22 research outputs found

    Online Risks and Information Protection of Children on The Pages of Pedagogical Press of The USA

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    The Internet is the most popular mass media among young people. It not only provides children with powerful learning and entertainment opportunities, but it is also an environment where they can face many risks. That is why the problem of information protection of children, especially online safety, is one of the priority areas for the development of pedagogy and education not only in the USA but also in Ukraine. Publications array focusing on the main methods and tools for overcoming online risks has been analyzed. The article deals with the main types and classifications of online risks: content risks, communication risks, electronic risks and cyberbullying. Cyberbullying classification is provided: trolling, harassment, impersonation, denigration, happy slaping, fraud, online alienation, sexting and cybergrooming. The author highlights American legislation on child protection on the Internet. The strategies for implementing the above legislation into the American School System are described. The main strategies of information protection of children are identified and analyzed: media literacy, critical thinking, awareness of parents, children and teachers about online risks, adherence to the rules of online behavior. The terms media literacy, media education and critical thinking are revealed. The article provides criteria for evaluating online resources that help children effectively analyze, comprehend, and critically select information. Issues of content, source and data evaluation, site structure that develop critical skills for evaluating an online resource are described. The author defines and analyzes the main tasks of lessons for the formation of information protection of children on the Internet. The basic knowledge and skills that children need to have for working safely on the Internet are identified

    Педагогічна преса як джерело висвітлення проблеми інформаційного захисту дітей у США

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    Nowadays the problem of children information safety is very actual among scholars, teachers and parents all over the world. Modern educational periodicals in the USA are analyzed as the source of showing the problem of children information safety. Author gives the classification of American educational periodicals by the type, the audience which it is intended for, the place of distribution and nature of the information. List of current issues which are devoted to the problem of children information safety are given: «Journal of Information Literacy» (JIL), «The Journal of Media Literacy», «American School Board Journal», «Net Family News», «Communications in Information Literacy». Five educational journals are analyzed in this article. The author describes the history of journals, its focus and scope, sections policies, publication frequency, access policy, archiving, conditions of subscription and key authors. Main headings of the articles concern the problem of children information safety are marked out. Laws and acts of American government that regulate the safety of American children in cyberspace are defined in the article. Author shows the main aspects of the problem of children information safety: the risks and dangers of different types of social media for children and formation the information literacy of personality. Synonyms of the term «information literacy» are given in this article. Author determines the future directions and aspects of the development of the studied problem.Проблема інформаційного захисту дітей набуває все більшої актуальності серед науковців, педагогів та батьків. У статті аналізується педагогічна преса США як джерело висвітлення проблеми інформаційного захисту дітей. Автором представлена класифікація педагогічної преси за типом видання, аудиторією, для якої воно призначено, за місцем розповсюдження та характером інформації. Виокремлені педагогічні видання, присвячені означеній проблемі: «Journal of Information Literacy» (JIL), «The Journal of Media Literacy», «American School Board Journal», «Net Family News», «Communications in Information Literacy». У статті надається аналіз пʼяти педагогічних видань, де висвітлюються історія створення журналів, умови їх функціонування, тематика статей, ключові автори, доступ до архівів та основні рубрики. У статті визначаються федеральні закони та акти США, які регулюють захист дітей в інформаційному просторі. Автор розглянув коло проблем та аспекти розвитку означеної проблеми: ризики та небезпеки різних видів медіа для дітей та формування інформаційної грамотності особистості

    Mapovanie výskytu a populačná dynamika invázneho druhu Heracleum mantegazzianum v poľnohospodárskej krajine

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    In recent years, giant hogweed [Heracleum mantegazzianum (Somm. et Levier)], an invasive neophyte, has spread aggressively in intensively farmed agricultural landscape in the Central Europe. This toxic invasive plant prefers drier agricultural fields or grasslands. The aim of this paper was to study the distribution and population dynamics of H. mantegazzianum and to evaluate its management measures taken in the town of Spišská Stará Ves in the Kežmarok district located in northern Slovakia. H. mantegazzianum has successfully spread in the cadastral area of Spišská Stará Ves in the buffer zone of the national park of Pieniny. The total area of the PIENAP and its buffer zone invaded by H. mantegazzianum was approximately 457,000 m2. The research took place in 2013, on an area colonized by the species (28,900 m2) located on the land of the former agricultural cooperative farm. The taxon has spread mainly on abandoned areas (64.7% of the total area occupied by H. mantegazzianum), on permanent grasslands (28%) and along the banks of the Dunajec river (7.3%), where it formed polycenoses with a group dispersion. The population density of H. mantegazzianum decreased by about 46% on the research sites after the management measures provided in July 2013. It can be concluded that the management measures were poorly effective, because as evidenced by of the area occupied by the species.K nepôvodným a invázne sa šíriacim druhom v intenzívne obhospodarovanej poľnohospodárskej krajine Strednej Európy patrí neofyt boľševník obrovský [Heracleum mantegazzianum (Somm. et Levier)]. Uprednostňuje suchšie poľnohospodárske pôdy a trávnaté porasty a je charakteristický toxickými účinkami. Cieľom práce bolo zmapovať výskyt a rozšírenie, populačnú dynamiku a zhodnotiť manažment v meste Spišská Stará Ves v okrese Kežmarok na severnom Slovensku. H. mantegazzianum sa úspešne šíri v katastrálnom území mesta Spišská Stará Ves na severnom Slovensku v ochrannom pásme Pieninského národného parku. V roku 2013 kolonizoval plochu o veľkosti 28 900 m2. Taxón sa rozšíril hlavne na opustených plochách (64,7% z celkovej plochy obsadenej H. mantegazzianum), na trvalých trávnych porastoch (28%) a pozdĺž brehov rieky Dunajec (7,3%), kde tvoril polycenózy so skupinovou disperziou. Populačná hustota rastlín na výskumných plochách po vykonanom manažmente klesla o 46%. Dospeli sme k záveru, že manažmentové opatrenia neboli dostatočné účinné o čom svedčí plocha obsadená týmto druhom

    Вплив українського національного костюму на хореографічне мистецтво в різних регіонах України

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    The article analyzes the notions of “Ukrainian choreographic art” and “Ukrainian national costume”. The elements of costumes from different regions of Ukraine are defined. Ukrainian national costume influence on choreographic art in different regions of Ukraine is considered.У статті проаналізовані визначення понять «українське хореографічне мистецтво» та «український національний костюм»; визначені елементи костюмів різних регіонів України. Розглянуто вплив україньского національного костюму на хореографічне мистецтво в різних регіонах України

    Вплив інтерактивного навчання на формування особистості

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    The article analyzes the definitions of "personality" and "interactive learning". The influence of interactive learning on the formation of personality is considered.У статті проаналізовані визначення понять "особистість" та "інтерактивне навчання". Розглянуто вплив інтерактивного навчання на формування особистості

    Mapping of alien species of Asclepias syriaca and Fallopia japonica populations in the agricultural landscape

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    In recent years, Asclepias syriaca, a invasive neophyte, has spread aggressively in intensively farmed agricultural landscape in the Central Slovakia


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    ABSTRACT In two groups of apparently healthy non-obese non-smoking women aged 20-30 years – 79 vegetarians (39 lacto-ovo-vegetarians /plant food, dairy products, eggs/, 40 semi-vegetarians /as lacto-ovo-vegetarians with addition of white meat and fish consumption/) and 81 non-vegetarians (control group on traditional mixed diet) were analyzed the dietary questionnaires of food-frequency and measured the blood concentrations of vitamins B9, C, ?-carotene, B12, D and concentrations of iron. Young women in both groups had similar values of body mass index, concentrations of vitamin C, vitamin B9 and ?-carotene. In vegetarian vs. non-vegetarian group was found the significantly increased daily intake of fiber, whole grain products, pulses, seeds and nuts. These finding suggest that both nutritional groups had the similar nutritional regimen from view of fruit and vegetables and different from view of other key vegetarian food commodities. Vitamin B12, vitamin D and long-chain n-3 fatty acids are not contained in plant food. Bioavailability of iron from food can be lower in presence of phytic acid (from whole grain products and pulses) and fiber (pulses, seeds, nuts, whole grains). In group of lacto-ovo-vegetarians (narrow range of animal food consumption) vs. non-vegetarian or semi-vegetarian groups were found the significantly reduced concentrations of vitamin B12, vitamin D and iron with a greater incidence of deficient values (49 % vs. 13 and 15 % for vitamin B12, 67 % vs. 46 and 50 % for vitamin D, 44 % vs. 20 and 30 % for iron). Long-chain n-3 fatty acid intake (eicosapentaenoic and docosahexaenoic) in lacto-ovo-vegetarian group was significantly reduced and very low (no fish consumption) in comparison to non-vegetarians and semi-vegetarians. Intake of these acids in semi-vegetarians vs. non-vegetarians was non-significantly increased. The substrate for long-chain n-3 fatty acid biosynthesis – ?-linolenic acid was significantly more consumed in vegetarian groups (mainly from linseeds). The findings suggest that limited consumption of animal food and dominant consumption of plant food can be connected with possible health risks (higher incidence of deficient values of vitamin B12, vitamin D, iron and long-chain n-3 fatty acids)

    Значення авторитету батьків у процесі формування особистості

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    The purpose of the study is to determine the influence and importance of parental authority on the process of personality formation. The article analyzes the definitions of "personality" and "parental authority", establishes the importance of parents’ authority in the formation of personality