958 research outputs found

    Espaço, memória e migração. Por uma teoria de reterritorialização

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    Este artigo explora a área teórica e etnográfica localizada na interseção de três conceitos: espaço, memória e migração. Para mapear essa área, utilizo o conceito de espaço (empregado em sua acepção geográfica) como o principal mecanismo heurístico e analiso a memória e a migração dentro dessa perspectiva. Assim, o artigo começa com duas análises didáticas ”” (a) espaço/memória, onde o tema organizador é a territorialidade; e (b) espaço/migração, onde o tema organizador é a desterritorialização ”” seguidas por (c) a união de memória e migração, que fornece a base para o esboço de uma teoria da reterritorialização

    Territórios sociais e povos tradicionais no Brasil: por uma antropologia da territorialidade

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    Neste artigo, o vínculo entre as diversidades fundiária e sociocultural no Brasil é analisado por meio de abordagem cosmográfica e histórica da territorialidade. As múltiplas fronteiras em expansão no Brasil Colonial provocaram inúmeros processos de resistência, fuga, mestiçagem e etnogênese por parte dos povos indígenas e negros escravizados, resultando em uma grande variedade de “territórios sociais” não reconhecidos formalmente. No século XX, as categorias territoriais de “Terras Indígenas”, “Remanescentes das Comunidades dos Quilombos” e “Reservas Extrativistas” foram criadas, as quais misturaram elementos do marco jurídico do Estado com as formas tradicionais de territorialidade. Nesse contexto, os regimes de propriedade comum, o pertencimento afetivo a lugares específicos e a memória coletiva desse pertencimento formam o cerne empírico do conceito de “povos tradicionais”, ao mesmo tempo que ele se transforma em uma categoria política usada endógenamente por povos indígenas, quilombolas, seringueiros, caiçaras e outros grupos para defender seus direitos territoriais

    Novel mutations in the anoctamin 5 gene ( ANO5 ) associated with limb‐girdle muscular dystrophy 2L

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    Introduction: We present a Jordanian man with the typical LGMD 2L phenotype of early, asymmetric quadriceps weakness and subsequent biceps brachii weakness. Methods: Case report. Results: Muscle biopsies document a progressive dystrophic pattern unrelated to known sarcolemmal defects associated with muscular dystrophy. Genetic testing revealed novel, heterozygote Anoctamin 5 gene mutations. Conclusions: This case report expands the known mutations resulting in LGMD 2L and supports the assertion that Anoctamin 5 mutations are more prevalent than previously recognized. Muscle Nerve, 2013Peer Reviewedhttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/96310/1/23542_ftp.pd

    Expertise in Trial Advocacy: Some Considerations for Inquiry into Its Nature and Development

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    It is the central thesis of this paper that what is needed to assess the validity of many of the criticisms directed toward legal practice and training, and to resolve many of the controversies surrounding attempts to correct these criticisms, is a representation or documentation of the structure of expertise in legal practice - especially in trial advocacy since this represents the focus of most complaints. Without such a representation it is difficult to support allegations of incompetence or to defend the efficiency of specific reform on other than subjective or intuitive grounds. At this time no systematic representation exists

    A novel shape descriptor based on salient keypoints detection for binary image matching and retrieval

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    We introduce a shape descriptor that extracts keypoints from binary images and automatically detects the salient ones among them. The proposed descriptor operates as follows: First, the contours of the image are detected and an image transformation is used to generate background information. Next, pixels of the transformed image that have specific characteristics in their local areas are used to extract keypoints. Afterwards, the most salient keypoints are automatically detected by filtering out redundant and sensitive ones. Finally, a feature vector is calculated for each keypoint by using the distribution of contour points in its local area. The proposed descriptor is evaluated using public datasets of silhouette images, handwritten math expressions, hand-drawn diagram sketches, and noisy scanned logos. Experimental results show that the proposed descriptor compares strongly against state of the art methods, and that it is reliable when applied on challenging images such as fluctuated handwriting and noisy scanned images. Furthermore, we integrate our descripto

    A model for standardizing manipulation terminology in physical therapy practice

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    Research supporting the efficacy of manual therapy, manipulation in particular, is growing. The ability to communicate clearly and accurately regarding this important intervention, regardless of region or background, is essential if clinicians are to incorporate this research in clinical practice. In February 2007, the American Academy of Orthopaedic Manual Physical Therapists formed a task force to standardize manual therapy terminology, starting with the intervention of manipulation. The ultimate goal of this task force was to create a template that has the potential to be used internationally by the community of physical therapists in order to standardize manual therapy nomenclature. The following document reflects the work and recommendations of this task force

    Correlates of depression in bipolar disorder

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    We analyse time series from 100 patients with bipolar disorder for correlates of depression symptoms. As the sampling interval is non-uniform, we quantify the extent of missing and irregular data using new measures of compliance and continuity. We find that uniformity of response is negatively correlated with the standard deviation of sleep ratings (ρ = -0.26, p = 0.01). To investigate the correlation structure of the time series themselves, we apply the Edelson-Krolik method for correlation estimation. We examine the correlation between depression symptoms for a subset of patients and find that self-reported measures of sleep and appetite/weight show a lower average correlation than other symptoms. Using surrogate time series as a reference dataset, we find no evidence that depression is correlated between patients, though we note a possible loss of information from sparse sampling

    Educational video classification by using a transcript to image transform and supervised learning

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    In this work, we present a method for automatic topic classification of educational videos using a speech transcript transform. Our method works as follows: First, speech recognition is used to generate video transcripts. Then, the transcripts are converted into images using a statistical co-occurrence transformation that we designed. Finally, a classifier is used to produce video category labels for a transcript image input. For our classifiers, we report results using a convolutional neural network (CNN) and a principal component analysis (PCA) model. In order to evaluate our method, we used the Khan Academy on a Stick dataset that contains 2,545 videos, where each video is labeled with one or two of 13 categories. Experiments show that our method is effective and strongly competitive against other supervised learning-based methods