pregledom: kontrolni uzorci filmova bili su prozirni, dok su oni s dodatkom ulja bili mutni. Ispitana je sposobnost upijanja vode filmova, a dobiveni su podaci u rasponu aktiviteta vode od 0,11 do 0,93 dobro opisani pomoću Pelegove jednadžbe (R2ā‰„0,99). Povećanjem volumnog udjela repičinog ulja povećali su se vlačna čvrstoća, Youngov modul elastičnosti i istezljivost filmova, vjerojatno uslijed povezivanja lipida s proteinima. Rezultati pokazuju da se dodavanjem repičinog ulja emulzijama dobivenim od proteina sirutke može proizvesti jestivi film ili omotač za koje postoji velika mogućnost primjene u prehrambenoj industriji. Dodatkom lipida smanjili su se mehanički otpor i prozirnost filmova, a povećao udjel topljivih tvari

    Customer engagement with digitalized interactive platforms in retailing

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    Digitalized interactive platforms (DIPs) such as Apple watch, Starbucks apps and Nike+ have seen enormous growth. This study empirically investigates the antecedents and consequences of customer engagement in a digitalized interactive platform of an online shoe retailing start-up. Specifically, we integrate service-dominant logic and self-determination theory to explore the complex relationships between human psychological needs, customer engagement and subjective well-being. We hypothesise that, in case of digitalized interactive platforms, the direct relationship between human psychological needs satisfaction (autonomy, relatedness and competence) and subjective well-being is mediated by customer engagement (cognitive, affective and behavioral). We applied a hybrid SEM-ANN approach to unravel the relationships. Findings show that autonomy and competence have significant relationships with all the dimensions of customer engagement (cognitive, affective and behavioral). Results also show that subjective well-being is not influenced by cognitive engagement but is influenced by affective and behavioral engagement. Theoretical and managerial contributions are discussed
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