1,829 research outputs found

    Keeping the Light Shining? The end of British Quakerism Revisited

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    This paper follows on from two earlier articles in Quaker Studies on the predicted end-point for the Religious Society of Friends in Britain and presents analyses of the membership data for individual General Meetings (GMs) within Britain Yearly Meeting which suggest that the picture is not as straightforward as initially presented in the earlier articles. Based on an analysis of membership numbers since 1899, some GMs are predicted to increase over the next 30 years, although most will apparently decline. The data are also analysed on a regional basis and three models of the changing membership are presented

    An Occupational Analysis of the Society of Friends in Nineteenth-Century Scotland

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    This paper summarizes our knowledge of the occupational background of English Quakers as a preliminary to an analysis of the occupations of Scottish Quakers in the nineteenth century, based upon the primary sources of records of births, marriages and burials. The same increase in middle-class occupations, including the professions, is evident in Scotland, but the process of embourgeoisement seems to have been slower in Scotland, and by the end of the nineteenth- century merchants and retailers were the largest group in the Society there, rather than the professions. There is also evidence of regional variations in the occupations noted

    Defining Terms for Integrated (Multi-Inter-Trans-Disciplinary) Sustainability Research

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    This is the published version, also available here: http://dx.doi.org/10.3390/su3081090.Our contemporary social and ecological problems, including climate change, peak oil and food security, necessitate solutions informed by multiple backgrounds that singular disciplines seem unable to provide, and possibly, are even incapable of providing. The increasing occurrence of multi-, inter- and transdisciplinary (MIT) research projects speak to the recognition of that necessity. But as the literature and our own experiences bear out, just calling a project “beyond disciplinary” or integrated does not necessarily yield the intended outcomes or make progress toward alleviating the hurdles of bridging disciplines. Here we examine the distinctions between three categories (multidisciplinary, interdisciplinary and transdisciplinary) of integrated research and offer reflections on how sustainability researchers can categorize their research to improve common understandings

    The use and effectiveness of the eLib subject gateways: a preliminary investigation

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    Internet subject gateways were set up under the Electronic Libraries Programme (eLib) in order to address some of the problems of searching the Internet which have been identified by information professionals, i.e. locating relevant, good quality information. This preliminary study examines the extent to which academics in two universities use three eLib subject gateways (EEVL, OMNI and SOSIG). The results are generally encouraging for the eLib programme, but it is necessary for the gateways to be more effectively promoted. The study also found that academics do not have the same misgivings about the general search engines as the information professionals and seem to use them more readily than the gateways

    Blood Omega-3 Concentrations are Associated With Reading, Working Memory and Behaviour in Healthy Children Aged 7-9 Years

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    Epidemiological results from the DHA-Oxford-Learning-and-Behaviour study (DOLAB). Presented at the International Society for the Study of Fatty Acids and Lipids (ISSFAL) conference 2012 in Vancouver

    Omega-3 DHA and Sleep in UK Children: Results From the DOLAB Study

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    Results from the DHA-Oxford-Learning-and-Behaviour study (DOLAB) on the benefits of DHA supplementation for childrens' sleep. See also the article: Fatty acids and sleep in UK children: subjective and pilot objective sleep results from the DOLAB study – a randomized controlled trial. (http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/enhanced/doi/10.1111/jsr.12135/

    Docosahexaenoic acid for reading, working memory and behavior in UK children aged 7-9: A randomized controlled trial for replication (the DOLAB II study)

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    Background: Omega-3 fatty acids are central to brain-development of children. Evidence from clinical trials and systematic reviews demonstrates the potential of long-chain Omega-3 supplementation for learning and behavior. However, findings are inconclusive and in need of robust replication studies since such work is lacking. Objectives: Replication of the 2012 DOLAB 1 study findings that a dietary supplementation with the long-chain omega-3 docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) had beneficial effects on the reading, working memory, and behavior of healthy schoolchildren. Design: Parallel group, fixed-dose, randomized (minimization, 30% random element), double-blind, placebo-controlled trial (RCT). Setting: Mainstream primary schools (n = 84) from five counties in the UK in 2012–2015. Participants: Healthy children aged 7–9 underperforming in reading (<20th centile). 1230 invited, 376 met study criteria. Intervention: 600 mg/day DHA (from algal oil), placebo: taste/color matched corn/soybean oil; for 16 weeks. Main outcome measures: Age-standardized measures of reading, working memory, and behavior, parent-rated and as secondary outcome teacher-rated. Results: 376 children were randomized. Reading, working memory, and behavior change scores showed no consistent differences between intervention and placebo group. Some behavioral subscales showed minor group differences. Conclusions: This RCT did not replicate results of the earlier DOLAB 1 study on the effectiveness of nutritional supplementation with DHA for learning and behavior. Possible reasons are discussed, particularly regarding the replication of complex interventions. Trial registration and protocol: www.controlled-trials.com (ISRCTN48803273) and protocols.io (https://dx.doi.org/10.17504/protocols.io.k8kczuw)

    Near-Infrared Spectroscopy of Molecular Hydrogen Emission in Four Reflection Nebulae: NGC 1333, NGC 2023, NGC 2068, and NGC 7023

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    We present near-infrared spectroscopy of fluorescent molecular hydrogen (H_2) emission from NGC 1333, NGC 2023, NGC 2068, and NGC 7023 and derive the physical properties of the molecular material in these reflection nebulae. Our observations of NGC 2023 and NGC 7023 and the physical parameters we derive for these nebulae are in good agreement with previous studies. Both NGC 1333 and NGC 2068 have no previously-published analysis of near-infrared spectra. Our study reveals that the rotational-vibrational states of molecular hydrogen in NGC 1333 are populated quite differently from NGC 2023 and NGC 7023. We determine that the relatively weak UV field illuminating NGC 1333 is the primary cause of the difference. Further, we find that the density of the emitting material in NGC 1333 is of much lower density, with n ~ 10^2 - 10^4 cm^-3. NGC 2068 has molecular hydrogen line ratios more similar to those of NGC 7023 and NGC 2023. Our model fits to this nebula show that the bright, H_2-emitting material may have a density as high as n ~ 10^5 cm^-3, similar to what we find for NGC 2023 and NGC 7023. Our spectra of NGC 2023 and NGC 7023 show significant changes in both the near-infrared continuum and H_2 intensity along the slit and offsets between the peaks of the H_2 and continuum emission. We find that these brightness changes may correspond to real changes in the density and temperatures of the emitting region, although uncertainties in the total column of emitting material along a given line of sight complicates the interpretation. The spatial difference in the peak of the H_2 and near-infrared continuum peaks in NGC 2023 and NGC 7023 shows that the near-infrared continuum is due to a material which can survive closer to the star than H_2 can.Comment: Submitted for publication in ApJ. 34 pages including 12 embedded postscript figures. Also available at http://www.astronomy.ohio-state.edu/~martini/pub

    Border crossings in the African travel narratives of Ibn Battuta, Richard Burton and Paul Theroux

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    This article compares the representation of African borders in the 14th-century travelogue of Ibn Battuta, the 19th-century travel narrative of Richard Burton and the 21st-century travel writing of Paul Theroux. It examines the mutually constitutive relationship between conceptions of literal territorial boundaries and the figurative boundaries of the subject that ventures across borders in Africa. The border is seen as a liminal zone which paradoxically separates and joins spaces. Accounts of border crossings in travel writing from different periods suggest the historicity and cultural specificity of conceptions of geographical borders, and the way they index the “boundaries” of the subjects who cross them. Tracing the transformations in these conceptions of literal and metaphorical borders allows one to chart the emergence of the dominant contemporary idea of “Africa” as the inscrutable, savage continent

    Probing ISM Structure in Trumpler 14 & Carina I Using The Stratospheric Terahertz Observatory 2

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    We present observations of the Trumpler 14/Carina I region carried out using the Stratospheric Terahertz Observatory 2 (STO2). The Trumpler 14/Carina I region is in the west part of the Carina Nebula Complex, which is one of the most extreme star-forming regions in the Milky Way. We observed Trumpler 14/Carina I in the 158 μ\mum transition of [C\,{\sc ii}] with a spatial resolution of 48'' and a velocity resolution of 0.17 km s1^{-1}. The observations cover a 0.25^\circ by 0.28^\circ area with central position {\it l} = 297.34^\circ, {\it b} = -0.60^\circ. The kinematics show that bright [C\,{\sc ii}] structures are spatially and spectrally correlated with the surfaces of CO clouds, tracing the photodissociation region and ionization front of each molecular cloud. Along 7 lines of sight that traverse Tr 14 into the dark ridge to the southwest, we find that the [C\,{\sc ii}] luminosity from the HII region is 3.7 times that from the PDR. In same los we find in the PDRs an average ratio of 1:4.1:5.6 for the mass in atomic gas:dark-CO gas: molecular gas traced by CO. Comparing multiple gas tracers including HI 21cm, [C\,{\sc ii}], CO, and radio recombination lines, we find that the HII regions of the Carina Nebula Complex are well-described as HII regions with one-side freely expanding towards us, consistent with the champagne model of ionized gas evolution. The dispersal of the GMC in this region is dominated by EUV photoevaporation; the dispersal timescale is 20-30 Myr.Comment: ApJ accepte