750 research outputs found

    Detection of brown dwarfs by the micro-lensing of unresolved stars

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    The presence of brown dwarfs in the dark galactic halo could be detected through their gravitational lensing effect and experiments under way monitor about one million stars to observe a few lensing events per year. We show that if the photon flux from a galaxy is measured with a good precision, it is not necessary to resolve the stars and besides more events could be observed.Comment: 14 p., LaTeX, 4 figures available on request, PAR-LPTHE 92 39/LPC 92 1

    Before-Commit Client State Management Services for AJAX Applications

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    Heavily script-based browser applications change the manner in which users interact with Web browsers. Instead of downloading a succession of HTML pages, users download a single application and use that application for a long period of time. The application is not a set of HTML pages, but rather a single page that can possible modify its own presentation based on data exchanged with a server. In such an environment, it is necessary to provide some means for the client to manage its own state. We describe the initial results of our work in providing client-side state management services for these script-based applications. We focus on browser-based services that can help the user before any data is committed on the server. Our services include state checkpointing, property binding, operation logging, operational replay, ATOM/RSS data updates, and application-controlled persistence

    Graded and Filtered Fiber Functors on Tannakian Categories

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    We study fiber functors on Tannakian categories which are equipped with a grading or a filtration. Our goal is to give a comprehensive set of foundational results about such functors. A main result is that each filtration on a fiber functor can be split by a grading fpqc-locally on the base scheme

    A quoi servent les expertises «RPS» » auprÚs des CHSCT ? 1: Document de travail LEST

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    Le droit des CHSCT de faire appel Ă  un expert dans le domaine de l’analyse des conditions de travail s’est dĂ©veloppĂ© rĂ©cemment, passant de 500 Ă  1500 par an de 2008 Ă  2014, pour environ 25 000 CHSC, mais ses usages et ses effets sont mĂ©connus. On s'appuie sur trois cas d’études, tirĂ©s pour une part d’une enquĂȘte rĂ©alisĂ©e Ă  la demande d’un grand cabinet agrĂ©Ă© et d’un retour sur expĂ©rience sur l’une des nombreuses missions d’expertise assumĂ©es par l’un des coauteurs de l' article. Les terrains d’enquĂȘte sont contrastĂ©s du point de vue de la configuration des rapports de force entre directions et syndicats et de la maniĂšre dont les acteurs s’emparent du rapport remis par les consultants. Dans la premiĂšre, la rĂ©appropriation de l’expertise est des plus limitĂ©e et ne permet pas de dĂ©nouer une situation de blocage entre RP et direction : cette derniĂšre ignore les prĂ©conisations du rapport, que les reprĂ©sentants du personnel rĂ©investissent eux-mĂȘmes trĂšs peu. Dans la seconde, l’expertise conduit les directions Ă  reprendre en compte une partie des prĂ©conisations. En dĂ©pit des limites des actions entreprises par la direction, on observe que la rĂ©alisation de l’expertise contribue Ă  une dynamisation de l’action syndicale sur les questions du travail. La mise en perspective des diffĂ©rentes missions d’expertise Ă©tudiĂ©es aide Ă  repĂ©rer la diversitĂ© des usages syndicaux et managĂ©riaux qui en sont faits, ainsi que la pluralitĂ© des facteurs qui en contraignent les effets sur les modes d’organisation du travail

    Inversion-based control of electromechanical systems using causal graphical descriptions

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    Causal Ordering Graph and Energetic Macroscopic Representation are graphical descriptions to model electromechanical systems using integral causality. Inversion rules have been defined in order to deduce control structure step-bystep from these graphical descriptions. These two modeling tools can be used together to develop a two-layer control of system with complex parts. A double-drive paper system is taken as an example. The deduced control yields good performances of tension regulation and velocity tracking

    Autour de l’exposition du Grand Palais « Mexique 1900-1950. Diego Rivera, Frida Kahlo, JosĂ© Clemente Orozco et les avant-gardes »

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    « L’annĂ©e du Mexique en France » programmĂ©e en 2011 aurait dĂ» marquer l’excellence des relations bilatĂ©rales entre les deux pays. Une liste imposante de manifestations culturelles Ă©tait organisĂ©e, mais tout fut annulĂ© au dernier moment en raison d’un diffĂ©rend diplomatique. L’affaire Florence Cassez, du nom de la jeune Française alors incarcĂ©rĂ©e Ă  Mexico, avait dĂ©finitivement brouillĂ© les PrĂ©sidents Nicolas Sarkozy et Felipe CalderĂłn. En 2014, le voyage officiel de François Hollande au Mexiqu..

    Inversion-based control of electromechanical systems using causal graphical descriptions

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    Causal Ordering Graph and Energetic Macroscopic Representation are graphical descriptions to model electromechanical systems using integral causality. Inversion rules have been defined in order to deduce control structure step-bystep from these graphical descriptions. These two modeling tools can be used together to develop a two-layer control of system with complex parts. A double-drive paper system is taken as an example. The deduced control yields good performances of tension regulation and velocity tracking

    Preconditioners based on Voronoi quantizers of random variable coefficients for stochastic elliptic partial differential equations

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    A preconditioning strategy is proposed for the iterative solve of large numbers of linear systems with variable matrix and right-hand side which arise during the computation of solution statistics of stochastic elliptic partial differential equations with random variable coefficients sampled by Monte Carlo. Building on the assumption that a truncated Karhunen-Lo\`{e}ve expansion of a known transform of the random variable coefficient is known, we introduce a compact representation of the random coefficient in the form of a Voronoi quantizer. The number of Voronoi cells, each of which is represented by a centroidal variable coefficient, is set to the prescribed number PP of preconditioners. Upon sampling the random variable coefficient, the linear system assembled with a given realization of the coefficient is solved with the preconditioner whose centroidal variable coefficient is the closest to the realization. We consider different ways to define and obtain the centroidal variable coefficients, and we investigate the properties of the induced preconditioning strategies in terms of average number of solver iterations for sequential simulations, and of load balancing for parallel simulations. Another approach, which is based on deterministic grids on the system of stochastic coordinates of the truncated representation of the random variable coefficient, is proposed with a stochastic dimension which increases with the number PP of preconditioners. This approach allows to bypass the need for preliminary computations in order to determine the optimal stochastic dimension of the truncated approximation of the random variable coefficient for a given number of preconditioners

    « Pruebas de lo invisible » : sur quelques photographies de Manuel Álvarez Bravo

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    « Si tu veux voir l’invisible, observe soigneusement le visible », dit le Talmud. Le photographe mexicain Manuel Álvarez Bravo (1902-2002) aimait Ă  citer cette phrase, et il ajoutait : « l’invisible est toujours contenu dans l’Ɠuvre d’art, qui le recrĂ©e. S’il ne peut ĂȘtre vu en elle, l’Ɠuvre d’art n’existe pas ». On pourrait illustrer ces affirmations avec beaucoup de photographies de don Manuel. Le prĂ©sent article Ă©tudie plus particuliĂšrement celles oĂč les notions de vision, de viseur et de visite se trouvent explicitement signifiĂ©es par le titre. C’est le cas de quelques images classiques (Muchacha viendo pĂĄjaros, 1931 ; Caja de visiones, 1938) ou moins connues (La visita, 1935 ; PanteĂłn, visitaciĂłn, 1934-1965 ; No ves, 1994).“Si quieres ver lo invisible, observa lo visible con cuidado”, dice el Talmud. Al fotĂłgrafo mexicano Manuel Álvarez Bravo (1902-2002) le gustaba citar esta frase, añadiendo: “lo invisible siempre estĂĄ contenido en la obra de arte, que lo recrea. Si no puede ser visto en ella, la obra de arte no existe.” Se podrĂ­an ilustrar estas afirmaciones con muchas fotografĂ­as de don Manuel. En este artĂ­culo, se estudian mĂĄs particularmente algunas imĂĄgenes donde las nociones de visiĂłn, visor y visita se encuentran explicitadas por el tĂ­tulo. Este es el caso de algunas fotos clĂĄsicas (Muchacha viendo pĂĄjaros, 1931; Caja de visiones, 1938) o menos conocidas (La visita, 1935; PanteĂłn, visitaciĂłn, 1934-1965; No ves, 1994)

    Démocratie et ses dérivés. De la dénomination à l'argument sans réplique ?

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    National audienceDĂ©mocratie (democracy) – derivatives included, and above all the adjective dĂ©mocratique (democratic) – is a vague, matter-of-fact word whose direct opposite lies in the range of words that designate authoritarian regimes. Whether in politics or in other fields, rather than going under an objective designation, the word is increasingly being featured as expressing what is supposed to be “the right value”. Within a theoretical framework evolving from language argumentation theory, such an axiological dominant value can be put forward through a sequence of discourses. Revealingly, claiming a so-called “democratic” position is, whatever the debate, a kind of categorical imperative and a priori condition of the argumentation.Mot flou, qui s'impose dans l'absolu (LA dĂ©mocratie) et s'oppose fondamentalement aux termes dĂ©signant des rĂ©gimes autoritaires, "dĂ©mocratie" tend de plus en plus - avec ses dĂ©rivĂ©s, l'adjectif "dĂ©mocratique" en particulier Ă  passer de la dĂ©nomination objective Ă  une catĂ©gorisation exprimant la "bonne valeur", en politique mais aussi dans d'autres domaines. Cette valeur axiologique dominante peut ĂȘtre mise en Ă©vidence, dans un cadre thĂ©orique issu de la thĂ©orie de l'argumentation dans la langue, par les enchaĂźnements discursifs qui rĂ©vĂšlent que, quel que soit le dĂ©bat, la revendication d'une position "dĂ©mocratique" est une sorte d'impĂ©ratif catĂ©gorique et de condition a priori de l'argumentation
