104 research outputs found

    On the Concentration of the Minimizers of Empirical Risks

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    Obtaining guarantees on the convergence of the minimizers of empirical risks to the ones of the true risk is a fundamental matter in statistical learning. Instead of deriving guarantees on the usual estimation error, the goal of this paper is to provide concentration inequalities on the distance between the sets of minimizers of the risks for a broad spectrum of estimation problems. In particular, the risks are defined on metric spaces through probability measures that are also supported on metric spaces. A particular attention will therefore be given to include unbounded spaces and non-convex cost functions that might also be unbounded. This work identifies a set of assumptions allowing to describe a regime that seem to govern the concentration in many estimation problems, where the empirical minimizers are stable. This stability can then be leveraged to prove parametric concentration rates in probability and in expectation. The assumptions are verified, and the bounds showcased, on a selection of estimation problems such as barycenters on metric space with positive or negative curvature, subspaces of covariance matrices, regression problems and entropic-Wasserstein barycenters

    Approximation et Estimation des Opérateurs de Flou Variable

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    Restoring images degraded by spatially varying blur is a problem encountered in many disciplines such as astrophysics, computer vision or biomedical imaging. Blurring operators are modelled using integral operators with some regularity and decrease conditions on the kernel. Recently, we studied the approximation of these operators in wavelet bases in which operators are highly compressible. They also allow to fastly compute matrix-vector products with a complexity O(Nϔ−d/M)O(N\epsilon^{-d/M}) for a precision Ï”\epsilon in spectral norm, where N is the number of pixels of a d-dimensional image and M describes the kernel regularity. Additionnaly, we have shown that the sparsity pattern of the matrix can be pre-defined. We exploit these results to study the estimation/reconstruction of the operator from the knwoledge of few point spread functions located at arbitrary positions in the image domain. We propose an original formulation directly in the wavelet domain and a fast algorithm

    Contrast Invariant SNR

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    We design an image quality measure independent of local contrast changes, which constitute simple models of illumination changes. Given two images, the algorithm provides the image closest to the first one with the component tree of the second. This problem can be cast as a specific convex program called isotonic regression. We provide a few analytic properties of the solutions to this problem. We also design a tailored first order optimization procedure together with a full complexity analysis. The proposed method turns out to be practically more efficient and reliable than the best existing algorithms based on interior point methods. The algorithm has potential applications in change detection, color image processing or image fusion. A Matlab implementation is available at http://www.math.univ-toulouse.fr/ ∌ weiss/PageCodes.html

    SPATIALLY VARYING BLUR RECOVERY. Diagonal Approximations in the Wavelet Domain

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    Restoration of images degraded by spatially varying blurs is an issue of increasing importance. Many new optical systems allow to know the system point spread function at some random locations, by using microscopic luminescent structures. Given a set of impulse responses, we propose a fast and efficient algorithm to reconstruct the blurring operator in the whole image domain. Our method consists in finding an approximation of the integral operator by operators diagonal in the wavelet domain. Interestingly, this method complexity scales linearly with the image size. It is thus applicable to large 3D problems. We show that this approach might outperform previously proposed strategies such as linear interpolations (Nagy and O'Leary, 1998) or separable approximations (Zhang et al., 2007). We provide various theoretical and numerical results in order to justify the proposed methods. We also show preliminary deblurring results illustrating the relevance of our formalism

    Image restoration using sparse approximations of spatially varying blur operators in the wavelet domain

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    6 pagesInternational audienceRestoration of images degraded by spatially varying blurs is an issue of increasing importance in the context of photography, satellite or microscopy imaging. One of the main difficulty to solve this problem comes from the huge dimensions of the blur matrix. It prevents the use of naive approaches for performing matrix-vector multiplications. In this paper, we propose to approximate the blur operator by a matrix sparse in the wavelet domain. We justify this approach from a mathematical point of view and investigate the approximation quality numerically. We finish by showing that the sparsity pattern of the matrix can be pre-defined, which is central in tasks such as blind deconvolution

    Real-time l1-l2 deblurring using wavelet expansions of operators

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    Image deblurring is a fundamental problem in imaging, usually solved with computationally intensive optimization procedures. We show that the minimization can be significantly accelerated by leveraging the fact that images and blur operators are compressible in the same orthogonal wavelet basis. The proposed methodology consists of three ingredients: i) a sparse approximation of the blur operator in wavelet bases, ii) a diagonal preconditioner and iii) an implementation on massively parallel architectures. Combing the three ingredients leads to acceleration factors ranging from 30 to 250 on a typical workstation. For instance, a 1024 × 1024 image can be deblurred in 0.15 seconds, which corresponds to real-time

    High-resolution in-depth imaging of optically cleared thick samples using an adaptive SPIM

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    Today, Light Sheet Fluorescence Microscopy (LSFM) makes it possible to image fluorescent samples through depths of several hundreds of microns. However, LSFM also suffers from scattering, absorption and optical aberrations. Spatial variations in the refractive index inside the samples cause major changes to the light path resulting in loss of signal and contrast in the deepest regions, thus impairing in-depth imaging capability. These effects are particularly marked when inhomogeneous, complex biological samples are under study. Recently, chemical treatments have been developed to render a sample transparent by homogenizing its refractive index (RI), consequently enabling a reduction of scattering phenomena and a simplification of optical aberration patterns. One drawback of these methods is that the resulting RI of cleared samples does not match the working RI medium generally used for LSFM lenses. This RI mismatch leads to the presence of low-order aberrations and therefore to a significant degradation of image quality. In this paper, we introduce an original optical-chemical combined method based on an adaptive SPIM and a water-based clearing protocol enabling compensation for aberrations arising from RI mismatches induced by optical clearing methods and acquisition of high-resolution in-depth images of optically cleared complex thick samples such as Multi-Cellular Tumour Spheroids

    Approximation of integral operators using product-convolution expansions

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    International audienceWe consider a class of linear integral operators with impulse responses varying regularly in time or space. These operators appear in a large number of applications ranging from signal/image processing to biology. Evaluating their action on functions is a computationally intensive problem necessary for many practical problems. We analyze a technique called product-convolution expansion: the operator is locally approximated by a convolution, allowing to design fast numerical algorithms based on the fast Fourier transform. We design various types of expansions, provide their explicit rates of approximation and their complexity depending on the time varying impulse response smoothness. This analysis suggests novel wavelet based implementations of the method with numerous assets such as optimal approximation rates, low complexity and storage requirements as well as adaptivity to the kernels regularity. The proposed methods are an alternative to more standard procedures such as panel clustering, cross approximations, wavelet expansions or hierarchical matrices
