52 research outputs found

    Patients who choose not to dialyze: a prospective national observational study in Australia.

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    BACKGROUND: It is unclear how many incident patients with stage 5 chronic kidney disease (CKD) referred to nephrologists are presented with information about conservative care as a treatment option and how many plan not to dialyze. STUDY DESIGN: National observational survey study with random-effects logistic regression. SETTING & PARTICIPANTS: Incident adult and pediatric pre-emptive transplant, dialysis, and conservative-care patients from public and private renal units in Australia, July to September 2009. PREDICTORS: Age, sex, health insurance status, language, time known to nephrologist, timing of information, presence of caregiver, unit conservative care pathway, and size of unit. OUTCOMES & MEASUREMENTS: The 2 main outcome measures were information provision to incident patients about conservative care and initial treatment regardless of planned conservative care. RESULTS: 66 of 73 renal units (90%) participated. 10 (15%) had a formal conservative-care pathway. Of 721 incident patients with stage 5 CKD, 470 (65%) were presented with conservative care as a treatment option and 102 (14%) planned not to dialyze; median age was 80 years. Multivariate analysis for information provision showed that patients older than 65 years (OR, 3.40; 95% CI, 1.97-5.87) and those known to a nephrologist for more than 3 months (OR, 6.50; 95% CI, 3.18-13.30) were more likely to receive information about conservative care. Patients with conservative care as planned initial treatment were more likely to be older than 65 years (OR, 4.71; 95% CI, 1.77-12.49) and women (OR, 2.23; 95% CI, 1.23-4.02) than those who started dialysis therapy. Those with private health insurance were less likely to forgo dialysis therapy (OR, 0.40; 95% CI, 0.17-0.98). LIMITATIONS: Cross-sectional design prohibited longer term outcome measurement. Excluded patients with stage 5 CKD managed in the community. CONCLUSIONS: 1 in 7 patients with stage 5 CKD referred to nephrologists plans not to dialyze. Comprehensive service provision with integrated palliative care needs to be improved to meet the demands of the aging population

    Patients who choose not to dialyze: a prospective national observational study in Australia.

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    BACKGROUND: It is unclear how many incident patients with stage 5 chronic kidney disease (CKD) referred to nephrologists are presented with information about conservative care as a treatment option and how many plan not to dialyze. STUDY DESIGN: National observational survey study with random-effects logistic regression. SETTING & PARTICIPANTS: Incident adult and pediatric pre-emptive transplant, dialysis, and conservative-care patients from public and private renal units in Australia, July to September 2009. PREDICTORS: Age, sex, health insurance status, language, time known to nephrologist, timing of information, presence of caregiver, unit conservative care pathway, and size of unit. OUTCOMES & MEASUREMENTS: The 2 main outcome measures were information provision to incident patients about conservative care and initial treatment regardless of planned conservative care. RESULTS: 66 of 73 renal units (90%) participated. 10 (15%) had a formal conservative-care pathway. Of 721 incident patients with stage 5 CKD, 470 (65%) were presented with conservative care as a treatment option and 102 (14%) planned not to dialyze; median age was 80 years. Multivariate analysis for information provision showed that patients older than 65 years (OR, 3.40; 95% CI, 1.97-5.87) and those known to a nephrologist for more than 3 months (OR, 6.50; 95% CI, 3.18-13.30) were more likely to receive information about conservative care. Patients with conservative care as planned initial treatment were more likely to be older than 65 years (OR, 4.71; 95% CI, 1.77-12.49) and women (OR, 2.23; 95% CI, 1.23-4.02) than those who started dialysis therapy. Those with private health insurance were less likely to forgo dialysis therapy (OR, 0.40; 95% CI, 0.17-0.98). LIMITATIONS: Cross-sectional design prohibited longer term outcome measurement. Excluded patients with stage 5 CKD managed in the community. CONCLUSIONS: 1 in 7 patients with stage 5 CKD referred to nephrologists plans not to dialyze. Comprehensive service provision with integrated palliative care needs to be improved to meet the demands of the aging population

    Can the Revised UK Code Direct Practice?

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    The Nursing and Midwifery Council, the United Kingdom regulator of nursing and midwifery has recently revised its professional code of practice. This paper begins by arguing that a professional code must be capable of sustaining close reading and of action guidance. Using four exemplar clauses it is argued that the new revised code does not met this purpose. First, I show that in setting out requirements for consent and documentation, the meaning of the relevant clause has changed significantly during the editing process so that a literal reading of the final document bears little relation to established professional practice. Second, I argue that the clause concerning the nature of professional relationships has also been altered during the editing process so that it is inconsistent with other professional groups and established accounts of the professional nurse-patient relationship. Third, I argue that the clause concerning disclosure of confidential information, which survived revision and editing with its meaning intact is nevertheless factually incorrect and inconsistent with UK law and authoritative guidance. Finally, fourth, I argue that use of the word ‘inappropriate’ is inappropriate as it amounts to meaningless circularity, discussed in relation to a clause on expressing personal beliefs. Taken together, these examples demonstrate that the Code is seriously flawed and does not fulfil its purpose. One way that simple prescriptive clauses in the Code can be usefully understood is through the provision of detailed guidance. I argue that the NMC has changed its position on its view of the value of guidance and has significantly reduced the amount of written guidance and advice is provides. The paper concludes by arguing that in order to meet its action directing function, further clarifying revision and the provision of detailed guidance is required

    \u27Links2HealthierBubs\u27 cohort study: Protocol for a record linkage study on the safety, uptake and effectiveness of influenza and pertussis vaccines among pregnant Australian women

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    Introduction: Pregnant women and infants are at risk of severe influenza and pertussis infection. Inactivated influenza vaccine (IIV) and diphtheria-tetanus-acellular pertussis vaccine (dTpa) are recommended during pregnancy to protect both mothers and infants. In Australia, uptake is not routinely monitored but coverage appears sub-optimal. Evidence on the safety of combined antenatal IIV and dTpa is fragmented or deficient, and there remain knowledge gaps of population-level vaccine effectiveness. We aim to establish a large, population-based, multi-jurisdictional cohort of mother-infant pairs to measure the uptake, safety and effectiveness of antenatal IIV and dTpa vaccines in three Australian jurisdictions. This is a first step toward assessing the impact of antenatal vaccination programmes in Australia, which can then inform government policy with respect to future strategies in national vaccination programmes. Methods and analysis: ‘Links2HealthierBubs’ is an observational, population-based, retrospective cohort study established through probabilistic record linkage of administrative health data. The cohort includes births between 2012 and 2017 (~607 605 mother-infant pairs) in jurisdictions with population-level antenatal vaccination and health outcome data (Western Australia, Queensland and the Northern Territory). Perinatal data will be the reference frame to identify the cohort. Jurisdictional vaccination registers will identify antenatal vaccination status and the gestational timing of vaccination. Information on maternal, fetal and child health outcomes will be obtained from hospitalisation and emergency department records, notifiable diseases databases, developmental anomalies databases, birth and mortality registers. Ethics and dissemination: Ethical approval was obtained from the Western Australian Department of Health, Curtin University, the Menzies School of Health Research, the Royal Brisbane and Women’s Hospital, and the West Australian Aboriginal Health Ethics Committees. Research findings will be disseminated in peer-reviewed journals, at scientific meetings, and may be incorporated into communication materials for public health agencies and the public

    The Metaethics of Nursing Codes of Ethics and Conduct

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    Nursing codes of ethics and conduct are features of professional practice across the world, and in the UK, the regulator has recently consulted on and published a new code. Initially part of a professionalising agenda, nursing codes have recently come to represent a managerialist and disciplinary agenda and nursing can no longer be regarded as a self-regulating profession.This paper argues that codes of ethics and codes of conduct are significantly different in form and function similar to the difference between ethics and law in everyday life. Some codes successfully integrate these two functions within the same document, while others, principally the UK Code, conflate them resulting in an ambiguous document unable to fulfil its functions effectively. The paper analyses the differences between ethical- codes and conduct-codes by discussing titles, authorship, level, scope for disagreement, consequences of transgression, language and finally and possibly most importantly agent-centeredness. It is argued that conduct codes cannot require nurses to be compassionate because compassion involves an emotional response. The concept of kindness provides a plausible alternative for conduct-codes as it is possible to understand it solely in terms of acts. But if kindness is required in conduct-codes, investigation and possible censure follows from its absence. Using examples it is argued that there are at last five possible accounts of the absence of kindness. As well as being potentially problematic for disciplinary panels, difficulty in understanding the features of blameworthy absence of kindness may challenge UK nurses who, following a recently introduced revalidation procedure, are required to reflect on their practice in relation to The Code. It is concluded that closer attention to metaethical concerns by code writers will better support the functions of their issuing organisations

    Challenging the Moral Status of Blood Donation

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    The World Health Organisation encourages that blood donation becomes voluntary and unremunerated, a system already operated in the UK. Drawing on public documents and videos, this paper argues that blood donation is regarded and presented as altruistic and supererogatory. In advertisements, donation is presented as something undertaken for the benefit of others, a matter attracting considerable gratitude from recipients and the collecting organisation. It is argued that regarding blood donation as an act of supererogation is wrongheaded, and an alternative account of blood donation as moral obligation is presented. Two arguments are offered in support of this position. First, the principle of beneficence, understood in a broad consequentialist framework obliges donation where the benefit to the recipient is large and the cost to the donor relatively small. This argument can be applied, with differing levels of normativity, to various acts of donation. Second, the wrongness of free riding requires individuals to contribute to collective systems from which they benefit. Alone and in combination these arguments present moral reasons for donation, recognised in communication strategies elsewhere. Research is required to evaluate the potential effects on donation of a campaign which presents blood donation as moral obligation, but of wider importance is the recognition that other-regarding considerations in relation to our own as well as others’ health result in a range not only of choices but also of obligations

    Study Protocol – Improving Access to Kidney Transplants (IMPAKT): A detailed account of a qualitative study investigating barriers to transplant for Australian Indigenous people with end-stage kidney disease

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Indigenous Australians are slightly more than 2% of the total Australian population however, in recent years they have comprised between 6 and 10% of new patients beginning treatment for end-stage kidney disease (ESKD). Although transplant is considered the optimal form of treatment for many ESKD patients there is a pronounced disparity between the rates at which Indigenous ESKD patients receive transplants compared with their non-Indigenous counterparts. The IMPAKT (Improving Access to Kidney Transplants) Interview study investigated reasons for this disparity through a large scale, in-depth interview study involving patients, nephrologists and key decision-making staff at selected Australian transplant and dialysis sites.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>The design and conduct of the study reflected the multi-disciplinary membership of the core IMPAKT team. Promoting a participatory ethos, IMPAKT established partnerships with a network of hospital transplant units and hospital dialysis treatment centres that provide treatment to the vast majority of Indigenous patients across Australia. Under their auspices, the IMPAKT team conducted in-depth interviews in 26 treatment/service centres located in metropolitan, regional and remote Australia. Peer interviewing supported the engagement of Indigenous patients (146), and nephrologists (19). In total IMPAKT spoke with Indigenous and non-Indigenous patients (241), key renal nursing and other (non-specialist) staff (95) and a small number of relevant others (28). Data analysis was supported by QSR software. At each site, IMPAKT also documented educational programs and resources, mapped an hypothetical ‘patient journey’ to transplant through the local system and observed patient care and treatment routines.</p> <p>Discussion</p> <p>The national scope, inter-disciplinary approach and use of qualitative methods in an investigation of a significant health inequality affecting Indigenous people is, we believe, an Australian first. An exceptionally large cohort of Indigenous participants provided evaluative comment on their health services in relation to dialysis and transplant. Additionally, the data includes extensive parallel commentary from a cohort of specialists, nurses and other staff. The study considers a ‘patient journey’ to transplant within a diverse range of Australian treatment centre/workplace settings. The IMPAKT Interview study protocol may contribute to improvements in multi-disciplinary, flexible design health services research with hard to reach or vulnerable populations in Australia and elsewhere.</p
